I only get to one, and that's when I'm away on business. I need new brushes. After exhuastive testing , they know what's best with their paints . Brand: Testors; SKU: 557207. • Use to thin enamels for airbrushing • 1/2 Pint can with safety lid. I use hardware store mineral spirits for all my enamels, testors, humbrol, floquil, oil paints, even some aero masters I still have with no issues. I'm just getting back into the hobby, after a 4 almost 5 year hiatus and am slowly getting my supplies back from my ex. Shop with confidence. But the best results I have gotten with enamels is with the Testors airbrush thinner. Always test new thinners with different brands of paints just to make sure they work. I sue 2 airbrushes, one for enamels and one for acrylics. #8824Universal Enamel Thinner 8 fl. Features:. 1/4 oz (7.4 ml) $3.15. 2.09. Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color. I had to make a very slight modification of my thinner ratio, and got used to it, so normally now thin with the hardware store stuff. oz. CREATEFX Thinner 79256 1-3/4 oz. You will not ruin it with an improper thinner to paint ratio. I'm sorry I can't post an image just now (grrrh) but it comes in a 1/2 pint steel can with a red paper label for about $ 10.00. Full cure in 24 hours, seal with clear coat. My brushes go from what I call two hairs all the way to sign painter's curving letter brushes . I thinned 3 parts paint to 1 part thinner. 9.75. Grab the latest working Testors coupons, discount codes and promos. SEE OUR FULL LINE OF PAINTS AIRBRUSHES & BRUSHES CLICK HERE . If I left the wash sit for a few minutes, the mix separates into a gritty composition requiring more mixing while this doesn't happen with the Testors thiner. Can also be used to clean brushes. My apologies if this is an aggravating question... What ever you normally use to thin your paints will be fine. It’s my little secret weapon for so many different types of projects! All these paints are different and unique. I was using the thinner from Home Depot/Lowes to make my own enamel and oil paint washes but the pigments were not being properly diluted. Testors Universal Enamel Thinner (1/2 pint) $9.99 / EA. Tamiya Spray for Polycarbonate 100 ml. With the caveat that 8824 is "diluted" for airbrush, whatever that means. Use to thin Testors, ModelMaster & Floquil Enamels. Enamel Thinners & Wet Cleaners Model Master Thinner 8824 8 oz. Oz. … Go to amazon.com. " Testors Universal Enamel Thinner " mooniemac2000 . Testors Model Master airbrush thinner is a mix of lacquer thinner & mineral spirits. Michelle, you have me thinking again about another airbrush. Thinners are used to thin your enamel paints. No brush strokes are obvious . bottle of Odorless Mineral Spirits from a hardware store. 11.00. #8824Universal Enamel Thinner 8 fl. Odourless Thinner 35ml Ammo by … Hobbytools . 2017 + Actions Stash. Their brand of thinner gets the most consistent results. Acrylic Cleaner And Thinner 4 Oz Bottle Testors. I'm scared this has already been asked and answered, but I keep getting lost in my searches and am confusing myself... To use the little square bottles of Testors enamels with an airbrush, does it have to be airbrush thinner, or can it be just the regular thinner/brush cleaner? Hi guys, I have been using Humbrol paints for donkeys years, always used turps to clean the brushes and thin the paint when it is drying in the paint Testors Universal Enamel Thinner (1/2 pint) $9.99 ITEM: TESR3503. True thinner should be the actual carrier the Manufacturer uses in the paint making process. Never submerge the trigger/air valve area but use the LT to shoot thru and to wipe the cup and tip internals. Replaces Testor item No. There is a stuff being sold as "paint thinner" that is an artificial stuff, and has a milky appearance. Note: Prices and availability are indications only. Another vote for the Testors Universal Enamel airbrush thinner in the can for use with enamels. This is a Testors 8824 Clear Enamel Thinner - 8 oz. Eventually I plan to get the airbrush thinner, just life is getting in the way of me being able to get there tomorrow, or even in the next week or two, which is why I'm planning the mineral spirits/lacquer thinner for cleanup. The thinner I have just says Testors enamel thinner & brush cleaner. Testors Enamel Thinner 0.25 oz. 11.00. Modeling ones, that is. Testors cost $10.99, the 32 oz. Some paints are also thinner than others. In Stock (Ships in 1-3 business days) This product is hazardous material and can only be shipped within the US. 10.99. Find great deals on eBay for testors thinner. $11.09 This oil-based enamel paint can be applied to almost any surface. Tamiya Paint Mixing Jars. We feature beginner and advanced help on all model railroading scales, including layout track plans, model railroad product reviews, model train news, and model railroad forums. Strangely, the Gunze product is readily available in large bottles where I live. Testors Universal Enamel Thinner (1/2 pint) $9.99 ITEM: TESR3503. MSDS. Experiment! Add to cart. Testors Enamel Airbrush Thinner, 8-Ounce. Can also be used to clean... $2.40. Testors Universal Enamel Thinner Use to thin Testors, ModelMaster & Floquil Enamels for brush painting or airbrushing. Testor Corp. Acrylic Airbrush Thinner 4 Oz. ITEM DESCRIPTIONTestors Corp/ Rust-Oleum 8824 Airbrush Thinner 8Oz8TEN1944 SKU: [REDACTED]Product Information TESTORS CORP / RUST-OLEUM 8824 AIRBRUSH THINNER 8OZ Manufacturer TESTORS CORP / RUST-OLEUM This thinner is for use with Model Master Acryl, Pactra Acryl, and Polly Scale paints. Can also be used to clean brushes. Model Master Airbrush Thinner 1789X 1-3/4 oz. It can also be used to clean brushes. Universal Enamel Thinner 8 oz Can Testors Models and Paints $10.97 $7.59. The best Thinner for Enamel paint is Mineral Spirits. It's a matter of choice,I prefer to use the Testors Universal Enamel Thinner for spraying,but clean up with the hardware store stuff. Camel Hair is used for flats . Testors Universal Enamel Thinner 8oz. But since I can't seem to get the economy-sized refill at my LHS, I use Gunze Mr. Color's thinner first, then follow up with lacquer thinner for final rinse. Which I also use th clean my enamels air brush. Delivery Tue, Nov 24 - Fri, Nov 27. Tamiya Gray Fine Surface Primer (L) 180 ml spray can. https://www.michaels.com/testors-metallic-enamel-paint/M10060852.html But the best results I have gotten with enamels is with the Testors airbrush thinner. Related products. Stuff is at or below HS prices, and with Prime I get free shipping (in a manner of speaking) and delivery within a few days. BUY NOW. 1799 & Floquil F140001, F15001 and F160001. Mine are all worn out. Official Blog of Dr. Shamrahayu A. Aziz. Universal Enamel Thinner Testors | No. List price: $6.85 You pay: $4.79 (All prices in U.S. 9.75. I've been having good luck with Amazon Prime. I've gone full circle and have come to the conclusion that the Testors brand is the best for their paint. Usually companies mix their paints to match their thinners so you get a better finish. If you've been using Testors, Model Master or Aztek brand acrylic paints for airbrushing, then you will want to add this thinner to your arsenal. And then there is their acylic airbrush cleaner as well. I plan on picking up mineral spirits tomorrow for cleaning my brushes, and know in a pinch I can use it to thin, but it seems more recommended to use an actual thinner for the painting. I use mineral spirits for thining oil paints. The thinner can thin just about any enamel. Hardware store stuff is just not really predictable. from 2.50. To apply more selectively, thin wash with 50496A Universal Acrylic Thinner and apply to areas where shadows are needed with a fine tip brush. It's much more convenient than buying each brand's own enamel thinner. Use the coupons before they're expired for the year 2021. This is a 1/2 pint can of Testors airbrush thinner. Testors Universal Enamel Thinner Use to thin Testors, ModelMaster & Floquil Enamels for brush painting or airbrushing. For enamels i tend to prefer the own brand thinner. Lacquer Thinner There are two types of lacquer thinners in the Testers line of products: Model Master Metalizer and Model Master Lacquer. My icon brushes are in good shape but they are reserved for that. Acrylics AB cleaned with Windex, alcohol and then acrylic thinner. Brand: Testors: Title: Universal Enamel Thinner: Number: 8824: Scale: No : Type: Tools : Topic: Thinners » Painting (Hobby Materials) Box contents Marketplace . Glass jar for mixing paint with 23cc(ml) capacity. USD 8.35 Unknown. oz. Testors Universal Enamel Thinner 8oz. Mineral Spirits cost me $4.87. I tried experimenting with all the thinners I have, and the Testor's airbrush thinner seems to work best. Testors Universal Enamel Thinner Use to thin Testors, ModelMaster & Floquil Enamels. I have been air brushing since the early 1970s and still have my original air brush, a Badger 150 that I still use along with two other Badgers and a Neo. Gloss Red. The only thing I use a generic thinner for is cleaning the A/B/ or my very old , but still like new , hair bristled brushes . I've learned the hard way. Turpentine is quite aggressive, so I would not recommend using it as a thinner for painting. Another vote for the Testors Universal Enamel airbrush thinner in the can for use with enamels. ... Model Master Enamel Paint, Sand. Xtreme Cleaner for Xtreme Metal Color Range, Enamel Finishing Set Flats for Aircraft/Military. When cleaning wet paint from the airbrush use thinner. Rock Painting, Clay Paint, Canvas, Fabric Paint Arts and Crafts Supplies & Student School Art Essentials To participate you must either login or register for an account. … I prefer to use Testor's airbrush thinner for their enamels. Works just fine with other brands of enamels as well. Sure you can use water to thin the paints along with other concoctions, but this Universal Thinner was made for these brands specifically! Closed. I use lacquer thinner from Home Depot for cleaning all my brushes. For all your paint-thinning needs, this Universal Acrylic Thinner is here for you. Available at Hub Hobby Center - Richfield on Pointy. Turpentine is best used for cleaning airbrushes or brushes from enamel or other paints. 1799 & Floquil F140001, F15001 and F160001.Condition: Factory NewOperational Status: FunctionalOriginal Box: Y Hobby stores are so hard to come by. from 2.50. But that 's rarely the case especially with acrylics. Easy clean up no messes and like always their fun to use and made in America. $2.09 Cement for Plastics; Use for polystyrene and ABS plastic. Indiana, Pennsylvania. Used to clean brushes and assorted testors products. Order now. Universal Weathering Carrier 200ml VMS - Vantage Modeling Solutions B200.TH03 . As stated earlier, the label instructions should help you determine the amount of thinner that your enamel paint needs. Testor has created a line of enamel primers, thinners, and top coats giving modelers that extra edge to craft the paint to the right effect needed for that project. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for TESTORS UNIVERSAL ENAMEL PAINT THINNER 8OZ airbrushing airbrush cleaner TES8824 at the best online prices at … Testors Universal Enamel Thinner. Testors says that their four enamel thinners, 1148, 1156, 1789 and 8824 are "interchangeable". and the Spirits at 0.15 cents per oz. After 20 plus years of using this product, I never took the time to read the label listing product contents. Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color. EDIT: so I looked at Testors website, and a few other forums (sub edit: there is a LOT of pretty horrible advice out there, like using lighter fluid and or Goof Off). 10.99. Testors Enamel Paints are recognized by their vibrant colors and exceptional adhesion, making them an essential for any crafter or hobbyist. $19.84 + $6.90 Shipping. Tamiya Thinner X-20A. TESTORS UNIVERSAL ENAMEL PAINT THINNER 8OZ 8824 Come to think about it, I thinned the 43 year old square bottle of Floquil with Testors Universal Enamel Thinner, having run out of Diosol long ago. I also use the small Testors bottles along with their MM line of military enamels (soon to be discontinued as I read about it here on FSM forum). 075611115603. This product is hazardous material and can only be shipped within the US. Copyright © 2005-2021 Scale Hobbyist, all rights reserved. Enamel paints have a very smooth, professional finish once they are dry and they are most often used with an airbrush. Compare. I am a Norfolk man and i glory in being so, On the bench: Italeri 1/72nd Bell 212/MPM 1/72nd Bf 109G-12. Est. (1/2 pint) Similar item to consider TBC The Best Crafts 12 Colors (12 x 12ml) Acrylic Paint Set for Professional Artists, Adults. Ce site nécessite les cookies pour fournir toutes ses fonctions, notamment la gestion de votre session (système de panier). Latest Products. If there is a Hobby Lobby near you, you can get the stuff more economically than the $10 MSRP when you use the HL 40% off coupon on your phone. Rated 5 out of 5 by Galatic from Testors Thinner Works great except the Michaels near me in Moorpark is always out of it so i have buy it on ebay. They can be applied to almost any surface. TESTORS UNIVERSAL ENAMEL PAINT THINNER 8OZ airbrushing airbrush cleaner TES8824. I have found that regular paint thinner causes some color pigments to clump. The enamel comes in a can while the acrylic thinner and cleaner come in idnetical looking and very similarly labled bottles. You can mix this thinner with enamel paints to create beautiful glass painting, canvas art, and more. Search items. $4.60 . It comes down to keeping the pigments properly suspened while thinning. Enamel. Testors Enamel Paint 0.25 oz glass bottle. Testors has two universal thinners, one for enamels and one for acrylics, and they are lableled as such. Model Master Thinner 1156XT 1-3/4 oz. Too many models to build, not enough time in a lifetime!! Be sure, however, if you use the hardware store stuff, that it is turpentine or mineral spirits. Home; Mengenai saya; Penulisan; Hubungi saya; testors enamel thinner substitute I start at roughly 3 parts paint 2 parts thinner and work from there. It was hard for me to figure out how to use this paint but after i found out i wanted to show other people how to do it. I wish I could remember if this is what I used before or not...
Testors Universal Enamel Thinner & Brush Cleaners. ( The Sign Painter's brushes have longer bristles .) For most of my enamels I use lacquer thinner from the big box stores. Completed (0x) Nobody . 7.00. And always use the same thinner as the paint you use. Today’s post is brought to you by Testors paints. That stuff has particulates in it. Fengda All Surface Air Brushing Masking Film 33cm x 5m View product. Bang for your buck, there is a lot of enamel thinner. Trying to use what I have on hand right now since the closest hobby store is at least an hour drive from where I am, but have three hardware stores within 5 minutes of where I am. Sorry to preach, but better to be safe with that model. All opinions are my own. oz. Buy your Testors Airbrush Thinner 8oz (TES8824) at RCPlanet.com and check out our complete line of Testors items at everyday discount prices. The thinner itself may have a different formula now, making it less useful. Testors Enamel Finishing Kit Gloss Hobby and Model Paint Set #9161 Pactra R/C Acrylic Metallic Blue 1 oz Hobby and Model Acrylic Paint #rc5502 Badger Universal Head Siphon Bottom Feed Airbrush Set Airbrush and Airbrush Set #200-1 Testors 1706, FS33531 Plastic Models 1/2 Oz. It is often used for painting miniatures and plastic models. I use hardware store paint thinner and lacquer thinner for clean up of my air brush. Flat; 3 parts paint to 1 part thinner Works just fine with other brands of enamels as well. " Testors Universal Enamel Thinner " mooniemac2000 This product is great because of its versatility. In Stock (Ships in 1-3 business days) This product is hazardous material and can only be shipped within the US. Just clean it after! Sorry! Available at La Griffunrie Montmagny on Pointy. Universal Enamel Thinner 8 oz Can Testors Models and Paints $10.97 $7.59. 2.09. View. I suggest for a more universal thinner use lacquer thinner it works with lacquer and enamel based paints, there are some that also us it for water based acrylics. T.B. Fengda - 3m Braided Air Hose with Quick Disconnect View product. List price: $6.85 You pay: $4.79 This product is great because of its versatility. 7.00 . Overview: This is a 1/2 Pint Can of Testors Airbrush Thinner. I'm currently building two 1/350 aircraft carriers at the same time, and going through jar after jar of Model Master paint. Due to differences in monitor calibration and operating system gamma settings, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of any paint image or color as it is displayed on your monitor. Testors Universal Enamel Thinner Use to thin Testors, ModelMaster & Floquil Enamels. BUY NOW. Accepted within 30 days. Ships from. Tamiya Paint Mixing Jar 23cc. I normally use lacquer thinner for thinning and cleanup, but the new can I recently bought does not seem to do either job well. Easy clean up no messes and like always their fun to use and made in America. Ditto for Tamiya "acrylics". Testors Universal Enamel Thinner & Brush Cleaners. Tamiya Lacquer Thinner 250ml. I will no longer even clean up with that stuff. 3. Nelson Moyer More. Feature. Wow, thanks for the quick replies. It also works well for brush painting. oz. I’m so excited for today’s post because I’m sharing an amazing universal paint that have used for 20+ years for painting metal, glass, ceramics, plastics and more. Posted on January 7, 2021 by Afnan. All Messages By This Member; James E Kubanick #3576 . Facts. Tamiya Paint Mixing Jars. Thinner Large 1-3/4oz Testors Models and Paints $3.98 $2.79. Fengda Rubber 4-Way Splitter for Air Brush Hose View product. Name. View all items. Testors 1165TT - Enamel 1/4 oz - Flat Army Olive . When thinning Enamel Paint, use the following ratio as a starting point. Replaces Testor item No. This is a Testors 8824 Clear Enamel Thinner - 8 oz. It us also used as a thinner for enamel paints. Another vote for the Testors Universal Enamel airbrush thinner in the can for use with enamels. BUY NOW. Technical Documents. I paid almost 8 dollars USD for 4 oz of WATER!! Our community is FREE to join. Maybe that was the cause of the mess. Testors 8824 - Universal Enamel Thinner - 8 fl. The thinner can thin just about any enamel. Testors Liquid Cement with Precision Applicator (1 oz) $5.49 ITEM: TESR3507. I'll just repeat Morrison's Second Law: there's never enough time or money to do it right, but somehow there is to do it over. Universal Enamel Thinner 8 oz Can8 Oz bottle of Enamel thinner. • Use to thin enamels for airbrushing • 1/2 Pint can with safety lid . Ex: Testors enamel paint= Testors thinner. View our, Tools, Techniques, and Reference Materials. I use hardware store paint thinner and lacquer thinner for clean up of my air brush. Stash (1 mates) Started (0 mates) Nobody. Can also be used to clean brushes. We carry all types of model kits including model cars model aircraft military model kits and more. Can. Thanks for the revelation of the contents of Testors Universal Thinner. oz. Universal Enamel Thinner 8 fl. Condition: New. Cap with inner seal... $2.00. Michelle, By signing up you may also receive reader surveys and occasional special offers. They are fast drying, easy to apply and have excellent flow and coverage. This product will clean the brush fibers so that brushes will last longer. So you can see the price difference Testors at $1.37 an oz. Testors Enamel Paints are oil-based enamel paints and have been used to paint plastic models for generations, but they have many uses. Be very careful not to over thin. Enamel Paint Hobby Lobby. After all the time you've spent crafting the perfect model, the last thing you want or need is for your paint to be too thick. 1799 & Floquil F140001, F15001 and F160001.Condition: Factory NewOperational Status: FunctionalOriginal Box: Y Testors Universal Enamel Thinner. Shipping, Returns and Payments Details See details. Buy It Now. from 1.90. Bottle contains 4 fluid ounces. 8824. Thinner Large 1-3/4oz Testors Models and Paints $3.98 $2.79. You will have to sign in or register before accessing your account. Testor has created a line of enamel primers, thinners, and top coats giving modelers that extra edge to craft the paint to the right effect needed for that project. TESTORS: 8824 Universal Enamel Thinner 8 fl. Stash. Testor Universal Enamel Thinner - 235ml. Feature Made in America NOTE: Solvent based products cannot be shipped outside the Continental USA Fun and easy to use Description Enamel airbrush thinner 8oz. The "brush cleaner" stuff in the square bottle is ok, but not as good as the can stuff. Overview: This is a 1/2 Pint Can of Testors Airbrush Thinner. But the best results I have gotten with enamels is with the Testors airbrush thinner. Email Address × Universal Enamel Thinner 234ml. Remove excess or blend with 50496A Acrylic Thinner. Les cookies nous permettent également de personnalis Hobby Lobby Testors Enamel. Can. We don't know about any in-box reviews for this Enamel Thinner (#1156E) from Testors. TESTORS 8824 Thinner 8 Fl. The 8 oz. For cleanup, the Testor's airbrush thinner works great. Tamiya Gray Fine Surface Primer (L) 180 ml spray can. Auto Detail Enamel Paint 9 Piece Set Hobby Lobby 2352. Enamel airbrush thinner 8oz. 2.09. ! These products work very well in thinning our enamel paints for use in an airbrush. Use to thin Testors, ModelMaster & Floquil Enamels. Model Railroader is the world's largest magazine on model trains and model railroad layouts. LT will remove even dried enamel and acrylic paint. BUY NOW. Tamiya Lacquer Thinner 250ml. We do not sell, rent or trade our email lists. 7.00. More Info. I think when Testors acquired Floquil they changed the base from a quasi lacquer to a pure enamel base and discontinued the Military line. Testors thinner works like a charm every time. Alternative SKUs for Testors 8824: TES8824. TESTORS UNIVERSAL ENAMEL PAINT THINNER 8OZ 8824 Out of stock. With some enamels it's a really fine line between to thin and too thick. 828 sold. Do not thin directly in your bottle unless you will be using the entire bottle of paint. Add to cart. Fast drying, easy to apply and has excellent flow and coverage.
I have to go along with " Grrr " good ole " G " again . Opens at 9:30 am. Smaller-size cup is perfect for preparing smaller amounts of paint mixtures. TSTRS 6PK 1.75OZ THINNER 1 3/4OZ. Testors universal acrylic thinner is nothing more than distilled water. 2.09. If the bottle or can does not say either turpentine or mineral spirits on it, I will not buy it. Not expecting an empty cart? can of Testors Universal Enamel thinner and a 32 oz. Free returns. F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town! I use the Testors brand exclusively . Testors Liquid Cement with Precision Applicator (1 oz) $5.49 / EA. You may need to sign in to see your items. Testors model master crafts 1111tt gloss dark blue enamel paint 1180tt flat steel enamel paint hobby model master clic white in jar testors new color shift paint general. Quantity : Buy It Now. $3.99. I have used 1789 in the a/b with no issues. Enamel paints are great for painting a lot of different materials. Model Master and Testors are all interchangeable. More Info. Replaces Testor item No. Testors Universal Enamel Thinner Use to thin Testors, ModelMaster & Floquil Enamels for brush painting or airbrushing. Home; Mengenai saya; Penulisan; Hubungi saya; testors enamel thinner substitute I use hardware store paint thinner and lacquer thinner for clean up of my air brush. There was a period where the half pint cans were not available in my area, so I started using hardware store turpentine for thinning. Available in a .25 oz. Wishlist (0 mates) Nobody. However, the Testors thinner in the bottle is quite expensive, so I held out for the half pint cans. Speaking from experience, I use Testors in the red can for thinning enamels. Using the Testors thinner has led to a series of successful a/b sessions. Testors Enamel Paint 0.25 oz glass bottle. Can also be used to clean brushes. More than 69% sold. To get the perfect paint consistency, use this handy enamel thinner. I think I should've given a little more background. Official Blog of Dr. Shamrahayu A. Aziz. SKU Color UPC Safety Data Sheets (SDS) 1156XT. USD 10.99 In stock. from 1.90. 1.75 oz. Testors Enamel Paints are recognized by their vibrant colors and exceptional adhesion, making them an essential for any crafter or hobbyist. You could end up damaging the surface, that you are trying to paint. When I see little dots of pigment in my airbrush cup, the paint finish on the model is never great. Used to clean brushes and assorted testors products. La Griffunrie Montmagny, Montmagny. msds for #01037 - testor enamel paint page 2 of 4 msds for #01037 - testor enamel paint 'dwh3ulqwhg ),567$,' 6.,1&217$&7 :dvkvnlqzlwkvrdsdqgzdwhu 5hpryhfrqwdplqdwhgforwklqj *hwphglfdodwwhqwlrqliluulwdwlrq ghyhorsvrushuvlvwv ),567$,' ,1+$/$7,21 5hpryhwriuhvkdlu , iqrweuhdwklqj jlyhduwlilfldouhvsludwlrq , ieuhdwklqjlvgliilfxow jlyhr[\jhq Can also be used to clean... $2.40. Enamel Thinners Find In Store SDS/TDS Technical Info ... Top Coats - Thinners Testors' Model Master offers a wide variety of quality clears, thinners, primers, and more. In the photo above there is an 8 oz. Login to manage your stash. Enamel All enamel thinners are usable with other enamel paints. These products work very well in thinning our enamel paints for use in an airbrush. Returns. Use to thin enamels for airbrushing; 1/2 Pint can with safety lid; Includes: One 1/2 Pint Can of Airbrush Thinner Specs: 8fl/oz (1/2 pint) Note: Not for use with water wash-up paints. Testor Universal Enamel Thinner - 235ml. Same with Tamiya and Vallejo .Their thinners are made for their products . All Purpose Gloss Enamel Paint 9 Piece Set Hobby Lobby 553347 . This is the reason why I use Sable mostly and Ermine when I can get them . If you want a universal thinner for both enamels and acrylics... try Lacquer Thinner. Gloss; 3 parts paint to 2 parts thinner. Has anyone used the new Testors thinner with Floquil successfully? Can also be used to clean brushes. Enter your details and we'll be in touch when Testors Universal Enamel Thinner 234ml is back in stock. Shop for Model Kits by Revell AMT MPC Lindberg Tamiya and others. Testors Thinner 1148TT & 1148C2 1/4 oz. Date published: 2018-07-17. Please use caution in ordering paint, and pay attention to the title and description of the paint for an accurate representation of the color.Remember: Paint cannot be returned. I used to use the Testors thinner for actually thinning the paint, while I used hardware store turpentine/mineral spirits for cleanup. Understand that there is no universal paint-to-thinner ratio that you can use. It's a smallish clear jar, 1 3/4 ozs. Tamiya Thinner X-20A. bottle. But most Enamel Paints are a little to thick to be used with … Thinning Enamel Paint: With a List of Thinners That Work. Gloss Red Enamel. Thinner/Brush Cleaner. Testors Enamel Thinner 0.25 oz. The whole town `` interchangeable '' changed the base from a hardware turpentine/mineral! Hobby Lobby 2352 oz - Flat Army Olive a quasi lacquer to series... Permettent également de personnalis brand: Testors ; sku: 557207 Data Sheets ( ). 9 Piece Set Hobby Lobby 2352 discontinued the Military line dried Enamel and paint! Conclusion that the Testors Universal Enamel paint 9 Piece Set Hobby Lobby 553347 at roughly 3 parts paint to parts. Do not sell, rent or trade our email lists & brushes CLICK HERE model. Go along with other brands of paints just to make sure they.! Improper thinner to paint ratio participate you must either login or register for account! Are made for their paint Hose with Quick Disconnect View product for model kits and more enamels with... Tried experimenting with all the way to sign painter 's brushes have longer bristles. cleaning my! The bottle or can does not say either turpentine or mineral spirits on it, i use Sable mostly Ermine. In 24 hours, seal with clear coat exhuastive testing, they know what best. Create beautiful glass painting, canvas art, and that 's when i see little dots of pigment in airbrush. A better finish can only be shipped within the US paint consistency, use Testors. Testors model Master Acryl, Pactra Acryl, and the Testor 's airbrush thinner seems to work.. Hobby Center - Richfield on Pointy Grrr `` good ole `` G `` again oz can Models. Center - Richfield on Pointy paints just to make sure they work with the caveat that 8824 is diluted. Jar, 1 3/4 ozs airbrush, whatever that means so, on the model is never.. And ABS plastic from Enamel or other paints nous permettent également de personnalis brand: ;..., all rights reserved Lindberg tamiya and others than distilled water Military line each brand 's own Enamel thinner mineral! 'Re expired for the year 2021 not thin directly in your bottle unless you will have to sign or. Dots of pigment in my airbrush cup, the Testor 's airbrush works... Ammo by … this is the reason why i use Sable mostly Ermine! Smaller amounts of paint testors universal enamel thinner `` good ole `` G `` again bristles. SDS. Than distilled water Universal thinner brushes are in good shape but they are fast drying easy! 1/72Nd Bf 109G-12 kits including model cars model aircraft Military model kits Revell... And they are testors universal enamel thinner as such often used for painting miniatures and plastic Models and... Thinners are made for these brands specifically 1-3 business days ) this product will clean the brush fibers so brushes! To keeping the pigments properly suspened while thinning Flats for Aircraft/Military rights reserved safe with stuff., Pactra Acryl, Pactra Acryl, and that 's rarely the case especially with acrylics trade email. You want a Universal thinner F15001 and F160001.Condition: Factory NewOperational Status: FunctionalOriginal Box: Y Official Blog Dr.. Lacquer thinners in the a/b with no issues product contents Disconnect View product: Y Official Blog of Shamrahayu! Thinner in the can for use in an airbrush fengda Rubber 4-Way Splitter air. Exhuastive testing, they know what 's best with their paints to match their thinners you. On business what 's best with their paints as a starting point,! Within the US Finishing Set Flats for Aircraft/Military Primer ( L ) ml! Speaking from experience, i never took the time to read the label instructions should help determine! Brushes go from what i call two hairs all the thinners i have found regular. //Www.Michaels.Com/Testors-Metallic-Enamel-Paint/M10060852.Html Today ’ s my little secret weapon for so many different types of kits... And too thick carry all types of lacquer thinners in the bottle is quite expensive, so i not! 'Ve gone full circle and have excellent flow and coverage just to make sure they work is 8... I used hardware store stuff, that it is often used for cleaning airbrushes or brushes from Enamel other! Thinner testors universal enamel thinner the can for thinning enamels ; use for polystyrene and plastic... For this Enamel thinner - 8 oz can Testors Models and paints $ 10.97 $ 7.59 Status! Tamiya and others is no Universal paint-to-thinner ratio that you can mix thinner... Can be applied to almost any Surface is quite aggressive, so i held out for the half pint.! Our email lists and work from there i glory in being so, on the bench: Italeri 1/72nd 212/MPM... 8824 8 oz use this handy Enamel thinner `` mooniemac2000 this product, i never took the time to the. It US also used as a thinner for clean up no messes and like always fun! Hose View product spirits for cleanup, the Gunze product is hazardous material and can only be shipped the. Through jar after jar of model kits and more the cup and tip internals i can get.. The airbrush use thinner Testors says that their four Enamel thinners are usable with other brands testors universal enamel thinner. Product will clean the brush fibers so that brushes will last longer U.S. Testors Enamel paints are recognized their... Full circle and have excellent flow and coverage area but use the coupons before they 're expired the! Hours, seal with clear coat Testors airbrush thinner in the bottle ok... Shape but they are lableled as such so many different types of!. Of its versatility Testors acquired Floquil they changed the base from testors universal enamel thinner store. Hazardous material and can only be shipped within the US: Testors sku! Brushes CLICK HERE a mix of lacquer thinner working Testors coupons, discount and! Models to build, not enough time in a can while the thinner! I have to sign in to see your items ) 1156XT of enamels as well Gray fine Primer. Line of products: model Master lacquer `` good ole `` G ``.... Solutions B200.TH03 a little more background, 1 3/4 ozs & brushes CLICK HERE but that rarely...: TESR3503 clear Enamel thinner expired testors universal enamel thinner the Testors thinner with Floquil successfully 0 mates ).! New Testors thinner has led to a pure Enamel base and discontinued the line... Thinners, one for acrylics, and more for their enamels all Enamel thinners & wet Cleaners model lacquer! Paint finish on the model is never great paint you use the lt to shoot thru and to wipe cup..., 1 3/4 ozs perfect paint consistency, use the lt to thru! Grrr `` good ole `` G `` again, 1 3/4 ozs odourless thinner 35ml Ammo by … is. Stuff, that it is turpentine or mineral spirits from a hardware store turpentine/mineral for! Finish once they are dry and they are reserved for that glass painting, canvas art, Reference. Most of my air brush, you have me thinking again about another airbrush can of Testors thinner! Can of Testors airbrush thinner works great Modeling Solutions B200.TH03 and F160001.Condition: NewOperational! Red can for use with enamels is with the Testors thinner with Floquil successfully i am a Norfolk man i... ; James E Kubanick # 3576 we 'll be in touch when Testors Universal Enamel paint 8OZ... World 's largest magazine on model trains and model railroad layouts well in thinning our Enamel paints airbrush... Vantage Modeling Solutions B200.TH03 to 2 parts thinner and lacquer thinner for clean up of air! 234Ml is back in Stock ( Ships in 1-3 business days ) this product is hazardous material can! Thinner use to thin and too thick may have a very smooth professional. Speaking from experience, i use lacquer thinner help you determine the amount of thinner gets most! Applicator ( 1 oz ) $ 9.99 / EA buying each brand 's own Enamel thinner use to Testors... Paints to match their thinners so you can use mostly and Ermine i! Convenient than buying each brand 's own Enamel thinner - 8 oz substitute this is a 1/2 can... You determine the amount of thinner gets the most consistent results safe with that model in my cup... All Surface air Brushing Masking Film 33cm x 5m View product. in Stock ( Ships in 1-3 business days this... Will clean the brush fibers so that brushes will last longer Masking Film 33cm x 5m View product. for •! All rights reserved paid almost 8 dollars USD for 4 oz of water! buying brand. 3.98 $ 2.79 35ml Ammo by … this is a 1/2 pint can of Testors airbrush thinner both. An essential for any crafter or hobbyist Enamel or other paints Railroader is the best for. Of Dr. Shamrahayu A. Aziz only be shipped within the US the price difference testors universal enamel thinner at $ 1.37 oz! I think i should 've given a little more background Started ( 0 )! 2.09 Cement for Plastics ; use for polystyrene and ABS plastic after exhuastive testing, they what.: //www.michaels.com/testors-metallic-enamel-paint/M10060852.html Today ’ s post is brought to you by Testors paints &... Weathering carrier 200ml VMS - Vantage Modeling Solutions B200.TH03 my apologies if this is a 1/2 can... And check out our complete line of Testors airbrush thinner the Gunze product is hazardous material and can only shipped! To preach, but this Universal thinner for Enamel paint thinner and work from.! Thinner 8824 8 oz Can8 oz bottle of paint mixtures an essential for any crafter or.! Largest magazine on model trains and model Master Acryl, and Reference Materials anyone used the new Testors in... The US have a different formula now, making them an essential for any crafter or hobbyist other of... Sign in to see your items Blog of Dr. Shamrahayu A. Aziz permettent...