This term means to accompany someone, or go/leave somewhere. An example is, “that area of town is hella cutty, I wouldn’t recommend going there.”. 16 SoCal Slang Expressions You Need to Know. The weather is only one aspect, here are a few more things that differ between SF and LA (NorCal vs. SoCal): Transportation SF : Your favorite words are either: BART or Muni (SF) and your best friend is your Clipper Card. This term is used around the state, but it is more common up north. Post up. Example: Let’s post up in the shade — it’s hot outside. This word is more commonly heard in the sentences of southern Californians than their northern counterparts. Also, the price of living is more expensive in the North than the South. For example, “This party is going to get hyphy.”Synonyms: crazy, high energy, This term is used when something is undesirable or unwanted. Also, the price of living is more expensive in the North than the South. I'm from SoCal! Comments about the smog and that socalers steal their water will always come us. It doesn't sound as cool as SoCal, but it gets the point across. Southern California, on the other hand, is heavily influenced by the surfer culture. Bay Area folk are famous for their heavy reliance on public transportation. “Hey Dude! 2. ” I don’t really like seafood.” beco… These regional labels are used mostly in the northern part of California, mostly as a pride thing. If you head to any melting pot of California locals, such as UCLA or Berkeley, you’ll find the people from Northern California use the word hella. Guides & Tips 11 Mandarin Slang Words to Help You Talk Like a Local ... See & Do 17 Reasons to Visit Northern California Over Southern California. “Dude, the weather was perfect yesterday to catch some gnarly waves.”, Straight off of the beaches of LA, this word was first heard when surfers wanted to express their excitement toward something that was uniquely their own. Solo Survival: How to Survive Alone in the Wilderness for 1 week --Eastern Woodlands - Duration: 34:07. Last week, I did a segment on Nor-Cal slang, so this week, So-Cal slanguage (stole that word from my editor) gets its time to shine. In places like Santa Cruz, there is an entire field dedicated to smoking on this day. Spanish is the official language of more than 20 countries in the world, and it has about 500 million native speakers. And, each respective region is pretty proud of their California slang. “My car is so janky that I’m scared it’ll brake down on the Bay Bridge.”, This world is commonly used statewide in California, but it is used with more frequency up north. I went to San Diego State thinking it would mostly be surfer bros and Southern California natives like myself, but boy was I wrong. You guys love watching us guess slang from around the globe, so todays it's the turn of California - our MOST WATCHED STATE!! People in NorCal generally speaking care more about the environment. Yes, California isn’t all palm trees and sunshine – shocking, I know. Similarly, most Southern Californians do not use the name “Nor Cal” while it is embraced by many Northern Californians. 8 Slang Words You’ve Used At Least Once If You Were Born And Raised In Southern California. For example, a Southern California native would say, “Take the 5 South and get off at the Balboa Exit” and a Northern Californian would say, “Take 5 North and get off at Madison Avenue.” Tom McElroy-Wild Survival Recommended for you It doesn't sound as cool as SoCal, but it gets the point across. California English (or Californian English) collectively refers to varieties of American English native to California.A distinctive vowel shift was only first noted by linguists in the 1980s in Southern California and the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California, helping to define an accent emerging primarily among youthful, white, urban, coastal speakers. SoCal / NorCallus This abbreviation is SoCal for Southern California and NorCal for Northern California. ... And our friends to the north are lovingly referred to as NorCal. Then somehow the socal girl's first rebuttal isnt the word "dude". Distinctions between (NorCal)-Sacramento and the San Joaquin Valley-(southern Central Valley/SoCal) Education - Overall Sacramento is leaps above the San Joaquin Valley in terms of the % of college educated.Sacramento has one of the top 4 University of California colleges - UC Davis - Med, Law, Bio Sciences, Business. Technically, Socal is everything from Santa Barbara and goes all the way south to San Diego. “Man, I wish I would go with you to Tahoe next weekend, but I have to work.”, Originally a style of up-tempo rap music that originated in the Bay Area, this term also means crazy. an abbreviation for northern California. Because California is such a large state, it is split by different climates, different cultures, and (of course) different language. "Most people have an idea of slang differences between NorCal and SoCal," said Geenberg, who cited "the 101" as a Southern California way … Instead of saying, “I’m so excited to go to the beach tomorrow,” they say: “I’m stoked to hit the waves.”. That’s because everybody knows flip flops are year-round footwear, and they pair perfectly with sweaters and jeans. Ask them for driving directions. Socal peeps joke that they have quantified hella to be equivalent to the number 98 though some scientists argue that it represents 10^27. Don’t you worry, we’ve got the best mind teasers, trivia, and general knowledge questions to test how smart you really are when it comes to all things knowledge, education, and more! As mentioned, there are differences between NorCal and SoCal slang. A place where for the average teenager, going a whole day without saying "hella" is allmost impossible. Synonyms: Orange County, Pacific Beach, and Ocean Beach, Search for a topic, destination or article, We use cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience. Heard some cool ones recently: - Nickel and Dime -- referring to Oakland, aka the 510 area code - The Beast -- referring to the East Bay in Piglatin. "Most people have an idea of slang differences between NorCal and SoCal," said Geenberg, who cited "the 101" as a Southern California … Now, say the same sentence, but leave your mouth open at the end. We’ve heard that story before. For people from SoCal, freeways always have “the” in front of them as oppose to NorCal folk who just simply refer to a freeway as “101 or 5.”, Yet another surfer slang, this word is meant to refer to both guys and girls. mei3ss says: at . This word is mostly heard in northern California, when people are using it to describe something that is sub-par. The language in NorCal is “hella” cool, and bumping into anyone on the street in SoCal can be fixed with a “sorry, bro.” Because there are a lot of people that move from north to south, and vice versa, you’ll find this slang statewide, but some words are … Right Sara? flickr/malingering. The 10 "I went to the CostCo in … Southern Californians put “the” before the name of a highway or freeway, while Northern Californians do not. It sounds more like: 1. This means to stand around without leaving an area for a period of time. Hella is a norcal term breh. We asked many locals from both San Francisco and San Diego, and here are the terms that they agreed are almost exclusively “Nor Cal” or “So Cal.”, How can you tell if a person is from Northern California or Southern California? 20 Words That People from California Say There is always something different and unique in a place. I call it “lumberjack chic,” and it’s not just good style, it’s also a practical look for Northern California’s seasonal weather. People in Southern California like to abbreviate neighborhoods and regions, for example Orange County becomes the OC, and in San Diego, Pacific Beach and Ocean Beach become PB and OB. See & Do Top 10 Differences Between NorCal And SoCal. Hop on that beat: Clog’s lo-fi playlist that will bless your eardrums Satiation of the Californian tongue: NorCal vs. SoCal slang A brief guide to Bay Area Slang . Southern Californians know that this stands for the Pacific Coast Highway. To expose a secret about someone or reprimand, or, make fun of them in public. English might be the universal language that everyone is familiar with, some cities still managed to create their own. For people from SoCal, freeways always have “the” in front of them as oppose to NorCal folk who just simply refer to a freeway as “101 or 5.” Dude. “Dude! Southern Californians put “the” before the name of a highway or freeway, while Northern Californians do not. ... That's the first time I've heard Northern California referred to as 'NoCal' rather than 'NorCal' and I preferred it. Kid 1: Norcal is hella better than Socal ! mobile app. “Dude, the weather was perfect yesterday to … They also know to avoid it during high traffic times! The language in NorCal is “hella” cool, and bumping into anyone on the street in SoCal can be fixed with a “sorry, bro.” Because there are a lot of people that move from north to south, and vice versa, you’ll find this slang statewide, but some words are still more common where they started. Some Californians (especially younger ones and those from Los Angeles/Southern California) also tend to raise their voice at the end of a sentence so that the sentence sounds like a question. This term means to accompany someone, or go/leave somewhere. Sounds cooler and 'SoCal vs NoCal' sounds better than 'SoCal vs NorCal' 07-29-2014, 04:21 PM Mr5150 : Location: Sierra Nevada Land, CA ... NoCal makes me think it's a cutesy term used by anti-California people. Sig Alert. Examples of Portmanteau Slang. But Gwen Stefani, who is from Los Angeles, sings about it in a No Doubt song, so we aren’t sure we can say that ALL Southern Californians dislike the word (even though we have yet to meet a Southern Californian who uses it). The surfer culture heavily influences the use of these two terms in Southern California. This includes personalizing content and advertising. 17 facts about Turkey that will surprise you, 7 downsides of being a professional bartender, 9 things Philadelphians find important that outsiders don’t care about, 13 things you’ll never hear a friend from Philadelphia say, 6 things bartenders always have to explain to civilians, 7 ways a bartender can tell you’re a rookie drinker, 8 terrible things that happen to Philadelphians while traveling, 7 lies you tell yourself when you move to Philadelphia, 7 ways you know summer in Philadelphia is coming to an end, 16 facts about New Mexico you never would have guessed, Download the So, imagine the huge amount of slang words and expressions we could find for each country that speaks Spanish! Wow the norcal girl claims socal has no exclusive slang. The Nor-Cal slang is definitely a language in itself. A new word created by combining portions of two existing words is called a portmanteau, and they are very popular as a way to give a new name to a celebrity couple.For example, the actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were known as "Brangelina" when they were married. It's surfer slang for anything that's extremely awesome or extremely awful. When I moved up North, I heard the term “SoCal” used far more often, which is a little bit ironic. SoCal, on the other hand, has great tasting and authentic Mexican food, as it’s much closer to the Mexican border. I can’t believe you did that! English might be the universal language that everyone is familiar with, some cities still managed to create their own. Southern Californians do not refer to their region as “So Cal,” while many Northern Californians call the southern part of their state by this name. The slang. 6. Synonyms: Southern California and Northern California, This word is associated with southern California surf culture and is used as a term of endearment for guys to refer to one another. Think of it as the equivalent of the surfer term of endearment: dude. “Bro” is produced more like “bra” and is used for men; dude is fairly universal. This whole new culture was full of Baydestrians from The City or The Town, people from Sactown, and others from San Jose who were conflicted as to whether or not they could claim ‘The Bay.’ It is usually used by surfers in describing something extreme, whether surprising or terrible. I went to San Diego State thinking it would mostly be surfer bros and Southern California natives like myself, but boy was I wrong. Contrast with SoCal . A socaler's first trip to nocal is always a shock due to the fact that they usually find out about this massive inferiority complex. This term is derived from surfers in Southern California. “The waves were so gnarly today, bro.”. 20 Words That People from California Say There is always something different and unique in a place. In areas like San Francisco, Berkeley and Humboldt County, April 20th is a huge local holiday. This is generally used when partying. (Keep in mind that depending on which part of Nor-Cal you are in, they may or may not use these terms). Slang words might be informal but is a highly creative way of using the English language and we can see thru it how … If you are new to Nor-Cal, this “translator” of sorts should help you begin to understand what the heck people around you are saying. I can’t believe you did tha! Growing up in Southern California, I rarely if ever heard people refer to the region we live in as “SoCal.” Instead we’d just say “California,” and clarify with “in the south” or “near LA” when asked. Example: Let’s post up in the shade — it’s hot outside. Holly Lay. Traffic is worse in Northern California. The Difference Between Norcal vs. Socal (And Why You Should Care) Norcal and Socal are two very distinct regions. “This beach's waves are gnarly!” “It one gnarly day!” SoCal / NorCallus; This abbreviation is SoCal for Southern California and NorCal for Northern California. If you ask a Californian, they will tell you that Northern California and Southern California are different worlds. In NorCal, we have rain, fog, and snow, but don’t worry, we keep wearing flip flops. Short term for Northern California, norcal is another term used mainly by nocalers A place with a massive inferiority complex to their neighbors to the south (socal). Put (someone) on blast. 1. One of the difference is the use of slang words. Do you know the difference between Northern California and Southern California slang? This video is about socal vs norcal. 3. While it is difficult to define words that are used exclusively in one region, Northern California slang is closely associated with both the technological and Bay Area rap scenes. Dude, Dingus is spot-on on this one. And the word gnarly is just plain fun to say whether you're a surfer or not. You will rarely hear people in southern California refer to themselves as SoCal or their neighbors up north as NorCal. Put (someone) on blast. If you work in NorCal, you more than likely work in tech, a farmer, or are some sort of entrepreneur. Hyphy – to go crazy, without inhibition. One of the difference is the use of slang words. Northern Californians use these words in place of “really” or “very.” For example, “He is hella mad” or “That is hecka cool.” Southern Californians despise this word and often make fun of Northern Californians for saying it! Some slang terms are created by combining two words into one that has a new meaning. Same with dude Sig Alert. Often called a foodie heaven, NorCal is the birthplace of the farm-to-table movement, home of wine country, and the location of four of the US’s 12 three Michelin-star restaurants. Although it began as surfer slang in the ‘70s, it’s commonly uttered today by West Coast teens from San Diego to Seattle, especially those in the skate community. To expose a secret about someone or reprimand, or, make fun of them in public. 1. Californians speak with a more open mouth, often not closing the mouth at the end of a sentence. NorCal: [noun - uncountable] northern California. Guides & Tips 15 Greek Slang Words to Help You Speak Like a Local. Yet another surfer slang, this word is meant to refer to both guys and girls. This word originated in the Bay Area and is usually heard more often up north than down south. For example, “Bro, there were some killer waves this morning.”, Another SoCal expression that is often associated with surfers, and is used to express how cool something is. For example, “those guys are dusty, get them outta here.”, Another way to say something is sketchy or gives you a bad gut feeling. FREE Slang Guide: 101 Words You Won’t Learn in School. If you work in NorCal, you more than likely work in tech, a farmer, or are some sort of entrepreneur. Mastering slang words and phrases will make your Spanish sound natural, like a native speaker. You may think that only California surfers in bad TV-movies say the word “gnarly,” but it is in fact a real thing people say. Ready to challenge yourself? This is common in Northern California (NorCal), but people in Southern California (SoCal) tend to hate this word. I’m from SF and I’ve use the word Hella all the time, regardless of who the company is. “Dude” is also used an expression of surprise. Post up. flickr/malingering. How can you tell if a person is from Northern California or Southern California? ... And our friends to the north are lovingly referred to as NorCal. For more information on how we use cookies consult our revised, The 25 coolest towns in America to visit in 2021, The newest US national park is in West Virginia, 30 awesome Japanese idioms we should start using in English, 20 of the funniest idioms for people learning English, 7 differences between Northern and Southern Californians, Meet Avi Patil: Emergency Medicine Physician and Whitewater Raft Guide, Welcome to Mariposa County, Yosemite Country, California said to stay close to home, and that turned out to be a great thing, A trip to Paso Robles shows California wine country at its finest, LAX’s Global Entry Enrollment Center is reopening today, This California hotel has a robot deliver wine to your room to avoid human contact, Los Angeles mayor will shut off water and power to houses hosting large parties, ‘Fire tornadoes’ are tearing through Northern California, California’s oldest state park has been devastated by wildfire, Pedal among California’s ancient redwoods on an old-fashioned railbike, California’s Big Basin Redwoods State Park will close for 12 months due to wildfires. The 10 These are perhaps the words that most clearly split Northern California from Southern California. Although it began as surfer slang in the ‘70s, it’s commonly uttered today by West Coast teens from San Diego to … Or literally anywhere else in the world that's not California tbh. People in the Bay Area refer to San Francisco as “the city.” For example, you hear locals say, “I was born in the city, but moved to the East Bay recently.” There is never any confusion to which city is “the city,” when you are in the Bay Area. NorCal has a vast array of foods. But coming from SoCal to living in NorCal, it's extremely different. 3. For example, there were hella people at the beach today. Did you just see that dolphin jump out of the water?”, Northern California vs. Southern California Slang, © 2021 Converse International School of Languages LLC, California Facts + CAE Listening Part II Practice, Visiting Death Valley + Idioms with “burn”. Try this: Say the following sentence clearly: 1. In SoCal, the entertainment industry largely dictates the workforce. Ask them for driving directions. It is used when you want to intensify something, for example “that party was hella boring last night.”. Let's face it, either you're an LA Guy or an SF Guy. Though So-Cal doesn’t really use words that need to be defined, I thought I would highlight a few words that are most commonly heard (a lot of these are heard in Nor-cal too). Most known for the bay area. It is not only reserved for ditzy girls from The Valley, but is like widely used by those who grew up in SoCal. before they are old enough to use hella without getting in touble. SoCal:… The only reason hella is a bay area exclusive is because its not a real work and everyone outside of there knows that lol. Citation from article title , Associated Press , 09/08/2009 blacked out to resolve Google's penalty against this site . In SoCal, the … NorCal:We are all about flannel. Example: We cruised to the beach. People may say that the 405 is a terrible place to be, but a lot of the highways in NorCal go down to two lanes, and 4 freeways merge together right at the Bay Bridge, and Emeryville is just as terrible, if not worse than the 405. This means to stand around without leaving an area for a period of time. “Hyphy” was originally a type of uptempo rap music and dance that originated in the Bay Area, but it has evolved to also be a slang word meaning “high-energy.” Often, this is used as a collocation with “get”: for example, “This party is going to get hyphy.”. Places like Santa Cruz, there are differences between NorCal and SoCal slang guides & 15! Region is pretty proud of their California slang is common in Northern California hella without getting in...., they may or may not use the word gnarly is just plain to. Whether you 're a surfer or not n't sound as cool as or... 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