Indeed, meta-analysis of all the randomized controlled data for lithium suggests an important effect on suicide in studies which are individually inconclusive because of inadequate power (I, (Cipriani et al., 2013a)). However, half the patients in the study were treated with quetiapine, which arguably carries an appreciably higher risk of unblinding than paroxetine, and this may have reduced the chances of finding a positive effect. lithium, valproate, a dopamine antagonist or a dopamine partial agonist) (IV). However, we could not review all the relevant literature in the detail required to give a fully comprehensive text. This guideline should be read alongside NICE 2014Bipolar Disorder: Assessment and Management (NICE2014) (, the recommendations from which are in places compared with our own. Current uncertainties relate to the dose: even 300 mg produces substantial rates of somnolence and sedation, with associated drop-out from treatment and the longer-term risks of metabolic disturbance. (, Clyburn, LD, Stones, MJ, Hadjistavropoulos, T. (, Cohen, LS, Friedman, JM, Jefferson, JW. Its mechanism of action is therefore novel and of potential interest for the treatment of bipolar depression. Consider lower doses of psychotropic medicines of all classes for all phases of treatment when adverse reactions or effects are evident with conventional dosing (check the Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) for prescribing recommendations) (*). Expert guidelines in the USA have in the past made lithium and valproate (‘mood stabilizers’) their first-line preference for mania for this reason (American Psychiatric Association, 2002). Because of the high risk of relapse and the apparent progression to more frequent episodes, long-term treatment with appropriate medicines is advocated from as early in the illness course as is acceptable to a patient and their family (S). Some of them also experiment with many drugs. An emerging study of a large Swedish database which allows within-subject comparisons on and off treatment in a so-called quasi-experimental design, has confirmed lithium’s effect in reducing suicide attempts by 30%; the same effect was not seen with valproate (Song et al., 2015). However, where quality is maintained and sample size is reasonable, they can offer important independent support to prove efficacy. These factors include mixed states, rapid cycling, alcohol and drug use, co-morbid anxiety, a positive family history of suicide and, possibly, early abuse or a bipolar II diagnosis (Hawton et al., 2005; Schaffer et al., 2015). However, in a study of over 500 patients with mania, only 20% had a presentation dominated by psychosis (Sato et al., 2002). Treatment of behavioral emergencies, The impact of antidepressant discontinuation versus antidepressant continuation on 1-year risk for relapse of bipolar depression: A retrospective chart review, Impact of antidepressant discontinuation after acute bipolar depression remission on rates of depressive relapse at 1-year follow-up, Use of psychoactive medications during pregnancy and possible effects on the fetus and newborn, Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder (revision), Safety and effectiveness of continuation antidepressant versus mood stabilizer monotherapy for relapse-prevention of bipolar II depression: A randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, prospective study, Meta-analytical studies on new antidepressants, Oxidative stress markers in bipolar disorder: A meta-analysis, Specific subcellular changes in oxidative stress in prefrontal cortex from patients with bipolar disorder, Mortality of patients with mood disorders: Follow-up over 34-38 years, The emerging epidemiology of hypomania and bipolar II disorder, Course of a clinical cohort of unipolar, bipolar and schizoaffective patients. As a rule, companies must convince regulators that new drugs are better than placebo. Negative findings for CBT include evidence for equivalence to a cheaper group psychoeducational approach (Parikh et al., 2012) and a simpler supportive individual approach (Meyer and Hautzinger, 2012). This may in turn protect against the deleterious impact of sleep deprivation on bipolar mood at a critical time for mother and infant. In conclusion, RCTs provide an important evidence base for all medical practice. It may apply to young people with possible diagnoses of bipolarity, mild symptoms (and a good prognosis). The involvement of carers/family is highlighted in family-focused treatment for younger patients, which has similar ingredients (Geddes and Miklowitz, 2013). Finally, lamotrigine has supportive data for an acute effect, notably from two independent adjunctive studies, which together with longer-term data should make it a more widely used option. (, Pacchiarotti, I, Murru, A, Kotzalidis, GD. Antidepressants (meaning drugs for a major depressive episode in a unipolar illness course) have not been adequately studied in bipolar disorder. Hence, many positive trials of particular therapies are pseudo-specific, in the sense that we do not know what elements of the psychotherapy are actually effective. Discontinuation of medicines should not lead to withdrawal of services to patients; short-term care and monitoring will still be required if medication is discontinued, together with a management plan to recognize and treat early warning signs of future relapse to mania or depression (S). However, RCTs are essentially experiments; their results are most plausible when confirmed by large-scale, independent, pragmatic RCTs conducted in real-world patient samples. For now, we have favoured caution in interpreting the findings from trials of psychosocial interventions. There was no increase in the rate of manic relapse in patients taking lithium, valproate or carbamazepine. from observational studies in large samples with strong quasi-experimental designs). Co-morbidity of bipolar disorder with a range of other psychiatric conditions poses problems of two diametrically different kinds. Experimental studies even suggest how this may arise for alcohol dependence (Yip et al., 2012). Withdrawal reactions of this kind by definition immediately follow drug discontinuation and are relatively transient. Hence the lower extrapyramidal symptoms associated with the use of the lower potency dopamine/serotonin antagonists and the use of the drugs like haloperidol at lower doses should reduce the long-term risk. The beautiful images for these mental health quotes provide an emotional backdrop…, Self-confidence quotes help you when your self-esteem and confidence is lagging. The items where benefit is uncertain, or based on no formal evidence for bipolar disorder, are marked with an asterisk. Controlled data for perphenazine (an older drug) supports the potential negative impact of some dopamine antagonists (Zarate and Tohen, 2004); however, this was a small study and perphenazine’s pharmacology is not very different from the newer dopaminergic/serotonergic antagonists ( In fact, anxiety in bipolar disorder may have particular features that should influence approaches to treatment development. Always try to obtain third party information if in any doubt when making a risk assessment (S). Awareness of the possible significance of fever, sore throat, rash, mouth ulcers, and bruising or bleeding is essential in view of the rare but severe adverse reactions. The objective of short-term treatment is to reduce the severity and shorten the duration of the acute episode and achieve remission of symptoms (S). The question posed by this analysis is whether it can/should usefully inform clinical practice, since it depends so heavily on small studies and indirect comparisons. Switch to depression after mania may occur in any illness course: it is not established which treatments, if any, make this more likely. One important explanation for this global conclusion is that company-sponsored studies may more often be placebo controlled than independent studies, and will tend to have larger effect sizes for that reason. Relapse prevention studies have been interpreted in that way in previous BAP guidelines. Clinical psychologists and other colleagues providing psychotherapy to patients with bipolar disorder are a particularly important group who need to understand and acknowledge the complementary roles for patients of medication and psychological treatment. However, high attrition rates have negative consequences for the power to detect effects and obviously defeat the purpose of longer-term studies. Indeed an earlier study suggested a 60% remission rate in manic patients who had previously responded poorly to lithium or dopamine antagonists/partial agonists (Black et al., 1987b). Lurasidone also prevents relapse to depression. Sodium valproate has been widely used in epilepsy and is also available in a sustained-release formulation. Table 6. 1) Bipolar disorder is a long-term problem, so psychological treatments should produce enduring behavioural change. The recommendation to treat co-morbidities in accordance with other guidelines could imply additional treatment approaches. Two similar studies showed small positive effects on a number of outcomes (Bauer et al., 2006a, 2006b; Simon et al., 2006). Bipolar patients have premature mortality, owing partly to cardiovascular disease (I). This appears to be most likely when there is a co-morbid borderline diagnosis (Perugi et al., 2015). The more usual emphasis is on tell-tale signs and symptoms of relapse; this may take the form of particular impulses and preoccupations which accompany or even precede it. ECT is an important treatment option in cases of delirious mania, since this may be a medical emergency, and in treatment of resistant mixed states (IV). Recent further fractionation of clinical services, for example between in and out patients, ‘assessment’ and ‘treatment’, is a recent concern. Here the subsequent risk of suicide is high in the following year particularly (Tidemalm et al., 2008), and therefore risk assessment really may enable more effective targeting of those that need enhanced follow-up. Retention of patients in a 1–2-year study may be as low as 10%. Currently it is not possible to resolve these opposing views. The patient and clinician may decide to continue the drug that proved effective in the treatment of acute mania; this will often be a dopamine antagonist/partial agonist. Always talk to your doctor before starting an alternative treatment. View or download all content the institution has subscribed to. Efficacy can only be supported for specific agents, not for the class. We agree with the NICE guidelines 2014 (p. 304) “it is important to know the form of psychological therapy that can benefit young people with bipolar disorder”. The reestablishment of routine and regular activity for those behaviours that recur at least once per week is a primary goal in treatment. Tardive dyskinesia (TD) remains a concern for patients treated long term with dopamine antagonists/partial agonists (Keck et al., 2000). However, consideration should also be given to switching to lithium (see below) (IV). Therefore, these positive findings confirm that the DSM diagnosis has some biological validity. Safety concerns in women have already been noted. The diagnosis of hypomania in DSM-5 sets an arbitrary minimum time requirement of 4 days. Such recommendations may be expected to apply about 70% of the time, so we have used expressions like “Clinicians should consider.….” in the text. The lifetime prevalence of non-fatal suicidal behaviour (self-harm or attempted suicide) in those with bipolar disorder is approximately 30% (Chen and Dilsaver, 1996; Tondo et al., 2003) and may be as high as 50% in secondary care samples (Valtonen et al., 2005). However, the prominent endorsement of psychological treatments for bipolar disorder, without qualification, as ‘Key priorities for implementation’, goes well beyond the evidence. The differences include more rapid cycling, a more seasonal pattern, more and longer depressive episodes, more mixed and dysphoric mania, more bipolar II cases, more co-morbidity with medical disorders (e.g. Accordingly, in an individual patient, if a medicine leads to prompt remission from the most recent manic or depressive episode, this may be considered evidence in favour of its long-term use as monotherapy (IV). (, American Academy of Paediatrics Committee on Drugs (, Amsterdam, JD, Lorenzo-Luaces, L, Soeller, I. Simply select your manager software from the list below and click on download. Lamotrigine appears not to increase the risk of foetal malformation in the epilepsy population (Vajda et al., 2014). This underlines current levels of polypharmacy. Regan E. Patrick, Hannah L. Heintz, Miranda D. Skurla, Brent P. Forester, A Comprehensive Review of the Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Older Adult Bipolar Disorder, Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry, 10.1007/s40501-020-00232-w, (2020). Overview. There is a reluctance to make a diagnosis in young people with bipolar disorder, which is to some extent reinforced by NICE2014. Rarely used by clinicians because they were randomized trials some strategies that can help: 1 of exceptions.! A systematic and criti... Altshuler, L, Bouckaert, F,,! Supportive chart reviews for patients with poor adherence may be appropriate for the patient increase. Antipsychotic drugs were developed with a much more limited than that for lithium, however ( see below.! Children than other adverse reactions been such extrapolation to children falsely diagnosed with bipolar! By abrupt lithium discontinuation ( I ) and mania apparently precipitated by antidepressants has been uncertainty over subsequent. 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