Arc: As Acnologia cuts through the attack, Sting uses Holy Ray, however, Acnologia avoids all of the blasts. [13] Acnologia suddenly breaks out of the sky and declares that great power is surging within him. [2], Erza shouts at him, telling him to stop and to not defile the dead. Natsu jumps at Acnologia, who easily kicks him away. Acnologia is fighting her as he vows to consume all dragons and confine them within his time. Learning Dragon Slayer magic implants a Dragon Seed inside of every user. As the Christina crashes into the ocean, Acnologia grabs Jellal and begins to slowly crush him. Madara Arrives - Naruto Shippuden 343, Madara's Perfect Susanoo! Anna & Ichiya – Fairy Tail 540. Natsu DragneelGajeel RedfoxWendy MarvellSting EucliffeRogue CheneyLaxus DreyarErik Laxus adds that he won't let Acnologia kill anyone, while Gajeel states that they will crush him before he can crush them. I'm a bit curious of if the Straw Hat Pirates could handle this dragon better than the entire Fairy Tail Guild did. Natsu tells him that there is no way everything can be his. Natsu yells his name as Erik says that he isn't done yet, and that he cannot just give up and die because he has friends that he must keep safe. Anna tells them that Acnologia devoured the Space Between Time and gained time Magic. Elsewhere, on a rock in the middle of the ocean, Wendy notices a crack appear in the sky. He then adds that this is the power of the Seven Fire Dragons. Fairy Tail 539 see’s Acnologia’s destruction on the world after he consumes the Ravines of Time and possesses time magic which allows him to launch a number of explosions on the world they’re on. Jellal decides to push Acnologia into the rift as Erza screams his name in fear. The Dragon Slayers are victorious. Natsu says that as long as he has got his friends, he does not need anything else. He goes on to say that true Dragons are strong, noble, and nice. Wendy decides that she has to fight him because she is a Dragon Slayer. Dragon SlayersVarious Dragon Slayer MagicHand-to-Hand CombatDragon ForceEnchantment Laxus tries to damage Acnologia using lightning, but Acnologia grabs his hands and throws him into nearby crystals. He lands at Fairy Hills, where Erza and Wendy are, along with Irene's corpse. And while everybody seemed to be losing hope, Lucy came up with a solution that could exploit Acnologia's dragon slayer side as well as the giant reptilian's motion sickness, to consequently bring him down. He identifies her as his mother as she was the one who created Dragon Slayer Magic. Inside, Ichiya tells them that there is a chance that they can beat Acnologia, with blonde-haired woman agreeing with the statement. Suddenly, Wendy gets up and tells everyone that she is gathering up all of the Dragon Slayer's power and giving it to Natsu. He then spreads his wings and proclaims that the world belongs to him. Jellal then casts Grand Chariot, but Acnologia eats the Magic, shocking all three Wizards. First Generation Dragon Slayer learned their magic from dragons. The Dragon Slayers begin to comment on Acnologia's immense strength, to which Acnologia asks them if they know why he is called the Dragon King. Acnologia even notices that he can now use the power of time, he seems to have absorbed it all, its overflowing that he himself cannot control it yet. Wendy tells Acnologia that the legend he has built will end now. Dragon Slayers vs Acnologia! Change ). Yeah, all the others are probably there too, and I’m sure their powers will somehow combine and create the strongest power of friendship and love and sacrifice and everything that’s good in this world and beat evil. Every type of Magic comes from The One Magic, the original source of all types of Magic. His ability to transform into a full-grown dragon grants him enough power to devastate most of the world’s strongest mages. Erik, Gajeel, and Wendy charge towards Acnologia, ready to attack him, but the Dragon King blocks all of their attacks and knocks them to the ground. The Dragon Slayers and Acnologia continue to stare at each other. The preview for Episode 326 of the anime's final season teases an all out battle between Acnologia's spirit form and Natsu and the other Dragon Slayers. He tells Natsu that he is truly worthy of being the king before disappearing completely. - Fairy Tail 334, Neji, Shikaku and Inoichi Dead! He begins laugh at the Dragon Slayers.[22]. Team Natsu & Mercphobia vs. Kiria, Madmole & Skullion Raider Also, even if he is super powerful, if she had time stopped, an infinite number of her small attacks could still kill Acnologia. Its lower body, specifically its belly, inner tail and legs are gray in color and seem to be rather smooth. The Dragon Slayers are grievously injured. Fairy Tail 539 starts with Wendy noticing that there’s a crack in the sky, everyone notices that it could be nothing but Acnologia from here. Acnologia creates a huge explosion around him, which engulfs Natsu. ( Log Out / [1] He then notices Irene's corpse and walks over to it, ignoring the two Fairy Tail Wizards. It possesses a blunt, rounded head with four large and elongated plates extending backwards, and has white beady eyes. He tells them to vanish as he spreads and uses the lights around him to unleash a power weapon which blasts everything in the world, it’s called Eternal Flame. [10] His plan ultimately fails as Acnologia begins to devour Jellal's Magic but little-by-little, he is able to slowly push Acnologia towards the time rift. A pretty good chapter, we all saw that this was coming, but the fact that a tired Natsu will go up against Acnologia is definitely not fair, but I’m guessing that the others will also be there as they’ll somehow manage to combine their powers and somehow defeat Acnologia, which might take a bit if you ask me. Igneel vs Acnologia continues on as the other Dragon Slayers feel better. Alvarez Empire arc Ichiya tells the Dragon to let Jellal go because he must live to protect Erza. Makarov introduces the Dragon to the Team Tenrou as The Black Dragon of the Apocalypse, Acnologia. The Dragon Slayers comment on Acnologia's new personality, while Natsu looks at Acnologia and sadly states that Acnologia can no longer end this on his own anymore. Natsu falls directly on Lucy and Happy, who welcome him back. Learn how your comment data is processed. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Acnologia announces that he is tired of the whole world and vows to destroy it. [27] Acnologia suddenly starts to go insane as he shouts that he must destroy everything, and that he must bathe in more Dragon blood. He also has a large scar that appears across the middle of his face. Bringing in Natsu will be his downfall. He leaves him and he’s teleported away along with all the other dragon slayers. 1. Lucy and Happy both realize that Natsu and the other Dragon Slayers have won. Acnologia appears above her and absorbs her. He then runs towards Acnologia and uses Iron Dragon's Sword, which easily bounces off of Acnologia. However, the Christina begins to lower because only members of Blue Pegasus can pilot it. Gray's Angry - Fairy Tail 499, Obito is Tobi! There are different kinds of Dragon Slayers, but generally they all use “Dragon Slayer Magic”, which is based around a certain element. Dies tut er, indem er unter anderem Erza, Laxus,Mirajane und sogar Gildarts (kurz: alle S-Klasse Magier) herausfordert, doch jedes Mal besiegt wird. AcnologiaDragon Slayer MagicHand-to-Hand Combat In the manga Natsu kicks Zeref’s butt into next week despite him gaining literal infinite magic power. The more they use that magic (generally the only kind of magic they know), the more that seed grows. He then cruelly mutilates her corpse while cackling, shocking the two. Images used usually have owners information in-image, on page or in file-name. In the time dimension, crystals begin to appear underneath Natsu's feet, trapping him in place. Close. and it is stated that dragon slayers when they kill dragons … Everyone begins to ask the question of what is really going on. Outcome: Acnologia, in his human form, appears before Natsu and tells him that this is his world. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Acnologia charges an attack at Natsu, while Wendy tells him to dodge it. Ichiya opens the door and tells the Wizards to enter the ship. Love Anime, Manga and Fan Art? The Fire Dragon Slayer’s flames burn brighter than they ever have before, beating Zeref so badly even his own immortal curse can’t save him. Topic Archived; First; Previous; Page . Wendy is also feeling a lot better. [6] When they reach the Space Between Time, it appears that Acnologia has touched it, but he suddenly rams into the Christina. Powers and Abilities Even if Aldron is stronger, which is debatable, Acnologia uses Dragon Slayer Magic and is immune to magic, so his hax directly counters Aldron. As the Dragon Slayers look in shock, Acnologia begins to cackle uncontrollably. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It is the Dragon Slayers that react to this strange phenomenon, with Wendy being the first one to fall down under unknown pressure. God Serena has the appearance of a tall man with long orange hair, tied up into two large ponytails. The Tartaros arc leads to some unsettling reveals both for Gray and the viewer, as Gray learns his father turned into a demon to get revenge for his family, and the viewer realizes Natsu’s connection to Zeref. Fairy Tail 539 ends here. He then notices Wendy and shockingly identifies her as a Dragon Slayer. [15] Natsu realizes who is standing in front of him as Acnologia shows him all of the Dragon Slayers, who are trapped within crystals. Acnologia † Acnologia the Black Dragon vs Fleet Admiral Sakazuki Anime and Manga - Other Titles This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. Previous: I find it hard to be hyped up for this, this is why I didn’t want to see anymore fights, because at this point we know they will be predictable. All while, Wendy’s spirit is being extracted from her. The Dragon Slayers are grievously injured. The Dragon Slayers tell him that it doesn't matter if Magic can hurt him, because they will keep attacking him until it does hurt. Acnologia flies over the island, letting out a loud roar that terrifies most of the members of Team Tenrou on the island. It was an amazing episode and beautiful animation and its the best episode of the series and if you hate fairy tail you can go suck your mum Natsu runs pasts Sting and leaps at Acnologia, attempting to hit him with his fire. 2 NATSU AND GRAY VS. MARD GEER. Everyone is surprised to see a real-life Dragon, and Natsu Dragneel says that he knew that Dragons really do exist. Fairy Tail 540 see’s Natsu as well as the other Dragon Slayers all join the ravines of time where Acnologia has entrapped them within crystals which seems to make Acnologia stable in the world that he’s in. The Great Weaving God – Senjumaru Shutara, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Character Growth in the Naruto World (Part 1, Shippuden & "The Last"), Is Gray Fullbuster Dead? Natsu was quickly sent to another place where it’s nothing but rocks, he reaches and asks where he is, he notices that someone answers with it being the Ravines of Time. The Dragon King tells them that their struggling is futile. Rogue and Erik use Shadow Dragon's Roar and Poison Dragon's Roar, but both are caught by Acnologia as he lands on a crystalized structure. Damage Sustained/Casualties Acnologia drops Jellal into the ocean when the Christina hits him, sending him and the ship into the Space Between Time. Acnologia easily avoids Natsu's attacks and punches him in the stomach, sending blood flying out of Natsu's mouth. Natsu yells their names as Erik realizes that he cannot hear Acnologia's mind. [25] Natsu shouts as he is surrounded by the rainbow flame, while Acnologia tells the Dragon Slayers to behold his power of destruction, as he charges his fist with Magic. He then asks Natsu how Dragons could possibly be nice. He tells them it's because when it comes to strength, he is number one. A shocked Erik says that Acnologia caused him internal damage and with only one hit. The article's English air dates follow the Sunday broadcast due to sporadic schedule changes from the International Channel Erik does the same but is kicked away as well. Wendy also attempts to attack Acnologia, but he blasts her away. Acnologia is a gargantuan Dragon whose entire upper body is covered in black round scales which in turn are decorated by spiraling blue markings. Log In Sign Up. Natsu uses Seven Flame Dragon's Iron Fist and runs towards Acnologia. So far, there have been five seasons with a total of 104 episodes originally aired on TV Tokyo between 1995 and 2009. Anime : Fairy Tail Season 3 フェアリーテイル Like, Comment and Subscribe! They then all agree to take Acnologia down. She enters Dragon Force and charges at Acnologia, who begins to charge an attack at her. Its not so much the characters, its the story structure thats the problem, I can name a few fanfiction authors who have made so much better story with FT characters. ( Log Out / -Natsu & co saying a lot more friendship and love speeches. Posted by 1 month ago. Itachi Loves Sasuke - Naruto Shippuden 339, Sakura's Amnesia - Road To Sakura - Naruto Shippuden 271, Bleach’s Thousand Year Blood War Arc to get Anime Adaption, One Punch Man Season 2 Episode 1 Airs 12th August 2018, Tite Kubo draws Bleach Characters for Lucca Comics, Your Name Anime Movie to get Live-Action Hollywood Adaption, Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond Anime Previewed Before Premiere. The situation seems hopeless, until Lucy comes up wituh a last-ditch plan. Acnologia. Acnologia is killed. User account menu. VS. All Timeskip Straw Hat Pirates vs The Black Dragon. As Zeref Dragneel puts it, he sees other humans as nothing more than insects, ignoring any and all attempts by them to converse, which suggests that Acnolo… Inside the time rift, and with the fate of the world on the line, the seven Dragon Slayers battle Acnologia. They appear from the smoke as Acnologia, he approaches Natsu as the final battle will commence. He transforms into his Dragon Form, while Jellal realizes that Magic does not work on him. He declares himself as the Supreme King, he spreads his wings as lights come out from them, he notices that everything in this world belongs to him. However, Natsu is able to block it. He then notices Irene's corpse and walks over to it, ignoring the two Fairy Tail Wizards. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! ( Log Out / [23], Acnologia smirks as he tells them that this is where it ends for all of the Dragon Slayers, because he will not allow a single Dragon to be left alive, as that is what it means to be a Dragon Slayer. Natsu tells Acnologia that he will soon find out that it will not just let him destroy it. She gets to the top when the waves they’re in scatters them. Wendy wonders what element Acnologia has, who replies that he has none, and that he is the Dragon of Magic. At one point, Natsu had all three of these seeds fighting inside of him, though he managed to retain his humanity when it was all over. Natsu declares that he is gathering all of their power and turning it into flame. Elsewhere, Natsu hears a familiar voice, instantly connecting these happenings with the arrival of the Black Dragon, Acnol… He mentions that his power is overflowing, it reminds him of the time he mastered the way of the dragon slayer. And acnologia held back during tartaros when he fought igneel so possibly he did get stronger but still decided to hold back. Acnologia (Fairy Tail) vs Kurama (Naruto) Battle. I can’t wait for the next chapter! His lower body, rather his belly, inner tail, and legs, are grey in color, and appear to be rather smooth. He wears a sophisticated wizard outfit comprised of blue, red and white coloring as well as large black boots. Natsu simply states that he doesn't want to be king. Out of nowhere, however, the Christina appears and rams into Acnologia. Place: Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 523, Pages 16-18, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 528, Pages 2-19, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 529, Pages 2-12, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 529, Pages 18-20, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 531, Pages 9-13, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 531, Pages 15-16, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 534, Pages 14-16, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 535, Pages 11-14, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 536, Pages 6-13, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 538, Pages 16-20, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 539, Pages 4-18, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 539, Pages 19-20, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 540, Pages 7-10, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 540, Pages 16-19, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 541, Pages 14-17, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 542, Pages 10-14, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 543, Pages 7-14, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 544, Pages 10-14, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 544, Pages 14-19, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 544, Pages 20-25. I see a lot of people claiming that Acnologia would move too fast, but literally all Dimaria would have to do is catch him off guard, like as he attacks another dragon slayer. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Daily Anime Art with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. He then tries to block the attack, but realizes that he can't because he is unable to move the arm that Igneel ripped off a year ago. Erza lands in water as she asks if this world is going to end, but she changes her attitude in how she’s going to fight this. This sends Acnologia flying through many crystalized structures and causes him to roll on the ground. Join over 250,000 others to get the top stories curated daily, plus special offers! [7], Jellal ready to push Acnologia into the time rift, Acnologia causes the Christina to lower until it hits the water. Acnologia proudly shouts that all of the Dragons are coming to his time. After The Grand Magic Games, Each Individual Day, Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia & Happy vs. Bora, Natsu Dragneel vs. Gajeel Redfox: Rematch, Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox & Wendy Marvell vs. Faust (Dorma Anim), Natsu Dragneel & Gajeel Redfox vs. Sting Eucliffe & Rogue Cheney, Natsu Dragneel & Gray Fullbuster vs. Mard Geer tartaros, Natsu Dragneel vs. Zeref Dragneel: Rematch, Team Natsu & Mercphobia vs. Kiria, Madmole & Skullion Raider, Team Natsu & Makarov Dreyar vs. Ajeel Raml, Thunder God Tribe & Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki vs. Wall Eehto, Draculos Hyberion, Wolfheim, Warrod Sequen & Jura Neekis vs. God Serena, Wendy Marvell & Sherria Blendy vs. Dimaria Yesta, Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia vs. Jacob Lessio, Erza Scarlet, Kagura Mikazuchi & Jellal Fernandes vs. Neinhart, Mirajane Strauss vs. Juliet Sun & Heine Lunasea, Elfman Strauss & Lisanna Strauss vs. Ajeel Raml, Erza Scarlet & Wendy Marvell vs. Irene Belserion, Gildarts Clive & Cana Alberona vs. August, Wendy vanishes, this also happens to Laxus, Gajeel, Eric, Sting, Rogue and now Natsu. After Irene's death and the dispelling of Universe One, Acnologia is able to return to the battlefield. [12], Meanwhile, after his battle with Zeref, Natsu meets with Lucy, Gray, and Happy. Aufgrund seiner rücksichtslosen Natur kämpft er mit ausgesprochen viel Kraft und verursacht demnach immer viel Zerstörung und Chaos. Wendy uses Deus Eques to boost all of the Dragon Slayer's physical abilities. As the battle between Tartaros and Fairy Tail progresses, Erza finds herself against Kyôka, motivated to defeat her in order to stop Face. Acnologia says that he has gained space-time Magic from the time rift, and that he will use the Magic to destroy the world. Acnologia is a dragon slayer, hell-bent on exterminating every single dragon, due to his personal vendetta against their kind. Combatants Next: Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Fairy Tail 539 see’s Acnologia’s destruction on the world after he consumes the Ravines of Time and possesses time magic which allows him to launch a number of explosions on the world they’re on. Acnologia's eyes are white and beady, and his head is round and blunt with four, large, elongated, plates extending backward. Song : TULE - Fearless pt.II (feat. Time for the power of friendship ultimate punch! Wendy then uses Sky Dragon's Wave Wind, which destroys many crystalized structures. All characters and series are tm and © of their respective creators. The subsequent episodes of the sixth season were later included in five DVD compilations, ... who mock Natsu for not being able to kill Acnologia, and boast of becoming true dragon slayers by killing the dragons who raised them. All the dragon slayers also get affected by it as they, along with Natsu seems to have appeared on another world, seemingly its the Ravines of Times which is now controlled by Acnologia. A shame tho since Acnologia should have just stopped time since he has mastered it now and blown everyone up. He then cruelly mutilates her corpse while cackling, shocking the two. Acnologia merely laughs at this, saying that they haven't even fought yet. Natsu simply laughs at this and tells him that even if he kills them, he is still a Dragon, and that there will always be one Dragon left. However, Natsu is unharmed, and he tells Acnologia that there are all kinds of Dragons, some nice and some evil, and also some who are going to defeat Acnologia. Magic was once oppressed and feared, but gradually became an everyday phenomenon. Most of their actual story is Spoiler. Acnologia turns and smirks as he watches Natsu and Gajeel using Fire Dragon's Roar and Iron Dragon's Roar. [14], In the Space Between Time, Natsu lands on the ground and wonders where he is. Follow Daily Anime Art to receive notifications of new posts by email. This angers Acnologia greatly who tells him that he lost everything to Dragons when they ate his family, burned his town, and slaughtered everyone around him. Gajeel tries to hit him, but misses and is kicked to the ground. - Naruto Shippuden 364, Juvia's Death! None of the art presented is the property of Daily Anime Art. Lucy says that on that day, one era of the world came to an end. This causes Acnologia to let go of the Christina, allowing it to speed away from Acnologia. [8] As Acnologia continues chasing and damaging the Christina, Jellal decides to distract him, while Anna focuses on reopening the time rift. Acnologia is a gargantuan, massive black Western Dragon whose entire upper body is covered in black, round, scales, which in turn are decorated by spiraling, blue markings. Seine Art von Kämpfen half ihm schon oft aus der Klemme und lässt ihn neue St… Anna realizes that they must force the Space Between Time back open. [19] He then tells them that outside the dimension they're in, his flesh form is in the process of destroying the world. All of the Dragon Slayers charge at Acnologia, screaming. Rip Acnologia, he’s got no chance. ( Log Out / [26] Acnologia tells Natsu that even if everyone combines their powers, they cannot defeat him, as outside the Space Between Time, his flesh form begins to break out of Fairy Sphere. [11], While Acnologia continues to crush Jellal, the Christina suddenly lifts into the air. However, this caused him to split in two: a flesh Acnologia and a spirit Acnologia. Natsu is hit by the attack, which creates a huge explosion. Rücksichtslosen Natur kämpft er mit ausgesprochen viel Kraft und verursacht demnach immer viel Zerstörung und.! And exhaustion ( Including Natsu from his previous one on one battle Zeref! 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