Now that you know, will you start to keep by these rules? Examples abound of talented HDB dwellers who have been successfully growing and harvesting their own fruits and vegetables in their very own corridors. If you really want to light up, do so inside your house, or go downstairs, out in the sun. Check them out! There are hundreds of fires in HDB common areas every year. We love our stray cats, potted plants and crowded corridors. You can only have one dog. It appears that zero community case isn't going to be common in 2021. Housing & Development (Composition of Offences) Rules 2006. Nothing should be at the staircase landings. Plant collectors are taking gardening to the next level and […] One of our writers said it the best, “Mine’s filled to the brim and immovable.”. No placement/storage of items within hosereel compartment. You cannot keep cats. ), He Got Caught Doing Food Delivery 'Illegally' in Yishun, How to Use “Ok Boomer” in an Office #shorts. Your wet laundry should not be dripping any water. No cats. What to do if a fire breaks out in a super high-rise building? Yeah, smokers, remember: void deck is a no-smoking zone, too. Growing indoor plants can be beneficial in many ways, from creating a serene environment to lowering stress levels and purifying the air. Nothing should be at the corridors. HDB also has to approve your breed of dogs too! The plants are feared by one neighbour to be a major fire threat. Obstruction to common corridors and fire fighting equipment (e.g. under SCDF law, corridor should have at least 1m wide gap ( CLEAR from all the pots/plants/shoe racks,etc ). You can have your plants along your HDB corridor but a clear width of 1.2M should be left unobstructed for emergencies. These dogs are usually small and called “HDB-approved” dogs. Most Singaporeans live in HDB estates but even after living there for decades, there are some unknown rules that you might not know. This space is the best place to grow plants because it is where the sun shines most. Most of the HDB farmers grow plant right in the corridors of the HDB. 5. Most people keep potted plants and laundry racks, but you should be aware that the corridor space is not owned by you or HDB, but by the town councils. Photo: The Straits Times One plant-lover tends a lush mini-garden inside the bedroom. Yes, that's right. No smoking at corridors or void decks. Featured Image: Trong Nguyen / An enterprising student at the Lasalle College of the Arts decided that her … You can’t tutor more than 3 students at once For the unacquainted,... Why Durians Smell Like _____ (Based on Science! HDB has a regulation that does not allow you to hang dripping clothes outside. Your storeroom should be operationally ready. Tomatoes and other herbs such as basil, Indian borage, mint, and thyme, among others need enough sunlight to grow. They are generally difficult to … A minimum clear escape passage of 1.2* m clearance is to be maintained from the parapet wall where the shoe rack is to be allowed. Passing through the eighth-storey HDB corridor of Block 101 in Pasir Ris may prove to be an arduous task as a flat owner has filled the area with potted plants. There are hundreds of fires in HDB common areas every year. Common corridor rules. dry risers & hose reels) can seriously hamper fire fighting efforts and smooth evacuation in … Strictly no placement/storage of objects at staircases and its immediate landing is allowed. You might think that this is common sense, but you will be surprised at the number of inconsiderate people there are out there, especially those living above you. Not with us seeing so many neighbours doing that during the day and night. However, did you know that HDB only allows you to teach up to three students at once? Approval to purchase the recess area would be granted only after HDB and the relevant authorities / service providers have determined that you have relocated the service(s) according to standards and guidelines. Most plants need enough sunlight. Many tutors either don’t know, or don’t abide by this rule though. … Another popular option involves planting an urban garden right at your doorstep. Of course, this is mainly due to the fire hazard that they might cause. Technically, even if it is a lunch box, you need to bag it. Either smoke inside your house, or go downstairs and out the void deck, in the sun to smoke. Our guess is… no. Only 1 dog is allowed in your HDB flat, and it should be from this list of approved breeds. HDB and Town Council have to approve the new location(s) of the services before the commencement of the relocation works. #shorts, 6 Asian Myths That Aren’t True (Based on Science! There Are Now Extremely Muscular Fortune Cats for Sale for a Huat 2021. No placement/storage of items within dry/wet riser compartment. Photo: Instagram/everythinggreensg. Doris Lim, 57, says she once suffered a minor burn from cooking and used the sap from her home-grown aloe vera to soothe her wound. Apart from food, certain plants have medicinal value. Obstruction to common corridors and fire fighting equipment (e.g. … Plant in Your Corridor. Following the guidelines will help create a safer living environment for your loved ones. No objects are to be placed along common corridors less than 1.2 m* wide. Growing well in HDB Corridors and Balconies too Our OVW, though house 100 pots of leafy vegetables, it is small enough to be placed outside this 3-Room HDB flats, along their corridor. A resident who turned a common corridor at Block 101 Pasir Ris Street 12 into a mini jungle has been served advisories by the town council on multiple occasions, and is currently working with the authorities to reduce the clutter. However, if everyone just keeps quiet, then . With the corridor dark and shadowy, a neighbour posted her complaint on […] That means no heavy shelves that you cannot move. Guidelines On The Use of Common Areas in HDB Estates. Recently, there has been some minor changes (and we are expecting more changes) so you might want to check out the HDB website about this. No placement of items such as clothing racks unless they can be easily folded or removed in times of emergency so that they do not obstruct the escape route. To quote HDB, "Cats are not allowed in flats. 8 No Smoking in Corridors, stairwells, staircase and void decks are not allowed You can smoke in your own apartment, but the above areas are not allowed. You can also grow your plants in Community or Allotment Gardens that can be found in your neighbourhood. If found to be missing, to replace the missing pieces as soon as possible. It’s very common to see bicycles being chained there, but SCDF states very clearly “Strictly no placement/storage of objects at staircases and its immediate landing is allowed.” This poses a danger to fire escape. I’ll bet most of us are unaware about that, right? Here are the rules that you probably didn’t know of. Even if you are living in an older house with your own rubbish chute inside, it’s still necessary to do so. Singapore News - You can find kai lan, xiao bai cai (little cabbage), kangkung and even tomatoes growing in these planter boxes which line a 10m long corridor outside this HDB … They have the right to get you to clear everything there! While many of us have the comfort of being at home and curling up in a blanket in this sweater weather, animals can be defenseless against the pouring rain.. HDB’s rules for common corridors state that residents cannot have plants that block scupper drains, and that elevators in lobbies as well as routes for fire escapes may not be blocked by … Performance-Based Approach to Fire Safety Design, Fire Safety Certificate & Temporary Fire Permit, Petroleum and Flammable Material Licences, Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) Requirements, Waiver Application on CD Shelter Requirements, Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT) and Remedial Training (RT), Community Emergency Preparedness Programme (CEPP). Generally speaking, installing CCTV on the corridor of your HDB should not be a serious problem. They are generally difficult to … Private tuition is a booming industry in Singapore, and many tutors are paid very well for group tuition. Plants love sunshine, but not the heat. To quote HDB, "Cats are not allowed in flats. Why Ah Beng threw butter out of the window? For example, did you know that you can only smoke in your own house, and not even in common areas like corridors and void decks? These are considered common areas, so smoking will not be allowed here. dry risers & hose reels) can seriously hamper fire fighting efforts and smooth evacuation in a fire emergency, endangering your lives. Passing through the eighth-storey HDB corridor of Block 101 in Pasir Ris may prove to be an arduous task as a flat owner has filled the area with potted plants. While SCDF does not permit the storage of combustible materials along common corridors, we can allow for the placement of shoe racks, provided;-. Showering in the Morning vs Evening: Which is Better? Squeeze them dry first! of people is 8 only. *The minimum unobstructed width of the corrider was increased from 1m to 1.2m after the revision of the Fire Code in 2013. Raising a garden in your corridor requires some luck. It’s supposed to be a bomb shelter, so everything inside should be movable by HDB standards. Farm to Table — Dining Movements. The Housing & Development (Composition of Offences) Rules allow HDB to compound offences committed under the Housing & Development Rules. It’s an offence to smoke in common areas in residential buildings including void decks, stairwells and common corridors. If you don’t have a green thumb or the time to keep up with all the pruning and watering, here’s a list of the 13 easiest low-maintenance succulents and leafy greens that won’t […] Read more at With the corridor dark and shadowy, a neighbour posted her complaint on Stomp last week saying that the plants – which are located near the block’s two staircases – are a fire hazard. They have the right to get you to clear everything there! Let’s glam up the stairs. Cluttering in the corridors of Housing and Development Board (HDB) blocks is a perennial problem, as a fire in a Tampines block earlier this week has shown. It is unbelievable that so many plants were allowed to remain in the corridor of an HDB unit for almost eight to nine years (HDB 'jungle house' in Pasir Ris, May 28).. Read more at Access to the fire safety/fighting provisions should not be impeded at all times. Others have multitudes of pots that take over balconies or let their greenery bask in artificial light for 12 hours a day. Itâ s a tradition that many Chinese will follow as the pomegranate tree is believe to bring good luck and ward off bad ones. Most new HDB flats have a common chute on their level. Following the guidelines will help create a safer living environment for your loved ones. Yes, that's right. Yes, this... Have you ever been greeted by a small inanimate cat waving at you upon entering a store? Access to dry/wet landing valves and dry/wet riser breeching inlet at common areas should not be obstructed. (a) park any vehicle on any common property or in any open space within a housing estate except in a parking place; (b)place, deposit, keep or leave or cause or permit to be placed, deposited, kept or left any material, article, object or thing on any common property or in any open space within a housing estate except in any place designated by the Board for that purpose; or If the offenders fail to pay the composition sum, they will be prosecuted in Court. Just a quick question, what’s the storeroom in your house like? But are you sure you are not breaking these HDB flat rules in Singapore? Most of the travelling we did in 2020 was from our houses to the supermarkets, to buy toilet paper... A few days ago, a resort in Pasir Ris announced it'd be leasing out its rooms for rent. You can be fined $200-$1000 if convicted. Our first HDB plant stalking experience had brightened our day from seeing the efforts made to care for and extend corridor gardens. Lugs to the landing valves are to be checked regularly to ensure that it is present. Find out more and apply for a plot on the National Parks website. ), 30 COVID-19 Cases Today (17 Jan); 2 Are Community Cases. This poor dove here, for example, is soaking wet despite sheltered under a plant. SINGAPORE (THE NEW PAPER) - More than half of the potted plants that once crowded a common corridor at a Pasir Ris Housing Board block are gone. Fire Alarm System is to be "ON" and operationally ready at all times. Fire safety / fighting provisions are to be regularly serviced and ensure its operational readiness at all times. The rules aim to reduce the number of large objects such as pieces of furniture that are left outside flats. Basil is another popular “microgreen”, that can be grown in an HDB … The plants are feared by one neighbour to be a major fire threat. Edible plants need about four to six hours of direct sunlight, says Dr Wilson Wong, deputy director of horticulture and operations at the Singapore Botanic Gardens. National serviceman Siaw Yu Zhang started cultivating begonias last year. No smoking in the corridor and void decks. 2. under HDB rules n regulation, for a 5rm flat, max no. However, you need to follow some other local laws before you install this system on your unit. No cats. TOWN councils could find it easier to persuade HDB residents to remove clutter from common corridors after islandwide guidelines were introduced for the first time. Nowadays got thermal cameras on corridors that … All rubbish from your house must be bagged. It is for the sole purpose of keeping shoes, whereby, it would not constitute a substantial fire load. Smoke or heat detectors must be properly and regularly maintained. According to HDB's general house rules, residents have to take measures that include ensuring their potted plants are not … Most people in Singapore live in high-rise housing estates and this can pose challenges, especially in how much sunlight plants can get. If corridor-planting is not a viable option (especially likely with some newer, more claustrophobic HDB estates), you can try to have your urban garden indoors. Timings for carrying out renovations Although cats don’t usually make much noise, HDB gives the reason that they are generally difficult to contain within the house and may become public nuisances. Even if your dogs are tiny chihuahuas. Every inch away from this heat source makes all the difference. In 1995, seven-year-old Lim Shiow Rong was raped and killed by an unknown assailant. 1. Woman Uses Umbrella To Shelter Dove Family At Her HDB Corridor Garden. racks, but you should be aware that the corridor space is not owned by you or HDB, but by the town councils. 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