I love big gardens but with 2 plants with lvl 4 or 5 pests and they are at … If you have plants just sitting in your inventory (or 100 like I do in my bank lol) you can begin using them now. There's a bunch of tutorials on stacking on youtube that you can find. 9. There, you should be able to start some mass scale gardening, including some mega-snack factories. In this guide, learn how to start your garden and keep it thriving in Wizard101. Posted by 12 days ago. I bought a Wizard101 membership and it is NOT worth it. I thought, maybe I could start gardening. Gardening also ensures you have an endless supply of gold and virtually endless supply of TCs if you need to trade them for whatever reason. Gardening is another Wizard101 hobby I enjoy: gardening! certain plants are good for certain purposes. I think so. and its all wrong they let people make false reports never explain anything to you and of course never say WHY. save energy of planting the soil and you can move the pots around in between full cycles (seed, young, mature, elder) so you can maximize your efficiency. 92% Upvoted. 2. Ignoring the cheese part, do you think gardening would be a thing I could invest my time in. If you PVP, craft or like great pets => hard Yes. Close. ALL of my 6 wizards are maxed on gardening. also get pest prevention spells. Re: Higher rank gardening spells - not worth it? absolutely yes! So is gardening actually worth it? If you're Balance, you're already accustomed to being kind of bland. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last. Like, I was crafting in MooShu. Re: Is gardening worth it? Is the Summer Scroll of Fortune worth it? r/Wizard101 Wizard101 is an MMO made by Kingsisle Entertainment that was started in 2005, and was released in 2008. Developed and published by KingsIsle Entertainment in 2008, Wizard101 is a free to play MMO with magic themes that would feel like it belongs in Harry Potter, which makes it even better. Also it's super useful for pet training. save hide report. It's MUCH more predictable than fishing is, and yields better results. Oct 15, 2018 @ 6:57am Thanks alot, I might do what you sayed. Wizard101 can be fun, but hard. it saves energy from having to clear them every time. There is better stuff to buy online, so I recommend Do Not buy that membership. I'm wanting to buy crowns instead of buying the full membership because you can buy the different … If you play Balance and get hit with a lot of weaknesses, gardening the right plants yields you tons of cleanse charm TCs. One of gardening’s main elements are its spells. They look cute in your house, especially in pots. YES, the Cool Down time is crazy. I use him for gardening now, but I stopped leveling him at 70 and switched to Death. Look for this icon in your Windows task bar. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Any response back from them is incredibly rude and they never answer you in any way. Gardening is an addition to Wizard101 that allows Wizards to have a "green thumb," and grow magical plants from all around the Spiral. Other sources of spells Go to Krokotopia to buy the four amulets that give you the Ice, Fire, Storm, and Myth Shields. #2. Collect cool creatures to train in fun mini pet games, and win awesome gear from tough boss battles. Put gardening … So is gardening actually worth it? However, I'm not so sure if it's worth playing again. Gardening in Wizard101 is very profitable and, though it takes a good amount of effort, rewards greatly with mega snacks and expensive treasure cards. Wizard101 Is mainly a game intended for kids, but don't let this discourage you, it's offering interesting strategic depth for players of all ages, for the more casual audience, there's dungeons to play with your friends, and for the competitive player there's always pvp, and with the free* expansions Wizard101 is always offering something new to do! You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. 25 reviews for Wizard101, 2.2 stars: 'Get bans for doing nothing apparently they have an AI flagging $#*! Another popular side activity is gardening. ... During Double Gardening Rewards you can double your seeds, ... Wizard101 is an MMO made by Kingsisle Entertainment that was started in … Gardening is an optional part of the game, and can provide many rewards for your wizards to use in all elements of the game. Farley’s Gardening Pack – That’s another great pack to have. However, that is just my opinion and I’m sure you all have a different one. But I just can't think of them at the moment. (main reason i garden). Instead try Ebay or Amazon there is tons of cool stuff for sale on those sites. Great name :). Free to Play | Kid Safe Game | Contact Us | Free Mini Games | About Us | KingsIsle Home, © 2020 KingsIsle Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved | Legal | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use, You have been blocked from posting on these Message Boards. Log in sign up. Thanks for the replies my friends! (Tip) DO not harvest until elder harvest and YES gardening is amazing. Re: Is reshuffle worth the training point? share. There's only one pet in the game that gives you energy at Baby, and they recently introduced 2 new pet abilities that add energy. Plants can be endangered by some very real threats. Wizard101 is an addicting game for about a month then after that it gets boring and pretty soon you have to buy another membership. Oct 14, 2018 @ 7:18pm Is ftp worth it? Get guided help. Sparck [developer] Oct 15, 2018 @ 7:49am Hi Lizard King! I would only check on them once or twice a day. Thanks for watching my video! Yes, it's worth it. Current available version is 6.7 and this may upgrade in future. Darkmoor is one of the toughest dungeons, but it’s definitely worth the hassle. Guides, Pets, Spells, Quests, Bosses, Creatures, NPCs, Crafting, Gardening and more! I don't miss it at all. Gardening to me is useful to your wizard and outweighs the cons such as energy and time. Here's my scenario: you can reach grandmaster gardener either way, with high level plants or low level ones. If you can take advantage of a LEGAL loophole and stack your plants, you can maximize your returns. Click here to make a free account to edit this wiki and the related forums at Wizard101 Central. you can reach grandmaster gardener either way, with high level plants or low level ones. Early on, I would say pet snacks would be wanted, so grow Couch Potatoes as soon as you can get the seeds. definitely is worth it but your gonna have to spend some crowns on elixirs because your probably gonna run out of energy. Wait its is summer so go ahead and plants 8). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . I am sure there are some I am missing, LOL. Gardening I'm sad to say that gardening isn't all nurturing and happiness. start by growing a handful (or dozen) of Stinkweed. (i recommend the KL since they can multiply fairly easily). It may not be an easy task to start, but it surely is rewarding. User account menu. Jump to: navigation, search. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Reagents, I have had some success with Pink Dandelions. Still, if you start gardening early, it will run in the background and make you wealthier in the meantime. Here's my scenario: 1. But, it's worth it. This requires your time and lots of patience. I suggest wait till summer vacation from school. There, you should be able to start some mass scale gardening, including some mega-snack factories. Gardening in Wizard101 is very profitable and, though it takes a good amount of effort, rewards greatly with mega snacks and expensive treasure cards. Don't Leave Home Without It!. Booster Weed . 6 comments. Hello, My opinion is that gardening is worth it in the long haul though you can get rewards such as gold, reagent, snacks and sometimes mega pet snacks depending on the plant. It continues to receive updates, and there's a decent sized community. I'm a granmaster Gardener with 70 energy, and the problem i'm running into is I don't have enough energy to take care of all my plants. Wizards can learn spells, fight monsters, and make friends for free in the magic Wizard games world of Wizard City! Wizard101 Gardening. From Wizard101 Wiki. Yes...it is worth it. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Welcome to the world of Wizard101, where you play as a young witch or wizard in the world of Spiral. Basic:Area Pricing . If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Jun … If you have questions about this block, please contact us at, I under stand that you get rewards from gardening, but is it really worth my time. This is a guide to what these outfits look like as a whole, and how to find the available components to it, this guide includes all outfits wtih the exception of Elegnat Gear, which can be found on Sandy's Guide to Elegant Gear. Enjoy gardening or decorating? The largest and most comprehensive Wizard101 Wiki for all your Wizard101 needs! And the best thing is. For 7500 crowns, this scroll goodies' value are worth more than 7500 crowns. It will die before too long if it is not taken care of. r/Wizard101: Press J to jump to the feed. Then I think "Yeah, when my subscription runs out!". If you have questions about this block, please contact us at. If you want everyone to want you to group, roll Storm. I actually enjoy crafting. If you enjoyed the video make sure to smash that like button! Booster Weed. Is Wizard101 still worth playing? Wizard101; Gardening; Summon Pixie - Is it worth it? The most popular reason for this is generating the mega snacks for pet training. So what … Mega Snacks are worth it by giving 40-50 experience to your pet depending on the snack, but as yellowvitt said, Evil Magma Peas are your go to. EDIT: Thank you all! A Magical Success Story: US Launch of Wizard101 Hits 20 Million Registered Users. Once you get the rhythm down right, gardening is a cakewalk. Wizard101 Gets New Content Update, Including Wysteria Zone. #1. ... like pet farming/training/breeding, gardening, fishing, etc., but in terms of pve progress you'll be halted at around level 10. Wizard101; Gardening; Which seeds are worth selling/Should I buy seed vault? It's fun and gives you some XP and good gold. On the other hand, some elixirs I don’t find worth buying, such as the Health and Mana elixirs. title. Balance Moonstone – Balance moonstones are needed to craft elemental and spirit moon seeds. EV SSL. Yes, it's worth it. Personally, I'd roll a Storm, Death or Fire (in that order) for something more exciting. And, It was late so I finished getting the regents and recipe, so I woke up the next day. There's stuff to do even if you never unlock anything with crowns/buy a membership, like pet farming/training/breeding, gardening, fishing, etc., … So just right now, I noticed a notification about a free promo code for W101, long story short, I want to try W101 again, maybe even Pirate101. Area … SLRR Noob Guide. Spells can reduce the health of enemy creatures, increase the health of yourself or friends, add shields that reduce damage, add blades that modify the amount of damage, traps, and buffs which increase damage, and more. Download this at . I like cheese. Guides, Pets, Spells, Quests, Bosses, Creatures, NPCs, Crafting, Gardening and more! Is the Summer Scroll of Fortune worth it? For 7500 crowns, this scroll goodies' value are worth more than 7500 crowns. i run 100 KL's and i always stockpile on the Supreme Sunburst, Uncanny Magic, and Bees! Personally, I like the idea that Wizard101 offers elixirs because it offers more variety and gameplay options for everyone. Each will give you three cards. In addition to keeping questing and selling extra stuff (gear, housing/decoration, plus the vast majority of treasure cards - only a few are staples, others can be sold), try this: gather your small pots from all your wizards in one dorm and start gardening. In addition to keeping questing and selling extra stuff (gear, housing/decoration, plus the vast majority of treasure cards - only a few are staples, others can be sold), try this: gather your small pots from all your wizards in one dorm and start gardening. Around half way to MooShu. I suggest finding some spells that can protect them from pest for 48 hours or so. Went to work, and came back and that quest was done. Mega Snacks are worth it by giving 40-50 experience to your pet depending on the snack, but as yellowvitt said, Evil Magma Peas are your go to. Jul 12, 2011. If you pet train or do a lot of crafting, the reagents and snacks are a HUGE benefit. Plants can die if their needs are not met, if they are in surrounded by things they dislike, or if they are killed by pests. Theyre just trash. The Basics – Getting Started. As part of the largest Wizard101 Community and Wizard101 Forums online, this is a community wiki that anyone can contribute to! The large area spell that takes care of needs (one spell per need type) can take care of 69 plants. But it also depends on what you want to garden for. These gardening spells are specifically to be used while your wizard is tending to plants in their castle. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Still, if you start gardening early, it will run in the background and make you wealthier in the meantime. Wizard101 Life School Tips and Tricks ... or shield, but the additional damage or shielding is worth it. another good tip for huge gardens is to buy pots. Wizard101 gear guide 2020 Wizard101 gear guide 2020. Wizard101 > Welcome New Wizards > Topic Details. The greatest member benefit of them all...but is it too good?! yes. Access to Gardening in ALL worlds; Access to all types of chat (depending on age) Access to preview new content in the Test Realm; Get back to the game! I do have access to Krokotopia and Marley Bone. But yes they would die in a week. Leave a Like if you enjoyed and SUB if you're new! Once you have enough gold, buy a house, preferably Red Barn Farm - it is in the Crown Shop and is available for gold, not just crowns. however you should start in slow. I will now start gardening! Gardening in Wizard101 is one of the main side activities of the game. Wizard101 is a 2008 massively ... and there is a chance that that pip will be a "power pip," worth two regular pips for spells that are of the player's class. tc's. 9. In order to be successful you will need a pet that yields you extra energy. and when you grow large enough start buying global garden tc of the needs of your plants. One day I was at my Imperial Palace and I noticed that it looked a little bland outside. 4. And the game is getting lame, a candy world? They can also provide passive gold income, treasure cards, and reagents. I haven’t had time to Garden but for sure especially if you want mega snacks. If you stack your gardens so that you have 69 that fit in that ring, the same amount of energy goes MUCH further. of course it will take longer with lower level plants do to the xp you get between them, but its much easier to take care of them. Is Wizard101 Worth Playing In 2018 – Wizard101 Review In Articles, MMORPG Games, Reviews. Comes with: -$20 Kroger jewel Melting Point -Double Pet XP Elixirs -DOuble Gardening Elixirs … It’s worth 499 crowns and you can get bunch of cool stuff out of it. Originally Posted by AngusFiredust My experience has been that as I get higher up in the game, the % power pips reaches 100% for Life, and since Reshuffle is a four pip balance spell, it ends up taking 4 yellow pips that could have been spent on a Forest Lord. Click it to return to playing Wizard101. Also, you can get a ton of TC blade spells from the right plants too. Once you have enough gold, buy a house, preferably Red Barn Farm - it is in the Crown Shop and is available for gold, not just crowns. Personally, I just do it because I think that it's really fun, but if you do it solely for the results then you're certainly not going wrong either and it's much more reliable than fishing. Free to Play | Kid Safe Game | Contact Us | Free Mini Games | About Us | KingsIsle Home, © 2020 KingsIsle Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved | Legal | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use, You have been blocked from posting on these Message Boards. In this guide, learn how to start your garden and keep it thriving in Wizard101. Wizard101 gear guide. If you solo mostly, go Death. Click here to make a free account to edit this wiki and the related forums at Wizard101 … Gardening. I want to get to a high enough level so I can plant my Evil Snow Peas. Follow Wizard101 for the latest news! of course it will take longer with lower level plants do to the xp you get between them, but its much easier to take care of them. Jewel blossoms, ultra seeds, and energy opals are probably the best rewards you can receive here. I bought the scroll. Wizard101 Question, is buying "crowns" worth it.? I'm at NewGate Prison 3. As part of the largest Wizard101 Community and Wizard101 Forums online, this is a community wiki that anyone can contribute to! First, you’ll need to get the first gardening quest. If you can find the Nightshade Choker, this will give you a pair of Weaknesses. Comes with: -$20 Kroger jewel Melting Point -Double Pet XP Elixirs -DOuble Gardening Elixirs -Lunari ( Currency to … How to Hack Wizard101. Also plants can give rare reagents and some other plants. stupid easy to grow and yield roughly 5K-10K gold worth of gold and tc (mainly poison and smoke screen with a rare chance of feint) but once you are higher up go for bigger seeds such as Key Limes and Couch Tatos. Wizard101 opens a magical world of fun gameplay and adventure. If you're going to do any type of crafting or pet training then gardening is worth it. This plant is wilting. My subscription runs out! `` roll Storm tip ) do not buy that membership above! Balance Moonstone – Balance moonstones are needed to craft elemental and spirit moon seeds developer ] oct,... Wizard101 wiki for all wizard101 is gardening worth it Wizard101 needs from pest for 48 hours or so but I stopped him. Too good? reagents, I have had some Success with Pink Dandelions Uncanny magic, yields. Get a ton of TC blade spells from the right plants yields you tons of cool for. 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