Cognitive Science, UCSD, Fall 2016-June 2017 11- Karen Ma, BSc., Cognitive Science, UCSD, Winter 2016-June 2017 You signed in with another tab or window. ... Improved Memory Architecture for Multicarrier Faster-than-Nyquist Iterative Decoder - Deepak Dasalukunte, Fredrik Rusek and ‪Northwestern University‬ - ‪Cited by 21,204‬ - ‪engineering design‬ - ‪robust design‬ - ‪design under uncertainty‬ - ‪material design‬ - ‪uncertainty quantification‬ Laura Lewis. BEFORE UCSD. Chang Liu and Wei Xiong (2020), China's Real Estate Market, The Handbook of China's Financial System, edited by Marlene Amstad, Guofeng Sun, and Wei Xiong, Princeton University Press, 181-207. Improving Crowd Innovation with Expert Facilitation 14- David Luu, BSc., Computer Engineering, UCSD, Fall 2016-June 2017 13- Weichen Liu, MSc. Faxing Yu (Postdoctoral Fellow, 2010-2014) Haixin Yuan (Postdoctoral Fellow, 2009-2014) Guangbo Liu (Visiting student, 2012-2014) Specifically, we adopt and enhance techniques from crowdsourcing, social networking, and design thinking towards the goal of developing theory and technology that fundamentally transforms how we practice human-centered design. Weichen Liu Siwei Xu Hang Yu Jiyang Zheng GRAD (P24-P27, R25-R27, S12-13) Jie-Anne Madel Carlos Asistio Yunbo Chen Christopher Lee Crutchfield Raghav Kansal Jonathon Davis Lee Vivian Vy Pham Gina Gabriella Ratto Xinting Wang Yeung Kit Wong WLH 2113 Monday at … You can browse public projects in read-only mode until signed in. 4, 2018. The paper explored the feasibility for ML techniques to support resource management algorithms. Weichen Liu, UCSD CSE master’s student (MS thesis advisor, 2016-17) Steven Dang, CMU METALS student (mentor, 2013-2015) Ryan Brill, CMU MHCI independent study (mentor, 2015) 17. 36. The course begins with seminal work on interactive systems, and moves through current and future research areas in interaction techniques and the design, prototyping, and evaluation of user interfaces. This past weekend, Deacon and I did a partial rewrite of the collision system, and cleaned up some of the code on the server. In Journal of Social Computing, Volume 1, Issue 1, Article No. View Weichen Liu’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. UCSD Profiles is managed by the UC San Diego Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI). Email: Phone: (520) 626-8523 Research. Weichen Liu, Sijia Xiao, Jacob T. Browne, Ming Yang, and Steven P. Dow. Dr. Wei Xiong 858-534-0270 Office: Pac Hall, B100C, UCSD, San Diego, CA 92093 Lab: Pac Hall, B114 | CV GitHub profile guide. Interested in accounting positions. Zhongqiang Shan, Yanjie Liu, Zheng Chen, Garry Warrender and Jianhua Tian *, Amorphous Ni-S-Mn Alloy as Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Cathode in Alkaline Medium, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33(1), 28-33. Overview. Graduate from University of California, San Diego (UCSD). 4, 2018. University of California San Diego Department of Cognitive Science and Design Lab Atkinson Hall 1601, La Jolla CA 92093-0436 ... Weichen Liu, Dangyi Liu, Steven P. Dow, Enabling Crowdsourced Visualizations to Support Large-Scale Civic Engagement, Workshop on … Applications - Weichen Liu, Jiang Xu, Xiaowen Wu, Yaoyao Ye, Xuan Wang, Wei Zhang, Mahdi Nikdast and Zhehui Wang 12:45 – 1:30pm LUNCH . commit in Weichen Liu Ziyang Li Office hours will be held in VR lab, room B210. Publication at TJU: 3. Evidence from Open Source Software (with Xiaofeng Liu, Vish Krishnan and Kevin Zhu) Analytical ... UC San Diego. In … 1, Usage example already exists in the…. However, Weichen just added UI support with nanoGUI yesterday, so it looks like it might be possible this week. Jennifer L Ellis, Daniel D Hickstein, Kyle J Schnitzenbaumer, Molly B Wilker, Brett B Palm, Jose L Jimenez, Gordana Dukovic, Henry C Kapteyn, Margaret M Murnane, Wei Xiong, “Solvents effects on charge transfer from quantum dots”, JACS, 137, 3759, 2015 + View More. Personalized Lighting for the Non-visual Age and Beyond (160) Carolyn Swope, Regina Vaicekonyte, Shengliang (Daniel) Rong View Abstract. Undergraduate . All rights reserved. Our ARCalVR is © 2021 Regents of the University of California EDA family tree Posted on 2019-12-11 Valine: . ConsensUs: Supporting Multi-Criteria Group Decisions by Visualizing Points of Disagreement. There will a single programming project over the quarter worth 60% of the total grade.…. University of California, San Diego Weichen Liu University of California, San Diego Kamran Alipour University of California, San Diego Jürgen P. Schulze University of California, San Diego ABSTRACT With the development of ARKit and ARCore, mobile Augmented Reality (AR) applications have become popular. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR. Home This course is a broad graduate-level introduction to interaction design research. In ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2016. Take a look at the This family tree is only recorded by my supervisor and me such that it cannot certainly contain every famous professor due to my ignorance. Narges Mahyar, Weichen Liu, Dangyi Liu, Steven P. Dow, Workshop on Crowd-Civic Systems, CSCW 2017, 5 pages, 2017. This site is running Profiles RNS version v2.12.0-792-gbe55c6ce on PROFILES-PWEB01. Weichen Liu ( Aldo Sevada Gragori Malkhassian ( Andrew B. Yoo ( Yi Hui Chen ( Office and Lab Hours Prof Zhou: Tu/Th. In ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2020. Joel Chan, Steven Dang, and Steven P. Dow. Biayna Bogosian, Kristine Mun, Ying Wu, Sydney Kessler, Weichen Liu, Chi-Yuan Chang View Abstract. Alumni. 15- Lauren Liu, BSc., Computer Science, UCSD, Fall 2016-June 2017 14- David Luu, BSc., Computer Engineering, UCSD, Fall 2016-June 2017 13- Weichen Liu, MSc. Immense challenges, such as caring for an aging population or addressing civic issues, require new strategies that engage many diverse stakeholders in the design process. Technology has not only massively transformed how we share information, but how we collaborate to solve complex problems. Prevent this user from interacting with your repositories and sending you notifications. In Journal of Social Computing, Volume 1, Issue 1, Article No. Title: Topics in Pen-Based User Interfaces What’s the Point? Cognitive Science, UCSD, Fall 2016-June 2017 CommunityCrit: Inviting the Public to Improve and Evaluate Urban Design Ideas through Micro-Activities, ConsensUs: Supporting Multi-Criteria Group Decisions by Visualizing Points of Disagreement, Improving Crowd Innovation with Expert Facilitation. Brian Lin. Weichen Wei Gaolin Liang Most of the nano-drugs are pre-prepared by encapsulating or loading the drugs with nano-carriers (e.g., dendrimers, liposomes, micelles, and polymeric nanoparticles). 1 For next week I’d like to get a lobby up and running (for real this … 2018. Narges Mahyar, Michael R. James, Michelle M. Ng, Reginald A. Wu, Steven P. Dow. For graduate students with the S/U option: A satisfactory (S) grade will be given for an average score of 75 or higher. 2. Weichen’s education is listed on their profile. Weichen Liu, Sijia Xiao, Browne Jacob T., Ming Yang, and Steven P. Dow. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2018. Contact GitHub support about this user’s behavior. Created 1 The social computing group creates novel social-computational tools to coordinate creative activities within established and emergent communities. There are a few minor bugs that Tony, Weichen, and I are ironing out at the moment, but overall the functionality is there. Rare, but Valuable: Understanding Data-centered Talk in News Website Comment Sections The project can be done individually or in groups of two- latter entailing more work! The main challenges are firstly discussed, then serveral potential remedies are proposed for these challenges, finally a proof-of-concept level experiment is … Ruijia Cheng, Ziwen Zeng, Maysnow Liu, and Steven Dow. This workshop, motivated by Marilyn Wolf’s 60th birthday, surveyed the development of embedded computing as a field. “ -Weichen Liu “The hypothesis can largely shape the way experimentation and testing is carried out, as well as the method in which results are interpreted.” -Jesse Qin 34. For times see Piazza. NEXT WEEK’S GOALS. Door code for VR lab should be accessible from UCSD student accounts. Ziyang Li, Weichen Liu; Scott Howland; Policies Grading There will be two pop quizzes, each worth 5% of the total grade. repository. Prof. TP Jung (UCSD) Dr. Perelman (ARL HRED) July 14, 2020, Workshop Day 2 ... Weichen Liu, Jonroy Canady, Nick Waytowich, Greg Gremillion o Team 3, Wednesday (7/15 @ 3PM Eastern), clik here Chi-Yuan Chang, Marius Necsoiu, Yinuo Qin Labs CSE basement Textbook. Weichen Liu, Sijia Xiao, Jacob T. Browne, Ming Yang, and Steven P. Dow. Learn more about blocking users. 16. Seeing something unexpected? ... Weichen Liu. Overview. Computer Science, UCSD, Fall 2016-June 2017 12- Dangyi Liu, MSc. weicliu has 32 repositories available. 9:45-10:45am (CSE 3210) Full TA and Tutor Lab Hour Schedule. Computer Science, UCSD, Fall 2016-June 2017 12- Dangyi Liu, MSc. Find 18366 researchers working at University of California, San Diego | San Diego, United States | UCSD 20. 3. Learn more about reporting abuse. UC San Diego Statement on Wednesday’s Violence in Washington, DC, Research on Social Computing, Director: Steven Dow. Towards ... UC San Diego Department of Cognitive Science Email: nmahyar at Office: Atkinson Hall 1601, La Jolla CA 92093-0436 Linkedin Google Scholar Twitter repository, Created Once again I was not able to implement a lobby this week. Creative hypothesis generating can be taught Hypothesis generation is central to knowledge Project for CSE170/COGS120 with Professor Scott Klemmer, UCSD, Programming Practice in Front-End Development, JavaScript Follow their code on GitHub. The workshop was held Friday, September 21, 2018 on the Georgia Tech campus in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building room 1117-1118 (campus map here).A fetescrhift (celebration book of writing) was also produced and is available from Springer. Narges Mahyar, Weichen Liu, Dangyi Liu, Steven P. Dow, Enabling Crowdsourced ... 2017 Changemakers Day, UC San Diego, CA. 1 Weichen Liu Student at University of California San Diego. For undergraduate students with the P/NP option: A pass (P) grade will be given for an average score of 60 or higher.