(Limit 150 Words), What non-academic advice would you give to your younger self? George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Please provide the Admissions Committee with a brief summary of your activities, academics, employment or other occupations to account for full-time activity (approx. Do not exceed 1500 characters (about 250 words). What are your career plans in the event that you are not admitted to a medical school this year or after several applications? If you are a recent graduate, please tell us what you have been doing since graduation. (750 words), (Suggested reading: How to Get Into Tulane Medical School), Briefly describe the reasons for your interest in Tulane University School of Medicine:(150 Words), Tulane University School of Medicine’s mission statement states: We improve human health and foster healthy communities through discovery and translation of the best science into clinical practice and education; to deliver the highest quality patient care and prepare the next generation of distinguished clinical and scientific leaders. How did you respond to this challenge? Is there any particular area or specialty that appeals to you? To submit a video of your response, please upload the video to YouTube as either Public or Unlisted. For Repeat Applicants Only: Since your last application, note any relevant academic, employment, and personal experiences that enhance your ability to be a better physician. We suggest that you limit your text to about 200 words. Examples of differences may be cultural, racial, religious, economic, gender/sexual orientation, lifestyle. The UCLA medical school requirements call for 10 different secondary essay prompts, probing students to explore their interests, volunteer experience, significant achievements, and hardships. Chose “other” for certificates/licenses not listed and explain this selection on the question that follows. Please also include all relevant volunteer or other experience with service-oriented groups. Why did that experience have such meaning for you in your decision-making process? The following questions have a 1,500 character limit: Briefly describe your most important exposure to clinical medicine. (2000 characters), What do you think you will like best about being a physician? Please select the experience that you feel has been the most meaningful in influencing your desire to pursue a career in medicine, explain why, and also describe what aspect of that experience best equips you to make an impact in the medical profession. Scribe, etc.) Boston Medical Center is the largest safety net hospital in New England, serving primarily people who are publicly insured, people of color, immigrants, and low-income people in the Greater Boston Area. Give an example of how you made a difference in someone’s life and explain what this experience taught you about yourself. (2000 characters), Is becoming a physician a second career for you? This may include a summary of physician shadowing, clinical observation, community service, volunteer work, and/or employment. Discuss a specific experience from your life that you feel demonstrates your level of competence in one of the above domains. Please describe the impact the experience had on you. Optional, ACT/SAT Scores (if any): Please enter your ACT and SAT scores if you have taken these exams. If necessary, update the information contained in your AMCAS application. What was challenging? Required fields are marked with an asterisk.*. Note: This space is provided for new information only, not to promote qualifications already highlighted in your other materials. This is a series of yes or no questions. Question 4 – Please describe your path through the OHSU UME Admissions Recommended Premedical Competencies, with special attention to experiences that are not reflected in your transcript. (100 Characters). If none, please enter N/A. If applicable, please comment on any science grade(s) listed on your application for which you received grades lower than a B. (250 words). (2000 char), University of Florida College of Medicine, If you are not a full-time student during this application cycle, in particular at any time between September 2018 and May 2019, please detail your current and planned activities below (250-500 words). The Charles R. Drew/UCLA Medical Education Program provides training in the scholarly and humane aspects of medicine and fosters the development of leaders who will advance medical practice and knowledge in underserved areas in the United States and abroad. If yes, please provide detailed information. We suggest that you limit your essay to about 550 words. (1000 characters), If applicable, describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your application to and/or preparation for medical school. There were no essay prompts in the secondary application for the 2020-2021 cycle. Address the benefits and challenges of life in your specified community. University of California – Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine (Suggested reading: How to Get Into UCLA Medical School , which contains sample responses for each UCLA secondary prompt) Describe your involvement in the one most important non-academic activity in your life. Please describe your personal characteristics or experiences that would add to the educational environment for your classmates. (Please limit your response to 500 words or less. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at UCLA, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. 800 char, What has been the one most important volunteer work you have done and why was it meaningful? Describe one and give number of hours, dates and advisor. If yes, Describe in chronological order your activities during the time(s) when you were not enrolled as a full-time student. (Persistence/Grit), Please discuss any part of your application that you feel requires further explanation. (200 words), New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine, 1. What have you gained from your failed experiences and how does this translate in your current way of thinking? Include a description of your coping skills and lessons you learned about yourself from that situation. If you did not submit an advisor or committee letter, please tell us why. (200 words or less), Essay 2: Describe a non-academic challenge you have faced and explain how you overcame it. chemistry, biology, organic chemistry, physics and mathematics). I was previously enrolled in medical school. If yes, provide appropriate explanation(s), including the date(s) of conviction, case number(s), and the jurisdictional court(s) involved. For REAPPLICANTS: Please also address steps taken to improve your application for medical school. What did you learn from this as it relates to becoming a physician? 800 char, What has been the one most unique leadership, entrepreneurial or creative activity in which you participated? (Limit: 350 words). (400 words), Please explain any disruptions to your medical school application this cycle that the admissions committee should consider, as it relates to COVID-19 (Examples include: academics, volunteer/clinical experiences, personal life, etc.) Northwestern University The Feinberg School of Medicine. Connect this to how you will contribute to the diversity of the UMMS community. Thank you! Many applicants will not need to answer this question. (Max. Where do you want to serve or practice medicine? Describe the single MOST important event or non-academic activity in your life and explain why it’s significant. Urban Track (only if you select this optional track):Please answer each of the questions below separately. What was your role? Optional (1500 characters), The University of South Florida, Morsani College of Medicine strives to educate a very diverse set of students who bring a variety of strengths and interests to the field of medicine. (350 characters), What makes you a unique individual? (250 words maximum), In the medical profession, you will be exposed to students, faculty, colleagues, and patients of various cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds. This is an opportunity for you to discuss or highlight any aspect of your journey to medicine that you may or may not have already presented in your application. Completion of Requirements: Students must complete all premedical requirements before beginning the first year of medical study, although these requirements need not be completed at the time application for admission is filed. Midwestern University Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. Topics to be included are family, childhood, primary and secondary school years, undergraduate years, and, if applicable, what you’ve done since completing your bachelor’s degree. How do you see it linked to your role as a physician/leader? What are your thoughts and impressions about serving as a uniformed medical corps officer, and why do you want to pursue this career path? is it appropriate to describe each of my projects and my role on each? The OSU COM Admissions vision statement states that the admissions committee will assemble a class that displays “diversity in background and thought”. Examples of issues that a candidate might address include, but are by no means limited to, such topics as: If there have been breaks in your school attendance since high school, or if you ever carried less than a full-time course load in college, or if you took more than four years to finish college, what did you choose to do with the time and why? REQUIRED ESSAYS only for those applying to the Primary Care Track: Describe past experiences that have shaped your decision to choose a Family Medicine specific accelerated training track. Please describe how your background and/or experiences would contribute to the UNC SOM community? why you see yourself here at the Wake Forest School of Medicine. (Maximum of 500 characters), How do you see yourself practicing medicine after residency training? How did you confront the failure and what did you learn from it? You should also discuss the motivational factors which led you to a career in medicine including any disadvantages or obstacles which might put your accomplishments into context. How will the University of Connecticut School of Medicine best serve your needs of becoming a physician or physician scientist? If none, please enter N/A. 7. (300 word limit), University of Texas McGovern Medical School at Houston, A challenging situation or obstacle you have faced in the past, Any academic road bumps in your academic career (low academic performance, failing courses, dropping/retaking of courses). Describe one and give number of hours, dates and advisor. (3000 characters), (Suggested reading: Medical Schools in South Carolina: How to Get In), Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine, What are your medical practice goals? Limit your response to 250 words or less. But when discussing the nature of the physician/patient relationship he says the following, “The act specific to medicine, that which makes it medicine and thereby distinguishes it from both science and art, is the decision about what is right and good for a particular patient now, with this set of needs, arising out of this particular illness…It is the practical decision, taken in the best interest of a particular person, not in the interest of new knowledge, of society or of the physician.” We work to teach our students not only the scientific principles of medicine, but also the core values of medicine, often called “professionalism”. Do not repeat the content from your AMCAS or Colorado Secondary Application essays. University of Kentucky College of Medicine. If you were to describe the UA College of Medicine – Phoenix to someone else, what would you share with them? This competency involves the ability to tolerate stressful or changing environments or situations and adapt effectively to them. What qualities and skills did the job help you develop and strengthen? If not, please enter N/A. If so, explain in 1,000 characters or less. Please tell us about your favorite recreational/leisure activities (300 words or less). If you have completed your undergraduate education, please comment on what you have done or have been doing since graduation. If you wish to inform the Committee as to how these events have affected you and have not already done so elsewhere in your application, please use this space to do so. Each response should be 150-200 words. Write a short paragraph describing a significant experience you have had working in a team setting. What three professional qualities do you believe a Student Doctor must demonstrate and describe how you will demonstrate these qualities as a medical student at VCOM? What experiences have led you to this goal? How will it influence your time at UNE COM and your practice of medicine? (1000 characters), What do you hope to gain from your Rush Medical College experience that will make you a better/different physician? In which size community do you think you would like to practice? For Combined MD/PhD Program Applicants: Do you also want to be considered as an “MD-only” applicant? ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. (500 Characters), Briefly describe any effect the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has had on your application (i.e. What risks, if any, might be associated with your choice to be an advocate? Please explain your reasons for applying to the Perelman School of Medicine and limit your response to 1,000 characters. As students make connections with and get to know their patients, they begin to experience the joy in medical practice. Please provide below any additional information you believe is important in evaluating your application (e.g. (1500 Characters). (Leadership competency), Describe a time when you were on a team that was dysfunctional in some regard. UCLA needs to show major improvement from its secondary in 2020 in what will be most likely a make-or-break season for defensive coordinator Jerry Azzinaro. (2000 characters), How will your unique attributes (e.g., cultural or socioeconomic background, lifestyle, work experiences) add to the overall diversity of the Alpert Medical School community? Tell us about a time in recent years that you experienced wonder in your everyday life. No Secondary Essay prompts for this cycle. Optional: The Admissions Committee values hearing about each candidate for admission, including what qualities the candidate might bring to the School of Medicine if admitted. Which NYITCOM campus/site are you interested in attending? Please discuss any additional information you feel may help us in our review of your candidacy: Please elaborate on any academic challenges (including MCAT), institutional actions, and/or personal difficulties not thoroughly addressed anywhere else in your application: Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. How does your background and/or experiences align with UTRGV SOM Mission? (500-1000 characters, leave a blank line between paragraphs), Required for College Program: Teaching Essay: When were you challenged to teach, coach, or mentor others to learn a new skill or improve an old one? Everyone has their own narrative. Knowing what you know now, would you do anything differently? Consider the following in your response: What aspect makes you most proud? As completely and precisely as possible, give a picture of yourself, your family, and events you consider important to you. Health is Primary” is a communications campaign to advocate for the values of family medicine, demonstrate the benefits of primary care, and engage patients in our healthcare system. (800 characters) Essay 3) What has been the one most important volunteer work you … ), University of Missouri – Columbia School of Medicine, Additional Information Essay. You may also use this section to include information about your family, hobbies, and travels, personal interests, interests in the UCF COM, or relationship to Florida, that have not already been discussed in your AMCAS application. What experiences or activities have prepared you to work with medically underserved communities? financial difficulties, illness, educational disadvantage). Explain in detail an experience in which you collaborated, worked or were exposed to diverse backgrounds different from your own. Minimum 100 Words, Describe a non-academic personal/professional challenge or conflict that you have experienced. Include how you dealt with it and how it influenced your growth. What was it about the experience that made it meaningful? (Y/N), Please describe how you have served your community (school, neighborhood, city, etc.) (Experience does not need to be related to patient care, if none, please write none) (1600 char), As a community Florida Atlantic University Schmidt College of Medicine has made a commitment to be anti-racist and address systemic racism in education and healthcare (http://med.fau.edu/home/diversity/index.php). Chose “none of the above” if you have not earned a medically related certificate(s)/license(s). Please limit your answer to 300 words or less, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, “At the University of Chicago, in an atmosphere of interdisciplinary scholarship and discovery, the Pritzker School of Medicine is dedicated to inspiring diverse students of exceptional promise to become leaders and innovators in science and medicine for the betterment of humanity.”. For non-Utah residents: “Explain why you chose to apply to the University of Utah School of Medicine. (900-1500), Please describe a challenging life experience and how you dealt with it. Examples may include unexplained gaps in time, multiple undergraduate institutions attended, multiple course withdrawals, inconsistent academic performance, inconsistency between academic performance and MCAT scores. Explain your interest in graduate studies and your long-range professional plan. Have you ever been subjected to disciplinary action by any college or university? (Required), Please provide a cell phone number at which you can be contacted in reference to your application. ), you must describe your ties to Arkansas in a letter to be uploaded using the Upload Documents section of this application. Have you previously applied to any of PCOM’s academic programs at any of our locations? (You will have an opportunity to specifically discuss impacts to your coursework/grades in a separate item.) For example, if you are not currently completing a degree, please share your planned or current activities for this application cycle. Discuss any impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on your academic, service, extracurricular, or employment experiences. Be sure to include important experiences that are in your AMCAS application, as well as any recent experiences. Possible topics might include, for example, your biggest lessons and insights from the pandemic; creative ways in which you were able to serve your community during the crisis; or hardships you may have faced as a result of the virus or quarantine. Inherent human dignity is an essential dimension of Jesuit education at SSOM. University of Illinois College of Medicine. (optional, 75), Have you ever been charged, convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (no contest) to any infractions, misdemeanors or felonies, or do you currently have any pending legal actions related to such violations? Short answer questions: The following questions allow the Admissions Committee to become acquainted with you as an individual. They also have the chance to consider ways that the forces mentioned above can rob a physician of that joy. We respect diversity of thought, ideas and more. Describe a situation in which you found it challenging to remain respectful while facing differences? To ensure applicants have plenty of opportunity to share their unique stories and to enhance our holistic review as we shift to virtual interviews, we have also added two additional questions. Also use this section to explain any impact that COVID-19 may have had on your educational/research/volunteering or employment plans (2,000 characters). Please describe how you have demonstrated resilience and adaptability. (OPTIONAL) If you are a re-applicant to JABSOM, please complete the following additional essay. Describe an example where you contributed to the diversity of a group, team or class. Use the examples below as a guideline to help you create your own unique responses. Please write about the “fit” between your experiences and goals and the University of Colorado School of Medicine. If you are a reapplicant: “Explain what you have done to strengthen your application. (150 words), University of Connecticut School of Medicine, (Suggested reading: How to Get into UConn Medical School). If you are a non-resident applicant, do you have any special or significant ties to the state of MN? Please respond to each essay below in under 300 words: How will you contribute to the mission and vision of the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine? (Yes/No), Have you participated in any special programs offered by a medical school to help prepare yourself for medical school and a career in medicine? I will have a Baccalaureate Degree by the time I matriculate into medical school. Why should AZCOM accept you into this year’s class? Describe the type of urban community health project that would be of greatest interest to you. How do you feel your particular experiences, interests, and passions will add to the strength and diversity of the USF class and ultimately to the field of medicine? Possible topics might include, for example: your biggest lessons and insights from the pandemic; creative ways in which you were able to serve your community during the crisis; hardships you may have faced as a result of the virus or quarantine. David Geffen School of Medicine (UCLA) 2020-21 secondary application essay questions. You may address any topic that you want the admissions committee to consider. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at UCLA. Describe your health care experiences that involved direct exposure to physicians’ clinical duties and how they have shaped your desire to apply to medical school. Items to consider: connection(s) to Phoenix and/or our medical community, your plan during this application season, gap(s) in your education, personal and/or academic challenges. Optional: Please describe any significant barriers or challenges you may have overcome in the pursuit of your personal/professional goals. Share any disruptions in your academic/volunteer/work/personal life related to COVID-19 that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider. Please describe your experiences with intentionally expanding your cultural awareness in an effort to promote acceptance, respect, and inclusivity. (1000 characters), Describe a challenging situation in which you did not agree with a directive/rule and how you handled this. Are empathy and sympathy the same? prompt. If you have spent more than 4 years as an undergraduate, please explain below (1,400 characters). The College of Medicine offers a combined MD/PhD degree program. West Virginia University School of Medicine. You will have the opportunity below to tell us how you wish to be addressed, recognized and treated. Keep the answer to 1500 characters. (Required), Please address any institutional action, including honor code or conduct code violations, from your time as an undergraduate and graduate student. [OPTIONAL] Describe your most meaningful involvement in STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS. Then select three of the other six prompts. (200 words or less), Essay 5: Please tell us an interesting fact about yourself that a casual acquaintance may find surprising or interesting. You may use this space to reflect upon your experiences during this time period. (100 Characters). Additionally, you should discuss the length of time that you’ve spent working in these communities. Is there any hardship to which you would like the committee to give special attention in evaluating your application? (Limit response to 500 words.). What did you do? Complete the MD/PhD program application form on the website and use the Upload Documents section to include this document with your application. A major challenge for all physicians to provide the best medical care are Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). Indicate grades earned, alterations in your proposed course work or graduation time, additions to your extracurricular activities, or other pertinent information. since receiving your undergraduate degree. (100 Characters). Have you applied to SSOM prior to this application? If not applicable, please so indicate. What would be your strongest attribute as a SOMA student? How have you prepared for this commitment? If no, enter n/a. Provide an example and describe how it will impact your career in the medical profession. This essay should be different from your AMCAS Personal Statement. Why do you believe AZCOM would provide you with the type of osteopathic medical education you are seeking? What did you learn from that experience? or D.O., please list the name of the school and explain the reason for separation. Explain how you plan to sustain your efforts to advocate for current social justice issues as a medical student and as a physician. We are proud to already have a medical school rich in cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity. If you have applied to Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine in a previous cycle, please indicate the year(s) of your previous application(s). Which of the following best describes the summer you worked the most hours? The Admissions Committee encourages you to share life experiences that you may have had and/or important factors in your background that illustrate your readiness for practicing medicine in a multicultural society. These may include experiences such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, cultural background, or other significant events or circumstances that you feel have shaped your character and defined you as an individual. Given the disruptions caused by the pandemic, some universities issued P/F grades for Spring Semester 2020. (200 words or less), Essay 3: From your list of “most meaningful experiences” on the AMCAS application, choose one that has been the most formative in terms of your desire for a career in medicine. The unique HST pre-clinical curriculum prepares students well for the HMS clinical education while also emphasizing disease mechanisms and preparing students to solve critical unmet needs in medicine and healthcare (ranging from novel diagnostics and therapeutics to applications of ‘big data’ and systems engineering). If high school or less, please write “high school or less.”, Please tell us the year Parent/Guardian # 2 received their highest academic degree and the name of that degree. In this section we give you the opportunity to describe in detail the 3 extracurricular activities or experiences that have been most influential in leading you to a career in medicine. (400 words), Please provide below an alternate e-mail address (different from the one listed on the Primary AMCAS Application) to which we can send you correspondence related to your application. (500 words), Write a brief autobiography. Whatever our answers to these questions, those answers will have an impact on what we think it means to be a healthy human. If you had paid employment during the summers after matriculating (entering) college, how many summers did you work? Please discuss what you perceive may have been some realities that others may have experienced. (300 words), Describe a time when you were faced with a significant life crisis, a personal struggle, or an academic or professional failure. UCLA tends to be one of the more frustrating schools given the small waves of secondaries, II, and acceptances they release at one time, so be patient! You may include anything in this essay that you feel is relevant. (400 words), Describe your understanding of race and its relationship to inequities in health and health care? (Please limit your response to 500 words or less. Students will experience laboratory science in … Describe a major problem you have had to deal with at some time in your life. Focus on how an MCW regional campus educational experience will prepare you for your unique future career in medicine. Describe your understanding of SOMA by answering one of the following questions: a. University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. Please let us know information regarding how you heard about our school, and any factors (programs, people, mission, geography ect.) To diverse backgrounds and experiences related to COVID-19 that could use strengthening Marshall University c.., dropping, retaking, or employment plans ethnicity, race, sexuality, religion, disability, and qualities... 2018 cohort research experience repeat the content from your primary AMCAS application to the diversity of ”! 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