Naraku brainwashed Kohaku, taking his humanity away using a shard of the Shikon no Tama, which was embedded in his back to keep him alive. Debut hanyo no yashahime 44 inuyasha 59 towa higurashi 6 sesshomaru 26. Physical information Kyūki cursed Riku and then died with her skin melting off. She calls herselfBeniyasha(朱夜叉, "Crimson Demon"). White As an infant, Towa was wrapped up in a light blue blanket. I am Higurashi Souta, Towa-Chan's father." POST POSTING . 1 History 2 Personality 3 Physical Description 4 Relationships 5 Quotes 6 Trivia 7 Media Appearances 8 References 9 See Also Moe married Sōta Higurashi, and the two of them had a daughter named Mei. Hiding, Towa and Moroha learned that Towa could absorb demonic energy to reactive the power of her Kikujūmonji. Towa Higurashi (日暮(ひぐらし)とわ, "Higurashi Towa") is the main protagonist and one of the title characters in the anime series Hanyō no Yashahime. Abilities She is voiced by Azusa Tadokoro in the Japanese version and Morgan Berry in the English version. Despite being highly athletic, having grown up in the modern era for most of her life, Towa is the least combat-experienced of the three Half Demon Princesses. inuyasha hanyo no yashahime half demon princess yashahime towa higurashi yashahime yashahime: princess half demon yashahimeprincesshalfdemon sesshomaru hanyou no yashahime: sengoku otogizoushi dragon strike Yashahime sesshomaru higurashi towa yashahime towa towa. inuyasha hanyo no yashahime half demon princess yashahime towa higurashi yashahime yashahime: princess half demon yashahimeprincesshalfdemon sesshomaru hanyou no yashahime: sengoku otogizoushi dragon strike Yashahime sesshomaru higurashi towa yashahime towa towa. The realization that Setsuna lost her ability to sleep or dream only made Towa feel worse. 14[1][2] Towa is extremely protective of her, immediately going to her location after realizing she is crying. Demon Energy AbsorptionDemon Energy Blade Despite deeply loving her newborn daughters, Rin permitted Sesshomaru to take them on the night of their birth to protect them from Kirinmaru. Tōga (paternal grandfather, deceased)Unnamed paternal grandmotherUnnamed maternal grandfather (deceased)Unnamed maternal grandmother (deceased)Unnamed maternal uncles (deceased)Sesshōmaru (biological father)Rin (biological mother)Setsuna (younger twin sister)Moroha (paternal half-cousin)Inuyasha (paternal half-uncle)Kagome Higurashi (half-aunt-in-law)Sōta Higurashi (adopted father, half-uncle-in-law)Moe Higurashi (adopted mother, half-aunt-in-law)Mei Higurashi (adopted sister, half-cousin-in-law)Mama Higurashi (adopted grandmother)Grandpa Higurashi (adopted great-grandfather) Towa Higurashi. —Moe Higurashi setting big expectations for Setsuna[src] Moe Higurashi (日暮(ひぐらし)萌(もえ)) is Sōta's wife and Mei's mother. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Kyūki Riku then introduces himself to Towa as a pirate, saying he doesn’t steal from women, children, or poor people. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Trivia 5 Gallery 6 Navigation This section is a stub. Towa Higurashi Voiced by: Sara Matsumoto (Japanese); Erica Mendez (English) Towa Higurashi (日暮とわ, Higurashi Towa) is Sesshōmaru’s eldest daughter and Setsuna's older twin sister. Mrs. Higurashi Sota Higurashi Grandpa Higurashi Sesshomaru Setsuna Towa Sango Miroku Kin'u Gyokuto Kirara Kohaku Shippo Kikyo Kaede Koga Jaken Ranma Saotome Knownable Relatives. If Towa shares the same day as Inuyasha due to sharing Inu-hanyō blood is still unknown. Moroha, on the other hand, knows of her familial relationship and considers both Towa and Setsuna as her friends. Skin color Towa is a young woman of average height with fair skin. Setsuna is one of the main characters of Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon. Kohaku is one of the supporting characters of the anime/manga series InuYasha and Yashahime: Princess-Half Demon. When Fubuki was killed, and Yotsume was forced to retreat; he flew to Kyūki's mountain hideout, and she stopped him from entering her lair with a barrier. Feeling defeated, Towa managed to use the Sōryūhato defeat Kyūki, returning to her humanoid form. When she awoke, Towa was approached by a man named Sōta Higurashi, who adopted her. Takechiyo told Moroha and Setsuna that Jyūbei believed that of the three of them, Towa was the most reliable and orderly. Through Yotsume, Kyūki spied on Towa Higurashi, Setsuna, and Moroha. Kagome fought from afar with Sacred Bow and Arrows , Towa fights up close in melee with either her fists or a katana. Rin is her biological mother and the one who named her. Towa Higurashi Moroha is her paternal half-cousin. Moe is a kind woman, very passionate … Kagome Higurashi is her half-aunt-in-law. Biographical information Despite being an Inu-hanyō like her uncle Inuyasha, she and Setsuna seem to age at the same rate as humans. According to Moe, Towa has always been the center of chaos. Read hot and popular stories about towa on Wattpad. Kyūki went to see Kirinmaru to tell him about Tokōtsu's death at the hands of Sesshomaru's daughters before assuring him that she will deal with them. It’s most likley in the scene where Towa is captured, and I am posting the translation here in 3. Human Form: In her human form, she is with white skin and purple stripes underneath her green eyes, forearms and shins, long wavy purple hair with part of it tied back, green eyes, pointed ears, a pair of small horns on her forehead, red fingernails and toenails, and a pair of white-feathered wings on her back. She also refrains from fighting in Mei’s presence, knowing that it will make her sad. Skin color In her dream, she wears feminine clothes consisting of a cream-colored off-shoulder top, a grey long-sleeve shirt partnered with a grey velvet cloth necklace, jeans, and sandals. Towa's name, like that of her sister Setsuna, is homophonous with a time word, "Eternity." 259 notes. The uniform consists of a light grey dress shirt with a red ribbon underneath a white suit with purple accents. Takechiyo enjoys the gummies that Towa gives him. We continue with the beautiful Towa Higurashi <3 Some facts! Skills information Similar Posts. Towa Higurashi Japanese laws and the legality of people's actions has never been an important - or even existent - part of Inuyasha-verse. It was said that he was the most feared weapon of the Inu no Taisho's army, so feared by his father that it was said he was exiled for killing his mother. Riku is also aware that Towa is Sesshōmaru’s daughter, implying his interest and recognition in Towa. Nevertheless, when she thought the latter would hurt the former, Towa did not hesitate to point her sword towards Setsuna to protect Mei. Towa is her paternal half-cousin and adoptive older sister. Higurashi family According to Rumiko Takahashi in a. Name meaning Great news! Towa Higurashi and Setsuna are Sesshomaru’s twin daughters and Moroha is Inuyasha and Kagome’s daughter. It was said that he was the most feared weapon of the Inu no Taisho's army, so feared by his father that it was said he was exiled for killing his mother. He was resurrected by Naraku after he killed his father by possessed by web. She is now determined to help cure Setsuna of her condition to redeem herself and be willing to leave the modern era's safety. Hence she recovers the bike seat from Kagome's long-lost bike and refuses to leave behind her history textbook. Much of this attitude appears to be due to Sōta's influence, whom she promised to not reveal her powers. Passed down from her father. ... Higurashi Towa & Rin & Sesshoumaru (InuYasha) & Setsuna (Hanyou no Yashahime) (19) Higurashi Kagome/InuYasha (18) Higurashi Towa & Setsuna (12) In Episode 12, it was implied all hanyōs share the same date for their human transformation, the new moon night. She thus seeks to defeat evil without doing harm to humans. As a teenager, Towa prefers to wear a male school uniform as she finds it more comfortable to fight in them. Towa HigurashiPrincess Half Demon (Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo) Female 日暮(ひぐらし)とわ Sesshomaru dwells in his many thoughts about how he became a father without his wife, the girls' mother, by his side. Sota Higurashi (日暮草太, Higurashi Sōta) is Kagome's younger brother, with whom she has a typical brother-sister relationship. InuYasha Anime This shows that despite Towa not fitting in well in the Modern Era, she considers it her home, as she also promised Mei that she (alongside Setsuna and Moroha) would return. She is also good at handling children because it reminds her of her adopted sister Mei Higurashi and she smiles a lot than before. Towa has a good relationship with her adoptive mother. She was able to land a critical blow to Mistress Three-Eyes, whose strength was increased by two Rainbow Pearls, a feat neither Setsuna nor Moroha could accomplish. Hair color towa higurashi yashahime mei higurashi she knows she doesn’t fit in with the modern era ... ☆ Little Towa and Setsuna ... Like father, like daughter ♥ 1652 notes. This could allude to the fact that both sisters travel through time. She even gave an example of what her adoptive father would've been doing as a reference to Hisui's current dilemma, only to get an odd look. inuyasha hanyo no yashahime half demon princess yashahime towa higurashi yashahime yashahime: princess half demon yashahimeprincesshalfdemon sesshomaru hanyou no yashahime: sengoku otogizoushi dragon strike Yashahime sesshomaru higurashi towa yashahime towa towa. Her hair reverts to its usual color and original length when the moonless nights come to an end, and her eyes regain their magenta coloring. Sōta Higurashi is her adoptive father and half-uncle-in-law, who found her shortly after being transported to the modern era as a child. Riku even stated that Towa inherited The Azure Dragon Wave from Sesshōmaru. He looks up to Inuyasha as an older brother figure. Affiliation Magenta (Half-demon)Brown (Human) Species She said crisply, and Souta bristled and struggled to keep his tone polite. Yashahime Feels Like a Story About Its Heroines' Identities - … Riku initially mistakes Towa as a samurai but later addresses Towa as “hime-sama” meaning princess. Like her mother when she was a child, Towa seems to have a lively personality, more energetic, and playable. Higurashi Towa & Setsuna; Higurashi Towa & Sesshomaru; Higurashi Towa & Kagura; Higurashi Towa; Setsuna (Hanyou no Yashahime) Sesshoumaru (InuYasha) Kagura (InuYasha) Kagura is the mother; Summary. Demon Form: In her demon form, she took the appearance of the white saber-tooth cat with multiple horns on her legs, paws, heads and a pair of wings. Setsuna and Moroha are annoyed several times by Towa's soft-heartedness, believing it will put them in danger. Even after living in modern Tokyo for ten years, Towa still remembers her sister fondly. Yotsume responded that he was busy gathering the bones needed to revive his father, so Kyūki told him to inform Jakotsumaru about the trio. Discover more posts about towa higurashi. Towa appears to be on good terms with her, although she would sometimes be annoyed at Moroha's recklessness and lack of manners. Much like her paternal half-uncle, Towa exhibits some dog-like behaviors, such as shaking her body free of water after a battle against the demon pond and venom serpent. Unlike her aunt Kagome, Towa is aware of the danger of having future knowledge in the past could bring. Inu-hanyō Nihongo This information contradicts the original manga as it was established all hanyōs have different transformation days. Kyūki lamented that with four rainbow pearls she have more demon energy than Kirinmaru. Team She is voiced by Mikako Komatsu in the Japanese version and Kira Buckland in the English version. Eternity (possibly) Voice Actors History. 5'2" (158) Biographical information 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Powers and Abilities 5 Trivia 6 Gallery 7 Navigation She had black hair from her mother and father, while he is in his human … She is very protective and caring toward her adoptive family, especially Mei, whom she sees as a substitute for Setsuna. Towa hopes for gestures of affection from her sister by cuddling up to her or doing something similar. Towa immediately recognizes Setsuna’s scent and protects her from Mistress Three-Eyes; her anger towards the demon for hurting her younger sister causes Towa to manifest her powers the first time. Weapons Weakened, Kyūki was confronted by Riku, who mocked her for losing. Japanese Seiyū However, she has no interest in conforming to those standards, keeping her androgynous fashion style (though she claims this is because men's clothing is more practical for fighting), and never backing down from a fight. Towa’s Life in Modern Era However, Setsuna angrily rejects any of these attempts and states that she and Towa are not close. Loyalty Eye color —Towa Higurashi[src] Towa Higurashi (日暮(ひぐらし)とわ) is the main protagonist and one of the title characters in the anime series Hanyō no Yashahime. Towa also considers something very minor, like the core of an apple from the future, to be dangerous if left unrecovered, due to the fact that it's not a natural apple and had been treated with Modern chemicals. Kyūki yelled at Yotusme for leading the half demon princesses to her. Especially, Towa demonic power loses and transform to human during in new moon phase as Moroha taking care of her as well as showing worry whenever a twin is in danger. Physical informationūki?oldid=111043. The principal blinked again and cleared her throat, looking between he and little Towa with a glint in her eye he didn't appreciate. She has a golden infinity hair accessory that covers the back and both sides of her head. Sōta Higurashi. She recognized Moroha as the one who killed Tōkotsu, and asked Yotsume what Jakotsumaru was up to. 1… Danjo: ”I’m Shogun’s deputy, OgigayatsuHiiragi Danjo.” They meet up with Moroha, who arrives to claim a bounty for Jakotsumaru's Status The two of them love each other very much. Towa loves her younger sister dearly, willing to risk her life in the forest fire to find Setsuna. She has short white hair with a streak of red in one of her bangs and magenta eyes. Despite this, Towa is still shown to be a powerful half-demon in her own right. Moroha is one of the main characters of Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon. Sesshomaru (father) Towa Higurashi (twin sister) Inuyasha (paternal half-uncle) Kagome Higurashi (half-aunt-in-law) Moroha (half-cousin) Rin (Mother comfirmd in the preview episode 15, Yashahime) Sōta Higurashi (adopted father, half-uncle-in-law) Mei Higurashi (adopted sister, half-cousin-in-law) Tōga (paternal grandfather, deceased) Silver (Half-demon)Black (Human) If I succeed, I'll possess more demon energy than Master Kirinmaru. Kyūki wears a sleeveless red kimono with orange animal-like stripes, a purple hadajuban undershirt, a purple beaded necklace with a bell at the center, jagged gray sode shoulder pads with golden rings round the end and matching kusazuri waist pads, a golden bracelet on her left wrist, a purple obi sash, and a large white sash down the center of her legs with black jagged stripes at the end. The half demon princesses entered Kyūki's lair to confront her, but it was soon revealed that Kyūki's rainbow peal had sealed Moroha and Towa's demonic energy, leaving Setsuna as the only one to fight her. Maybe after meeting Setsuna, her aura has changed, and she was very protective of her, not even minding her attitude just to ask if she was okay. During her memory of keeping a promise to Sōta, Towa was seen wearing a light blue top with a white collar. Toa Yukinari Sesshōmaru apparently left them to fend for themselves as a rite of passage because neither Towa and Setsuna know who their father is. A fellow Demon Slayer who works with her sister, Setsuna. Towa wanted to save the monk Juan when he was possessed by the cat yokai while Setsuna and Moroha tried to kill him. The principal blinked again and cleared her throat, looking between he and little Towa with a glint in her eye he didn't appreciate. Japanese Seiyū Towa attacked Kyūki, and stabbed into the rainbow pearl, but Kyūki easily knocked her away and grabbed her sword. A tanuki who serves Jyūbei, he acts as a form of transport for Moroha and, at times, for Setsuna and Towa. Towa and Setsuna hugging a stuffed toy cat. There's no confusion. Find the hottest towa stories you'll love. Back in the feudal era, Towa and Setsuna take on a job to slay a demon Jakotsumaru, a demon boy who is stealing the bones of humans and animals. Stomachache for drinking dirty water Bow and Arrows, Towa can fight evenly the... Are half-human the back and both sides of her, immediately going her. Grows weak and with unsuitable heirs left to rule it is time to summon his son. At Yotusme for leading the half Demon princesses to her humanoid form attacked Kyūki, and playable half-cousin... After finding she can absorb yōki recovers the bike seat from Kagome 's niece Towa as hime-sama. 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