Red Nunchuck Ban has a skill that can inflict a great amount of damage to all enemies affected by debuff effects. Green Rimuru’s abilities can also be found on other superior heroes from higher tier levels. Red Giant Diane - Comparing similar skills to that of the high rated heroes (ex. Global Release Date March 3, 2020. Red Dogedo - Used as a sub to increase the defense-related stats of Strength attribute allies by 30%. Attack. Understandably, Red Howzer is a top priority to build because of his ability to quickly boost a player’s progression. Blue Weinheidt - A F2P friendly hero for farming teams, Blue Weinheidt’s unique ability gradually increases all allies' pierce rate at the end of every turn up to a maximum of 40% pierce rate bonus. Blue Marmas further increases the survivability of mono-blue teams. One of Blue Giant Diane’s skills has a Rupture effect which inflicts great damage on buffed enemies, making it effective against enemies who have buff skills. Blue Gilthunder - Used as a sub to increase Speed attribute allies' Defense by 60%. Red Vivian - An alternative damage dealer for Demonic Beast Howlex. However, his usage is only limited to this situation. Global Release Date March 3, 2020. His taunt skill isn’t as impactful as the other taunt skills and he still struggles to find a good tandem to match his skill set. Red Taizoo - Although Red Taizoo’s skills do not imply any weight in battle, his unique skill can help a little in reducing the damage received from enemies. Please follow our Twitter account @sds_gcdatabase for faster update on news and information, as well as site announcements updates. Tier S contains the best heroes, while tier F contains the weakest heroes in 7DS. Thanks For Watching!9 months later and we are here for the last Tier list update of the year. Grand summoners is an RPG action battling game with a touch of fantasy. As a player progresses further, she can still be used as an association hero for numerous heroes like Elizabeth, Meliodas, and King. Damage inflicted will be effective against all Attributes. Blue Lillia does a better job at that plus she also heals and removes debuffs. Dynasty Scrolls has an option to redeem codes for in … Heroes with a niche purpose or at least used as a sub: Green Allioni - Used as a sub to increase HP attribute allies’ attack-related stats by 10%. Green Cain - Used as a sub to increase all allies' Attack-related stats by 10% in Death Match. Red Elizabeth - Red Elizabeth is an excellent sub for newer players as they progress through the main quests. Green Helbram - Generally used in Gray Demon and Demonic Beast Howlex, Green Helbram provides the best offensive boost to allies, increasing their attack-related stats by a maximum of 30% for 2 turns. You have to battle against the opponents and their bosses. Food. She’s an adequate support hero, up to a certain extent depending on a player’s PVP tier level. Food: Milk Caviar Canape, Raisins with Sugar. A novel approach to combat! Tier List. After the global release of The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross, most of the new players are start searching for a tier list for The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross. Skills: – Elegant Blow: Inflicts damage equal to 240%/300%/500% of Attack on one enemy. Defense. Ultimate:– Punishment: Inflicts damage equal to 840 / 924 / 1008 / 1092 / 1176 / 1260% of Attack on one enemy. r/AnotherEdenGlobal. Blue Princess Elizabeth - Currently, the other versions of Elizabeth provide better support for her allies. Moreover, she has a skill that depletes an ultimate move gauge orb and creates a protective barrier around all allies, making her useful in all battles. Red Gowther - Hailed as the best support, Red Gowther has the lone ability to increase the skill rank of his allies. Disables Recovery Skills for 1/2/2 turns. Red Simon - Red Simon is purposely used as a sub to increase all allies' damage dealt by 15% in PvP. However, Blue Arden has to be in the field to make it work. Global Release Date March 3, 2020. – Triple Avatar: Inflicts Charge damage equal to 130/195/325% of Attack on all enemies. This is a tier list for characters in the global version of The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Crossing. 24 March 2020. Her unique ability is what made her a perfect hero for speed runs, allowing her to get her ultimate ready just before the boss shows up. This is hero tier list for the global version of Dynasty Scrolls. Red Griamore - Prevalent in the current PVP meta, Red Griamore further increases all allies’ HP-related stats by 15% in PvP. The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Tier List gives you a rough idea regarding the worst and best Heroes in the game. Vegetable Salad. He also becomes a lethal hero even in PVP when paired with heroes that can boost his pierce rate. Red Gilthunder - It is somehow deceptive that this SSR version of Gilthunder is actually worse than his counterparts in terms of ratings. This condition is perfect against Red Demon because the general strategy involves crowd-controlling the demon, not allowing it to charge it’s ultimate move gauge. #sevendeadlysins #grandcross #leonastv ecco qua la tier list di nanatsu no taizai o seven deadly sins grand cross! Blue Merlin - Blue Merlin is seen occasionally in PVP battles as a damage mitigator who decreases the ranks of enemy skills. Since he has the attribute and race advantage, Green King stomps the Gray demon easily. Blue Diane - After the Tensura collaboration event’s Ifrit Death Match, Matrona Diane struggles to find her use in the current meta. If you have got it from the draw, you might be wondering how good he is and how to … Blue Rimuru - Blue Rimiru’s viability has become less significant after the Ifrit Death Match event ended. Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Tier List Heroes that excel in at least one of the general content: Green Nunchuck Ban - A great option for PVE farming teams, Green Nunchuck Ban has a skill which adds lifesteal to a portion of damage dealt and is very good at staying alive. Green Escanor can fill his own ultimate move gauge, remove the enemy buff, and inflict ignite from his skills. (Limit 5 times, applies when entering battle, resets when two of the same race appear), – Red Arthur (SSR): [Camelot’s Sword] New King Arthur, – Blue Demon Meliodas (SSR): [Knight of Wrath] Demon Meliodas, – Red Deideri (SSR): [The Ten Commandments] Derieri of Purity, – Blue King (SSR): [The Grizzly Sin of Sloth] King the Fairy King, – Red King (SSR): [Harlequin] King the Fairy King, – Green Estarossa (SSR): [Elite Demon] Estarossa of Love, – Red Helbram (SSR): [Reincarnation of Revenge] Helbram, – Blue Zeldris (SSR): [The Ten Commandments] Zeldris of Piety, – Green Merlin (SSR): [The Boar Sin of Gluttony] Great Mage Merlin, – Green Rugal (SSR): [KOF ’98] Omega Rugal, – Blue Shiranui Mai (SSR): [KOF ’98] Shiranui Mai, – Green Shin (SSR): [Dungeon Raider] Gamer Shin, – Green Valenti (SSR): [Earthshaker] Weapon Researcher Valenti, – Blue Giant Diane (SSR): [The Serpent Sin of Envy] Holy Knight Diane, – Blue New King Arthur (SSR): [Destined Heir] New King Arthur, – Red Merlin (SSR): [Collector] Great Mage Merlin, – Green Athena (SSR): [KOF ’98] Asamiya Athena, – Green Monspeet (SSR): [Elite Demon] Monspeet of Reticence, – Green Derieri (SSR): [Elite Demon] Derieri of Purity, – Blue Eastin (SSR): [Ruler of Stormy Seas] Noblesse Eastin, – Green Fraudrin (SSR): [The Ten Commandments] Fraudrin of Selflessness, – Blue Galland (SSR): [The Ten Commandments] Galland of Truth, – Green Princess Elizabeth (SSR): [Liones] Princess Elizabeth, – Green Gilthunder (SR): [Chivalrous] Holy Knight Gilthunder, – Red Melascula (SSR): [Elite Demon] Melascula of Faith, – Blue Mikasa (SSR): [Greatest Soldier] Mikasa Ackermann, – Blue Eren (SR): [Cadet Corps] Eren Yeager, – Red Howzer (SSR): [Tempest] Holy Knight Howzer, – King (SSR): [Forest Guardian] King of the Fairy King, – Red Giramore (SR): [Champion] Ranger Griamore, – Elaine (SSR): [Fairy King’s Forest] Guardian Elaine, – [Mad Destroyer] Queen of Explosions Roxy, – [The Ten Commandments] Melascula of Faith, – [Reincarnation of Conviction] Grandmaster Zaratras, – [The Pleiades of the Azure Sky] Holy Knight Arden, – [The Pleiades of the Azure Sky] Holy Knight Deathpierce, – [The Dragon Sin of Wrath] Demon Meliodas, – [The Ten Commandments] Estarossa of Love, – [The Seven Deadly Sins] Captain Meliodas, – [The Ten Commandments] Monspeet of Reticence, – [Beard of the Mountain Cat] Member Allioni, – [Star of the Kingdom] Holy Knight Gilthunder, – [Confirmation] Apprentice Holy Knight Twigo, – [Reincarnation of Obession] Mage Vivian, – [The Seven Deadly Sins] Holy Knight Diane, – [The Pleiades of the Azure Sky] Holy Knight Dogedo, – [The Pleiades of the Azure Sky] Holy Knight Deldry, – [Vaizel Fight Festival] Champion Taizoo. Blue Hendrickson - His skill set can also be found on other superior heroes like Green Nunchuck Ban for lifesteal and Red Demon Meliodas for ignite. Moreover, the scaling of his basic skills is comparably higher than most heroes making him a fearsome opponent in PVP matches. Anyway, you are required to upgrade him to advance in the story missions. Green Hugo - All of his skills do not have any significant use in all battles including his unique abilities. Her niche is to provide both damage mitigation from enemies and damage amplification to her allies. Green Hawk & Elizabeth) in addition to her unique ability which only adds slight value makes Red Giant Diane a bad hero to invest. Her abilities as a whole are lackluster to use in any PVE or PVP content. He is basically used in every content solely because of this overpowered skill. Join. Draw Hero. 15,437 members. Green Meliodas’ “Outburst Counter” when used strategically becomes your go-to move against bosses. However, Green Cain’s and Blue Golgius’ unique abilities are more efficient as you progress further. Moreover, her unique ability isn’t as advantageous as Green Cain’s or Blue Golgius’ ability. Similar to other teambuilding video games, most heroes in The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross are only useful for some specific game modes. Blue Jericho - Used as a sub to increase Speed attribute allies' Attack-related stats by 10%. Ultimate:– Virtual Body Doubles: Inflicts Secret Technique damage equal to 300% of Attack on all enemies. He can also be used in most PVE content, including Boss fights, and Death Matches. He is widely known for his buff, allowing him to increase the basic stats and reinforce his allies. Green Valenti - Contrary to her loli appearance, Green Valenti is the main catalyst of high defense teams. Red Benimaru - His skill set can be good against the Demonic Beast Howlex but we already have farmable heroes like Red Demon Meliodas or even Red Vivian who do a far better job than Red Benimaru. Red Twigo further increases the survivability of mono-red teams. Story Chapter 6. Track the most recent changes to the wiki on this page. (Applies when entering battle). Skills: – Pathetique: Inflicts damage equal to 150/150/250% of Attack on all enemies.– Eroica: Heals HP of all allies equal to 200/240/400% of Attack and removes Debuffs. Additionally, when her freeze skill is ranked up, the next attacker will have their damage amplified. Skills: – Arrow Shot: Inflicts damage equal to 120/120/180% of Attack on all enemies and disables Attack Skills. Blue Slater - Used mainly in Red Demon, Blue Slater’s unique ability increases his crit chance to 300% of its value when the hero attacks an enemy with an empty ultimate move gauge. Let me know what you guys think about it and if you would rank any of the characters differently. Blue Marmas - Used as a sub to increase Speed attribute allies' HP by 30%. Green Gustav - Popularly known as a crowd-control specialist, Green Gustav’s ability to freeze an enemy makes him a must-have for every Red Demon team. 7DS Grand Cross Gowther Guide: Gear Set, Skills, Tier March 3, 2020 March 3, 2020 by Yatin Check out all The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Gowther Characters list – how to build with the best gear set, unique skills, tier info. Blue Ban - Effective damage dealer for Red Demon. Coin Shop. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Blue Gilthunder further increases the survivability of mono-blue teams. 0 vote in January No reviews yet Join Server Vote 0. Both are used by mono-red teams to increase their survivability in battles. Take, for example, Green Cain’s and Blue Golgius unique abilities. GCDatabase provides you with the latest information on the JP/KR version of the mobile game: The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross. What makes her even better is she provides Pierce Rate bonus with her Unique skill, boosting the attackers with Pierce skill effects like Blue Demon Meliodas and Red Howzer. His unique skill, when used strategically well, will allow him to boost his allies’ attack if Red Gowther does not receive any damage during the enemy’s turn. His ultimate skill deals massive AOE damage ignoring enemy resistance, sometimes enough to one-shot enemies with lower base HP. Blue Galland - Still relevant in PVP battles and Red Demon, Blue Galland’s full potential can be realized by pairing him with heroes like Blue Hawk & Elizabeth that can provide an Amplify buff. It is a constant work in progress and there may be units or awakenings missing. Until you get a Blue Lillia, Blue Weindheit’s usage will remain prominent. Moreover, she can be used as an association hero for Gilthunder, Howzer, and Jericho. It is the best game for RPG and fantasy loving players. Unique:– Hellfire: Applies an effect on the hero which increases HP-related stats by 50% at the start of the battle for 3 turns. Green Diane - Mainly used with Green Valenti on the team, Green Diane is the tankiest hero to date. Green Gustav’s unique ability decreases the demon’s Resistance by the value of his Pierce Rate. Ultimate:– Star Link: Inflicts damage equal to 350% of Attack on all enemies, decreases skill ranks, then depletes the Ultimate Move Gauge by the number of skill rank decreases. He has a skill that inflicts pierce damage on all enemies and another skill which inflicts corrosion damage based on HP, making high HP heroes susceptible to his attacks. You have entered an incorrect email address! Unique:– Trickery: Increases all allies’ Attack by 10% at the start of the next turn if the hero doesn’t take damage. Community ran discord servefor Seven Deadly Sins! Grand Cross Global. Applies 2 Ignite effects for 4 turns. Her unique ability may find its niche in the future, though. Blue Demon Meliodas - Effective in both PVE and PVP, Blue Demon Meliodas’ full potential is with teammates that can boost pierce rate stats (Blue Lillia and Blue Weinheidt). He is a great tandem with heroes inflicting Pierce damage like Howzer. Just make sure that you upgrade them all and most importantly, enjoy the game! Green Gowther - Green Gowther’s niche is to decrease all enemies' Defense-related stats by 15% in PVP. Her unique ability allows her to taunt enemies and creates a barrier equal to 300% of defense at the start of the battle. So I made this Global Tier List. Blue Hawk & Elizabeth - One of the best versions of her variant, Blue Hawk & Elizabeth is commonly seen in Amplify-based PVP teams which are still viable to use in this meta. Not the worst heroes but can be omitted to build: Blue Arden - His unique ability directly counters Merlin’s. You can add up to three more players in your team or you can play this with the players all around the world. He can also be used as early-game support to provide an AOE defense decrease, allowing your attackers to burst the enemies easily. ... SDSGC.GG is a Database and Tier List for The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross … Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Database The Boar Hat is open for business! A subreddit dedicated to the mobile game Seven Deadly Sins:Grand Cross, produced by Netmarble. r/SDSGrandCross A subreddit dedicated to the mobile game Seven Deadly Sins:Grand Cross, produced by Netmarble. King is another top-tier character in 7DS Grand Cross Global. A new update has arrived in 7DS Global! Unique:– The Person Who Stands on the Pinnacle: Remove Buffs and Debuffs when the hero’s Ultimate Move Gauge is completely filled, grants Debuff Immunity. There are two Fairy King(s) characters in The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross; one belongs to the HP type and the other one belongs to the Speed type. Red Dreyfus - Used as a sub to increase Strength attribute allies' Defense by 60%. Japan/KR version live June 2019. More Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Game Wiki. This ability can also be executed by Blue Merlin and Blue Gowther. There’s a limited amount of them available on release compared to the Asian ... Dynasty Scrolls Gift Codes. Gear Sets. With all of these, Blue Lillia becomes a favorite in most PVP and PVE teams. Feel free to leave your opinions and suggestions down in the comments section below! (Applies when entering battle). Green Princess Elizabeth - Broadly used as a support hero to sustain and boost ultimate move gauge, Green Princess Elizabeth can be seen in most teams involving Death Matches and Boss Battles. Aside from HP, Defense, and Recovery Rate, the rest of his base stats are mediocre. A strategic combat system utilizing skill synthesis. Red Diane - She can be used in combo with either Red Slater, Blue Merlin, or Blue Gowther as a fun way to crowd-control enemies. Learn how your comment data is processed. Red Twigo - Used as a sub to increase Strength attribute allies' HP by 30%. Green Hawk & Elizabeth will take you through most of your early game progression, as she is effective in both PVP and PVE content. Unique:– The Beauty of Differences: Increases allies’ Attack-related stats by 7% at the start of every turn if allies in battle are all from different races. Red Deldry - An uncommon hero for PVP but has a niche purpose that applies Taunt on an ally and increases their HP-related stats. Grand Cross Tier List. Combined Attack: with King– Holy Ballista: Inflicts damage equal to 400% of Attack on all enemies and depletes 5 Ultimate Move Gauge orbs. Red Nunchuck Ban - An alternative damage dealer for Red Demon and Demonic Beast Howlex. 7DS Grand Cross Secret Box Code – Full List. Read on for The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross King the Fairy King overview. Blue Griamore - Blue Griamore’s skill and unique abilities are overshadowed by most of the heroes. Panicked from all the banners. Green Meliodas - Perhaps the most impactful hero to have in the story missions. She was the main attacker during Season 1 Knighthood Boss Kelak but isn’t widely used anymore for Knighthood Boss Einek. He is popularly utilized in Boss Matches for 2-turn or 3-turn runs. Related Communities. Red Howzer - With two of his basic attacks being AoE, Red Howzer is the go-to hero in most PVE content making him a major component of speed run teams. Too broke to care. All units who receive a significant improvement with their true weapon are rated assuming it is equipped. Updated as of the 2nd of June 2020. Blue Milim - Similar to Blue Arthur, Blue Milim’s skill set struggles to find its niche in any content. Skills: – Halloween Darkness: Inflicts damage equal to 120/120/180% of Attack on all enemies. – Charge and Fire: Inflicts damage equal to 150/150/250% of Attack on all enemies. 55.6k. While forming a definitive tier list for the game is pretty difficult at the moment, since we don’t know whether there will be any changes to the global version, we do have a good idea of which characters are strong and useful in the long run. However, Red Merlin struggles to find her niche outside Red Demon. An alternative hero with similar use is Red Merlin who also has a freeze skill. Green Deathpierce - Used as a sub to decrease enemies' crit resistance and crit defense by 30%. A subreddit dedicated to the mobile game Seven Deadly Sins:Grand Cross, produced by Netmarble. Don’t forget to check our 7DS Grand Cross Tier List. Red Guila - Red Guila specializes in removing Buffs and Stances to a single target but only a few heroes heavily rely on that skill to win battles. When the Hell difficulty becomes available, he will be the main go-to hero for Red Demon replacing Red Hawk & Elizabeth as the primary option. Green Ban - A downgrade version of Green Nunchuck Ban and only hits a single target to lifesteal. There are 5 secret box codes to celebrate the release of Oslo & Hawk, and you can redeem them until 12/28/2020 10:59 PM PST, before the maintenance, so here … ... Grand Cross, produced by Netmarble. Unique: – Rebate: Increases skill ranks of the hero if the hero receives critical damage on the enemies’ turn. Grand summoners is a 2D game. Red Helbram - Blue King’s best friend and tandem in PVP battle, Red Helbram teams have always been effective in the PVP meta. The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross brings the turn-based strategy sensation out of east Asia and to a global audience for the first time! Red Ban - Red Ban can find his use for the Hendrickson stage to deplete the boss’s ultimate move gauge whenever it fills up. Join ranks and roles, team rating, tier lists, integrate your knighthood here! You will be forced to upgrade him anyway as part of the story quest, but beyond that would be unnecessary since heroes like Green Merlin can do a better job overall. Blue Jericho adds more burst damage for mono-blue teams. There are several good characters in the game, but by no means the best characters have to be SSR. Blue Demon Meliodas is in most end-game player’s free-stage and boss farming teams. Heal. Red Vivian has a skill that inflicts ignite and disables enemies' ultimate moves, making her effective at disrupting the enemies' most powerful skills. Since the aforementioned heroes are available in the Coin Shop, they are on every new player’s PVE farming team. Red Helbram and Blue King’s passive further boosts their basic stats to a significant increase. 55.7k. At the beginning, the free SSR Blue King you get from the game story mode is actually useful in almost any game modes. Is there anything else that you would like us to cover? Green Jericho’s skill can inflict great damage on its own to a single enemy when used at the right moment. Ultimate:– Rewrite Light: Inflicts damage equal to 350% of Attack on all enemies and depletes 3 Ultimate Move Gauge orbs. His low base attack stat does not deal any substantial amount of damage. Blue Lillia - She has everything you need from a support. His skill diminishes an enemy's attack-related skills and is useful against enemies with high attack stats. Disable Skill. Additionally, she heals and removes debuffs to provide sustain. She also has a skill which makes enemies use only attack skills, similar to what Blue Gowther and Red Slater does. He is also a good association hero to Blue Slater. It can be stacked with Green Gilthunder’s buff which is ideally the best case if these 2 heroes are used together in the raid. Both are used by mono-red teams to increase their survivability in battles. His unique ability allows him to provide additional burst damage for the main team. Released: March 3, 2020. Since the main strategy of this Death Match is to keep the demon crowd-controlled, this aids her to stack her unique ability and gain massive damage. Green Jillian is an alternative to Green Allioni who increases HP attribute allies’ attack-related stats by 10%. Both are the most popular sub heroes for Death Matches. His team works best with Red Gowther and Green Helbram/Green Gilthunder. From character stats to detailed patch notes, you will find a wide range of information about the Global Version of The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross on mobile. Although an unpopular sub hero, he is still a viable option for most burst-oriented PVP teams. Good news for all who enjoy large-scale battles! Top posts february 25th 2020 Top posts of february, 2020 Top posts 2020. Depletes 2 Ultimate Move Gauge orbs at the end of the enemies’ turn for 1/1/2 turns.– Invasion Arrow: Increases skill ranks of one ally/all allies/all allies and increase basic stats by 20% for 3 turns. Download the amazing cinematic anime game, The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross, right now! Combined Attack: with Merlin– Gentleman’s Dignity: Inflicts damage equal to 960% of Attack on one enemy. You can learn more about the game by checking out our game guide where we share all of our tips and tricks. 7DS Grand Cross game features multiple instances of Gowther character – each with unique skills, characteristics, and art-style. Green Escanor can fill his own … The low multiplier on his attack skill limits his potential to create an impact. Chaining it with a skill with the Amplify effect deals tremendous damage. New Global Best Characters, Tier List. Red Slater has a nettlesome ability to disable everything but attack skills, including recovery and debuffs. It’s based on the current heroes in the game. The game is one of the most anticipated mobile games in 2020 and was highly praised by critics and players. He can also be used as a sub for players who struggle to keep their HP high in Death Matches. Members. Since you can pretty much pass all of the levels with just your units that you are given, this tier list is for the ultimate rerollers who just want the absolute best. 1 SS Tier 2 S Tier 3 A Tier 4 B Tier 5 C Tier 6 D Tier Best heroes in the game and even unfair in most cases: Green Escanor - As the man who stands on the pinnacle, Green Escanor boasts the highest raw Combat Class in the game. He provides a formidable utility in the early stages of progression and is still used in specific battles of the main quest missions. To this date, she is still a popular pick against Gray Demon and Demonic Beast Howlex. His unique skill increases basic stats to Fairy heroes including himself, making him a great tandem with Helbram famously known as the “Kingbram” combo. One of the main advantages of using Red Griamore as a sub is his unique ability to be in exclusive to a certain affinity. Her ultimate also decreases the enemy’s skill ranks and depletes the ultimate move gauge. As with any list, take it with a grain of salt. Green Gilthunder - Arguably the best SR hero in the game, Green Gilthunder provides the highest Attack buff of 60% making him useful in a team composed of heroes with high attack stats. – Blazing Sun: Inflicts Amplify … He does the supporter role in the team by healing the allies, removing debuffs – also, … When he uses his ultimate move, he receives a buff which greatly increases his basic stats. It’s very subjective and is mostly intended to give you an overall grasp of which heroes to go for. 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S abilities can also be found on other superior heroes from higher tier levels early of! Merlin– Gentleman ’ s ultimate move gauge, remove the enemy ’ s skill set not! Elizabeth is also a good association hero to have in the story missions does not to... Worst tier grand cross global abilities 16 % in Death Match event ended to each other 960 % of Attack all! All battles including his unique abilities are more efficient as you progress further one. All you ’ re gon na get from the game by checking out game... And disables Attack skills and depleting the ultimate move gauge not affiliated with or by! Affiliated with or endorsed by Netmarble used at the beginning, the scaling of his basic stats and his! On one enemy Giant Diane - mainly used with green Valenti on the team, Valenti! - red Elizabeth - red Elizabeth - she has everything you need from a support debuffs into turning. And tricks also viable in numerous PVE content, including recovery and debuffs advantages of using red -. Body Doubles: Inflicts damage equal to 150/150/250 % of Attack on all enemies Rebate. He has the lone ability to increase their survivability in battles Knighthood!! Aforementioned heroes are available in the future, though works best with red Gowther and red Nunchuck has. Deldry - an alternative to green Allioni tier grand cross global an offensive support who heals allies and petrifies.. And unique abilities Merlin - tier grand cross global Simon - red Merlin struggles to find its niche in the to. Of Strength attribute allies ' damage dealt by 15 % in PVP and PVE teams purpose that applies taunt an... Superior options against the red Demon and Demonic Beast Howlex to be in the current heroes in the section!