Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. It was originally introduced in the mod Bosmer Armor Pack. They will often have a small sum of gold, a set of fur armor (often without the helmet), and a note that reads: Reading this note activates a miscellaneous quest to explore the location given and retrieve the item on the note. I even included pictures. ; Treasure Hunter Z. ... Searches Ruins to caves for treasure. A dead Treasure Hunter may be randomly encountered throughout Skyrim. Armor: Thieves guild or your own enchanted armor set. 000A17AF000D1240xx0377dbxx0377dc. Gladly goes into a dungeon for treasure without hesitation. For the Expert and Master locks I thought I'd get some worthwhile items, especially some smithing items I could sure use to advance my armor. The pirate armor is from Apachii Divine Elegance Store: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecia... Let me know in comments if you'd like to see more videos like this, or maybe something different? It adds a chance for a leveled weapon, armor, or tome to appear in any chest. Base ID The treasure chest is behind a rock on shore below the huge boulder that comes to a point at the top. The Great Skyrim Treasure Hunt is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Treasure Hunters can also be found alive in small groups, searching for loot in different locations. Basic Info We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. They carry a treasure hunter's note which will point you towards a nearby dungeon. Treasure chest Iron ore vein The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim It drops in Volenfell in the Alik'r Desert. Normal chests might have a 20% chance, which means the perk will bump it to 30%. One thing that Oblivion had that I always thought Skyrim should have was the individual equipping of Greaves and Curaiss's that way you could completely customize your armor, for example when I played as an archer (mods neccessary in my opinion mudcrabs take like 4-6 shots at low level) I'd wear leather greaves and I'd wear an Iron or Mithril Curaiss with either Iron, or Leather … Race Use of the Steed Stonecan negate many of the disadvantages of heavy armor. The Blue Stripes armor is great. Morality. Treasure Hunter's Island is an unmarked location found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The Treasure Hunter set is part of the base game. Very Aggressive. There are two types of armor available, Heavy Armor and Light Armor, both with their own skill tree and associated perks. Treasure … Treasure Hunter's Note may refer to: Treasure Hunter's Note (Skyrim), Treasure Hunter's Note … ; Explore Gyldenhul Barrow. Improves stamina and carry weight. Deathbrand is one of the Dragonborn Sidequests available as part of the Dragonborn DLC.The quest (level 36 minimum) revolves around a treasure hunt for the armor … In my own game I consider the Witcher-type armors to be of Colovian origin, since I think that armor from that region should be of better quality and appearance. I'm sick of not getting any good items from treasure chests. They will attack the Dragonborn if they come too close to the island. ‡ Treasure Hunter increases the chance of finding 1 extra weapon or armor item (possibly enchanted) in many generic dungeon chests from 10% to 15%. Armor comes in two varieties, corresponding to the two different skills governing armor usage: Heavy Armor and Light Armor.In addition, there are shields which provide an additional passive increase to armor rating (active blocking is governed by the Block skill).. Armor comes in several pieces … ; Defeat Haknir Death-Brand and his crew. You start at the site of a small excavation of some Akaviri ruins with several explorer relic tools already at your disposal to get you going as a true relic hunter! The Treasure Hunter is a dead NPC that one can find in a random event somewhere in Skyrim, lying on the ground in the middle of an area. Notes: Also see: Dark Artifact Hunter. (PS4) Filename: ccbgssse064-ba_elven.esl: Availability ; PC: Available from Creation Club for 100 CC Credits: … Also, I love armor made from Witcher resources a whole friggin bunch and would use any excuse to wear them. (And if I recall, any perks you have to go through to get Treasure Hunter -are- wasted, generally.) Treasure Hunter's Island is an unmarked location found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Smithing, you could actually improve the things you'd … Find the treasure shown on the map Throughout Skyrim there are treasure maps hidden. Usually wonders skyrim aimlessly for treasure. Wild Hunt Light Armor is an armor set added by Immersive Armors. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Treasure_Hunter_(Skyrim)?oldid=3030679, The item and enchantment will change depending on one's. I edited the original mod to get rid of some minor bugs and unnecessary records and I tried to make it a bit more immersive (for example no more 'welcome to the mod' letter), too. They carry a treasure hunter's note which will point you towards a nearby dungeon. One-handed, Two-handed, Block, Light Armor. Light Armor - Mercenary. It is a Light Armor Set that is part of One Tamriel, and has 5 Bonuses. https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Treasure_Hunter_(Skyrim) I thought locked chests would have them but so far nothing. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. Dark Daedra Hunter Armor ID: XX0190BC Location: Crafted with the Ebony/Arcane perk... 1x Regular Daedra Hunter Armor Creation: Alternative Armors - Elven Hunter; Released: July 25, 2019: Size: 34.7 MB (PC) / (?) Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Yes ; Detailed Walkthrough [] Tale of Treasure []. Hey every one I am starting up a new game and decided to try a Treasure hunter build. It is a Light Armor set, and can be found in Volenfell. You can acquire light armor, weapons and jewelry of … Bandit They can then be killed and no bounty will be incurred. Haknir Death-Brand was known for rages and fits of … Dragonborn Each set item is bound on pickup. It's available in english and german and you can choose … Both types have their advantages and disadvantages. ; Spellsword Artifact Hunter. Treasure Map VIII location - Hunter’s Last Stand: Sea Shore of Ghosts . Gender Jump to: navigation, search. Treasure Chest Location: Dragon Bridge. Title explains it all, I'm playing as a male Imperial treasure hunter working for the absolutely astounding Dragonborn Gallery (if you've been under a rock, check it out here, its amazing) but I'm having trouble locking down the perfect armor to use.Currently, I'm using Rough Leather Armor by atomec and it's okay, however it's a bit too dark for my taste. The Treasure hunter perk reads: Treasure hunter - 50% greater chance of finding special treasure. This a two part map. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Respawn :), Press J to jump to the feed. Magicka. Cookies help us deliver our Services. The Great Skyrim Treasure Hunt is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Usually there is some treasure nearby, such as a chest. ; Locate the four ancient chests containing the pieces of Deathbrand armor. What is "special treasure" and does 50% actually make a big difference? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Factions: Thieves guild, Dark Brotherhood, The Dawnguard. Primary Skills. Skyrim:Treasure Hunter (dead) The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995 < Skyrim: ... Two-handed, Block, Light Armor: Morality: Aggression: Very Aggressive: A dead Treasure Hunter may be randomly encountered throughout Skyrim. The mod is back, thanks to komotor who allowed me to upload the required animations : ) This is a little dungeon/quest mod designed to take advantage of komotor machines animations in a lore friendly way. Daedra Hunter Armor ID: XX01188B Location: Abandoned Hideout (inside Daedra Hunter Cache treasure chest) Description: A belted, texture-modified nightingale armor with assymetrical shoulder plating. Uses the same game mechanic as the first ten treasure maps (read map, treasure spawns). Currently, I'm using Rough Leather Armor by atomec and it's okay, however it's a bit too dark for my taste. Aggression. Armor is a type of apparel that is worn on the body to reduce damage from attacks. I've been using "Colovian Leather" and "Dunmer Thief Tunic" for my adventuring bard working for the Museum. Community content is available under. Each set item is bound on pickup. Uses only a sword and restoration spell, and or torch. Level Location: Shadowvault Merge - Shadow Vault Price: N/A Merge the following: Shadow Gold x30; Sellback: 0 AC Rarity: Awesome Rarity Description: For those who seek out treasure danger may be around every corner. Did you happen to see the light armor list for male characters I posted a few days back? (Xbox One) / (?) The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995 < Skyrim: Creation Club. Skyrim:Alternative Armors - Elven Hunter. They turn hostile if the Dragonborn gets too close (trying to protect their soon to be found loot). Most are similar treasure chests to the vanilla game, though some are larger and in atypical locations or require a dig with a pickaxe, so be observant! South of Nilheim on Lake Geir is a treasure chest on an island along with the two treasure hunters from the Treasure Hunter's Camp. Quick Walkthrough []. Female Male The Light Armor Skill Book Rislav the Righteous is inside the shack under two other books to the left of the bookshelf. For example, we don't know what the 'base' rate of finding special weapons/armors is. You can acquire light armor, weapons and jewelry of this set in the Mercenary motif style. and then some text about the lack of a XPMS skeleton and running FNIS. Especially if it's Enchanting. Daedra Hunter Armor ID: XX01188B Location: Abandoned Hideout (inside Daedra Hunter Cache treasure chest) Description: A belted, texture-modified nightingale armor with assymetrical shoulder plating. "Adds 13 more hand-drawn treasure maps with vanilla treasure chests (and some larger treasures) scattered around Skyrim. It is easiest to find if by … Treasure Hunter is a Set in Elder Scrolls Online ( ESO ). This is the port of Great Treasure Hunt of Skyrim for Skyrim SE. Treasure Location: follow the shoreline around to the northwest side of the Solitude Lighthouse, northeast of Solitude. This is a disambiguation page—a navigational aid which lists other pages that might otherwise share the same title. There was a decent variety of nice looking stuff there, if you want to check it out. This is an unmarked miscellaneous quest to find the treasure located in random places. Treasure Hunter is an item set that appears in The Elder Scrolls Online. Skill Usage [ edit ] When you target a lock/trap that you don't have the key for, but that can be picked, a tooltip bubble ("Unlock (object or location)") will indicate its difficulty level on a scale from "Novice" to "Master". Treasure Hunter Whore (A Devious Quest) By Tyrant99, November 5, 2018 in Downloads ... as my PC wakes up the screen goes black, then I get CTD with a message 'Skyrim has crashed due to a missing NiNode." Treasure Hunter It drops in Volenfell in the Alik'r Desert. 25. Bosmer Dunmer Imperial Khajiit Nord Orsimer Redguard Any other help would be appreciated. I tried out Colovian Leather by FranklinZunge but the weird side-coattail things on it bothered me. (Optional) Read Deathbrand.Find the treasure map. Relic Hunter This addon pack for Legacy of the Dragonborn and Alternate Start - Liver Another Life allows you to begin a new game as the guild master for the explorer's society. To not cost you a slot in your loadorder. Treasure Location: follow the shoreline around to the northwest side of the Solitude Lighthouse, northeast of Solitude. Treasure map VIII. Let me know if you want it in brown and I'll shoot you a link. Here is every map in the game, and where that map leads. Thanks! So finding some boss level gear would be possible in all chests and you could find extra gear in the boss level chests. Is it 50% of 0.01% to find a special item off of a mob? The treasure chest is behind a rock on shore below the huge boulder that comes to a point at the top. The main purpose of smithing for me is to create the dragonplate armor before I storm Skuldafn. Bind on Pickup. Find the treasure shown on the map Throughout Skyrim there are treasure maps hidden. My thoughts on it were this.... Race: Imperial (for the extra gold) Skills: Sneak, lock-picking, pickpocket, speech, light-armor,archery gear: either full thief's guild armor or a modded armor set still not sure. The explorer's society and … New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Welcome to /r/SkyrimMods! To begin, talk to Julia, an archeologist looking for adventures, who rests in a small camp, south of Darklight tower in the Rift. Title explains it all, I'm playing as a male Imperial treasure hunter working for the absolutely astounding Dragonborn Gallery (if you've been under a rock, check it out here, its amazing) but I'm having trouble locking down the perfect armor to use. Because you could probably out-enchant whatever you'd find with Treasure Hunter anyway. Treasure Hunter Whore (A Devious Quest) Followers 65. This is an unmarked miscellaneous quest to find the treasure located in random places. If you're collecting specific pre-enchanted gear it'll help you find it quicker. This is a little dungeon/quest mod designed to take advantage of komotor machines animations in a lore friendly way. The Light Armor Skill Book Rislav the Righteous is inside the shack under two other books to the left of the bookshelf. I use a brown retex that's not on the nexus. Skyrim: Every Treasure Map (& Where They Lead) The treasure maps of Skyrim can be the key to a jackpot. For all maps, see Treasure Maps (Skyrim). it's an ESL-Flagged plugin. Just to clarify, I think the perk gives you a 50% better chance, not a flat 50% chance. The treasure hunter perk sounds very good giving you a 50% chance at special weapons/armor. South of Nilheim on Lake Geir is a treasure chest on an island along with the two treasure hunters from the Treasure Hunter's Camp. :), http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/34a2v2/the_quick_or_the_dead_a_list_of_light_armors_for/. If you are planning on putting perks into Smithing and/or Enchanting eventually, then I don't really recommend it. Note: You must be level 36 before you can start this quest. The Treasure Hunter set is part of the base game. Location: Abandoned Hideout (inside Daedra Hunter Cache treasure chest) Description: A red hood that boosts your critical hit chance with bows. 1–25 If an article link refers here, consider backtracking and fixing it, so that it points directly to the intended page. When the Dragonborn finds any of them, follow the clues on the map to collect the treasure. When the Dragonborn finds any of them, follow the clues on the map to collect the treasure… A popular series that explores locations in Skyrim that are not main, guild, or side quest related. If anyone knows of a sort of leather-rogueish-noble type armor that would be fitting of what's supposed to be a treasure hunter from the Imperial City, please share it with me! Class For all maps, see Treasure Maps (Skyrim). By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. It, so that it points directly to the feed dead treasure Hunter is an unmarked miscellaneous quest to a... ' rate of finding special weapons/armors is Island is an unmarked miscellaneous quest to find a special item of! Want it in brown and I 'll shoot you a slot in your loadorder close ( to. Skyrim SE Scrolls since 1995 < Skyrim: Creation Club a dead Hunter! 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