Shortsword 46 Photos . The Seven Deadly Sins travel to the Sky Temple in search of an elusive ingredient. Read more information about the character Zeldris from Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu? [35] He also possesses tremendous physical strength, as shown when he held back Escanor's Divine Sword Escanor attack for a significant amount of time before falling back.[36]. He graduated from UCLAin 2007 with a Bachelor's in Political Science. 50 kg (110 lbs) HAIR COLOR. See image of Yūki Kaji, the Japanese voice of Zeldris in The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia (Video Game). [28] His fighting style seems to rely mostly on kicks, as shown during his fight with Mael and according to King, his skills in hand to hand combat are on the same level as Meliodas. Japanese Voice Seven Deadly Sins: 10 Commandments, Ranked By Their Power. From character stats to detailed patch notes, you will find a wide range of information about the Global Version of The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross on mobile. However, Zeldris has limits in his patience and, although he rarely shows it, is not above mocking and showing negative responses at the ones he had an antagonistic relationship with. 1. His desire to protect her was what drove him to become the ruthless and cold-hearted executioner of the Demon King according to Meliodas, with Meliodas himself saying that Zeldris worked so hard and desperate that even he does not understand why until he met Elizabeth. Zeldris can change his Demon Mark to become similar to his older brother's second[7] and full demon marks.[8]. According to the official fanbook: 1. Handedness: Right-handed 2. Demon Clan RELATED: The Seven Deadly Sins: 5 Characters That Could Easily Beat Meliodas (& 5 That Can't) However, after all those years of training under harsh conditions, Ban's body very likely now has one of the highest tolerance levels in The Seven Deadly Sins realm. After the betrayal of the kingdom, Selene believed the Sins killed her father and she sought revenge. His rage towards Elizabeth has been seen to be even greater, as she is the true reason why Meliodas betrayed the Demons at all, as shown by how he acts much more openly antagonistically towards her than he did with Meliodas, openly displaying mockery when she arrived and said she didn't know him and he quickly lashed out by coldly saying how she made Meliodas suffer and continued to display clear resentment at her, retaining a scowl on his face, even more so after she instead smiled from what he said, eventually escalating in Zeldris angrily telling her to remember everything and the sin she committed. Benjamin Isaac Diskin (born August 25, 1982 in Los Angeles County, California, United States) is an American voice actor. Lilia | Valenti | Eastin Anamabyllis | Mono | Roxy | Shin, Become the Demon King and dominate Britannia. He is extremely durable, as he was unfazed after taking a kick by Meliodas to his head with his demon mark activated and even survived being hit by Escanor's Cruel Sun at close range. The Dark Dream Begins 24m. Here are the seven deadly sins of woke. Even Escanor at the height of his power had trouble overcoming Ominous Nebula, with him getting a slight injury from a failed attack and needing a considerable amount of time to dispel it with Divine Sword Escanor. With Bryce Papenbrook, Erika Harlacher, Max Mittelman, Cristina Valenzuela. EYE COLOR. Chandler, Meliodas' former mentor, aids Zeldris. Like all members of the Demon Clan, Zeldris possesses the mysterious jet-black power of darkness which he can use for a variety of purposes, such as forming wings to fly. Alias Nevertheless, any bond they had has vanished despite Zeldris apparently having some doubts on his antagonism towards his older brother and finds his actions and betrayal towards the Demon Clan and the fact that his betrayal forced him to seal away Gelda to be unacceptable and unforgivable. Seven Deadly Sins. Relationships A squeaky voice interrupted Meliodas which caused everyone in the village to turn around at the source. He normally keeps his eyes closed, but when oppened they are shown to lack pupils. Meliodas offered to leave with them along Gelda. [17], Like all members of the Demon Clan, Zeldris possesses the mysterious jet-black power of darkness which he can use for a variety of purposes, such as forming wings to fly. My best friend is a demon Prince by Hadleykai2006. Demon King (father)Unnamed Mother[3]Meliodas (older brother)Gelda (lover) Elizabeth Liones (sister-in-law) Tristan (nephew) Read hot and popular stories about zeldris on Wattpad. Clashing with his own brother Meliodas in the past, a very powerful opponent and remains unfazed at the prospect of doing so again and even initiating an attack against him. The seven deadly sins anime voice actors.The legend of the confrontation between the seven deadly sins and the holy knights. Let's be honest; Seven Deadly Sins is a really weird anime. Zeldris was mentored by Cusack and Meliodas in combat before he completed his training and stopped learning under his master. He serves as the leader of the Demon clan's elite force, the Ten Commandments. Although Zeldris has not forgiven Meliodas yet, he still admires him for being able to do what Zeldris could not; making the world his enemy for those that he holds dear to him and for that Zeldris believes that Meliodas can change everything, even trusting the future to his older brother. However, Zeldris rejected it stating that from there he would no longer consider him as his brother, something he would come to regret later on. A page for describing Trivia: Seven Deadly Sins. The ExecutionerThe Demon King's Representative, Immense strength, speed and durabilityHell-flame manipulationSwordsmanshipLongevity, Grand theft animarumBrainwashingAttempted hostile takeover. [22] He is shown capable of suppressing the powers of others, even ones as powerful as the Giant King Drole, due to being lent the magic power of the Demon King. 152 cm (5'0") With the capital retaken and the Liones Kingdom slowly getting back on its feet, Meliodas, Elizabeth and Hawk turn their attention to the Boar Hat. Ominous NebulaGodHellblaze Alive Both Zeldris and Meliodas are voiced by Yūki Kaji (Japanese) and Bryce Papenbrook (English). Demonic Anti-Villain "The Seven Deadly Sins" is a heroic fantasy manga by Suzuki Nakaba which was serialized on "Weekly Shounen Magazine" from 2012 until 2020. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When fighting at full strength, Zeldris can enlarge his demon mark similar to his older brother when he was the leader of the Ten Commandments, and is also the only demon alongside Meliodas known to be capable of surviving taking in multiple Commandments into himself. Gender Along with the rest of the Demon Clan, Zeldris was sealed away by the Goddess Clan after losing the Holy War against the Four Races (Human, Fairy, Giant and Goddess Clans). Likewise, he doubts Fraudrin's abilities because of him not being able to obliterate a country of humans. Acting for Two: Yuki Kaji in Japanese and Bryce Papenbrook in English voice brothers Meliodas and Zeldris. He has voiced in several anime series, particularly those of young male protagonists. Meliodas | Zeldris | Monspeet | Melascula | Grayroad | Gloxinia | Galand | Fraudrin | Estarossa | Drole | Derieri | Calmadios, Six Knights of Black Meliodas would later apologize to Zeldris, asking for forgiveness for being the kind of older brother he had been. Das innerhalb von Sekunden, was an der Unmöglichkeit grenzen solle. What kind of cheese are you? It is so potent that he easily rendered the likes of Escanor, Merlin and Ludociel considerably outclassed, with Ludociel stating the speed of the technique is beyond even his Grace. The suit has an open collar and exposes his chest. Play millions of free games on your smartphone, tablet, computer, Xbox One, Oculus Rift, and more. The legend of the confrontation between the Seven Deadly Sins and the Holy Knights. Affiliation Gründung der Seven Deadly Sins (vor 12 Jahren) Das große "Gemetzel" (vor zehn Jahren) Vor zehn Jahren wurden in Liones duzende von heiligen Rittern umgebracht und Meliodas und die Seven Deadly Sins sollten. The pain of being betrayed by his elder brother who he looked up to and the great suffering he endured from losing his lover made Zeldris the demon he is now, which only served to increase his anger for Meliodas' betrayal tremendously. MyAnimeList is the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Race Despite having the appearance of a child Meliodas was actually much older, being over 3000 years old. Deadly Sin One: Opposition to a woke cause is by definition fascist and probably racist. Regardless of his stature and youthful looks he was relatively muscular, possessing an array of well-developed abdominal and arm muscles. 2. He was the Dragon Sin of Wrath, captain of the titular group of warriors, former leader of the Ten Commandments, the older brother of Zeldris, the eldest son of the Demon King, and the lover (later husband) of Elizabeth Liones. Zeldris is the shortest member of the Ten Commandments. 566 . Diane. 121 Photos . "The Seven Deadly Sins" is a heroic fantasy manga by Suzuki Nakaba which was serialized on "Weekly Shounen Magazine" from 2012 until 2020. Demon Due to being the Demon King's representative, he is able to grant the Commandments to others and remove them from any member of the Ten Commandments if they allow it or if they are unable to fight back, as shown when he was able to strip Drole and Gloxinia of their status as members of the Ten Commandments. He promises Zeldris that he will release the seal he has placed on her, as soon as he becomes the new Demon King, which leads to Zeldris reluctantly agreeing to cooperate with Meliodas, although this alliance does not stop Zeldris from mocking Meliodas when Elizabeth escaped, but they still work well in combat together against Arthur. GENDER. He also said he had met and likely fought the goddess Elizabeth in the Holy War. A Strange Mind (Part 2 of Don't You Get It?) He was exceptionally short compared to other characters with messy blond hair and a pair of emerald eyes. Zeldris was shown relapsing on his cool-headed persona when it comes to Gelda, showing excitement as his reunion with her getting closer or becoming desperate and angry when Merlin and the others try to stop Meliodas from becoming Demon King, thus preventing Zeldris to reunite with his lover. Play millions of free games on your smartphone, tablet, computer, Xbox One, Oculus Rift, and more. But having her adoptive father, Zaratras, killed by her role models, The Seven Deadly Sins, definitely didn’t help. Zeldris is the second son of the Demon King, the younger brother of Meliodas and the secondary antagonist of the anime and manga series The Seven Deadly Sins. A He has the ability to telepathically communicate with the other Commandments even throughout all of Britannia. Zeldris appears to hold him at high regard, as he believed with Cusack and Chandler, they can easily fill in the vacant spots of the Ten Commandments, but is annoyed by Cusack's displays of affection for him. Anime Voice Comparison- Zeldris (Seven Deadly Sins) - YouTube Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! Like his brother Meliodas, he is voiced by Yuki Kaji in Japanese and Bryce Papenbrook in English. He also possesses tremendous physical strength, as shown when he held back Escanor's Divine Sword Escanor attack for a significant amount of time before falling back. He was able to single-handedly easily render Camelot's entire military forces, the second most powerful kingdom in Britannia, completely powerless, without sustaining any injury. His confidence in his own abilities develops a certain degree of arrogance towards beings weaker than him. Meliodas himself held Zeldris's power at a high enough regard that due to having being lent the magic power of the Demon King, Zeldris' power can equal that of the Demon King and Supreme Deity, and that he has the power to remove the curse on him and Elizabeth. His speed in swordsmanship is said to be the fastest in all of the Demon Realm, which, with the exception of his mentor, brother and father, is proven to be true, as shown when he fights evenly with Ludociel in swordsmanship, only getting one more injury. Male Yuki Kaji (梶 裕貴, Kaji Yūki, born September 3, 1985) is a Japanese voice actor and singer affiliated with the agency VIMS. He greatly resembles his brother Meliodas, though with a few slight differences. Piety Commandment (can control those who turn their backs on him. This shows that Zeldris still shows warmth towards his older brother. His aura alone terrified Arthur Pendragon, who states that his power rivals that of his old mentor, Cusack. Zel. Leader of the Ten Commandments[4] Zeldris also expressed outrage at The Demon King's order to retrieve and crown Meliodas as the New Demon King and was quick to furiously attack him alongside Estarossa and expressed absolute rage when Meliodas easily subdued him, still trying to get up despite the overwhelming power Meliodas exerted to pin him down. Also, when Ludociel called him out on slashing a woman's face, Zeldris responded by saying that at least he and his brother would never take control of a woman's body, implying although ruthless against enemies even if they are women, Zeldris disliked any unnecessary violence towards them. Manga Debut Meliodas & … Next. He is thus unwilling to negotiate with Meliodas and clearly shows his strong grudge towards him, to the point that he openly said that the only thing he has is his rage towards Meliodas as well as his desire for vengeance towards the other Clans. Apr 12, 2019 - Seven deadly sins Zeldris anime art #Sevendeadlysins #Zeldris #art #anime [29] Furthermore, he is capable of getting the better of his older brother, Meliodas, when he had not regained his true full strength and easily brought down Drole, the Giant King, with a single kick. Tourney 2: The New Challengers Availability: Starter Bonus Costume: N/A English voice actor: Bryce Papenbrook Japanese voice actor: Yuki Kaji French voice actor: Benjamin Bollen German voice actor: Patrick Bach Arabic voice actor: Amal Omran Mandarin Chinese voice actor: Qian Xinyu Contents. The “Seven Deadly Sins,” a group of evil knights who conspired to overthrow the kingdom of Britannia, were said to have been eradicated by the Holy Knights, although some claim that they still live. 152 cm (5'0") WEIGHT. AGE. After learning of Gelda's seeming death, Zeldris became obsessed with becoming Demon King solely to be capable of reviving her and when Meliodas revealed her sealed state and promised to break it when he became Demon King, Zeldris quickly accepted to work with him and diligently worked to ensure Meliodas became Demon King all just to make sure Gelda would be free. Age Yuki kaji has an argument against himself…” Weight The seven deadly sins anime voice actors.The legend of the confrontation between the seven deadly sins and the holy knights. It was this event that soured Zeldris' relationship with Meliodas. [5] He is also the younger brother of Meliodas, as well as the youngest son of the Demon King, whom Zeldris also serve as representative and executioner. The last straw came when the betrayal caused the Vampire Clan to attempt to revolt against the Demon King, forcing Zeldris to seal them away as the Demon King ordered Zeldris to execute them but Zeldris could not as Gelda was among the Vampires, Zeldris came to greatly resent Meliodas and harbors extreme anger towards his traitorous brother, as he was forced to separate with his lover due to his betrayal. He is capable of inflicting a curse on Merlin, an individual with natural resistance to the effects of demonic magic, which would have killed her and was so powerful that even Hendrickson, who spent years studying Druid magic, was powerless to do anything to save her. Dream/Hope: Perfect victory 8. A. The seven deadly sins production 七つの大罪プロダクション nanatsu no taizai purodakushon a comedic spin off by chiemi sakamoto that imagines the characters as actors performing in a live action tv show ran in aria from november 28 2015 to october 28 2017. He even smiled when their reunion seemed so close when Meliodas finally absorbed all Ten Commandments. 252[1], ~263 (current) He idolized his elder brother when he was the leader of the Ten Commandments and at some time fell in love with the vampire Gelda. Bellion | Pump | Galla | Atollah | Derocchio | Dahaaka, Holy Knights of Liones Upon being ordered by his father to kill the Vampire Clan, in the end, overwhelmed by the indescribable pain to the point of bursting to tears, he could not bring himself to do it and instead sealed them all away for Gelda's sake, showing how deeply he loved her and valued his romantic relationship with her in the past. In a world similar to the European Middle Ages, the feared yet revered Holy Knights of Britannia use immensely powerful magic to protect the region of Britannia and its kingdoms. He is shown capable of suppressing the powers of others, even ones as powerful as the Giant King Drole, due to being lent the magic power of the Demon King. [43] After being forced to absorb all the Commandments by Cusack, Zeldris held all the Commandments but at the cost of having his body possessed by his father, the Demon King. ... Zeldris Only . The main reason for Zeldris' cold-heartedness was because he had fallen in love with the Vampiress Gelda and unlike almost all other demons, he only sought to protect her rather than being interested in triumphing over the Goddess Clan. The Demon King also noted Zeldris continued to desire to bring peace and harmony to the underworld, showing despite how much he had changed, deep down he still remains the good demon he used to be before he lost Gelda.[11]. The Demon King is a ruthless, tyrannical demon that has been in constant clash with the Supreme Deity for millions of years, due to their opposing natures. [15] Even Cusack and Chandler, the two highest-ranked demons, fear his original magic power. Charmpoint: Nothing 2. He also lacked any facial hair further accentuating his adolescent appearance. The Seven Deadly Sins His aura is also strong enough to completely terrify the countless heroes inside Excalibur. Dragon hunting Goals Our Fighting Festival 24m. However, once Meliodas returned to become Demon King, he realizes that he overestimated Zeldris and states that even with the power Zeldris borrowed from their father, Zeldris' power still pales in comparison to the true power of the Demon King to which Zeldris agrees to. Bryce Austin Papenbrook (born February 24, 1986) is an American voice actor who has done voice work for Viz Media, Animaze, Bang Zoom! He serves as the leader of the Demon clan's elite force, the Ten Commandments. Acting for Two: Yuki Kaji in Japanese and Bryce Papenbrook in English voice brothers Meliodas and Zeldris. Like his brother Meliodas, he is voiced by Yuki Kaji in Japanese and Bryce Papenbrook in English. Of the 106604 characters on Anime Characters Database, 66 are from the anime The Seven Deadly Sins. Type of Villain He later seemed to silently contemplate forgiving Meliodas when Meliodas apologized to him. Anime Zeldris is highly confident in his abilities. Leader of the Ten Commandments When the time came for Zeldris to execute the Vampire Clan, having to kill the one woman he loved caused him great suffering, and he ultimately could not bring himself to do it, instead sealing her and the Vampire Clan away. Even Cusack and Chandler, the two highest-ranked demons, fear his original magic power. Not only that, the moment he realized his father would not allow him to be reunited with Gelda, he quickly turned against him. Like his brother, Meliodas, Zeldris appears to have a good commanding and leadership skills. Apr 12, 2019 - Seven deadly sins Zeldris anime art #Sevendeadlysins #Zeldris #art #anime Furthermore, he is capable of getting the better of his older brother, Meliodas, when he had not regained his true full strength, being fast enough to cut Meliodas's arm off before he could behead him in an iado-like manner, fighting almost evenly with the head of the Four Archangels Ludociel, suffering only one more injury, and easily brought down Drole, the Giant King, with a single kick. What kind of cheese are you? Meliodasis the mainprotagonist of the manga/anime series The Seven Deadly Sins. In a world similar to the European Middle Ages, the feared yet revered Holy Knights of Britannia use immensely powerful magic to protect the region of Britannia and its kingdoms. Heck, each pair are even played by the same voice actors. His hair is spikey black and grows counterclockwise to Meliodas' and they both have the same demon mark, except his is over his left eye instead of his right. Izraf | Ganne | Mod | Orlondi | Ren, Seven Disasters History. Together with Zeldrias as their leader they went on to hunt down Meliodas for his betrayal and to take over the kingdom to revive the demon clan. [26] Zeldris is the only demon alongside Meliodas known to be capable of surviving taking in multiple Commandments into himself. Rōmaji 134 Photos . [27], Zeldris possesses immense levels of skill in combat, as he was trained by both Cusack and Meliodas. This game not only has excellent 3D graphics, but it also comes with more than 100 cut scenes. Anime Debut Here you can find a list of all currently known voice actors and their respective roles in the anime “The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The Commandments.” If you know of any more voice actors who worked on “The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The Commandments,” feel free to … Prince of Darkness. He was able to single-handedly easily render Camelot's entire military forces, the second most powerful kingdom in Britannia, completely powerless, without sustaining any injury. [23] Zeldris can enlarge his demon mark to different stages like Meliodas. He began training in the Chuck Norris system of Tang Soo Do(also known as American Tang Soo Do) under his original instruc… Photos of the The Seven Deadly Sins (Show) voice actors. He has silver gauntlets and carries his sword with a strap on his hip. Zerudorisu How Well Do You Know Your Bring Me The Horizon Song Lyrics? Download The Game for PC. Does he like you back? Demon. The Seven Deadly Sins (Japanese: 七つの大罪, Hepburn: Nanatsu no Taizai) is an anime television series based on a Japanese fantasy manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Nakaba Suzuki.The series debuted on MBS, TBS and other JNN stations on October 5, 2014. 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