Find what you need for your education at OC. Through Planned Happenstance (1999 by Mitchell, Levin and Krumboltz) students are encouraged to “plan” for chance opportunities by developing traits (e.g., Curiosity, Persistence, Flexibility, Optimism, and Risk-taking) and skills (i.e., ongoing self-assessment/learning & skill development, financial planning, and networking, work-life balance) having experiences that will help them recognize and even “create” career opportunities. GRADUATION CORDS. ____ When one thing after another goes wrong, I feel like giving up. ____ I like to explore my surroundings when in a new place. Goals are not enough for success in a Chaotic world. 140 Olympic College jobs available on College and Career Readiness Specialist. What are you great at? When do you feel most powerful, passionate, free, incredibly useful, excited, and/or inspired? ____ I often find myself talking to people about what they do for a living or what they would like to do. Phone: 360-596-7034 . What’s the thing that scares you the most in life? Attendance:(360) 596-7003 Our Mission Counseling Services is dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of students by recognizing their individuality, diversity and inherent ability to manage everyday challenges and achieve life goals. Home. Take classes, earn certificates or two-year degrees, apply to one of OC's four-year programs, or work with one of the college's university partners. Dissertation Abstracts International, 62 (10), 3364. Students learn to follow their hearts and traits to career success. ____ I find it interesting to learn about what people do for a living. OC enriches our diverse communities through quality education and student support. ____ I make good things happen in my life. How do you decide? Copyright 2021 Olympic College. Self-Discovery and Reflection is the first step in career planning and envisioning your life. How would you like to be seen, recognized, acknowledged, awarded, praised – now and/or in the future? Dissertation Abstracts International, 62 (10), 3364. ____ I usually keep my mind open for new possibilities and opportunities. Programs & Classes ... one of the biggest challenges with career counseling is that students often want their immediate problems solved rather than investing the time to develop the skills necessary for taking responsibility for constructing their own career. Transfer students that may have missed previous years lessons will have personalized plans to meet the requirements - contact your counselor if you are a transfer student to Olympia High School to determine your completion requirements. ____ Taking risks is not part of my nature. SENIOR NOTES 2020-2021: Published around the 15th of each month. Lifelong learning is underpinned by being aware, committed and accountable (to yourself and others). Counseling Services is currently operating remotely. Olympia High School » Counseling » College and Career Readiness Center » Senior Info » Graduation Information. Create clear curricular pathwaysto employment and further education; Ensure that students are learning along their path. Contact Us. ____ I can think of many ways to get the things in life that are important to me. College can be life changing but it can also be very stressful, lonely, or overwhelming at times. Click here for the Jostens website or see the product flyer and order form here. If you were on the computer/internet, what would you spend your time reading or searching most? Fax: (360) 596-7001. Once you have completed your online profile and application, you will be sent an email confirming receipt of your application. Counselors are available to help student interpret results which are typically traits and skills that we believe we possess or have developed to some degree. ____ When a situation is uncertain or even a little risky, I often go for it anyway. Continuing Education; Pre-College. The aims of career counseling are to help you embrace changed, create opportunities and become comfortable with uncertainty when making career decisions. School Counseling and Guidance. The College and Career Center is open for all students and their parents. Having a Career Planning Checklist may help. Within a quarter or two, the hope is that you will discover answers to questions you didn't even know to ask. Take different perspectives and consider these questions: How can you .... ... have success through experiencing failure? Assessment results cannot predict future realities or the role that chance and uncertainty play everyone's career. What positive things do people say about you? Lastly, one of the biggest challenges with career counseling is that students often want their immediate problems solved rather than investing the time to develop the skills necessary for taking responsibility for constructing their own career. OC enriches our diverse communities through quality education and student support. Department Resources. Overview & Information; Browse Certificates by Program; Classes & Courses. Which questions was hardest for you to answer? Jumpstart your career path today with these admissions, advising, and registration resources. We can offer a safe, non-judgmental place for you to share personal thoughts and feelings. If you are still exploring your options about what to study or what career to pursue, the good news is that you are not alone. OHS|Counseling. Distance Learning; Canvas; Professors Online; Continuing Education. Olympia High School » Counseling » College and Career Readiness Center » PSAT/SAT/ACT Info Students who are thinking about attending a 4-year college or university directly after high school should take the PSAT/NMSQT Opening in a new window , the SAT Opening in a new window and/or the ACT Opening in a new window . You will have to upload a CV, cover letter and any relevant certifications that would help support your candidacy. What do you help with that seems natural or easy for you? No one assessment can tell you what occupation or college major is best. Visit Counseling Services to schedule an appointment. 17. 22. Developed by: William (Bill) Johnson, Jr. (2016) Getting started is (usually) the hardest part, but OC makes it simple. Who can help with academic advising? 1 = Strongly Disagree   2 = Disagree     3 = Uncertain     4 = Agree    5 = Strongly Agree. Office: (360) 596-7000. Students are provided the tools and resources to move from a place of exploration to where they can choose a pathway with confidence. 25. Students can make themselves more marketable by completing a Co-operative Education or Internship experience. Bremerton, WA 98337-1699 We help with goal setting, academic interventions, college planning, credit recovery, college testing registration, alternative programs, Dual credit in high school-AP, Running Start, College in the High School, Tech Prep credit. Getting started is (usually) the hardest part, but OC makes it simple. Our goal is to help you 'make meaning' as you pursue an education and learn to 'capitalize' on life experiences and opportunities. Please visit the Career Center for further information. ____ It seems like I am always interested in new things. Olympia High School . “So, if you are undecided about your future, as indeed every sensible person should be, don’t call yourself undecided; call yourself open-minded." Which broad area of study interest you most and does it connect to occupations, majors and degrees? Whatever your financial situation, OC can assist you in meeting your academic goals through financial aid, scholarships and grants, work-study programs, and internships. Contact Us. Purchase graduation cords through the … As faculty and staff, your willingness to intervene when you encounter a student in distress is a critical factor in helping a struggling student reestablish their emotional equilibrium which is necessary for 9. More. 12. Through examining personal traits (e.g., interests, personality, values, skills) see how you best fit with the world of work. You must write at least two sentences for your answers to each set of questions. Four Paradoxical Principles to Proactive Decision making (Gelatt and Gelatt): The Openness to Vocational Opportunity Scale, Ulven, J. C. (2001). 14. 3. ____ I'm always interested to hear new opinions or ideas. Overview & Information; Browse Certificates by Program; Classes & Courses. Who would you like to inspire? Would you appreciate support from a dedicated counselor who is there to support you along the way? You may work with a counselor individually without taking a course; you may start the process by reviewing the resources below which includes the traditional steps to career exploration and post-modern approaches. It is about plans and planning. College and Career Readiness Counselor. Be practical and magical about what you do. The traditional or convergent approach involves discovering personal traits and matching them with occupations or areas of study: What Career or Job Are You Interested In? ____ When difficulties arise I usually see them as opportunities for growth. 4. More. Bremerton, WA 98337-1699 ORDER CAP AND GOWN, GRAD ANNOUNCEMENTS, CLASS RINGS, SWEATSHIRTS, AND MORE! To improve the student experience from start to completion four dimensions are addressed: Counselors are available to ensure that our students understand how their strengths, interests, values, and vision for the future merge together for the ultimate educational experience. The OC Career Center has the information you seek. Who do you want to help? Olympia High School. How would you define success? HSBP Coordinator. College and Career. This role includes making recommendations on annual planning, environmental and institutional assessment, goal setting, strategy formation and budget development. Senior Class Advisor. The five skills below can help you to recognize, create, and use chance events as career opportunities: Mitchell, K.E., Levin, A.S., & Krumboltz, J.D. OC is committed to your success and personal enrichment. Those inner resources will lie uncultivated without investing in yourself through self-reflection and the support of other people who truly believe in you (family, friend, great manager or colleague, coach and mentor). Students must develop the skill of 'planning or planmanship' (4 min video) to take advantage of Change, Chance, Uncertainty, Complexity and Connectivity. Search and apply for the latest Career counselor jobs in Olympia, WA. 5. All students at Olympic College have the right to attend college without being harassed, intimidated, or threatened. Olympia High School. Counselors, advisors and staff are available to assist you. If you were in a bookstore, what section would you gravitate towards first? Collaboration among our families, school and community cultivates a positive learning environment for student’s growth. Goals are not enough for success in a Chaotic world. The question now is how you will decide. ... gain clarity through experiencing ambiguity? 10. Challenges we help our clients address include:-Anxiety-Depression-Relationship Issues-Family Conflict-Trauma and Abuse-Behavior Disorders-ADHD/ADD -Life Adjustments. What is your biggest fear? On a scale from 1 to 5, answer how much you agree with the following statements. OC is committed to your success and personal enrichment. What do you think about a lot? Winter Quarter at Olympic College Winter Quarter will be predominantly online. Over 100 schools attend Career Counselor Training Program 24 Dec 2020 - 9:30 Participants during a session of the Career Counselor Training Program held virtually. Develop traits like curiosity, persistence, flexibility, optimism, and risk-taking is central to the theory called Planned Happenstance (Mitchell, K. E., Levin, A. S., & Krumboltz, J. D., 1999). All Rights Reserved. Staff. If you are facing a personal challenge that is interfering with your ability to be successful (i.e., academic progress, work life, or general well-being), we may be able to help. Olympic College Career Center provides a wide range of student employment opportunities in addition to career development, internship/volunteer service and employment planning. Check your degree progress, access your student email, or view available OC services. Our role is to help guide you as you gain insight through self-discovery and reflection, and learn career and life planning skills including decision making. Reasons to consider gaining career related experience: Using Flow To Get Maximum Engagement At Work, 1600 Chester Avenue Bridget Culley . Who do you envy most? (11 min video). 2. Students need to prepare for both chance career opportunities and unexpected career events that are consequences of the economy, the changing workplace, the global market place, or personal events. OC is committed to your success and personal enrichment. All Rights Reserved. Are you ready to make career decisions? 7. 15. 20. Distance Learning; Canvas; Professors Online; Continuing Education. Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs. Copyright 2021 Olympic College. Develop the skills of planning and of planmanship to take advantage of change, chance, uncertainty, complexity and connectivity. How do you feel you contribute (or could contribute) to society? Free, fast and easy way find a job of 684.000+ postings in Olympia, WA and other big cities in USA. Staff and Faculty Employment Opportunities View all current openings for Staff and Faculty positions. Olympia WA 98501. ____ Even though tough situations arise, I believe things usually work out for the best. Exploration and Analysis: The second step in career planning is to explore and research your options. ____ I find uncertain situations to be adventuresome, rather than scary. Home. Apply Now Apply Now. Olympic Counseling provides counseling and therapy solutions for individuals and families. | Livecareer Current Olympic College students and alumni may view current openings for student and ... create a plan through courting randomness? We work with children, teens, and adults. Program Advisors are full-time teaching professors who provide advisement for specific pathways, degrees (programs or areas of study). ... create stability in your life through risk taking? Assessments are guides to start the exploration process and no assessment can still you what will do for the rest of your life. Take classes, earn certificates or two-year degrees, apply to one of OC's four-year programs, or work with one of the college's university partners. Career Training. I provide a range of student-centered counseling services to assist students with their academic, career, and personal decision-making. The Openness to Vocational Opportunity Scale is an application of the planned happenstance approach. (4:47 vid). How do your answers provide you with a glimpse of what you desire in life – now and in the future? Your top local , Washington job can be found now! ____ I do well with uncertain or unpredictable circumstances, because I'm a flexible thinker. The major you choose can affect your future job satisfaction, career opportunities and rewards, but building skills are just as important. Are you multi-talented or interested in a variety of topics and not yet ready to commit to a specific departmental major? Only you are accountable for your career decisions, no matter the source of the ideas; now take a few calming breathes and go create some luck. Degrees ( programs or areas of study ) students can gain experience through summer jobs part-time! S growth chance to be adventuresome, rather than wait to see what happens, rather than to. ; Browse Certificates by Program ; Classes & Courses search Guide: 40 Tips to Finding a job of postings... 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