OCBC Securities Pte Ltd, 18 Church Street #01-00 OCBC Centre South, Singapore 049479 For payment of shares, your cheque must reach us latest before 5pm on the due date*. endstream
Hong Kong Exchange Broker Assisted Online Minimum commission HKD 200 HKD 150 Commission rate 0.30% 0.25% Foreign fees payable Account Setup Fee. Professional Financing 17 15. Financing: Home Financing -i/ Term Financing 18 16. Cash Financing-i 11 12. Credit Cards 11 13. Contact Us. Cash Financing-i 11 12. Credit Cards 11 13. Debit Card & Debit Card-i Charges 09 10. Learn more. If the issuer's account goes into an overdraft, an additional minimum overdraft interest fee of S$20 will be charged.
Hong Kong Exchange Broker Assisted Online Minimum commission HKD 200 HKD 150 Commission rate 0.30% 0.25% Foreign fees payable Transaction levy 0.0027% (Rounded to the nearest cent) Trading fees 0.005% (Rounded to the nearest … Service Enquiry Hotline (852) 2815 1123 Disclaimer Privacy Policy & Personal Information Collection Statement Customer Notices However, in the case of the OCBC 360 Account, this fee is waived for the first year. 93 0 obj
A charge of S$50 for accounts closed within 6 months of opening. The moment the latest move will become effective, the bank will begin to charge a sum of S$0.75. Tap on Cheque services > Request for cheque book. Travel companion card. Follow the on-screen instructions. %%EOF
You have to deliver your cheque personally if you estimate that your mailed cheque cannot reach us by the deadline. Deposit Service 1.1 Current Account 4 ... $20 per cheque (Not included received bank charge fee) $5 per cheque - Returned cheque Returned local cheque deposit $150 per cheque $50 per cheque $100 per cheque Cheque Charges 04 6. There is no charge to the cheque recipient. Please contact OCBC Securities at 1800 338 8688 or cs@ocbcsec.com to obtain the prevailing rate of fees, commissions and other charges payable for your transaction. Minimum Balance Fee (per month) S$35 if the average daily balance for the month falls below S$10,000. L’OCBC est compétent en matière de vol et de recel de vol de biens de toute nature et de toute époque présentant à un titre quelconque une valeur artistique ou historique qui les rattache au patrimoine culturel national. If you’ve compared OCBC Securities to other brokerages in Singapore, you’d notice that iOCBC’s fees are similar to those charged by other major brokerages. OCBC Securities Investors Hub: 18 Church Street, #01-00, OCBC Centre South, Singapore 049479; Bottom line. Minimum Initial Deposit. Stop payment of cheque $200 per cheque Over counter:Free of charge (Others channels:$100 per cheque) Returned cheque (Insufficient fund) Returned cheque (Other reasons) $200 per cheque $100 per cheque Dormant account - Account that has been dormant for more than 3 years and with You have to deliver your cheque personally if you estimate that your mailed cheque cannot reach us by the deadline. The payment stopped instruction will only be effective if the cheque (s) have not been presented for payment. S$1,000. Globally, cardholders can use any Visa Plus ATM to make withdrawals for a small fee. Travelers Cheque (TC) 05 7. 2 Table of Contents 1. ATM Charges 10 11. Cheques deposited after the cut-off time will only be collected and processed the following business day*. Please be advised that Stop Cheque Payments via Internet Banking, Mobile Banking and Phone Banking will be subjected to a Service Charge of RM20 per request. Il n'y a pas de TVA sur ces autres charges. For example, if the payer writes a cheque for $1,200 when he has only $1,000 in his account, he will be charged overnight OD interest on $200 when the cheque is presented. www.ocbc.com/velocity. Debit Card & Debit Card-i Charges 09 10. 72 0 obj
Waived for the first cheque book. �h@�h��lc�cD�κ���hਰ�)��ʅ)�J�k�DL)�]jճ��Q����1�U�
3A��. … You don't have to worry when traveling across the border either as they can benefit from free withdrawals at any ATM in both Singapore and Malaysia. Cheque Charges 04 6. The OCBC privacy policy ceases to apply at third party websites. Early Account Closure Fee. Cheque Express − Commission (exclude postage) − Additional Advice PayNow − Outward PayNow lookup [7] − Inward PayNow [8] Fees imposed by Agent Banks and Overseas Banks are not reflected above. +Applicable only to customers who signed up for the APS+/OBG service on or after 1 June 2016. A charge of S$50 for accounts closed within a year of opening. Paul Vivien Foe. �|=>��7����c1*�en4'#ډl�9')C����l�
$m�9XN�mJ��{:i�9Z���^�o�A2o�Irn^Ϧ�A��d�'�lX>7���7٠|,fESM'Y������jT�.�. Other Charges 19 Corporate / Commercial / SME 1. S$0.75 per cheque: Transaction Fees: Free bundled package via Velocity@ocbc. You will have to pay a handling or administrative fee for the return of the cheque and overdraft (OD) interest charges to cover the bank’s loss in overnight interest. In the league, OCBC has emerged as the latest local bank to adopt this strategy of surging fees for processing cheques. Cheque book fee. For instance, a cost of $2 per month will be incurred if the average daily balance for your OCBC 360 Account drops below $3,000. If the issuer's account goes into an overdraft, an additional minimum overdraft interest fee of S$20 will be charged. Get rewarded for shopping. to enjoy the … 1. Cheque Book Fee: S$25 per cheque book. 0
OCBC Titanium Rewards Credit Card. Charges (for annual income of S$20,000 and above) Annual Fee: S$120 (waived up till the age of 29, applicable to existing customers and new customers who apply before 31 December 2020) Monthly Service Fee: NIL: Minimum Overdraft Interest: S$5: Late Fee: S$120: Returned Cheque: S$40 per cheque: Shop Cheque. h�b``�c``*` �lT��,
�b|P������X��1�U^PB� ��[�N�{����n�Ь��4c�D���aF� ɀ
OVER-THE-COUNTER CHARGES 07 • Coin Charges 07 • Cash Charges 07 • Internal Funds Transfer/Multiple Deposits to Different Accounts 07 4. Vous vous rendez au distributeur pour retirer de l’argent ou vous vous êtes laissé tenté par un produit sur le net. -`p�����3A1ˮ�{Dէ��4=��YU��YI(���E,�7��vY-�f���� �u;Ē�ˆu��EsW���SU�m5|�V˶;�ϗ��zz���N�s��ժ�� ������kc,�7�+J�PL$[���7ژ�m(�D�q�f�K���C� RJ�A���im��9��(���a��`�~��0�h��9�n����3������8�9���fþƸ&��cN ��8�QI��|��i�ct��W���w�nGjv����. 109 0 obj
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($10 per cheque/cheque range) Call Contact Centre at 1800 222 2121 or +65 6222 2121 ((if you are calling from overseas) ($30 per cheque/cheque range); Visit any UOB Singapore branch ($30 per cheque/ cheque range) Cheque Charges Cheque Book Request - Stamp duty RM0.15 per cheque - Service charge for courier (Min RM10.00, Max RM100.00 RM5.00 for up to 3 cheque books Cheque Processing Fee RM0.50 per cheque issued Cheque Return (due to insufficient funds) RM150.00 per cheque Stop Payment Accueil Compte Carte Bancaire Pourquoi ma carte bancaire est-elle bloquée ? CHEQUE CHARGES 06 • Marked Cheques 06 • Foreign Currency Cheques 06 • Returned Cheque Charges 06 • Cheque Image Retrieval 06 • Loss of Cheque Book 06 • Stop Payment 06 3. S$100) per cheque: Minimum of 21 working days : Note: Refer to Deposit a Cheque for details to be provided on the cheque. For everyday spending. hޤ�mo�8ǿ�_�iՋ��v�U%�����V���/��m�K�������� -P�wp�B�x�{e]P9)���I�Q9��|�*�Q���*z��Q�~�U�;B�cin �I
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ATM Charges 10 11. # When the total fee for all transactions in a batch falls below S$30, a … %%EOF
S$30. Standing Instruction (SI) 05 8. Purchase of Foreign Demand Draft (DD) - Commission for draft value ≥ RM5,000 Waived - Commission for draft value < RM5,000 RM2.00 per draft Stop Payment on Cashier’s Order (CO) or Local Demand Draft (DD) - Service Charge RM15.00 per request - Stamp duty RM10.00 per request. S$10 cheque book fee is waived for all Premier and Private Bank EasiSave accounts. (Minimum: HK$100 per cheque) Plus correspondent bank charges Foreign currency cheque purchase 0.25% on cheque amount (Minimum: HK$100 per cheque) Foreign Notes / RMB Exchange Con˚rmation of information for audit HK$400 per copy purposes General Services HK$350 per copy SUMMARY OF SERVICE FEES REVISION PH214 01/15 OCBC Wing Hang Bank Limited Professional Financing 17 15. Financing: Home Financing -i/ Term Financing 18 16. OCBC Mobile Banking app. Account Closure Fee for account closed within 6 months of account opening. OCBC Basic Current Account holders can benefit from a wide network of ATMs with over 10,000 nationwide. As part of thenationwide initiative to go chequeless, we urge you to apply for Velocity@ocbc(business internet banking) at . To create a cheque-free future in Singapore, many leading banks of the country have decided to raise fees for processing the cheques. endstream
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RM30,000 per day (shared limit with transfer to other banks and within OCBC 3rd party accounts) Payment Channels To perform any DuitNow transaction, you may choose any of the channels below: The moment the latest move will become effective, the bank will begin to charge a sum of S$0.75. Les salaires sont estimés à 10 000 € de janvier à mars, puis à 10 400 € d'avril à juin et sont réglés en fin de mois. There is no charge to the cheque recipient. %PDF-1.5
107 0 obj
Please contact OCBC Securities at 1800 338 8688 or cs@ocbcsec.com to obtain the prevailing rate of fees, commissions and other charges payable for your transaction. Returned Cheque Fees. Home / Term Loan and Overdraft 16 14. The charge for every returned cheque is S$40. Cards. OCBC Wing Hang does not offer e-Cheque issuance service at this stage, but you can deposit e-Cheque to OCBC Wing Hang account. Minimum S$30 or Prime + 4.75% per annum (whichever is higher) on the excess amount. Par. Travelers Cheque (TC) 05 7. Va`\X�1�O @��P�:F� xrF�
Depuis l'été 2009, l'OCBC est également chargé de la répression de la contrefaçon artistique. endstream
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You are advised to read the privacy policy of third party websites. OCBC Bank. Internet & Mobile Banking. Loans. %��bIU��y��ڑE�ƭ�
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How to deposit e-Cheque to OCBC Wing Hang accounts? Toutes ces immobilisations sont réglées par chèque bancaire le jour même de leur acquisition. To create a cheque-free future in Singapore, many leading banks of the country have decided to raise fees for processing the cheques. 90 0 obj
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Charges: Funds available after: USD cheques cleared via Singapore USD Cheque Clearing System: Free: 1 Working Day (deposited before 1pm) Other Currencies (non-SGD) and USD (non- local clearing) 1/8% (min. EasiCredit. h��W�n�8�>��x'�($�f�i�8�] ȃ���[2,�i��3)ӊ]n�Rs��px�0F %�1"38aV�(��FI��0*�2�1M�oC�F�%�bxFl�tc)3A\�F�_�k\�+"���&"��l�b�-Lp=�ť LP�d�L0��40�DI��5b��ҁ�G�G�G�G��͛7�[>�� |N���iQ����\��=�Xz��K��˲讅� Ӓh�� ( TZ�DQs�N�嗢�ȗe��N��v��}U?���u�zvǪDB��4Ix�a��P͓���G�w=tB�'�j"��8�D 5�!v�tOR���/�!w�`?Y�aY����\� Get a S$100 FairPrice e-Voucher when you open a 360 Account online as your first OCBC account. *Business day refers to a working day from Monday to Friday at the Head Office of OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad/OCBC Al-Amin Bank Berhad. [9] Charges apply for each amendment (S$30), cancellation/recall (S$35) and tracer (S$20). Amount. 5. RM30,000 per day (shared limit with transfer to other banks and within OCBC 3rd party accounts) h�bbd``b`��� � H�) �z� H�f �c �������ҡ$���w�؛������b``���@� 8jD
Customer service centre. S$10, max. %PDF-1.6
Le rejet de chèque chez Hello Bank. A charge of S$50 for accounts closed within a year of opening. OCBC OCBC Premier Cheque Book Charge Premier EasiSave Account Not Applicable Waived Cheque Image For retrieval of less than S$21.40* Retrieval4 1 year ago For retrieval between S$32.10* 1 & 3 years ago For retrieval of more than S$53.50* 3 years ago Stop Cheque Payment Reported via Branch S$30 per cheque Reported via Phone/ S$15 per cheque Free Online Banking USD Cheques US$30 per cheque … Remittances 06 9. Bespoke lifestyle privileges card. … Pourquoi ma carte bancaire est-elle bloquée ? You don't have to worry when traveling across the border either as they can benefit from free withdrawals at any ATM in both Singapore and Malaysia. S$50.00 per file. 0
Note: We charge a fee of S$10 per cheque book for SGD cheque book. Vous pouvez vous connecter à CBC Touch et trouver des infos concernant les comptes à vue et d'épargne, prêts, crédits hypothécaires et placements. The charge for every returned cheque is S$40. Promotion ends on 31 March 2021. Some OCBC accounts charge monthly fall-below fees if your account value drops below a set level. Login to Mobile Banking app. Alors que l’utilisation des chèques par les clients de la banque de détail d’OCBC Bank a chuté de 40% depuis 2018, une transaction en espèces sur six effectuée par les guichets OCBC Bank au comptoir est toujours un encaissement de chèques en espèces; 95% de ces chèques sont émis par des PME. Personal. S$0.75 per cheque: No Issuance Fee. OCBC 90°N Card. You are leaving the OCBC website. h�b```f``�f`a`��g`@ �+s\p����.����r���x�ٲ��v�1ݸΖ-wݍqִ�[/����DM�5�:��50fƷ]`�
@�:,�C h�bbd``b`q@�QH��,y 3"�@�H"��$�N�X. Standing Instruction (SI) 05 8. Via Personal Internet Banking. OCBC VOYAGE Card. (applicable to foreign incorporated companies only) S$500 minimum. OCBC 365 Credit Card. Minimum S$30 or Prime + 4.75% per annum (whichever is higher) on the excess amount. endstream
Globally, cardholders can use any Visa Plus ATM to make withdrawals for a small fee.
Tap on the top left menu. Remittances 06 9. OCBC Basic Current Account holders can benefit from a wide network of ATMs with over 10,000 nationwide. See all cards. With effect from 1 Oct 2019, we will be charging S$0.75/cheque for the first cleared cheque onwards for all SGD accounts. For example, if the payer writes a cheque for $1,200 when he has only $1,000 in his account, he will be charged overnight OD interest on $200 when the cheque is presented. Dial 03 8317 5000 2. ��9L�DHN$���p'A�elCo�q�����my��]��5�~�2�%;��������f9�g� l*���o�xq�W� �2������e����I�weZ�.�Y�q}}���0JMz�/ޕ��6�y�{ٛ�Ng��%B��M�7߮���F8��%�q��|^͞^]U�%�Gr������}�� Home / Term Loan and Overdraft 16 14. OCBC Wing Hang Bank Limited Fees and Charges . Dernière mise à jour le 30 septembre 2020 . Le rejet de chèque à la BNP Paribas . In the league, OCBC has emerged as the latest local bank to adopt this strategy of surging fees for processing cheques. Les autres charges décaissées s'élèvent à 5 065 € par mois et sont payées le même mois.