Walmart has restocked the PS5 twice this week, giving PlayStation gamers two separate opportunities to secure the next-gen PlayStation console. Walmart PS5 restock. On top of that, the chains are stringing customers along in some cases, hoping to get their sales one way or another. If you have had a hard time purchasing a PS5 or Xbox Series X / S, Walmart is restocking the next-gen consoles online once again on December 15th with the products expected to go on sale after 3PM ET. That said, even if you managed to beat other big PlayStation fans, bots, and scalpers, and secured an order, you may still not get a console. Shop for PlayStation 5 (PS5) at Now it's sold out," wrote one Twitter user. Two women wound up in a knock-down, hair-dragging battle over a PS5 game console at a North Carolina Walmart this week, leaving both apparently bruised and empty-handed. Walmart crashes. The PS5 is one of the hottest items for holiday gifts in 2020, but they are not easy to find. Big retailers like Walmart are giving customers headaches with their slow and inconsistent re-stocking schedules. ... @CoolDealCA is a Twitter account that gives regular updates on the products available on Amazon, including PS5s … Payment was processing. "Had the PS5 in my cart. Walmart has restocked the PS5 twice this week, giving PlayStation gamers two separate opportunities to secure the next-gen PlayStation console. Two women were caught on video fighting over a PS5 video game console at Walmart. After Best Buy royally messed up its PS5 and Xbox Series X restock this morning, Walmart's afternoon restock has proven to be a gold mine … "Walmart let me add the PS5 to cart and then wouldn't let me checkout. He used a clip of former WWE “Smackdown” general manager Teddy Long to mimic the reaction of a Walmart employee to his planned deception. Live better. While we don’t see the entirety of what caused the clash in the first place, reports state that a PS5 was at the center of the argument between the two. Best Buy PS5 Restock. Twitter user @arrestful joke about stealing a PS5 at his local Walmart by going to the self-checkout and scanning a tomato instead of the console. Save money. Best Buy has not confirmed a PlayStation 5 restock but Twitter account @PS5_Restockk claims that there are rumors that Best Buy will drop PS5 …