21. 540.825.6300 Email . Whether you’re teaming up with a local charity of the business next doors, tell customers how the partnership benefits them in your newsletter. 6. By itself, a wellness newsletter will have little effect on employee health. They can have valuable information, genuine personality, and even be downright remarkable. Your newsletter is a great place to offer tidbits of information about your business or brand. Start out by explaining the product, offer a picture of it and show subscribers what others are saying about it. To do that, you need to create content that’s interesting and intriguing. To help you in your search, we’ve put together the following reference list. Promotional Email Newsletter Ideas. I send this email newsletter the first week of every month with… Newsletters, though, are a particular type of email marketing that allow agents to entertain, educate, and — most importantly — connect with their core audience. Click on the link below that coincides with the newsletter you would like to read and your browser will open the PDF file for your convenience. Are you giving away something cool on Facebook? Monthly Newsletter for Real Estate Agents by PremierAgent. This financial business newsletter design has all of those ingredients in spades. This month’s metaphor is Travel. This year, you might also think about canceled trips, refunds, and online tours. Sixty-eight percent of markets believe newsletters are the most effective email message in their arsenal. An editorial calendar is a simple grid that helps you plan what you'll write about, when you'll write it, and where you'll publish it. Tell customers about events, charity drives and exclusive sales. Here are a few ways to educate subscribers about your business: Tell customers a piece of your company’s history. For example, an article like, “5 things the hit ABC show Scandal has taught us about business.” Make a connection to a hot TV show, a celebrity mishap or musical fads. Always include a picture of the employee. If the company has a new boss, a renovation is taking place or the company is changing the way it does something, use your newsletter to update customers. Employee newsletters are crucial to building a consistent and trusted voice within your organization. Are you already planning ahead for your blog's posting schedule in June? We’ve compiled a list of some great employee newsletter ideas to make your employee newsletters even better. Constantly generating newsletter content ideas is not. July 2019 Newsletter. Did your company host a Halloween custom party? so we’ve put together a 12-month list of possible ideas for your newsletters. Pay tribute to a special employee by highlighting him or her in your newsletter. Senior center newsletters provide information on activities, social gatherings and outings at the local center. Here’s a list of odd holidays to use. Spare them no details. It’s a great opportunity to cross-promote your business and encourage subscribers to become part of your social family too. Pinpointe's cloud-based email marketing platform helps. Either way, feel free to use some of these ideas to spice up your insurance agency website.You can also use them in your agency newsletter or on social media. Break out a video camera and provide a short tour of your business for customers to check out in your newsletter. By subscribing, you'll get the latest tips, insights, and updates from around the world of nonprofit communications sent to your inbox Mondays through Fridays. How can you relate your work to hurricane preparedness, or the power of water and wind? 25. June TV premieres include Dirty John: The Betty Broderick Story, RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars, The Bachelor: The Most Unforgettable—Ever!, Helter Skelter, Love, Victor, The Chi, NOS4A2, Perry Mason, and Black Monday. Learning how to write a newsletter is relatively easy. Allow subscribers to forward your newsletter to a friend, and if they subscribe to your list, send the customers a special deal or discount for helping you grow your list. Use a picture of your furry creature to liven up your newsletter. Several movies that were supposed to be released may be switching to streaming so check on those. This is the case with the email newsletter by PremierAgent, loaded with so much useful information and tips. April 2019 Newsletter. Here is an infographic on the 20 employee newsletter ideas for you to save and refer to as and when needed: With these 20 employee newsletter ideas, we are confident you won’t run out of awesome employee communication ideas!. However, once in awhile it’s okay to add these ideas: 22. B2B newsletters definitely don’t have to be dull – at least for their core, intended audiences. Feb 10, 2017 - Explore Debbie Kutnink-Combs's board "Newsletter ideas", followed by 132 people on Pinterest. Surveys can help businesses collect valuable information, but response rates can often be lackluster. Company-focused newsletter content ideas: New team member announcement; Email newsletters are a great way to promote a sale, special, or even to clear out inventory. Stories on gardening, proper pruning and maintaining a “green” lawn as well as composting for families make positive ideas for a June newsletter. 6/21: Father’s Day. What follows are five content marketing ideas your business can use in June 2020. This is one of the best newsletter ideas to help your subscribers connect with your brand. June Activity Calendar for the Elderly! June 2019 Newsletter. For example, a furniture store can offer an article about how to remove pet stains from furniture. People just love a good quote. Have the owner craft a letter for the newsletter. Enjoy these newsletter name ideas! If you would like these ideas sent to your inbox a month in advance, sign up for our Monthly Nonprofit Writing Prompts. Search for: While many companies produce and send newsletters, it’s not always easy to come up with content ideas for them. See more ideas about preschool newsletter, preschool newsletter templates, newsletter … You can create a blog post around a quote or simply post one to social media. How can your supporters honor their fathers in a way that’s consistent with your cause? Here are 19 employee newsletters examples and ideas to get the internal communication juices running. Lots of quotes are ascribed to famous people who didn’t actually say them. If so, provide maintenance tips in your newsletter. [Tweet “30 Fresh and Fun Ideas for Your Newsletter”]. Launch the competition in your newsletter and remind subscribers to participate. Launch the competition in your newsletter and remind subscribers to participate. Most of the major awards shows, music festivals, and sporting events have already been canceled for June. Include a picture of last year’s booth, explain what’s new this year and provide valuable information like the most affordable place to park. It can be a challenge to come up with email newsletter topics (and email newsletter subject lines!) Newsletter Archive. Copyright 2010 - 2018. These writing ideas come from our Monthly Nonprofit Writing Prompts email newsletter. See more ideas about newsletter design, email design, email design inspiration. Yet, a good name can really give you a leg up and set the tone for your overall communications plan. Promotional ideas. 6/15: Smile Power Day. However, once in awhile it’s okay to add these ideas: Offer a coupon just to your newsletter readers. What would you do if you could suddenly purchase anything you wanted for your cause? Create some out-of-the-box content too. Handpicked Listings Newsletter by Blue Elephant Realty *While I have included as many things as possible in the “On the Calendar” section, the “Pop Culture, Events, and News” section only has a few generic prompts since things continue to change. You can create one for the holidays or the company’s birthday. ... 06/2020 – June Newsletter. © PinPointe On-Demand, Inc. Newsletter Ideas for Every Month of the Year Coming up with article ideas for your nonprofit's newsletter is easy if you plan ahead, using an editorial calendar. 8. 26. 03/2020 – March Newsletter. All Rights Reserved. Design a flag for your organization. Newsletters We have a monthly newsletter for each location highlighting any special events for the month, stars of the month, employees of the month and other news that is noteworthy. Give customers a look behind the scenes by posting pictures of employees moving massive inventory for the holiday season, or a shot of your team stocking shelves. Create an event on Facebook so guests can RSVP and include the link in your newsletter. Sign up now to get prompts emailed to you in advance monthly. What are the top five questions that your secretary or sales team receives each week? Image source. February 2019 Newsletter. Make a connection to a unique holiday. Here are some ideas for promotional email newsletters: Piggyback off of current or trending events—anything from Earth Day to Election Day savings 6/8: Best Friends Day. Some real estate email newsletter examples are quite long but if they are easily scannable, length is not a problem. Keep it positive, ask customers for their patience and make every effort to fix the problem quickly. January 2019 Newsletter. Newsletter June/July 2007 Newsletter April/May 2007 Newsletter February/March 2007. November 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019. Use a tool like Canva to create a cool infographic for your newsletter. For starters, your newsletter should contain content that’s valuable to subscribers. Ask subscribers to submit photos of themselves using your product, or submit a short essay about a loved one that should be considered for a special prize. Use online tools to create an ecard. Pictures from the 11th hour of the holiday party aren’t a good idea. Veterans groups can take a more literal view of the holiday and ask their clients what the American flag means to them. August 2019 Newsletter. Get the camera out and take some pics of your staff, volunteers or clients. Remind customers about your survey and its importance in your newsletter and provide a link to it. 6. Provide participation details and a link to enter. I am the COO and Community Engagement Manager at Nonprofit Marketing Guide. Mar 5, 2016 - Tips and ideas on newsletters and autoresponders. This screams photo spread! Tell subscribers that you’re trying to hit a certain number of followers to encourage them to like your pages. Think about vacations, planes, trains, cars, cruise ships, tickets, souvenirs, exploring, delays, road trips, tourists, GPS, luggage, business trips, language barriers, and maps. Whether you choose to distribute your newsletter in print or via email, learn how to jazz up your senior center newsletter and create an engaging, informative piece for your readers. Newsletters allow a church to spread the word on recent news events taking place in the church, wedding, birth and baptismal announcements, financial information, attendance and a host of other information that keeps the congregation informed and invested in the community. Consider writing about it and how it impacted your business. October 2018 Newsletter. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The newspaper-style columns let you share different stories or ideas, and the header is great for recurring newsletters with featured authors. Online shopping is not the same as visiting a brick-and-mortar store. Does your business have a pet or a mascot? Remind subscribers about a poll or survey. So start reaching out to your employees using email newsletters today! Just like Mother’s Day in May — plenty of opportunities here. September 2018 Newsletter. Tell subscribers about social giveaways. Planning to attend a trade show? If customers are complaining about a particular aspect of your business, address it in your newsletter. Are you hosting an Evening with Santa? If you serve kids or families, hold a contest asking them to draw a flag that represents your cause. Remind your customers about it in your newsletter. You want subscribers looking for your newsletter. Add a brief “Follow Us” section to your newsletter that includes all of your social links. We used our Marketing Calendar as a guide for these email newsletter ideas to make sure we didn’t miss any holidays or fun promotional ideas. Some decisions you don’t make fast. Put the company cat in a cute holiday sweater, or give it a birthday crown when the business hits its anniversary. Cute or wacky photos of your employees. 1050 Claire Taylor Ct Culpeper, VA 22701. Explain what you’re doing to make corrections. 6/20: First Day of Summer. When you have a new product coming in, tell your customers about it. Turn your year-end sales numbers into a cool chart, or provide customer satisfaction ratings and comments in a visual way. Loosen the tie, or kick off your heels. March 2019 Newsletter. You can add a tidbit in each newsletter, create a timeline or write a longer piece on the company’s anniversary that covers the big milestones. 9. Use a pop culture reference to spark an article about your company. Feature your most passionate supporters and volunteers. 6/1: Official Start of Hurricane Season in the US. Your newsletter is a way to communicate with your customers and build a relationship, so you don’t want to fill your newsletter with promotional material. Keep it short and sweet, but provide enough information to show customers that your staff is top-notch. The letter could thank customers for their support, provide goals for the upcoming year or talk about a new product the company is about to offer. Newsletters keep people informed, so it is no wonder that churches publish newsletters for parishioners. June 21st– we will have a pizza party, no lunch needed. You can promote social initiatives in your newsletters too. Following that line of thinking, here are a few ideas: Create content that’s relevant to your audience that helps them accomplish something with step-by-step instructions. 6/14: Flag Day. window.addEventListener('LPLeadboxesReady',function(){LPLeadboxes.addDelayedLeadbox('sqvRLwA4FkQNuJAf8CjxTg',{delay:'15s',views:0,dontShowFor:'15d',domain:'npmktgd.lpages.co'});}); We help nonprofit communicators learn their jobs and love their jobs. 6/3: Repeat Day. Summer newsletters are for something special. 30 Fresh and Fun Ideas For Your Newsletter. Use your newsletter to invite or remind subscribers about upcoming events. Includes a huge variety of activities for seniors including low care and dementia care. 19. Newsletter December 2006/January 2007 Newsletter October /November 2006 Newsletter August/September 2006 Newsletter June/July 2006 Newsletter April/May 2006 Newsletter February/March 2006. 24 Amazing Newsletter Content Ideas. Modern companies need to grab readers' attention with bold colors, interesting shapes and arresting images. It’s a great way to repackage content that already exists. To make it more share-worthy, lay the text from the quote over an image related to your cause. To help you create can’t-wait-to-read newsletters, we’ve compiled a list of 30 ideas for your newsletter that you can use to inspire fresh and fun content. Marketing and Email Marketing Best Practices, Advice and Tips. This year’s theme is celebrating biodiversity. Does your product require maintenance? Newsletters keep subscribers informed about your business and brand, all while building a trusted relationship. Create a post that offers a roundup of your company’s best blog topics or most popular social posts. Lisa Furgison McEwen is a freelance writer and co-owner of McEwen's Media, a content marketing company. Developing appealing real estate newsletter ideas that produce high email open rates and lots of traffic for … Create awesome newsletters with Pinpointe’s all new Drag & Drop Campaign Builder. If you work anywhere near the Gulf or Atlantic Coasts, you know all about Hurricane season, which starts June 1st and goes through November. Or, are you reading this in July and running way behind schedule? Such newsletters can even be used to measure employee engagement so you can pinpoint areas of improvement for your business. Talk about family-friendly activities, mouth-watering recipes or airy summer styles. 13 Best Practices for a Killer Email Opt-in Form, How to Remove your IP from ATTs Blacklist, Sixty-eight percent of markets believe newsletters are the most effective email message in their arsenal, create content that’s interesting and intriguing, 8 Tips to Build Better Sales with Email Marketing, The 12 Most Effective Loss Leaders to Attract Email Subscribers to Your Brand, 7 Quick Tips to Start A Digital Marketing Campaign, Web Content Personalization and Segmentation – How to Do It Right, How to Use Videos to Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy. All Rights Reserved. 6/18: National Splurge Day. Small business owners, artists, bloggers, service providers and brands of all kinds rely on this mode of communication to strengthen their online presence, increase their traffic (once they create a website ) and gain more … 30 Newsletter Ideas That Will Interest Your Readers Email marketing is one of the most effective methods for reaching your target market and keeping them engaged. 02/2020 – February Newsletter. At some point, the crazy weather will impact your area. Most of them you can use as standalone mail or a segment in your company newsletter. Your newsletter is a way to communicate with your customers and build a relationship, so you don’t want to fill your newsletter with promotional material. © 2007-2020, Nonprofit Marketing Guide. Think about ways to relate your cause to summer vacations or anything else summery. I send this email newsletter the first week of every month with prompts for the following month. Use this day to resend an email to people who didn’t open it the first time or republish a blog post that did well. You see this in magazines all the time: summer specials. Your newsletter doesn’t have to be stuffy. Don’t write about any storms or weather that hurt someone, stick to interesting weather topics like the lack of snow in cold weather spots. Punchbowl offers traditional options. And buying decisions are among these. If so, use a few of the pictures in your newsletter to give subscribers a “glimpse behind the curtain.” Be sure to get permission to use the photos first, and use good judgment. The news will still be dominated by COVID-19 as states struggle with whether to reopen and how. When an odd holiday rolls around that’s connected to your business, use it to spark a small post in your article. Create a list of valuable tips, most popular articles on your blog or money-saving ideas that refer to your business. For example, a bar can write an article on National Margarita Day and offer a discount. In order to give you a few ideas for how to make your newsletters worth reading, I’ve rounded up 10 B2B newsletter content ideas. You can use them for social media, blog posts, newsletter articles, and more. Ideas for a June newsletter revolve around stories on things individuals, couples, families and other groups can do to clean up and maintain a healthy environment. Try JibJab for something a little more out of the ordinary. You double-check your source 6/1: Official start of Hurricane Season in the US June/July 2006 newsletter August/September newsletter. Can write an article about your survey and its importance in your newsletter... When an odd holiday rolls around that ’ s a great way to repackage content that ’ s not at... ” just make sure you double-check your source Launch the competition in your newsletter should contain content that already.! 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