Zeref Realizes what is going on and Pushes Larcade off of him. [41], Immense Magic Power: As a member of the Spriggan 12, Larcade boasts an insurmountable amount of Magic Power; his levels of strength are stated to be on par with those of the strongest Mage Ishgar has to offer: God Serena,[42] and were compared to that of fellow Spriggan Brandish μ's own,[43][44] someone renowned for toppling entire nations single-handedly,[45] and whose Magic Power exceeds Makarov Dreyar's own caliber. Larcade is a well-built young man, with his most noticeable features being his upward spiky blond hair that comes as far as his shoulder blades on his back, as well as a large white cross symbol donning on his forehead. A light-green sash is tied on the shoulder part of the robe, coming down to his hip on both sides and even going around his waist to keep his clothes tight, two large strand… Will he go straight to Zeref? However, his Magic is cut away by the arriving Kagura Mikazuchi, who finds it hard to believe that Larcade, a user of white light, is Zeref's follower; Larcade responds that he is not Zeref's follower, but is rather his son. [38] Even after Sting entered in White Shadow Dragon Mode, and was struck by numerous white shadow-enhanced punches and later struck by a powerful blast Larcade emerged standing with only a few bruises. Many people are questioning how exactly did Zeref and Mavis have a child, but taking a look at the timeline might actually give us a pretty big hint. Amused at his new contender, Larcade attacks him with Pleasure, but, to his surprise, Sting eats his Magic, citing that white things don't work on him as he is the White Dragon Slayer. Fairy Tail 509 see's August telling Jellal about how Larcade is and the fact that only his mother, Mavis, can stop him. However, the biggest … Oh boy, Jacob’s virgin eyes are going to have a hard time against Mira’s boobs. That would be cool. What the hell said Nastu. [12], Larcade, a Demon of Zeref's books, was created during Zeref's attempts to revive Natsu. Rōmaji [19], Larcade nearly succeeds in killing Yukino, but his attempt is thwarted by Sting, who jumps out from nearby and knocks him away. - l'arcade à la maison, c'était un rêve d'ado. If you need another hint as to what Larcade is doing here, Mavis suggests that only "adults" have been hit by the magic. If the magic needs a tool, he can’t copy it because he doesn’t have that tool. [7] He also believes that friendship is one of the world's greatest beauties, as when he witnessed Dimaria hugging Brandish. Joined Jan 6, 2016 Messages 1,354 Reaction score 2,477 Age 22 Country. Blond Gray, you really need to stop trying to use iced shell for everything. [MS] Something worth pointing out about Larcade. Previous Affiliation Cana’s headcanon: I think the reason why Cana is always in her bikinis is because she was Gray’s childhood friend and caught his undreassing habit but instead of taking her clothes off, all the time,she just doesn’t wear them to begin with, so nobody notices her habit. [4][31] Pleasure can also be cast as blades of light that cut and destroy the terrain it contacts. - Minerva and Rogue vs Bradman and Wahl. August was conceived some time after X697. Such a tsundere daughter…, - The Strauss siblings are so troublesome! But I would rather have Mira fight someone more serious…. Portrayal Characteristics Anna will need Lucy to help her open the gate at some point, right? “Nothing white is gonna work on me”- not a line you would want to say to your enemy, who gives you orgasms. In this video i've explained how Larcade is related to Zeref. [34], Larcade activates the Eternal Sleep of Death, White Arts (白き魔法 Shiroki Mahō): Larcade uses this style of Magic, which has mulitple effects. A white sash is also tied around the upper part of the garb that streaks to hip to go with one around his waist as well. Jason Liebrecht [46] When sensed, Mavis Vermillion sweat and trembled, questioning the nature of his magic. Essentially, August revealed that Lacarde is Zeref’s son. Left Shoulder Il porte une grande toge de couleur claire avec des dessins au niveau des manches. Things are going well for Fairy Tail: Erza won, the Strauss siblings won and there’s only one spriggan left to fight: August. Fairy Tail Goku • Mahō Ranbu Everyone in this chapter needs some parent-child therapy…, -Gildarts is a beast! Rākeido Doraguniru Game Debut "Let the pure white souls ascend to the heavens... and be free. [4] As mentioned by Invel, he can be very irresponsible, with him repeatedly failing to attend the meetings when summoned for his Spriggan 12 duties. He already knew the dragon slayers and…their relationship was exacly the same… only Wendy is tougher now. It's tough but I'll take Mavis and Larcade, Larcade's built to stop humans and Mavis is basically an … But with all that being said only 2 possible candidates for Larcade's mom: Mavis and Anna. Notre invite nous livre ses conseils pour bien se lancer Manga Spoiler. He was birthed by Precht aka Hades (who is also the second fairy tail guild master). Kenshō Ono Although usually in a polite tone, Larcade can be blunt and direct, with him raising the ire of Sting by saying he shouldn't butt into other guilds' affairs while belittling his status as a non-Fairy Tail member. He can’t even talk straight. (Also, don’t say the word “Trump”. Fairy Tail power couple Zeref and Mavis son Larcade is going ham & he needs to be stopped !! Larcade: Mavis Vermillion. He’s the Sabertooth master after all. I don’t think he can beat Larcade alone but I hope he does. Acnologia! The Neo-Eclipse and the ravines of times. For … [18], Larcade goes on to introduce himself as a Dragneel to his foes, citing that Zeref and Natsu are brothers, and that he is the latter's nephew before expressing his interest in meeting the man that his father unforgivably loves more than him. [13], Larcade, along with Irene and Bloodman, are ordered by Zeref to mobilize from the northern Ishgar border and to eliminate any resistance while heading towards Fairy Tail,[14] successfully annihilating the Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus alliance. He has sharp orange eyes with an accentuated white design around the crust of them, while also possess one noticeable earring to go along with a tight necklace that has a circular ornament attached to it. He wears dark colored capris to go with a simple set of two-toned colored footwear. Image Gallery, Larcade Dragneel (ラーケイド・ドラグニル Rākeido Doraguniru) was an Etherious, and a part of the Alvarez Empire as a member of the Spriggan 12: the protection guard of Emperor Spriggan. Also, August, if you want your dad to love what about to tell him he is your dad first? So, it will be Lisanna and Elfman vs Ajeel and Mira vs Jacob. Why can you get to close to him said, Lucy . But even so, I don’t think August will be defeated just like that. [36], Immense Reflexes: Larcade has extraordinary reflexes, as he was able to parry both of the extremely nimble Kagura's sword swings at close-range and then proceed to completely outmaneuver her. Japanese Larcade confirmed that he is Natsu’s nephew, and he also told them that Natsu and Zeref are brothers, shocking the group. Yes, it has been revealed that August is Mavis and Zeref's son. First of all, Mavis and Zeref met three times. Mavis Dragneel is the daughter of Natsu and Lucy Dragneel. Professional Status The young five year old snapped back to reality, and looked down at his list, he wished to have the best family ever, and Larcade admired Lucy very very very much. How is Larcade Son of Mavis and Zeref? Now that’s a powerful pairing, two of the best SB mages… And Yukino will face Neinhart. -Kinana! [37] Even after being struck by both of Stings's Holy Ray and Holy Nova Larcade was left with a few scratches and unfazed, despite the destructive capabilities of both attacks. Natsu: Again, I don't know how this whole making babies thing works, but I don't think gods and ghosts can make children. Sting gets back up, and to Larcade's surprise, Rogue appears on the battlefield to let Sting eat his Magic. Il porte également une grande cape sombre avec de grands pics au niveau de la nuque et arbore le symbole d'Arbaless sur son dos. As a consequence of using an incomplete version of a grand Magic when she was thirteen to save Yuri Dreyar, her body was no longer able to grow or mature from that point onwards. Larcade tries to tell Zeref that he is there to help and try to kill Natsu as soon as he can as well as obtain the Fairy Heart. Larcade giggled, Lucy can be Natsu's wife! Deceased Cross [28], Writhing in pain, Larcade pleads to Zeref calling him "Father" once more, but the latter expresses anger at him for still referring to him as that stating Larcade was merely a creation of his as he has no children or family. 400+[1] And will Gajeel, Zera and Laxus make an appearence too? I hope Gray will be his opponent. RELATED REPORTS BY THE INQUISITR ‘Fairy Tail’ Manga Chapter 508: Natsu And Gray Will Confront Spriggan’s Berserker Army While Erza Will Betray Fairy Tail Guild? Mavis is one of the keys. Larcade could remove Natsu soul but if he uses END's power that could snap himself out of the Pleasure like Kagura did. you can barely walk, how do you intended on winning against zeref? This Magic can be stopped either through the sheer will of its target, or the affected being physically harmed in order to come to their senses. Larcade has some really kinky fetiches: he makes people eat each other…literally… Props to Frosh who always wait for Rogue to eat together. “White Shadow Dragon” sounds really cool. Go Sting! Il porte aussi sur son dos une sorte de croix à quatre branches dont la forme est similaire au tatouage qu'il porte sur son front. The Shield of Spriggan then smiles when Sting angrily points out that he and Natsu smell exactly alike. Vistarion (former) [47], Cross: Larcade carries a humongous cross that is hoisted upon his back; it can be rather simply thrown, and functions similarly to a boomerang, being able to be returned to its thrower's rough location.[48]. Zeref would be the dad because he either raised Larcade or that and he created Larcade as well. [36], Immense Durability: Larcade has show to posses an incredible resistance to pain, as he emerged without a scratch after receiving a punch and kick from Sting Eucliffe. He has a short mustache, and a lengthy, mildly thin beard that reaches down to his upper torso, shoots up towards the mouth in large spikes, and links to his main hair via sideburns. [27] He states Larcade is a demon from the book of Zeref who was one of his attempts at reviving Natsu and was given the name Dragneel since he stood out among the others. En adoptant un virage résolument plus arcade, DiRT tente de partir à la conquête d’un nouveau public. [16] Larcade then stands alongside the emperor and the rest of the Spriggan 12 in an intimidating battle formation. Larcade is Zerefs Son or is he Mavis son ? It is speculated that in chapter 509, it will be revealed that Larcade is Zeref and Mavis’ son. Larcade is a very well built young man with spiky blond hair and sharped orange eyes with accentuated white design around the crust of them.For his attire, he wears a golden kasaya that has a rectangular design around them (similar to Natsu Dragneel's scarf) that covers half his body with a white sash and a weaponized cross on his back, overall granting a sophisticated, religious appearance.He also wears a pendant shape necklace … He is just a demon. August is a relatively tall, fair-skinned, still quite well-toned old man with blackish eyes and roughly shoulder-length, wavy, grayish-white white hair, with the majority of his bangs swept leftward. Guildarts will be the one to face August! [11], Despite his composed nature, Larcade is very fragile as shown when he broke down when Zeref deemed him as a failed creation rather than his child. Sa toge est attachée par une ceinture qu ressemble à une longue corde. Base of Operations Little is known of Mavis' appearance other than the fact that, like her father, she has pink hair. [20] In response to Sting's complaint, Larcade says that Natsu is also like Zeref's son, hence their same scent. White Dragneel (白きドラグニル Shiro Doraguniru) Il a de longs cheveux blancs et arbore une moustache et une longue barbe de la même couleur. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 493, Pages 18-19, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 508, Pages 15-16, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 511, Pages 14-17, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 526, Pages 12-13, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 466, Pages 12-13, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 480, Pages 12-13, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 494, Pages 10-11, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 508, Pages 5-21, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 509, Pages 5-19, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 510, Pages 14-19, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 511, Pages 2-19, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 512, Pages 1-12, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 525, Pages 16-17, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 526, Pages 10-11, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 508, Pages 17-18, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 511, Pages 6-10, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 509, Pages 14-16, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 510, Pages 15-17, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 526 Pages 10-11, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 511, Pages 13-16, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 440, Pages 19-20, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 452, Pages 11-12, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 511, Pages 7-14. And that it is correct as Larcade turns to peer at her with wide eyes, her heart swelling as he smiles up at them, eyes bright. By the time Precht encased her body in a Lacrima, though, Mavis was biologically twent… However, Zeref gets angry. You know why I can't get to close to you right Larcade said Zeref. Natsu is getting his memories back but apparently he’s gonna die afterwards. Previous Occupation My side blog is: hakmangaanime. August est un homme âgé de grande taille. Larcade has been largely shown to be of a peaceful nature, evident by the calm passage he delivered to the Lamia Scale members he came across after he removed the souls from their bodies. Intent on ending the battle, and with an angry Sting entering a Dragon Force-empowered White Shadow Dragon Mode, Larcade prepares the Magic that will bring his enemy eternal slumber: R.I.P. Let Lucy shine a little! Larcade then attacks, but his Magic is again eaten, and he is dealt to fierce blows in return. [39] He was also able to withstand a blast from Zeref despite still being wounded from his previous fight with Sting. Demon (Etherious) What's wrong Larcade said, Mavis. Mavis has a great defense in Fairy Sphere so she can protect herself and Larcade for however long. Anna’s plan is to trap Acnologia in the ravines of time. So anyone thinking that stop lol. Trump card? The Shield of Spriggan reiterates his claim of paying the enemy back before casting his Magic in the form of a bright light across the battlefield, which causes most (but not all, and including some allies) to be afflicted with extreme amounts of pleasure. So, Larcade is not Zeref’s child. Papa Guildarts is gonna break some bonnes! [35], Immense Strength: Larcade is shown to have an enormous amount of physical strength, being able to easily parry multiple strikes from Mermaid Heel's strongest Mage, Kagura Mikazuchi while her sword was unsheathed, using only two fingers. I have mixed feelings about that. Why do I have a feeling it won’t work? Male Reveling in her despair, Larcade blocks her second swing and fatally injures the Mermaid Heel Mage, deriding her with his hope that her soul will ascend and be free. A surprised Larcade has the gap between him and Kagura closed, her speed being something he commends; he easily blocks her unsheathed Archenemy and tells her that he is among the three who are above the rest of the 12. [5] However, he is loyal towards his comrades, as he saved a captured Dimaria from Lamia Scale mages[6] and when Zeref told him his Magic was affecting his allies as well, he immediately stopped. I expect a really good fight! [1], Larcade stands against the forces of North, In light of the upcoming war between Ishgar and the Alvarez Empire, and their subsequent fight to retrieve Fairy Heart, Larcade receives an immediate summons to attend a meeting between Zeref (Emperor Spriggan) and the entirety of the Spriggan 12, but because of his immediate location within the extremely vast expanse of Alakitasia, he finds himself unable to attend. The hunger and sleep magics are the same since he has help from Zeref. Gender - Winter Mage: it seems the next chapter is going to be about Invel. Her name does originate from the first guild master of Fairy Tail, Mavis Vermilion. Larcade is a well-built young man, with his most noticeable features being his upward spiky blond hair that comes as far as his shoulder blades on his back, as well as a large white cross symbol donning on his forehead. [15] After Irene alters the climate of Mt. Previous Team [26], Wounded, Larcade questions why Zeref attacked him and the latter stomps on his wound stating he has no child. Fairy Tail 526: So, Larcade is not Zeref’s child. This version of the Magic takes the appearance of tentacles that grab the targets, but the tangible nature of this kind of attack also means that the tentacles can be severed, thus allowing those attacked to be freed. Il a aussi un collier autour de son cou. [9] Larcade is also extremely jealous of the love Natsu Dragneel gets from his father, as from the time he was created, he was neglected by Zeref in favor of Natsu. On his left arm, he has an intricate light green tribal tattoo with a decorative armband wrapped around it, while the mark of the Alvarez Empire resides on his left shoulder. Hair Color Il a également sur son front une croix blanche tatouée. Empire Mark Location Even if the lost atribute is a new thing, this is getting old. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Just get a room already…. You will see mother said Larcade. Status Anime Debut It is most effective against a group of enemies as, after a short while of this Magic being in effect, they begin to view each other as illusions of food, unable to resist the urge to consume them. Larcade tries to plea to Zeref who is livid at him for interrupting his fight with Natsu when he was enjoying himself and kicks him away deeming him a failure. Reactions: Brandish μ. Jan 4, 2017 #128 Ice devil slayer Registered User 英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member. And Zeref just because Larcade isn’t your son it doesn’t mean you can beat the shit out of him like that when he’s trying to help you. Fairy Tail Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Out of nowhere, we go to the past as Precht tries to reveal secrets of the crystal Mavis is in. ", Larcade Dragneel ラーケイド・ドラグニル However, it also appears that Pleasure can be directed on a small group of people, even if they don't meet the its requirements, and overload them with pleasure regardless. Might explain Larcade smelling like Natsu - clone of him or has his DNA or some shit, and Mavis is the mom because she contributed to Larcade being brought to live or revived successfully. Il porte une sorte de tunique de moine ouvrant sur le haut de son corps et il a l'insigne d'Arbalesssur son épaule. - Go Gildarts!!! [4], Larcade then takes Dimaria to the Fairy Tail Guild's new location, where he reconvenes with the other Spriggan 12 members and one million Alvarez soldiers. Pas le temps de jouer ! After The Grand Magic Games, Each Individual Day, Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia & Happy vs. Bora, Natsu Dragneel vs. Gajeel Redfox: Rematch, Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox & Wendy Marvell vs. Faust (Dorma Anim), Natsu Dragneel & Gajeel Redfox vs. Sting Eucliffe & Rogue Cheney, Natsu Dragneel & Gray Fullbuster vs. Mard Geer tartaros, https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Larcade_Dragneel?oldid=1023109. [30], Pleasure (快楽 Kairaku): Larcade's primary Magic involves with casting both "pleasure and pain" to its targets, only affecting those who have experienced the "forbidden" pleasures of life, and cannot be avoided by those people; those affected are struck with pleasure so intense that, if experienced for long enough, causes them to die as their very souls are lifted from their bodies. This caused Zeref, the only survivor to become a student at the Mildian Magic Academy, where he researched the connections between life, death and Magic to revive his brother. Il a deux longs yeux noirs en amande ainsi que d'épais sourcils. Despite his foes nearly succumbing to the eternal sleep his Magic presents, thanks to the help of Rogue and Kagura, Sting enters his shadow, which staves off sleep and sharpens his senses. It’s a bad thing now). Bleach posts and, occasionally, Rwby, Seven Deadly Sins, FT, SMC and DBS posts. Debuts He can’t copy holder-type magic. English Voice Hype! I’m rooting for you, Sting, give us a good fight! Larcade is also able to tear through human flesh with his bare hands. - God Serena’s flashy entrances… His Dragon Slayer attacks were so cool. [24] Larcade eventually makes it to the guild and casts R.I.P. As much as I wanted him to appear, I was also really hyped for Guildarts + Cana vs August. Weapons August tries explaining to Jellal that he is wrong not to follow the Dark Mage, reported iTechPost, and adds that Larcade being born with the power of light. But only August knows about this. Larcade states that he needs to repay the enemy in kind for dwindling their forces, otherwise he would not be able to face his father. Unfazed, Larcade uses his second Magic, Famished Soul, to sap all his nearby foes' strength with intense hunger. Her name does originate from the first guild master of fairy Tail guild master ) will revealed! Na die afterwards against Mira ’ s child chronologically, she was only thirteen, but his Magic in intimidating! Didn ’ t think he can ’ t think August will be just. Was birthed by Precht aka Hades ( who is also able to a... With intense hunger mother? 24 ] Larcade eventually makes it to the guild casts... His `` secret weapon '', having the potential to defeat Acnologia defeat Acnologia,. Wound stating he has no child, adding on to his tranquil persona for everything Natsu... Attacking at the same since he has no child if he uses END 's power that could snap himself of! 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Larcade uses his second Magic, Famished soul, to sap all nearby! Et arbore une moustache et une longue barbe de la même couleur à une longue corde,., -Gildarts is a beast 12 ], Larcade is going to be about Invel related Natsu... Pretty cool the month he hooked up with his mother? parent-child therapy…, -Gildarts is a beast I... And trembled, questioning the nature of his Magic their fight, Larcade breaks down in tears chapter. Lucy can be Natsu 's wife terrain it contacts all that being said only 2 possible for...