A solid RTS on the Xbox 360, Halo Wars may not break the mold, but it does provide an impressive entry to the series and one that finally makes the genre feel at home on a console. 1/8 . The real-time strategy experts at Ensemble Studios enter the Halo universe creating an exclusive experience for the Xbox 360. Feb 20, 2009 9:29am Player Reviews By approaching the game as fundamentally different, the resulting design feels native to the console controller. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. ESports Takes on Fight Format This Weekend With WSOE. The fact that Halo Wars had a Xbox 360 only development makes the usual RTS standards shine with a pad for the first time. This is a fun game..LIGHT RTS but fun in action. Read on, and watch our video accompaniment, as we review Halo Wars. It may not prove to be the finest example in presenting lasting appeal – single-player certainly doesn’t last all that long – but ultimately, Halo Wars stands out as an RTS experience that works incredibly well while ticking all of the right boxes for the fans. Real-time strategy set in the Halo Universe from developer Ensemble Studios. Generally favorable reviews- based on 560 Ratings, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game - Complete Edition, MXGP 2020 - The Official Motocross Videogame, Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer. Check out CCC's in-depth Halo Wars review for the Xbox 360 to find out if this game is worth buying, renting, or if you should avoid it altogether. I was expect a new action packed Halo game. The story starts with Forge and Co. struggling to reclaim the Harvest colony (AKA Ice planet #1) back from the theocratic Covenant, but it quickly moves on from there when you stumble across part of the Covenant plan. What I got was a slow paced building game. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Halo Wars - Xbox 360 Platinum Edition at Amazon.com. Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; Share on Google+; Share on Reddit; Share on Pinterest; Share on Linkedin; Share on Tumblr; So after the long wait, Halo Wars has finally arrived to take a stab at the console RTS genre. Multiplayer adds an extra dimension once the short singleplayer campaign is complete and as with past Halo games there’s a collection of Skull power-ups you can add-in to make the game more interesting. Wonâ, I saw this game on the store shelf and quickly grabbed it to purchase it. Halo Wars review With solid gameplay and an authentic Halo experience, Halo Wars certainly is an appealing choice. Ein ganz wichtiger Punkt bei so einem Spiel ist immer die Steuerung. Summary; Release Data; Game Credits; Also Playing; Collection Stats; Guides; Q&A; Cheats. Neil Vaughan. Stupid Halo story but it is what it is. We played a review copy of Halo Wars 2 on the Xbox One S. The game is available from February 21 and costs Rs.4,000 ($60 in the US) for Windows 10 PC and Xbox One. I love the Halo games and when I saw a new one I was excited all to. Quick verdict. Halo Wars takes place before Halo 1 during the UNSC’s first deadly encounters with the Covenant. The original Halo Wars dispelled that to some degree, and Halo Wars 2 outright proves it wrong. Halo Wars is a prequel to the the Halo trilogy, set 21 years before the events of Halo: Combat Evolved. Halo Wars (Reviewed on Xbox 360) This game is great, with minimal or no negatives. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Halo Wars - Xbox 360 at Amazon.com. Generally favorable reviews Recent. Armies are smaller and tougher by design. Oh, and no matter how far zoomed out you go the viewpoint always feels constrained to the point of claustrophobia. This fulfills my hope of seeing one Forge is a clear substitute for Master Chief, boring nonchalance and all. Seinen herausragenden Entwicklern verdankt Ensemble Studios auch den Erfolg der Spieleserie „Age of Empires“, die sich bereits millionenfach verkauft hat. Ich hab mir das Spiel aufgrund der bald verfügbaren abwärts kompatilität der xbox one gekauft, da ich halo wars schon auf der xbox 360 super fand, diese allerdings samt allen spielen nach neu Anschaffung der xbox one verkauft habe. Ensemble takes Halo, and real-time strategy, to a whole new planet. Still, Halo Wars is a mostly successful effort to bring the strategy genre to the Xbox 360, and not a bad way to kick off a new era of Halo games, to boot. Halo Wars places the player in command of human UNSC armies as they deploy for mankinds first deadly encounter with the enemy Covenant forces. Descubre los inicios de la saga por una nueva apuesta en el universo de Halo. Ex-Age of Empires-ontwikkelaar maakt strategiegame voor Microsoft Nieuws van 8 juli 2010 Halo Wars for the Xbox 360 is a lot like what The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth was for the PC. Halo Wars videos - Watch Halo Wars Xbox 360 videos, movies, trailers, gameplay clips, video game reviews, interviews and more at IGN Achievements . Commanding armies is easy, controlling troops and units effortless, and epic battles are smoothly handled using an intuitive user interface. Hier findest du alle Infos zum Strategiespiel Halo Wars von Ensemble Studios für PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360: Release, Gameplay und alles, was ihr wissen müsst. Meanwhile, the other half of the Den hive-mind reckoned that it might just be worth playing anyway; Ensemble was a good studio before it closed and just because it’s set in the Halo universe didn’t mean it’s going to be totally bad. - Instead, Microsoft and Ensemble went in a completely different direction and decided to bring a real-time strategy game to the Xbox 360. In any case, this a great game any Halo fan should have as well as to introduce people to the RTS genre. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Halo Wars - Xbox 360 (Platinum Hits) at Amazon.com. Story – 9/10 The story of Halo Wars does not have anything to do with the typical Halo series. Seems this race of evil, alien vicars is looking for something that could turn the tide of the war and you’ve got to stop them – but since we all literally know how this story ends there’s very few actual surprises in the plotting. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Halo Wars, on the other hand, is a game that was designed around the Xbox 360's Controller from the ground up, and I can honestly say that it's paid off. Halo Wars takes place before, Halo Wars is the next big real-time strategy game from Ensemble Studios, creators of "Age of Empires." Home. Halo Wars is the latest game in the Halo universe. Updated 27.01.2017 Hübscher, komfortabler und nur acht Jahre zu spät: Im Test glänzt die PC-Umsetzung von Halo Wars mit actionreichen Missionen, zeigt aber auch Konsolenschwächen. Genres:Strategy. Halo Wars – Review Xbox 360 . This video game review features Halo Wars video game play footage and commentary. Hübscher, komfortabler und nur acht Jahre zu spät: Im Test glänzt die PC-Umsetzung von Halo Wars mit actionreichen Missionen, zeigt aber auch Konsolenschwächen. Reader Reviews; Critic Reviews; Media. Halo Wars' is now the first RTS to. Neil Vaughan. October 22, 2009. The multiplayer can have 3v3, which is pretty good and mostly the number of players goes above 10,000, probably more than Tom Clancy's EndWar. Looks really nice, best RTS UI on a console yet, the multiplayer is pretty fun and the code is stable. I wonder if it would have gotten better critic scores had it not been part of the Halo. What if that game wasn?t even a first person shooter or made by Bungie Studios? Xbox 360. Halo Wars: Definitive Edition was a walk down memory lane. When I first heard this game was announced, I was thrilled to hear it was being developed by Ensemble. Posted on February 23, 2009. I love the Halo games and when I saw a new one I was excited all to heck. What's this? A true gem. Microsoft’s Halo series is easily one of the world’s most popular first person shooters that originally began on the XBox and finally concluded on the XBox 360 with not only a spectacular gaming experience but a storyline to match. What Ensemble have achieved is nothing short of astonishing. I would not recommend this game to anyone. By Nick De Bruyne . This is a fun game..LIGHT RTS but fun in action. An interesting campaign with the always exciting cooperative guarantees a long life for this game, but the reception of the skirmishes is the real fact to determinate if Halo Wars will be ranked in the tops of the most played games in Xbox Live. So after the long wait, Halo Wars has finally arrived to take a stab at the console RTS genre. Halo Wars wurde exklusiv für Xbox 360 entwickelt, wobei von Beginn an größter Wert auf eine eingängige Bedienung und ein ausgewogenes Gameplay gelegt wurde. Halo Wars Limited Edition Review. The original Halo Wars was one of my most played games on the Xbox 360. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Ensemble did a great job of simplifying the gameplay so you don't have to worry on Micromanaging and concentrate on making strategic maneuvers. March 4, 2009 by Mr Butterscotch 1 Comment. RTS games and consoles were not made to coexist. Reviewed: 03/16/09. 92 Halo Wars is a pretty fun game, though it is by no means proof that the conventional PC RTS can be made to work with anything less precise than a mouse. Ensemble was charged with building Halo Wars for the Xbox 360 from the ground up, as well as creating an RTS title that believably sat within the Halo universe. In this real-time strategy take on Halo, the player leads the UNSC troops from the ship "Spirit of Fire", as they fight war against the Covenant on the partially destroyed human colony planet Harvest. The singleplayer campaign for Halo Wars acts as a detached prequel to the first Halo game, taking place a good twenty years before the Halo itself was discovered. I wonder if it would have gotten better critic scores had it not been part of the Halo Franchise? É um bom jogo, mas há muito o que melhorar. Halo Wars Review. Hier findest du alle Infos zum Echtzeit-Strategiespiel Halo Wars 2 von Creative Assembly für PC, Xbox One: Release, Gameplay und alles, was ihr wissen müsst. Can the Halo franchise cut it in the strategy arena? Review… Q&A. Both took a franchise that was very popular and turned it into a real-time strategy that was very simplistic but surprisingly fun, thus making it a gateway game for people who had never tried a strategy game before. Halo Wars takes place before Halo Wars is the next big real-time strategy game from Ensemble Studios, creators of "Age of Empires." Groundbreaking Xbox 360 strategy game: Since inception, Halo Wars was explicitly designed to bring a typical PC genre to console gamers. You know… Destroy the halo rings. According to the Guiness Book of World Records 2010 Gamer's Edition, Halo Wars has sold over 1.21 million units making it the Best Selling Console Based RTS. STAFF REVIEW of Halo Wars (Xbox 360) Monday, March 16, 2009. by Adam Dileva. iDaniel 11 mei 2010, laatste update op 11 mei 2010, 1.851 views. July 11, 2018. Designed exclusively for the Xbox 360, Halo Wars allows you to take charge of the human UNSC armies and see the Halo universe from a totally new perspective. For the first RTS game that has been especially designed for the Xbox, I reckon the guys at Ensemble have done a good job; however, this isn’t the best RTS game you will ever play due to the lack of strategic depth nor will it be the best Halo game as the original will always be in my heart as the best. Quick verdict. Ensemble did a great job of simplifying the gameplay so you don't have to worry. But, unlike its predecessors, it is not a first-person shooter. We've no doubt a strategy game will be a hard sell to a lot of people, but if this introduces even just a small proportion of die-hard Halo fans to a rewarding new genre of game, or indeed just a small proportion of strategy fans to the brilliance of Bungie's rich sci-fi universe, then it can be deemed a success that the now defunct Ensemble Studios can be proud of. Players lead the crew of the UNSC's "Spirit of Fire" from initial skirmishes to an all out war against the evil Covenant. Halo Wars was always going to have limitations due to being focused on controller usability, as well as to lower potential drains on the dated hardware of the Xbox 360. Halo Wars was always going to have limitations due to being focused on controller usability, as well as to lower potential drains on the dated hardware of the Xbox 360. based on 1/8 . Check out CCC's in-depth Halo Wars review for the Xbox 360 to find out if this game is worth buying, renting, or if you should avoid it altogether. CGR Undertow reviews Halo Wars from Microsoft for the Xbox 360 from February 2009. Extreme Gamer Canada reviews Halo Wars Review exclusive to the Xbox 360. Halo Wars is the latest game in the Halo universe. Halo Wars Review Written Friday, February 20, 2009 By Dan Webb (GT: Webb x360a) The original Halo way back in 2001 was, believe it or not, originally meant to be an RTS game and it was only through repeat trips back to the drawing board that the title ended up in the FPS genre. More. February 7, 2018. [Ensemble Studios], Halo Wars fulfills Halo: Combat Evolved's origins as an RTS. When I first heard this game was announced, I was thrilled to hear it was being developed by Ensemble. To replay Halo Wars: Definitive Edition was a walk down memory lane. Mit Halo Wars bietet Ensemble Studios zum ersten Mal eine Konsole für die Xbox 360 an. But, unlike its predecessors, it is not a first-person shooter. Das Spiel wurde schnell geliefert. Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. 2 March 2009. Ensemble takes Halo, and real-time strategy, to a whole new planet. Random. 15 min read. Halo Wars for the Xbox 360 is a lot like what The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth was for the PC. I speed home to put this into my 360.... when the game started I was sorely disappointed. Halo Wars is a pretty fun game, though it is by no means proof that the conventional PC RTS can be made to work with anything less precise than a mouse. STAFF REVIEW of Halo Wars (Xbox 360) Monday, March 16, 2009. by Adam Dileva. I saw this game on the store shelf and quickly grabbed it to purchase it. Board. I've had many, many requests to do a review. Halo Wars is now backwards compatible and is playable on the Xbox One. Videos, Wii, Xbox 360. Halo Wars represents the true next-generation experience, combining a masterful control scheme with the award-winning strategic gameplay only developers Ensemble Studios can provide. Review Date: February 2009 Reviewer: James Wright: 8.1: Halo Wars. Halo Wars is the latest game in the Halo universe. Halo Wars. Halo Wars is a fun strategy outing for fans of the universe, but it feels simplistic and short alongside other games in the genre. Console RTS gaming finally has a true leader. Single units can be upgraded constantly and are a lot more capable than you’d think, which enhances the personal feel of squad-on-squad battles. Game-Review: Halo Wars (Xbox 360) Endlich wurde die ursprüngliche Idee umgesetzt und das „Halo“-Universum hält Einzug im RTS-Bereich. Check out CCC's in-depth Halo Wars review for the Xbox 360 to find out if this game is worth buying, renting, or if you should avoid it altogether. As is usual for such disagreements, the final conclusion was mostly an amalgamation of the two. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Halo Wars uses the Xbox 360 controller and Ensemble has done a wonderful job at creating a solid control scheme via a radial menu. PC Xbox One. The differences between Halo Wars and a more traditional PC RTS are distinct. Xbox 360; Xbox One; The development team behind the Age of Empires series brings Halo to the RTS genre with Halo Wars. The gameplay is tightly woven, even though the story is little more than a haphazard cross-stitch that links the levels together. Halo Wars 2 Review. 8.4. It also means you never have to zoom out so much to see all your assembled forces. Brandon Hofer. Designed exclusively for the Xbox 360, Halo Wars allows you to take charge of the human UNSC armies and see the Halo universe from a totally new perspective. Test PC, X360 0 Halo Wars: Definitive Edition: Die PC-Umsetzung im Test - jetzt mit Video-Review! Perhaps the most impressive thing, though, is that it's managed to feel like a totally authentic Halo experience, rather than just a cynical spin-off. Halo Wars' is now the first RTS to revolutionize how console RTS are constructed. The original Halo Wars was one of my most played games on the Xbox 360. Instead, Microsoft and Ensemble went in a completely different direction and decided to bring a real-time strategy game to the Xbox 360. Statt einen Soldaten zu steuern, bekommt ihr in „Halo Wars“ die Möglichkeit, eine ganze Armee zu führen. Check out CCC's in-depth Halo Wars review for the Xbox 360 to find out if this game is worth buying, renting, or if you should avoid it altogether. Guides. To replay Halo Wars: Definitive Edition was a walk down memory lane. Introduction There aren’t too many decent RTS games on this current crop of consoles, so it was no surprise that Halo Wars was destined to make a big splash – especially with the famous franchise name in the title. ... Halo Wars … Halo Wars es un juego de estrategia en tiempo real que ha dado un aire fresco a la saga. MS this is a wonderful way to kill your best selling franchise. First Halo was one of the first FPS games to revolutionize how FPS are played on consoles. Price when reviewed TBC. I saw a review for this in the Game Informer magazine and it's not going to be all to terrible controls. Cortana becomes Lt Anders, the battlefield scientist who’s tired of being babysat all the time, while Sgt. Ensemble Studios (Who have now been closed down) are responsible for some of the most popular PC real time strategy games of the last couple of years or so with their “Age of” series. People who thought this would be just milking of the frachise are wrong unless the definition of "milking" is changed to expanding the boundaries on how genre's of consoles should be made. Looks really nice, best RTS UI on a console yet, the multiplayer is pretty fun and the code is stable. View offer. But, unlike its predecessors, it is not a first-person shooter. ... Halo Wars speelt zich af in het jaar 2531, 21 jaar voor het verhaal van Halo Combat Evolved. One side of our collective geek consciousness argued that it must just be a quick Halo cash-in game and that the real-time strategy formula could never be made to work with a controller. The original Halo Wars was one of my most played games on the Xbox 360. Ensemble Studios which is known for their Age of Empire series has been given the chance to put the Halo … Xbox 360 Review - 'Halo Wars' by Chris "Atom" DeAngelus on March 2, 2009 @ 9:00 a.m. PST. Images; Videos; Board; Review by redapocalypse04. Stupid Halo story but it is what it is. Instead, Microsoft and Ensemble went in a completely different direction and decided to bring a real-time strategy game to the Xbox 360. Base building has been reined in so that you can only build in certain, preset places, for example. And for all those people out there who don't like it because Bungie was not involved, here is an article on what Bungie has to say about it: http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=bwusept29osix For what it's worth, Halo Wars is an excellent addition to the franchise, but it leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Xbox 360 Review - 'Halo Wars' Historic Battle DLC by Jesse Littlefield on Aug. 31, 2009 @ 1:13 a.m. PDT. Some degree, and no matter how far zoomed out you go the viewpoint always constrained... Gameplay and an authentic Halo experience, combining a masterful control scheme a!, combining a masterful control scheme with the enemy Covenant forces a limitation of first... Guides ; Q & a ; Cheats whole new planet short of halo wars xbox 360 review Chief boring! Babysat all the time, while Sgt a.m. PDT to renting if not buying wonâ, saw! Game Informer magazine and it 's not going to be all to about... 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