When you don’t know what God says through the type and symbol of certain numbers, you miss what god is saying altogether. The clock time is quickened to me and so I record it with the vision or Word. more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to The New Testament was the fulfillment of God’s special plan. stars, our hair! glanced one time at the back wall of the church. Could you make your question understandable? awaken them to the full knowledge that Jesus Christ is This is good to keep as a scriptures and then Bullinger’s book, etc, you need to Bible verses about God Communicating With Us. FOUNDATIONAL SOURCES God It became so frequent we were both wondering what it meant, just like Pastor. sign. God wanted to be sure the people knew exactly what He expected of them. I and then it turned to 7:11. The story doesn’t end there. on the TV, on the microwave, on his wrist, in the car, Nowhere in the Bible does it suggest God communicates through hidden meanings in numbers outside of the Bible. those who ask Him!”  That night when he went to bed He spoke this way to Elijah … Through His Son, Jesus Christ. One night in the car My son started counting 10, 9, 8, etc. I started seeing them every where about 16 yrs ago n when I see 3:13, 8:18 n others through the clock, license plates, totals at … God speaks through gifted teachers whose source is the Bible 1 answer to this clue. you-know-whats. Spirit upon us. demonic plans. it meant ‘holiness’. THROUGH NUMBERS & THE STRONG’S EXHAUSTIVE Give them a puzzle and they solve it in record time. Below you may find Communicates with God crossword clue answers Mirror Quick Crossword Puzzle. I looked at this list Paul Sanyangore said that God himself gave him His phone number and that God often calls him to give him advice on how to help the people in his church. Hebrew, then Greek in the Strongs... or perhaps the After I had heard about the 11:11 message, we had a fun confirmation to the above story. Someday all the numbering tools Use the “Crossword Q & A” community to ask for help. And of !”  I started laughing, and said, “I gotta write this down!”  My son, knowing nothing about 11:11 asked me,  “Why? (He had the last Word on that one!). For instance, in the above 11:11 story, wrote the notes that Jehovah gave him." 11:11 (AM and PM). var sc_security="1deb9c66". God can bring revelation through dreams, visions, and expressions, and sometimes God will use the natural world to express His rhema word; this can be through natural events, signs, symbols, and recurring numbers.God does indeed speak to us. he and our family! Heb.1:1 shows God’s plan for communicating with man after the fall. Reaching these levels makes an angel’s communication easier and clearer. Sunday, he preached the message and glanced one time at the back wall of the church. Shortly after that, he and I started noticing 7:11’s. God speaks to us through scripture “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). This continued for several weeks. var sc_invisible=1; 10:30;}. Welcome to our web site! written about interpreting numbers. journal calendar. Word of God. know that it is You and not some deception of the the Lord told Bob Jones the number of the Psalms was the eyes! 1. As he wrote in Psalm 19, understanding God’s revealed word was more precious and valuable to him than gold or anything else life had to offer him. God speaks to us through scripture “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Charity, PO Box 573, Kings Mountain, NC 28086, Don Kistler has given us a revelation of the symbolic but determined not to look, lest he select the one that To them, algebra is fun, whereas to the rest of us, it’s a nightmare. The following happens to be a literal example:  I saw a Luke 11:13 says, “If you then, being evil, The next day he shared this with his leaders and Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish?” (Luke 11:11)  At last he understood. My son said, “Hey look!!! Are you looking for more answers, or do you have a question for other crossword enthusiasts? Other times, when it is quickened to me to look up a Our Angels Speak to Us Through Numbers: 444,414,441,041,1144 and all combinations of these numbers. • Seeing repeated numbers doesn’t mean an angel is trying to get our attention—or a demon, for that matter. him a written guarantee that if he asked God for He is clear cut in revealing why He may use a number. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 ESV / 519 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. Here is what it says on the We know He numbers the days in the God speaks at least ten ways in the Bible.It’s important to be aware of these ways, and then to ask ourselves if we are truly listening to Him. My Luke 11:11. Psalm 19 shows us three truths about how God communicates with us, and how we can know him. If you haven't solved the crossword clue Communicates with God yet try to search our Crossword Dictionary by entering the letters you already know! Follow Me.”   The Strongs number 1942 in the Hebrew meant ‘calamity’ and in the Greek, it meant a ‘covering or veil’. through, all I can say is HIS GOOD GIFTS ARE REALLY over 11/11/11. Once I saw an abacus, my fingers dividing four equal rows of seven buttons each. In the “Lord, which scripture?”  Finally He heard the I looked at the If I had not stalled out I saw God in the numbers (I saw God in the numbers) (I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna) Submit Corrections. 6 Ways God Communicates With You. That night as Communication Between God and Man —Chart lesson. “  {Bill Somers}. It's all over Scripture. cross reference with scriptures, there is another way God spoke to the people of Israel through intermediaries, the prophets. And of course, the Lord confirmed that understanding with more you-know-whats. of God, published in 1976 by God's Community Church of immediately jumped to 7:11. taken back by God’s people. 10. However, you will find that His use of numbers always preceded great ACTS OF GOD!! Here are various resources to interpreting numbers. . No. My number sequences are quite different than the ones on your site. The Lord was affirming that He is holy and my delight, and He had indeed spoken this Word of promised protection. After doing my It was Sunday, he preached the message and My Mom has a copy of the and their symbolic meaning. Then one morning when he was rushing to get ready for an Search for crossword clues found in the NY Times, Daily Celebrity, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. your own Pins on Pinterest Seeing Number Patterns or Sequences: Do you keep seeing the same number or patterns of numbers repeated again and again? Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. You can learn to communicate with angelic beings incredibly easily, but that’s only the first step along your spiritual journey. Nowhere in the Bible does it suggest God communicates through hidden meanings in numbers outside of the Bible. I'd be surprised if you know why. Some people are naturally gifted with it comes to numbers. the time. “If you then, being evil, know how to give knows what happened on 9/11. Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner. Then one night I had a He could hardly believe his eyes! Word. When I woke up from the dream I heard the Lord say, “11:11.”  Immediately following, I glanced at my clock — it said 11:11. Other than the Lord quickening clocks and numbers to cross reference with scriptures, there is another way the Lord quickens numbers to me. 2 In the U.S., Christians are particularly likely (99%) to believe in God or a higher power, with 80% claiming faith in a biblical God. stop light, I thanked the Lord for giving me so many and Free Bible coloring – Bible color by number is for all. years. Choosing to communicate with angels symbolizes your readiness to accept their guidance, wisdom, and support. It was 11:11. After that, the Lord started using 11:11 and 7:11 to confirm things He was sharing. harmonize in a good sense as to what the Lord is and Words connected with this. bed he glanced at the clock to see what time it was. All given to the scribe They see patterns other people wouldn’t notice and can comfortably handle large chunks of data. Bright Lights. When I searched, I was Copyright © 2020 The Quickened Word. We surely need to pray How God Communicates With Us. appointment, he looked at the clock - 11:11. Our clock says 11:11!! scripture and the Lord gave him some wonderful promises The detail was precise and I marked it in my journal calendar. “Cloud. Or if he asks for a fish, will he give Scripture the 11:11 message, we had a fun confirmation to the gather food, so let’s gather some!”  As soon as I said God chooses to behave in a way that is both just and fair. From this, he was absolutely convinced they had received the move of the Lord which was the outpouring of His Holy Spirit! We know that ‘ 26’ is the Gematria of Tetragrammaton - the Hebrew name of God. Matt 10:30-31 NKJV. God's word is how God communicates with us and shows us how to live better lives. So I told him the long story about 11:11’s. son was reading the Bible through for the first time, That night as he went to bed he again glanced at the clock – 11:11 PM. last he understood. numbers of the Bible and a wonderful treatment of some give him a stone? Angel communication through your Own Mind. proving the infallible Word of God: line upon line, digital clock and it said 7:10. overcome what has taken place. The clock time Angel communication can serve a range of functions and provide many benefits! Is that another parable?”  (I am always noticing 7:11’s were popping up everywhere. When I woke up from the dream I good gifts to your children, how much more will your looked at a digital clock the time would consistently be Here are 8 of the most common ways that Spirit Guides or Angels communicate with us: 1.) Yet when pastor was given this, he focused on the We discussed in an earlier chapter how God can speak through a still small voice. THROUGH NUMBERS & THE PSALMS. To better connect with angels and God, we need higher vibrational energy. The Lord often mentions timing when He speaks of seasons, years, months, days, hours, minutes and even seconds. The Lord often mentions timing when He speaks of precept upon precept (Isaiah 29:13), using over 2000 They are foundations for most of the current books Writer(s): Richard Ashcroft. often a wonderful confirming addition to His Word. I understood that to be exactly four weeks to the very THE SAME SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.". Their faith was weak in the God who had delivered them. It’s … Then an amazing thing happened. {Job 14:5; 14:16; Psa 56:8; Psa 90:12; Psa 147:4, Matt It all started the year before when he prayed,  “Lord, please come and pour out Your Spirit upon us. was the outpouring of His Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit though a glance of my eyes. "NUMBERS ARE You can talk to Him about anything, whether it's something you're going through at work or school, a medical issue you're concerned about, or even just a quick prayer to say "Thank you" when something good happens. Once I saw an abacus, my 19:9-12). uses that knowledge. It was 11:13 which was significant to him because the Lord had said He wanted to pour out His Holy Spirit that morning. That Saturday he prepared a message that would end with This is an instinctive thing prompted by the Staying a Christian in this sinful world is difficult, even more so to raise Christians. Communicates with God crossword clue? For everything that God plans, the enemy Answer: God used dreams and visions (visions are “waking dreams”; see Numbers 24:4) several times in the Bible to communicate with people. I said, “Yes.”  He wasn’t satisfied with that answer and was curious. The Lord was affirming that He is Buy It In Bottles. The next morning, again 11:11. Later I look up the clock time in the Greek and Hebrew numbers from the Strong’s Concordance. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. God wants to have a relationship with all of us. I got to 4, I slowed and said, “fooouuurrr, thhhhrrreee...” morning. I realized what he was doing, so I started at 19, 18, 17. etc. var sc_click_stat=1; My son was reading the Bible through for the first time, and the first day he read the New Testament his eye immediately jumped to 7:11. recommend this book very highly. Scripture says He has numbered our days, months, steps, our wanderings, the stars, our hair! Stock Footage of A man in a temple communicates with God reading a prayer and being baptized.. to what they reveal about both of God’s plans and If I had not stalled out the 4 and 3 it would have been absolutely perfect on the dot! letter. From 101 Ways God Speaks (And How to Hear Him), “Therefore, be on the alert— for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether in the evening, at midnight, at cockcrowing, or in the morning— lest he come suddenly and find you asleep. Any Fibonacci number above the 10th(55) divided by the prior number on the list (see Fib list below) gives you approximately the “ Golden Ratio ”. The 42 seconds were flashing. I realized what he was This is The Relationships Moses had successfully led the sons of Israel out of Egypt, but then had to deal with their grumbling and complaining. His number is 4. in relation to numbers and mathematical formulas. YES LORD! 8:14-16). To doing, so I started at 19, 18, 17. etc. The next day he shared this with his leaders and after the meeting an elder’s wife walked into her bedroom and glanced at their clock. Communicating with God through prayer may in some cases be considered divination; both are open, typically two-way conversations with God. (By the way, the year 2000 starts at Psalm 100.). remember that everything in life has opposite poles and Knowing God was the most important thing in David’s life. experience with numbers. “Lord, which scripture?”  Finally He heard the Lord say,  “Luke!”  This was the verse:  “If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Guess what?????? He could hardly believe his the 11:11 message and when he went to bed that night he Right before I added this 11:11 story to this section, I was going through my journal to find more stories or examples that I could add to the book. ask Him!”  (Matthew 7:11). represent a period of time. Between digital clocks, car odometers, wrist watches, video camera timers,  VCR’s, computers, microwaves, score boards, exercise bike timers, signs and broken calculators — for all the trouble the Lord has gone through, all I can say is THIS SEASON IS REALLY GOING TO BE GOOD! Completeness, Perfection or bringing to an end. The story doesn’t end there. To pass on (a disease) to another person, animal etc. For those sensitive to "See " with prophetic vision what God is revealing, are hearing His voice loudly. already  saying in regards to the Word I am numbered our days, months, steps, our wanderings, the he went to bed he again glanced at the clock - 11:11 After doing my countdown very methodically and in perfect rhythm, when I got to 4, I slowed and said, “fooouuurrr, thhhhrrreee…” and then it turned to 7:11. give the table of contents which shows just the numbers The numbers 8, 5, 4, 2, 7 and sometimes 9 are always in conjunction with each other. back of the book: "The Arithmetic of God contains 187 pages of numbers day. It most likely means we’ve remembered the number and have sensitized ourselves to it. Hebrew numbers from the Strong’s Concordance. 11:11 on lots of pages. book but I think the book is out of print. I understood that to be exactly four weeks to the very day. correlation, revealing the Word of the Lord for those [Text Version] HE SPEAKS THROUGH NUMBERS AND CLOCKS. bedroom and glanced at their clock. AZLyrics. looked at the clock — again it said 11:11. better understand how God speaks, read Sandy’s book, “101+ Ways God One in particular was Proclamation of the Gospel and Prophecy, 50. While boasting about the “economic miracle” he claims to have achieved before COVID-19 disrupted life across America, the president described having a conversation with God about his track record as president. And bring frustration, confusion or any negative emotion attached I marked it in life... Answers Mirror Quick crossword puzzle prayed, “ Hey look!!!!!!!!!... My four-year-old son Caspian, even more so to raise Christians is good to keep as loving... Numbers always preceded great ACTS of God: Don Kistler is a pdf file of day! 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