I certainly mind some aspects of frugality and minimalism, but for me, it’s definitely about balance. You do small things every day—cut your expenses, generate extra income, and put the money into brokerage and tax-deferred retirement accounts. I’m guess this will probably go down a few more percentage points as we add additional margin to our budget. My favorite example of someone who is semi-retired is Michelle from Frugality and Freedom. If you continue to use this site, you consent to our use of cookies. Are there one or more people in your social circle who you … you only live once). Our physical health is not guaranteed, and we could irreparably damage our mental health if we don’t attend to it. A couple's journey towards Financial Independence for Retiring Early. Any savings rate that approaches 50% is huge, and should put us in great shape in the future. I’m excited to see the additional changes you make over the next few years. Glad you’ve figured out your path! Also as a side note, as a third party observation it appears as though your partner is pulling all the weight to keep you afloat. I found a part-time job at a nonprofit, cut my commute time in half, and started focusing my free time on passion projects (like this blog) and my health and well-being. I didn’t really get super passionate about FI until last year. But then again, it seems like an obvious goal for so many people. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Thanks for sharing! These Fioneers are taking hold of the financial freedom that they already have to build lives they want to be living today. As educators, we really do embrace the FI part, but the early retirement part is optional. Government started reopening the country via different phases of unlocks. I totally agree! I didn’t want to live a life of extremes. The way you’ve described it, it sounds like maybe we’re Slow FI? As a middle-aged low-to-average income worker who at age 47 is living in a dual income household for very first time in one of the UK’s most expensive cities, achieving FIRE is not an achievable goal for me and my fiance. 1. Thanks for reading. You know I and ALL about this post. Posted in Personal Finance , Videos By HMG Posted on March 17, 2020 Tagged personal fiinance Author: Next Level Life It doesn’t make any sense to put off these experiences to later in life when our kids will only be this age once. Moved to a low cost of living area, even though they loved their previous location. Slow FI involves working a less stressful job or part-time job to gain a more enjoyable, more balanced path to financial independence. For me, FIRE is all about what I call the Down Shift. Slow FI is not a one size fits all approach. I was experiencing a health issue, and I wanted to understand how much time I could take off work if needed. There is no amount of money that is worth that cost, and I want to make our spending match these priorities. Russia’s Slow Walk to Financial Independence by Tom Luongo – Gold, Goats and Guns. Our approach is referred to as the anti-budget (credit Paula Pant at Afford Anything). Great post and I’m very interested to read all the others. Read about how we use cookies and how you can control them by clicking "Cookie Settings.". If you spend $100k per year, then you need ($100k * 25) = $2.5 million to achieve F.I. So, if you spend $40k per year then you need ($40k * 25) = $1 million to be financially independent. Or really anything? What’s important is that we are moving in the right direction, hitting our savings goals, and living life in the present for the time being. (@joshisonamission). I’ve been thinking about the anti-budget approach lately. Great article and takeaways on Slow FI. Slow FI does not ascribe to a two-phase journey, where you work hard now for early retirement of eternal bliss later. I have been somewhat frustrated due to lack of clarity around my future path. I’ve lived frugally my whole life not because I wanted to but because that was the only option. I will definitely need to check out the book. Still, the point of all this for me is to get to the point where I can slow down and enjoy more of my day on a regular basis. Please visit the referenced site for current information. Here are the 7 stages one must know. FI: In general, most people in the FIRE community refer to financial independence in the form of a number like total net worth (e.g. Jessica from the Fioneers explores how Slow FI helped transform her life and we also discuss the different levels of financial independence people can achieve throughout their life. The pursuit of financial independence does not have to be an all out sprint to the finish line. Join us as we pick the brains of Stephanie … Very well described. We use cookies to improve your experience and analyze site traffic. Don’t panic on your slow progress on the financial independence journey. Many people in the FIRE community like to ask, “What do you want to do once you retire?” or “What are you retiring to?” A friend of mine who blogs over at Modest Millionaires, instead, prefers to ask, “What would you do if you knew you could never retire?”. Slowing Our Pursuit of Financial Independence 1) We Moved to a Single Income Anyone who is doing that was pursuing FI all along. Love this series. I also love the way you pointed out that YOLO, in our culture, sort of does imply immediate gratification/consumption, and you offer a nice way to think of it differently. I have a 8yr old son. I’m usually pretty on schedule with posting but every once in a while I take a week or two off, especially during the summer and around holidays. When we first started, we didn’t have much in the “spend anything left on whatever you want” category so we used a tighter budgeting approach. I understand it has to be my decision but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. You may have seen a new term show up in the FI lexicon recently. We’ve all decided that the tradeoff of less money for more time was worth it along our journey. I agree with you that the “extreme”/caricatures of FIRE (working a ton to make tons of money and/or avoiding expenses as much as possible) is VERY unappealing. For different people, Slow FI means different things. Join our email list so you never miss a blog post! Before I learned about (and actually understood) financial independence, my core philosophy in life was what I considered YOLO (i.e. I appreciate your voice in this space and how you’ve made room for what matters in your life. Bigger isn’t always better, and luxury only speeds up that hedonic treadmill, which can be awfully tough to slow down once it’s cranked up to ludicrous speed. Depending on how much money we make, we might be able to get a subsidy, but if we’re making good money, we’d be able to cover the cost ourselves, even if it’s high. You could also look for a role that provides you with the balance that you might be looking for. Slow Travel & Financial Independence - Mr. & Mrs. Nomad Numbers | Mr. & Mrs. Nomad Numbers are a nomadic couple in their mid 30s who share their travel experiences, lifestyle … Unlike early retirement enthusiasts, I didn’t want to only focus on what my ideal life would look like in the future once I reached the magical day where I could stop working. Posted in Personal Finance , Videos By HMG Posted on March 17, 2020 Tagged personal fiinance Author: Next Level Life And this one might just be my biggest challenge yet. Do something that you’re actually interested in and which works for you. Love this comment. Thanks, Andy! Thank you so much for your comment. So much fun! Is the goal really to get to FI as quickly as possible? Buy the Paperback Book Earn Fast, Spend Slow: A Mindful Guide to Maximizing Income and Savings for Financial Independence by Emily Guy Adams Media at Indigo.ca, Canada's largest bookstore. Slow FI might be your ticket to a happier and more fulfilling life. We want to help you become financially free. Check back every few years and Financial Independence will sneak up on you before you know it. Some of these people were in stressful jobs that they didn’t enjoy. Doing it for another 10 years while also trying to decrease our expenses seemed impossible. Are you pursuing financial independence? I definitely contribute my full salary to the household and therefore pay for a lot of our expenses. Others spent many of their waking hours outside of work side hustling to make even more money. In the future, if we both decide to quit our jobs and run our own business, my guess is that we’d get a plan through the exchange. I thought this meant buying convenience, taking expensive vacations, and going to fancy restaurants. This time could easily be spent on an income generating side hustle that would accelerate our pursuit of financial independence. I greatly appreciate the balanced insight. We have decided to prioritize family and time spent together over our pursuit of FI. I wanted to pay that ASAP, and I’m currently document my journey on YouTube (which has helped, too) but I’ve realized this year that even though I want to pay my debt, I also know how fragile my life is. They …, Continue Reading about How to Get Hired at Aldi: Tips From a Former Recruiter →. Living with intentionality and purpose is key. We share a lot on this blog from our personal experiences. Sometimes that’s fine in a relationship but it certainly makes you less financially independent on your own. It should! You don’t need to sacrifice the future to have a lot of fun now. Slow Travel & Financial Independence - Mr. & Mrs. Nomad Numbers | Mr. & Mrs. Nomad Numbers are a nomadic couple in their mid 30s who share their travel experiences, lifestyle and … There were many positive things that could come with a decision to pursue FIRE, but I still felt that some aspects of it were at odds with my desire to live my best life now (YOLO). But I also don’t want to sacrifice the present for the future. Short of any type of professional baseball, it’s one of the most competitive leagues in the midwest. When I started my journey, budgeting was key to reeling in the spending. Thanks for being an inspiration to us! Thanks for the kind words. That was very expensive, but the cost was worth it for the enjoyment that we’ll get from using it. I was already miserable in my job. I am at the crossroads of leaving my job to get some time back but somehow unable to gather the courage to break out of these golden handcuffs. While I don’t agree with William’s overarching criticism of the article’s definition of slow FI, I do agree with his note that the author is actually financially dependent on her spouse. When pursuing financial independence, it can get easy to get trapped into what I call ultra-frugality syndrome. With time, it begins to amount to something. If I could never retire, how would I structure my life differently now? Best of luck in determining the right path for you, Thank you for your comment. Even if retiring early isn’t an option, making it to normal retirement debt free and money in savings will provide for a great post-work life. It is going to be expensive (like $5k) for the whole trip. Thanks, Steph! Jamila Souffrant 0:00 . This will free up some time and stress. Oct 21, 2019 - FIRE financial independence. I’m so happy to see more and more people defining their journey in this way! It aligns with many of my own thoughts and experiences and will help me work alongside my fiance over the next couple of years as we move towards our marriage and truly sharing our lives and finances. I worked 50 hour weeks and commuted 45 minutes each way to work, so didn’t I deserve to enjoy the spoils of my labor? You made my day! Hope all is well with you. Most people can’t do this, and that’s because it’s not easy. – We decided to pay to go to a marriage seminar this year (sept) that will help us communicate better. Are you looking for a part time job that provides it? This is why I think Slow FI is the real YOLO. Also, one of the reasons why I haven’t even tried to monetize my blog is because I don’t want the pressure of delivering every week. The reason I include this in slowing our pursuit of financial independence is because it’s a huge time suck. I ended up giving myself at least a two-month crash course on all things FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early). However, any mainstream coverage of financial independence would have you think differently. “Do better work, Build strong relationships”. These periodic wins can be helpful (and potentially more satisfying) along your path to financial independence. Don't forget to check your inbox to confirm. Slow financial independence means saving aggressively while prioritizing health and happiness. I love how you point out the way we need to be mindful of the process as well as the destination. However, if you can’t enjoy the journey along the way, then what’s the point of sprinting to the finish line? This could mean delaying FIRE by a year or two because you make less but you will be more fulfilled in the right here and now. According to the numbers, Chris achieved FI (25x his annual expenses) in 2015. It takes time like years together to achieve it. They were making, what was in my mind, extreme sacrifices now to be able to have complete freedom later. 042: Financial Independence & Slow Travel with Stephanie and Gillian of “Our Freedom Years” by Michelle Waymire | Apr 13, 2020 | Behavioral Finance, Budgeting, Career Advice, Financial Planning, Goals and Objectives, Money Mindsets, Personal Finance, Podcast, Retirement, Savings Tips, Self Discovery, Travel. October 12, 2020; obceadmin; Previous Post Next Post. Realizing this connection between our wallets and the environment is a strong motivation for me. Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister just declared its financial independence from the U.S.-controlled SWIFT network. I think finding ways to save on the things you want instead of paying retail price is a major player in helping to keep that balance between FIRE and YOLO. After reaching financial independence, we found our travel habits changing. I look forward to reading more about your Slow FI journey! Thank you so much for your comment. Throughout our financial journey, the key to our success has been simplicity plus increasing our income. This understanding of intentionality pushed me to become more mindful and reflective about what actually made me happy. Stressing about it all the time is not the best way to go. Even though I work part-time, my wages would still provide me enough money to cover my expenses and save. There are many people who have decided to trade money for more time along the journey to FI. I’d love to hear your thoughts! Earn Fast, Spend Slow: A Mindful Guide to Maximizing Income and Savings for Financial Independence: Adams Media: 9781507211250: Books - Amazon.ca Before we go any further, let’s define Slow FI. Choose slow FI for a more enjoyable, balanced path to freedom by working part-time + alternative income streams. Reading stories from these fine bloggers I realized — hey, we’re doing that, too! My goal isn’t actually to retire super early; it’s to grab hold of incremental financial freedom along the way, which is what I’m doing. Such a great quote. While we aren’t doing Slow FI, we do slow down our journey sometimes as well as speed it up sometimes, too. Thanks for the comment. the journey should be as remarkable as the destination). Your email address will not be published. This is great for now. Common Financial Independence Definitions. YOLO meant that I could buy and consume the things that I wanted when I wanted to. While working from home full-time as added even more enjoyment to this journey, I know that other changes we have planned, such as taking leave without pay to spend the summer with our kids in the next few years, will bring even more value to our life right now. It seems like you’ve used your financial freedom in ways that are exciting to you. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a free copy of our anti-budget template, Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a free copy of our time to FI template, Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a free copy of our FI Milestones template. I think that’s a really key foundational trait that often gets undervalued. With that being said, you really can’t put a price on the additional time we’ll be able to spend with our young children. to try to get to the bottom of this. You can both build toward financial freedom and enjoy your life along the way. Financial planning and execution is a slow process. Here are the 7 stages one must know. Applying our own individual matrix to asses the ROI per dollar spent, rather than society’s matrix. Life can change in the blink of an eye so it’s important to enjoy life now before it passes us by. Russia’s Slow Walk to Financial Independence by Tom Luongo – Gold, Goats and Guns I’ve been critical of the Bank of Russia’s slow-rolling their interest rate cuts for more than a year now. Side note: not sure if you’re on YouTube but if you are would love to connect over there. I thoroughly enjoyed it and couldn’t agree more that the whole concept of FI is like a cafeteria – pick and choose what you like and leave the rest. So we became frugal but still have lived well. Finding the right balance between the working+saving vs the family/fun/adventure+spending part of life is what I and most of my friends and family seem to be striving for. You had me at SlowFI ! In fact, everyone should start their financial journey by tracking their expenses. When I first mentioned FIRE to my wife, she thought I was talking about watching TV and basically doing nothing. In fact, that’s exactly why we’ve worked so hard to get to this point, to be able to take that last minute weekend road trip or other intentional experience. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Home; Blogs; About Us; Our F.I.R.E target; Recommended reads; Tools; Contact Us ; July – Sept 2020: healthy saving rate. Comment below to share your approach! Sounds like you guys are striking the perfect balance of living life now, while simultaneously achieving a great plan for an exciting future! It all works together. If she had to contribute equally to household finances, or was a single person paying for her own expenses, she could not do much of what she writes about. Europe’s 1.8-trillion-euro ($2.1-trillion) budget and coronavirus recovery package had been blocked by Hungary and Poland over an attempt to link the disbursement of funds to respect for the rule of … In "The Lazy Person's Guide to Success", international best-selling author Ernie Zelinski shows readers that the key to attaining freedom, happiness, and peace of mind is to work less and think more. And yes, a 50%+ saving rate is incredible and you shouldn’t put too much pressure on yourself for letting it slide a few points. In fact, she never made more than $40,000 a year. I’m not pursuing FI, but I am trying to find a little better balance in my budget now that things have gotten better financially. With a dual income we’d be able to throw another $1,000-1,500 at our financial independence goals. Welcome to the Journey to Launch Podcast with your host Jamila Souffrant. I needed it. Slow down your progress to financial independence to enjoy your life. But my husband who is an economic major taught me to save and about compound interest. Not everyone can live like MMM or other FIRE bloggers. The FIRE Movement and pursuing financial independence. Others were choosing to focus on creative passion projects or volunteer in their communities. And the comment about not working a job you hate once you can cover the basics with a different one is something I find myself saying often. You could make a decision to step back for a little bit and then get back on the high paced career track later, if you want to? Most dividend investors track their monthly dividend income but don’t usually track their portfolio … Categories. We’ve also written about buying a new $800 wide-angle lens for our DSLR camera. by Jessica | Sep 2, 2019 | FI Core Concepts, Lifestyle Design, Our Journey to FI | 50 comments. , I’ll look forward to connecting with you more over the coming months, Slow Financial Independence: The Best Path to Financial Independence? Jessica from the Fioneers explores how Slow FI helped transform her life and we also discuss the different levels of financial independence people can achieve throughout their life. The definition for Slow FI is absolutely perfect and makes me really happy to have a way to define how I’ve been approaching the journey these last few years. This is how I think about Fire with kids. These cookies do not store any personal information. I feel better now than I ever have. Figuring out how to get what you want for less is definitely a way to help. Like most things in life, the reality of what actually happens falls somewhere in the middle. For example, we live close to a tourist destination. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Seriously, this is something Hanna and I have been discussing for the past few years and I’m so glad to see the conversation getting picked up across the community. Giving has always been something that is important to our family. Subscribe to receive a free copy of our Lifestyle Design Questionnaire. I definitely agree about the downshifting. I started to realize that I had a fundamental misunderstanding of YOLO. Don’t panic and don’t get discouraged by this. Working with a financial adviser can help you to set a goal for wealth accumulation that allows you to maintain your standard of living without an additional paycheck and achieve the financial independence of your dreams. I’ve been struggling with this as well; I’m so happy that it resonated with you. In fact, unless you enjoy the frugal life (and some people do), you are better served to find another strategy towards FIRE — finding a money-making pursuit that doesn’t feel like work, creating additional sources of income that you can balance with a flexible lifestyle, etc. We definitely slowed down our pursuit of FI once we rounded the curve to the final lap. One must have the patience to wait for it. Instead of trying to squeeze everything into just a week, we now travel for an entire month! You are so right about the biggest regrets of the dying and almost all say they’d rather spend more time with family. Nothing can replace the memories we’ve created on these trips with our young children. Follow Financial Pilgrimage on WordPress.com. Thank you for the comment. The anti-budget involves automating your finances to pay yourself first (save, invest, and give), then pay your bills, then spend anything left on whatever you want. I’m glad to hear that our attempts to make financial concepts personal are successful. Jessica. A couple’s journey towards financial independence Menu Skip to content. I’m still getting up to speed on all the variations of FI. My husband could also work part-time if he wanted to. I feel the same way. Slow financial independence means saving aggressively while prioritizing health and happiness. Living with this reality means that we need to balance planning for the future and making shifts along the way to improve our lives. In fact, if I ended up quitting my job, that just means more time with myself (and that’s kind of scary). See you IRL tomorrow! Disclaimer and Privacy Policy Copyright © 2020 Designed by Bethany Works using Studio Press. Thanks Angela! I have spent a lot of time reading articles and watching videos but not able to get clarity on how should I balance between reclaiming my time and not being reckless by leaving a well paying job like the one I have. However, we do not accept compensation for positive reviews; all reviews on this site represent the opinions of the author. What other indication do you have that I am financially dependent on my spouse? I think that FIRE doesn’t resonate with the vast majority of people, so I’m happy to provide another alternative. Because we only have one life to live, I truly believe that we should search for happiness and meaning every day of our lives. But now that I have a good sense of my expenses, I’m thinking about easing up a bit on the budgeting. On the flip side, I’d never really thought about the environmental impact of having so much stuff. Right now, Corey (Mr. Fioneer) works full time, so I get benefits through his job. I tend to have a lot of health issues and use my health insurance frequently, so we’d need to get a good plan. It’s never too late to get started on your personal finance journey. But now I feel it’s time to challenge myself with another big money goal. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment. However, with our oldest heading into kindergarten we still took a hit financially with her decision to stay at home. Russia’s Slow Walk to Financial Independence. But, this wasn't just a one night rabbit hole. The Fioneers is a blog about enjoying life’s adventures today while on the path to financial independence. © 2020 The Fioneers - All Rights Reserved. It’s great you were able to get away from a job that stressed you out and find an alternative. If we have just one life than we should do our best to live it well without the financial stress or constraints. It’s a great approach as long as you have some cushion. Everyone’s journey is personal. I’m so glad that you heard about our blog at Camp FI. One of my passion projects is managing (and occasionally playing on) a men’s summer baseball team. Yes, you can absolutely use #SlowFI on your page. 02:28; Mr. NN discusses his investment strategy 03:22; Mr. NN explains the transition of leaving his job and the why behind it 05:13; Mrs. Nomad Numbers transition into the slow travel lifestyle 10:35; … We share this perspective and approach to money/intentional living to a T – and I also think you are bang on when you say “many in the financial independence community are simply better at knowing what makes them happy while having an ability not to give into peer pressure from others.”. A fellow camper recommended this blog to me this past weekend at a CampFI, and I love it! Let’s get something straight out of the gate: if you are living paycheck to paycheck or drowning in high interest debt, you need a budget. We don’t know how long that is. Planning to do a video soon about this, definitely going to shout you guys out. My wife, who was a middle school English teacher for 6 years, wasn’t exactly bringing in a massive salary. Keep #SlowFI going. I’m so new to FI that I had never even knew about your blog until the Plutus awards. They are the first country to officially do it, though China has its own system. That is my future.
Are you interested in achieving financial independence, but the traditional path seems too difficult to reach? If your story would fit, please feel free to reach out with a pitch. There were people choosing to be nomadic travelers, live on homesteads, or go live in other countries to help their kids become bilingual. Yes, We Slow Travel Too! There are so many early adopters (or should we say Fioneers?) Wonderful thoughts, and I applaud you and your wife for prioritizing this time with with your kids. There is a book written by Jason Vitug about You Only Live Once very similar to what you’ve written in this post. Slow travel is the name of the game here. Financial Independence is More than a Number with Chris from Outside the Maze. I would agree that all the terminology can be quite confusing. Sometimes it can seem as if the journey to FIRE is filled with impatience, when you’re right that the only moment we’re guaranteed is right now. I can completely understand your predicament. It’s not for everyone, but this approach allows us to focus on the big expenses and loosen the reigns on the little things that don’t matter that much in the end. During the season many weekends are spent on the field playing games. Receive exclusive content not available on our website. Many of our trips have been long weekends and if we have taken flights we leverage credit card points. Couple living in a high cost-of-living area pursuing FI slow financial independence sharing their experiences the! Would agree that all the way through size fits all approach the country via phases. Should do our best to live a little further to more exotic locations they ’ d do in future. Free to reach out with a dual income we slow financial independence re doing that was FI... Focus our time and exploring new hobbies ve attached unrelated meanings to it achieve. 5K ) for the present for the next time I comment sounds like you ’. 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