Define between the devil and the deep blue sea. ‘Lyn Sharpe, acting headteacher at John of Gaunt, admitted she is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea after closing the gate last year for health and safety reasons.’ ‘We were stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea.’ ‘A classic case of finding oneself trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea, you will agree.’ between the devil and the deep blue sea ... DEFINITIONS 1. It was introduced in the 1931 Cotton Club show Rhythmania and is now a widely recorded standard. Between the devil and the deep blue sea synonyms and Between the devil and the deep blue sea antonyms. All Free. pressed. between the devil and the deep blue sea - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. Top synonym for between the devil and the deep blue sea (another word for between the devil and the deep blue sea) is between a rock and a hard place. Definition: Stuck between two awful choices; having two poor alternatives. B 2 Thoughts. Tunde Odesola December 7, 2020. between the devil and the deep blue sea synonyms, between the devil and the deep blue sea pronunciation, between the devil and the deep blue sea translation, English dictionary definition of between the devil and the deep blue sea. Between the devil and the deep blue sea definition: If you say that you are between the devil and the deep blue sea , you mean that you are... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and … This expression has existed since at least the 1600s. The molue is a bizarre bus. Between the devil and the deep blue sea synonyms. oppressed. Synonyms for 'between the devil and the deep blue sea': pressed, oppressed, deadlocked, stuck, beleaguered, embroiled, worse off, out of your depth Between the devil and the deep blue sea synonyms and Between the devil and the deep blue sea antonyms. A similar expression is between a rock and a hard place.. between the devil and the deep blue sea Meaning: between two equally difficult or unacceptable choices. Origin of Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. Between the devil and the deep blue sea. "Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea" is an American popular song published in 1931, with music by Harold Arlen and lyrics by Ted Koehler, and first recorded by Cab Calloway in 1931. Example: Trying to please both his boss and his wife puts him between the devil and the deep blue sea.. Colour, Devil. 1. in a difficult situation where you have to choose between two equally bad things. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Meaning. Synonyms and related words +-In a difficult situation. Kindly Share This Story. have designs on give the devil his due I'm caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Top synonyms for between the devil and the deep blue sea (other words for between the devil and the deep blue sea) are between a rock and a hard place, between the hammer and the anvil and on the horns of a dilemma. Tunde Odesola.