Dismay definition, to break down the courage of completely, as by sudden danger or trouble; dishearten thoroughly; daunt: The surprise attack dismayed the enemy. dismayed by the lack of passion from the school. dismayed … Dismayed. "He carrieth himself," writes Salisbury to Sir Charles Cornwallis, ambassador at Madrid, "without any feare or perturbation ...; under all this action he is noe more dismayed, nay scarce any more troubled than if he was taken for a poor robbery upon the highway," declaring "that he is ready to die, and rather wisheth 10,000 deaths, than willingly to accuse his master or any other.". An example of dismay is feeling defeated after applying to dozens of jobs and being offered none of them. They have a bit dismayed me. [formal] Local councillors have reacted with dismay and indignation. Gabriel stared, surprised, then dismayed, at her conditions. Dismay is a strong feeling of fear, worry, or sadness that is caused by something unpleasant and unexpected . I tossed in my sheets and stared at the ceiling, With icy clarity – which set off a buzz in the hall – she then presented a sweeping critique of the singularity theorists he had quoted, and he was incapable of coming up with any answer other than a, The rapid consensus amongst congress, the joint chiefs, was, Though this was not uncharacteristic of his friend, he found it quite odd and, He was very upset with his mother; angry with his father for all the daily, They alone, in the infiltering night, heard the far-off baying of. I felt a great deal of dismay when the author killed off my favorite character. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Dismayed. Which was it? 4. ‘He was dismayed to realise that his vote was, more than likely, invalid.’ ‘I was somewhat dismayed, but they all insisted it was a compliment to appear older than you are.’ ‘I am dismayed at the lack of balanced investigative reporting by our media on this subject.’ He was dismayed to learn of their disloyalty. When the actor killed himself, he left many fans paralyzed with dismay. dismayed - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. 3. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Dismayed. . 33. You are offline. More examples. They looked at each other with dismayed and embarrassed faces. After unpacking it and getting to work I was somewhat dismayed at have a wizard sort everything for me. ‘He was dismayed to realise that his vote was, more than likely, invalid.’ ‘I was somewhat dismayed, but they all insisted it was a compliment to appear older than you are.’ ‘I am dismayed at the lack of balanced investigative reporting by our media on this subject.’ dismayed definition is - experiencing or showing feelings of alarmed concern or dismay : upset, worried, or agitated because of some unwelcome situation or occurrence. Examples of in a sentence I AM somewhat dismayed by the poor decision by the courts as recounted in your report, “Court hits headbut offender with $4500 whack†(The Border Mail, August 6) Villar dismayed, urges ‘heavier’ case against … That said, plenty of fans were dismayed by the introduction of 'midichlorians' into the Star Wars mythos. Unfair as it is to the author and her subject, my initial response to this insightful and elegantly composed essay was one of utter dismay. Thus one reform led to another; but Peter was not dismayed by the magnitude of the task, and worked vigorously in all departments with a sublime disregard for the clamour of reactionary opponents and for the feelings and prejudices of his subjects in general. Although to her dismay, his lips did not pucker nor did they even move as she drew near. 102+6 sentence examples: 1. Northlanders are dismayed a 12-month home detention sentence for a man involved in an alleged underage sex trafficking case has not been appealed.. … Sentence with the word dismayed. dismayed when things do not happen as you wish and desire? The Confederates, not dismayed thereby, effected their junction and moved on Corinth, which was defended by … Dismayed, she shuddered from cold and fear. dismayed (at/by something) He was dismayed at the change in his old friend. Struck with fear, dread, or consternation. Of those who had known me as an innocent child some were utterly dismayed. Natasha was evidently dismayed at the thought of what he might think she had meant. I was dismayed to find only one public university … dismay, appall, horrify, daunt mean to unnerve or deter by arousing fear, apprehension, or aversion. Dismayed, she shuddered from cold and fear. She was dismayed at their ignorance in etiquette. He was thoroughly, We observed that request and just walked around the rock (a beautiful experience of its own), but were, What was the use in having that man in his house? Try out Spruce, our experimental quotations and lyrics search engine. • The election result has left Green Party members confused, dismayed and dejected. dismayed to hear that Ruby's returning to boarding school. 1. Despite the warning letters of the British cabinet which, dismayed at the long continuance of the American War, counselled caution on a question in which England had no immediate interest, Castlereagh yielded no inch of his ground. Many original series Trekkers were dismayed, and vowed to have nothing to do with the new series. . I was dismayed at the news. active: The foreclosure dismays us. Assassins were sent to kill him in his cell; but awed, it is said, by Savonarola's words and demeanour they fled dismayed from his presence. she whispered, dismayed. If you are doing a descriptive essay/sentence here's an example: The girl looked dismayed as she watched the two boys toss her doll up in the air. 3. She was dismayed at their ignorance in etiquette. Do not be dismayed if your first offer is rejected. passive: We are dismayed by the foreclosure. dismayed to find her flight had been canceled due to bad weather in Istanbul. See more. He was dismayed and frankly terrified. The behavior of her children in public dismayed her. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. When the king was dead, all the city was dismayed, and wist not who might be their king. Definition and high quality example sentences with “dismayed” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. "Is there a third alternative?" A list of shoulda-coulda-wouldas went through her mind, growing until she was dismayed. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Then suddenly, dismayed lest he had said too much, Petya stopped and blushed. Most of my friends were dismayed by the alienation. 2. The grape glut is a real issue and many producers are dismayed at seeing prices drop. As I have been unwell as long as I can remember, I was a little bit dismayed by this. dismay. As Sydney Smith said with truth of Grattan soon after his death: "No government ever dismayed him. Who are they? What thinks he, that one who sails the sea can be, One need only compare the practice of life with the theory of it, to be, Have not I commanded thee? The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Dismayed but also gives extensive definition in English language. In contrast, administrators, parents, and educators who are affiliated with the schools on the list may be dismayed. 7 May 2020 inasentence. The above sentence required two commas. Sentence Examples. But now he was dismayed by the progress of the Revolution. I said, I did do some further tracking and was quite. See more. How to use dismayed in a sentence. https://www.foboko.com/sentence-dictionary/english/dismayed From Cambridge English Corpus. They were not, however, dismayed by the news. Here, he became. … See. The old man's face, remindful now of his daughter's, was a picture of dismayed incertitude. He was dismayed at the thought of being his accomplice. The prefix part of the word dismayed is 'dis-'. Tweet; I was dismayed at the news. She listened, dismayed but also interested in someone interpreting the insanity of her mind in a way she could grasp. The dismayed rascals looked up. 4 4 "I only have four dollars," she said with some dismay. dismayed at the size of the job appall implies that one is faced with that which perturbs, confounds, or shocks. Nearby words ofdismayed dismask dismast dismay dismayed dismayedness dismayful dismayfully All ENGLISH words that begin with 'D' She tested her body, dismayed when her limbs felt too heavy to lift. He could not pursue; the whereabouts of his right was unknown, and after the battle his best officers felt rather dismayed than encouraged by the conspicuous lack of discipline. Recently, Mexican farmers were dismayed to find their indigenous landraces widely contaminated by genetically modified corn. She dismayed me by refusing my offer. Spread the love. Wherefore have I seen them dismayed and turned away back? Lucy discovered to her dismay that she was pregnant. Had she said I heard you write or I heard you're a writer? Another word for dismayed. However, if "about" were changed to "by," the sentence would be passive, and "are" a passive auxiliary. From Cambridge English Corpus. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. This creative and necessary idea popped into her head when she tried to wear a cream colored pair of slacks, only to be dismayed by atrocious and unseemly panty lines. 57. Here are some examples. I really wanted her marriage to Thorne to work, I was dismayed when that ended with her confiding in Deacon that her soul mate was and always would be Ridge. looked = linking verb. The Confederates, not dismayed thereby, effected their junction and moved on Corinth, which was defended by Rosecrans and 23,000 Federal troops. Find more ways to say dismayed, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. "Did I do that, too?" noun. She was trying to wear a pair of cream colored slacks, only to be dismayed by the sight of unsightly panty lines. Not only were they dismayed by the novelty of the sophistical teaching, but also they vaguely perceived that it was subversive of authority, of the authority of the parent over the child as well as of the authority of the state over the citizen. feeling unhappy and disappointed: I was dismayed to discover that he'd lied. Dismayed in a sentence 1. dismayed to learn that he no longer had the specimen. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The suggestion was greeted by a dismayed silence. Panama City, Daytona Beach and Ft. Lauderdale used to be party central, with college kids from all over the country pouring into the state to get wild every year, much to the dismay of some residents. He closed his eyes briefly at the enormity of it, He gave his usual three short beeps on the call button, and was, On catching sight of their mother they were, The water was bitterly cold and the shock sent him scrambling away into the corner of the room, alarmed and, So you say there are a lot of them? cried Mitya, greatly, CARIS AND MAIR arrived in the vicinity of Abbeville on 25 August, and were, He stretched out with his hands and feet and was, Jim told of how she’d persuaded Wes into sending the rope back down for him, and Mike sounded, Despite his own deep faith and belief in the Jihad, the earl had been much more than simply, Eze 3:9 As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead: fear them not, neither be. The ministers expressed dismay at … I'm dismayed atthe cost of the new house. All Rights Reserved. sentence examples. Dismay definition, to break down the courage of completely, as by sudden danger or trouble; dishearten thoroughly; daunt: The surprise attack dismayed the enemy. Romas leaned back and snatched the kitten trotting toward her, and Evelyn rose to her knees, looking both surprised and dismayed. She was dismayed at the news. Anna Jarvis was deeply dismayed over the commercialization of Mother’s Day. I read "dismayed" as an adjective modified by a prepositional phrase in the sentence "We are dismayed about the foreclosure," where "are" is a linking verb. These exploits dismayed his opponents and kindled the enthusiasm of his friends. Jenn gasped, dismayed, as the wall around the orchard came into view. He stared at his favourite child, dismayed, filled with fear. Examples from the Corpus dismayed • Vincent was irritated but not dismayed. dismayed at the apparent lack of product at the end of an hour's session. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: dismayed adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." ludwig.guru / Write Better English! — Bob Berman So I was surprised, even dismayed, to receive a few e-mail messages … that accused us of relegating our Web site to a cheap marketing tool for the print magazine … — Brian L. Steffens "… we are deeply dismayed that more care was not taken to inform … His men, however, apparently dismayed at the growing prestige of the enemy, did not support him, and he was defeated and probably slain. (perturbed) consternado adj adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo.Puede ser posesivo, numeral, demostrativo ("casa [b]grande[/b]", "mujer [b]alta[/b]"). "There are so many," she murmured, dismayed by the green glow over the lake. How's that? She was utterly dismayed by the tone of the letter. To the children’s dismay, there was not enough snow in the yard to build a snowman. He would have struck at Lois if she had not shrunk back, dismayed and affrighted. Still not sure if he were dreaming, Alex was surprised, That started the conversations anew, with many clearly, This is definitely one of my Rube Goldberg classics, but I am not, He was staring at Jerome with his ears full of voices, and his face was, Something that Master in the future would say: Do not be, When I went into the waiting room to greet Thelma, I was, Other Japanese officers watched, some looking on approvingly, others looking, Eric had tried to go and see Steve this morning and was, And when they kill the Son of Man, be not, But then, all those who might have heard of the prophecies about his prophethood would have been, Gasbag, the smallest of the trolls, crept out of the room, shocked and. 57. They were not dismayed by their inevitable labors. While some may regard this perspective as elitist, unsympathetic or simply arrogant, I remain dismayedthat so many clumsy and misleading errors … That is what dismayed me: the sense of some hitherto unsuspected power, through whose intervention my invention had vanished. . Dismayed by the amount of fallen bodies wearing Tiyan's colors, Taran overlooked the messenger from the north the first time until he'd reached the walls. Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou, The victim shouted in a voice filled with pain that, As she spoke with her mom on the phone, Kathy was. As a Republican, I am again dismayedthat my party continues to thwart efforts to reform a health system that has failed tens of millions of Americans. 182. They looked at each other with dismayed and embarrassed faces. _Be not dismayedlest I make thee dismayed_ and _I set thee this day. • Hardeep's lawyer said his client was 'shocked and dismayed ' after hearing the court's decision. He knew he could not hold out another moment, and then Fermina Daza came in, almost invisible in the darkness, While I had a fair grasp of the Napoles dialect, I was, The serene Teuton found the supper table and was happy, eating steadily through the bill of fare, and, He asked the mast, "Who would he have guide the boat but those sailing it? When the waitress in a New York City restaurant brought him the soup du jour, the Englishman was 2. She was all a-babble over Shipton's fall and dismayed that she couldn't find her sister. "I did not think of it that way," she said, abruptly dismayed. Yully listened, dismayed by the lies stacking up on top of one another. What did the man want? 2. The behavior of her children in public dismayed her. Trotter was dismayed by the war hysteria of 1914 - 18, which dismissed pacifism and internationalism as 'the vapourings of cranky windbags'. From Kadesh spies were sent into Palestine, and when the people were dismayed at their tidings and incurred the wrath of Yahweh, the penalty of the forty years' delay was pronounced 2 See, e.g., J. She was dismayed at the news. she asked, dismayed. Returning full of hope from Pietra Santa, Savonarola might well have been dismayed by the distracted state of public affairs. Examples of Dismay in a sentence. dismayed (to find, hear, see, etc…) They were dismayed to find that the ferry had already left. dismayed in a sentence. Dismay is defined as a sudden or total loss of courage. The definition of Dismayed is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. dismay implies that one is disconcerted and at a loss as to how to deal with something. Lana closed the door behind her and looked around, dismayed. But he was only dismayed for a moment. I hope you’re not counting on that! There was no longer any answer to that command in his own will, Over the last four weeks, as he had shaped the wood and joined the pieces of his hoist, he had for the first time seriously thought about losing her; and it, There on the ground were scarcely day old hoof-prints of the giant’s steed! He was dismayed at the size of his adversary. Many homeowners were dismayed to find that their homes depreciated sharply during the foreclosure crisis around 2008. What is the prefix for dismayed? Dismayed quotes from YourDictionary: This may be why New Yorkers instinctively avoid making eye contact with each other in crowded places, why they "look right through you," as dismayed visitors often complain. Innocent child some were utterly dismayed by the alienation to reflect current and historial usage tone the... Of fear, worry, or sadness that is caused by something and. Provides Urdu meaning of dismayed but also gives extensive definition in English language the foreclosure crisis around.. 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