There are two easy and effective ways through which you can customize Bootstrap. Block-level Button. Vue Color Picker Vue Bootstrap color picker plugin. Apple Samsung Sony. This color combination was created by user Sophia.The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below. How to Add Colors to Bootstrap Icons with CSS. Color: HEX: RGB #0275d8: rgb #5cb85c: rgb #5bc0de: rgb #f0ad4e: rgb #d9534f: rgb #292b2c: rgb #f7f7f7: rgb Image Bootstrap 4 colors png Download image More color palettes: GPP 0.19k #colorswall random #21 colors palette 0.23k Electric blue colors … Get your certification today! Prefer buttons with a more rounded-pill style? Just set the prop squared to true. When set to `false` adds attribute 'aria-pressed="false"'. These translate to BootstrapVue custom class names b-toast-{variant}. When the href prop is set to '#', will render a link () element with attribute role="button" set and appropriate keydown listeners (Enter and Space) so that the link acts like a native HTML