Nach dem Waschen und Spannen bleibt es gut in Form. Dadurch wird die Vielfalt der verschiedenen Fasertypen unterstrichen. Share. Lyonesse 4-ply yarn. The wool adds presence and memory to the yarn, while the linen contributes crispness and strength. Blacker Yarns Lyonesse 4-Ply. stashes (408) pattern ideas. €8.95. Besonders ideal für Frühling- und Sommer-Kleidung und Accessoires. Home - Yarns - Yarns By Range - Lyonesse Linen Blend. Yarn Blacker Lyonesse DK. fine. Content 50 Gramm (€19.80 * / 100 Gramm) €9.90 * Compare Remember. It is ideal for summer cardigans, tunics, cowls and shawls. Qty: Add to Basket. details. $ 23.95. Here are our various ranges of yarns: they cover everything from every-day classic good value, through interesting and rare, to very special luxury yarns. yarns > Blacker Yarns > Lyonesse 4-ply. The company's main focus is on high-quality, natural, UK-sourced and produced yarns. Zusammensetzung: 50% Wolle, 50% Leinen Mit der Lyonesse kommt ein weiches, sommerliches Garn auf den Markt, gemixt aus Falkland Corriedale/Merino und Leinen, dass dem Garn seinen melierten Charakter gibt. Blacker Lyonesse DK Linen/Wool blend yarn Blacker Yarns. Blacker St Kilda Lace Weight Yarn Blacker Yarns. Blacker Yarns refer to Lyonesse as their ‘summer range’, and the inclusion of linen in the yarn means it is lightweight and relatively summery. What am I missing? Viewing as a guest user. Sold Out. Lyonesse 4-ply from Blacker Yarns. Fibre: fine . This business is supported by the Rural Development Programme for England, for which Defra is the Managing Authority, part financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas. Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk Sol 100g. Blacker Lyonesse DK. This special blend of natural linen and soft white Falkland Island Merino wool is worsted spun for a soft, smooth finish. $ 11.45. Details. Product information "Blacker Yarns Lyonesse" A summery yarn that will warm you when you are cold and keep the heat away when it's hot, that will absorb moisture and is wonderful to knit with: "Lyonesse" by Blacker Yarns, a composition of 50% linen and 50% supersoft merino fiber from the Falkland Islands (mulesing-free). This special 50/50 blend of natural linen and soft white Falkland Island Corriedale/Merino wool is worsted spun for a soft, smooth finish. Lace-Tücher aus Lyonesse kann man genau so gut in Form spannen wie solche aus reiner Wolle – großartig, oder? This special 50/50 blend of natural linen and soft white Falkland Island Corriedale/Merino wool is worsted spun for a soft, smooth finish. Blacker Lyonesse 4ply. Our various ranges of yarns cover everything from every-day classic good value, through interesting and rare, to very special luxury yarns. Lyonesse comes in two weights, DK and 4 ply, and six colours: moonstone (cream), aquamarine, jade, rose quartz, ruby and lapis (blue). colorways. Product Description. A list of potential substitutes, if you can't get hold of (or can't afford) Blacker Yarns Lyonesse 4-ply, with detailed advice and warnings about any differences. 1 Review(s) | Add Your Review. Pennygillam Way buy this yarn online Blacker Yarns United Kingdom The combination creates a light yarn with good stitch definition, which will retain its block wonderfully. Blacker Yarns Lyonesse DK €8.95 Couleur: Stock: 6 Quantity This special blend of natural linen and soft white Falkland Island Merino wool is worsted spun for a soft, smooth finish. 0:04. I was given two samples to play with: One icy blue Aquamarine in DK and a shimmery Ruby in 4 ply. The wool adds presence and memory to the yarn, while the linen contributes crispness and strength. Der Vorteil von Blacker Yarns liegt in der Nachhaltigkeit, mit der diese Wolle produziert wird. This special 50/50 blend of natural linen and soft white Falkland Island Corriedale/Merino wool is worsted spun for a soft, smooth finish. $ 10.95. colorways . Lyonesse Linen Blend This special 50/50 blend of natural linen and soft white Falkland Island Corriedale/Merino wool is worsted spun for a soft, smooth finish. Ein sommerliches Garn, das klima-regulierend wirkt, Feuchtigkeit aufnimmt, ohne... Weiterführende Links zu "Blacker Lyonesse". Yarn; Viewing as a guest user. The fleeces are worsted spun for a soft, smooth finish in Cornwall, UK. The wool adds softness and memory to the yarn, while the linen contributes crispness and strength. West Yorkshire Spinners Bluefaced Leicester DK - undyed 100g. The wool adds presence and memory to the yarn, while the linen contributes crispness and strength. View this product on Ravelry Availability: In stock. The combination creates a light yarn with good stitch definition, which will retain its block wonderfully. Blacker Yarns created this special blend of natural linen and soft white Falkland Island Corriedale/Merino wool and worsted spun it for a soft, smooth finish. Add to Wishlist; Share; Details; Back Story; Reviews; Details. $ 10.95. Sold Out . This is our Summer range, named after the mythical sunken land of Lyonesse, lost under the waves millennia ago off the far west of Cornwall – or perhaps just remaining as a ghostly presence on the Isles of Scilly? £8.64 *Colour * Required Fields. Previous Blacker Westcountry Tweed Next Blacker Pure Ryeland DK. Sold Out. Wie immer bei Blacker Yarns in einer unwiderstehlichen Farbpallette! It pays fair prices for all the fleeces it buys, so as to help support British farmers. €8.95 Colour: Quantity available:2 Quantity. „Die Schafzüchter können ihre Vliese zu uns bringen und zu Strickgarn verarbeiten lassen, auch wenn es nur kleine Mengen sind“, erzählt sie. Andere Cookies, die den Komfort bei Benutzung dieser Website erhöhen, der Direktwerbung dienen oder die Interaktion mit anderen Websites und sozialen Netzwerken vereinfachen sollen, werden nur mit Ihrer Zustimmung gesetzt. Blacker Yarns. Yarn Blacker Lyonesse 4ply. Versandkosten und ggf. Blacker Swan Falkland Islands Merino 4ply Yarn Blacker Yarns. It is ideal for summer cardigans, tunics, cowls and shawls. €10.95. $ 10.95. Launceston However I’m still wearing it this winter over long sleeve dresses / tops. The wool adds some presence and memory to the yarn, while the linen contributes crispness and strength. Snaeldan Nappað Tógv 3 ply - Colours 50g. $ 11.45. Laine des Iles Pennine DK 100g. Lyonesse is available in both Double Knitting and 4-ply in a range of breezy summer shades and one natural. €10.95 . * Alle Preise inkl. Blacker Yarns 8.64. Wir verwenden keine Werbe- oder Tracking-Cookies von Dritten.. Rose Candy-Combo mit gratis Maschenmarkierern, Schafmilch-Seife zertifizierte Naturkosmetik, Leftie Garnpaket mit Schoppel Zauberperlen, Strickplaner English 2021 - Your Knitting Planner, 50% Wolle, 50% Leinen, 50% wool, 50% linen. Mir ist es inzwischen definitiv nach Frühling zumute! Das neue Garn britischen Marken Blacker Yarns besteht aus Merinowolle aus der Schafe von den Falkland -Inseln und aus Flachs. Blacker Yarns and Blacker Designs were launched in 2008 as brands of The Natural Fibre Company, our specialist wool mill at Launceston on the Cornwall-Devon border of the UK.NFC spins all the yarns we use for the Blacker brand. Blacker Yarns Lyonesse DK. Lyonesse von Blacker Yarns Die Ferien sind schon ein paar Tage vorbei und der Laden schon wieder etwas umgestaltet. Sue Blacker ist eine virtuose Garnkomponistin: Ihre kleine Spinnerei in Cornwall, die sie seit 2005 führt, hat sich auf reine Naturgarne aus der Wolle einheimischer Schafsrassen spezialisiert. Jede Partie ist einzigartig und sicherlich ursprünglich! Produktinformationen "Blacker Lyonesse" Ein sommerliches Garn, das klima-regulierend wirkt, Feuchtigkeit aufnimmt, ohne sich feucht anzufühlen und sich außerdem noch wunderbar verstricken lässt: Das ist "Lyonesse" von Blacker Yarns, eine Komposition aus 50% Leinen und 50% extraweicher Merinowolle von den Falkland-Inseln. Blacker Yarns Lyonesse DK $ 14.00 USD 119 yards / 50g of dk weight yarn, 50% linen & 50% Corriedale/Merino wool Recommended needle size, US 5 - 7 (3.75 - 4.50 mm) Blacker Swan Falkland Islands Merino with Shetland DK Yarn Blacker Yarns. The wool adds softness and memory to the yarn, while the linen contributes crispness and strength. Diese Website benutzt Cookies, die für den technischen Betrieb der Website erforderlich sind und stets gesetzt werden. €13.25. Diese Website benutzt Cookies, die für den technischen Betrieb der Website erforderlich sind und stets gesetzt werden. Softness (of 1-3)* soft. Blacker Mohair Blend 4 ply Yarn Blacker Yarns. $ 11.45. Lyonesse is available in both Double Knitting and 4-ply in a range of breezy summer shades and one natural. Blacker Yarns created this special blend of natural linen and soft white Falkland Island Corriedale/Merino wool and worsted spun it for a soft, smooth finish. Die glatte, leicht glänzende Oberfläche macht sich super in fließenden Tops oder Tüchern, und durch den hohen Leinenanteil ist das Garn auch noch stabil und strapazierfähig. Ich habe die Datenschutzbestimmungen zur Kenntnis genommen. gesetzl. This is our Summer range, named after the mythical sunken land of Lyonesse, lost under the waves millennia ago off the far west of Cornwall – or perhaps just remaining as a ghostly presence on the Isles of Scilly? To see us in action, take a look at our film, Through the Mill. Wensleydale Longwool DK 100g. Shop Newsletter und verpassen Sie keine Neuigkeit oder Aktion mehr. Blacker Tamar Lustre Blend 4ply yarn Blacker Yarns. $ 17.95. Ein sommerliches Garn, das klima-regulierend wirkt, Feuchtigkeit aufnimmt, ohne sich feucht anzufühlen und sich außerdem noch wunderbar verstricken lässt: Das ist "Lyonesse" von Blacker Yarns, eine Komposition aus  50% Leinen und 50% extraweicher Merinowolle von den Falkland-Inseln. So passt die neueste Wolle die ich ins Regal und auch in den Shop eingeräumt habe perfekt zu meiner Stimmung. Lyonesse is a very unique blend of natural linen and soft white Corriedale/Merino wool from sheep raised in the tree-less moorland of Falkland Island (just east of the Patagonian coast). PL15 7PJ. Mehrwertsteuer zzgl. 8.64. Lyonesse is available in both Double Knitting and 4-ply in a range of breezy summer dyed shades plus two naturals, all named for precious stones. details. Blacker Lyonesse 4ply. Nachnahmegebühren, wenn nicht anders beschrieben. $ 10.95. It is ideal for summer cardigans, tunics, cowls and shawls. Unit B Pipers Court stashes (408) pattern ideas. Previous Blacker Jacob 4ply Next Cambrian Mountains Wool 4ply. €9.25. Lyonesse is made by British company Blacker Yarns, who are part of specialist wool millers The Natural Fibre Company. Blacker Lyonesse 4ply Linen/Wool blend yarn Blacker Yarns. I have to… projects (458) comments (13) photos (20) editing. The combination creates a light yarn with good stitch definition, which will retain its block wonderfully. The wool adds presence and memory to the yarn, while the linen contributes crispness and strength. Snaeldan Nappað Tógv 3 Ply - Natural Shades 100gm . The wool adds presence and memory to the yarn, while the linen contributes crispness and strength. details. Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk Tinde 100g. This special 50/50 blend of natural linen and soft white Falkland Island Corriedale/Merino wool is worsted spun for a soft, smooth finish. Blacker Swan Falkland Islands Merino 4ply Yarn Blacker Yarns. We would love to show some behind the scene images of our new batch of Lyonesse! Bitte schauen Sie in unsere "Antworten auf häufige Fragen" oder senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an:info(at)strickmich-shop.deTelefon werktags 11-13 Uhr: 04323 4029642, Abonnieren Sie den kostenlosen Strickmich! Blacker Lyonesse DK Linen/Wool blend yarn Blacker Yarns. $ 9.95. Um Strickmich-Shop in vollem Umfang nutzen zu können, empfehlen wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser zu aktiveren. Cornwall Diese Cookies sind für die Grundfunktionen des Shops notwendig. I was very pleased when Sonja of Blacker Yarns offered to send me sample skeins of their new Lyonesse yarn to review, and I'm delighted to share a review with you. Blacker Lyonesse DK. €12.75. What am I missing? The wool adds presence and memory to the yarn, while the linen contributes crispness and strength. August 13. The wool adds presence and memory to the yarn, while the linen contributes crispness and strength. The first of May will see Blacker Yarns, a company that sells 100% pure, natural British yarns, launch its latest summer yarn called Lyonesse.I was fortunate enough to receive a ball of this yarn, a 50/50 blend of soft white Corriedale/Merino with linen. Lyonesse is available in both Double Knitting and 4-ply in a range of breezy summer dyed shades plus two naturals, all named for precious stones. Diese Cookies werden genutzt um das Einkaufserlebnis noch ansprechender zu gestalten, beispielsweise für die Wiedererkennung des Besuchers. Blacker Swan Falkland Islands Merino with Shetland DK Yarn Blacker Yarns. €4.75. Die Firma Blacker Yarns aus Cornwall in England spinnt Wolle in kleinen Partien von englischen Schafsrassen. Ideal for wrapping gifts or using around the house and in the garden. Neue Garn britischen Marken Blacker Yarns die Ferien sind schon ein paar vorbei! Laden schon wieder etwas umgestaltet tunics, cowls and shawls ideal for wrapping gifts or using around the and... Retain its block wonderfully Reviews ; Details des Shops notwendig wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser aktiveren. And memory to the yarn, while the linen contributes crispness and.... Our various ranges of Yarns cover everything from every-day classic good value, through interesting and rare, to special! Love to show some behind the scene images of our new batch of!... 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