If there is anything I don’t cover in this article, please comment down below and I will do my best to help you answer it. Copy Link. Gowther is the best top-tier character in The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross. She doesn’t have her true form of design. Same is regarding hero upgrade materials, which hero is the best for different play styles, which one would be better and so on. Hopefully, you have gathered some great information in this The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Tier List page! Btw, green eli&hawk could be even S tier, a very versatile char, with single(debuff)+multi attack + a devastating Ulti. Available with beginner’s pack. BEST Heroes TIER LIST (December, JP) - Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Skills – AoE DMG + depletes x3 ULT move gauge orbs, AoE Healing + Dispel debuffs. Ssr eren needs to be upped :/ his bronze deals 32k and with full ult gage it deals 43k and his bronze titan with full ult gage is 52k big dgs there you see, why is he so low? Discover the best guides with tips and tricks on Heroes, farming, rerolling, combat for beginners and pros alike, with a tier list to boot. SDSGC.GG is a Database and Tier List for The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Mobile game app on iOS and Android. Please comment If you have any questions! By ryanchism997 Watch. He is just very good.He is funny.Great custumes. He also can petrify enemies. She doesn’t have the King’s Cleanse effect so you will face some hard time. If you are still not sure whether you want to reroll or not, you can first go through our game guide and … Create and share tier lists for the lols, or the win. Well then, look no further because today we bring you our The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross fast reroll guide to help you acquire the best heroes! If you have the Green Ban, just use him instead. Added to the global version on June 2, 2020. Blue King. The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Tier List gives you a rough idea regarding the worst and best Heroes in the game. ... You can see more how I am a fan of Seven Deadly Sins. At the beginning, the free SSR Blue King you get from the game story mode is actually useful in almost any game modes. Read on for Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Gilthunder characters tier, skills, gear build 7DS Grand Cross features multiple instances of Gilthunder. His sword name is funny. Otherwise, you can use him in your team for a while to be the annoyance to teams which are trying to build up a quick Ultimate on a Hero. Her design tho… Freezes give you a snowball into a quick win. Maybe the image wasn’t loading when you visited the page. Updating the list. – Blazing Sun: Inflicts Amplify … New King Arthur – SSR. The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Tier List The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is a role playing game which has a whole horde of characters you can unlock either by … Other than being a fun way to chat with other like-minded 7DSGC players, the Knighthood also has several features. SR Gilthunder. List of R Character Honorable Mentions in The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Most of the characters of this rarity are commonplace in high-level play. Click here to see the full image. The Seven deadly sins Reroll Tier List. S. Arthur - Camelot's Sword. Thank you so much! If you have Ban or Jericho in your team, he is not needed. you have to try your luck in the next original character step ups. SDSGC.GG is not affiliated with or endorsed by Netmarble. The attack is low and his debuff is decent in PvP. Insane damage in Elite PvP. 7 Favourites. He can help you clear the waves of enemies in no time – thanks to the AoE skills he possesses. You can fully charge your HP. Escanor (SSR) Holy Knight Escanor [The Lion Sin of Pride] Color: Red. SDSGC.GG is a Database and Tier List for The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Mobile game app on iOS and Android. Escanor (The Lion Sin of Pride) King. Heh, Can’t say I’m a full weeb but at best somewhat of a weeb. You could use him on King to prevent him from using skills. 7DS Tier List Global 2021⇓. This is a tier list for characters in the global version of The Seven Deadly … Great ultimate, not the best but a Stun is very nice against King so that he can’t heal. SDSGC.GG is not affiliated with or endorsed by Netmarble. Submit Here. He only recovers a percentage of the missing HP. Welcome to The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Wiki . Great base damage. Sounds great? Sorry because it takes me a white for testing. Many low ranked Heroes can be extremely good in just 1 specific game mode. She doesn’t have her true form of design. Do you have any suggestions? Green Escanor can fill his own … There are few SSR Gacha or characters which you must aim while rerolling. Grand Cross Tier List. 1 SS Tier 2 S Tier 3 A Tier 4 B Tier 5 C Tier 6 D Tier Best heroes in the game and even unfair in most cases: Green Escanor - As the man who stands on the pinnacle, Green Escanor boasts the highest raw Combat Class in the game. Rank-2 skills can cancel buffs. It’s for all contents in general :D. The latest tiers according to sdsgc.gg. However, Merlin can do the same thing and be better at other jobs. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel – Gaming Soul for new mobile game videos. Full Counter versus AoE skills. She doesn’t have the King’s Cleanse effect so you will face some hard time. Below details of Gacha which you must be aiming while you are doing rerolling. So, we’ll look at all the heroes from each tier list that are useful and worth upgrading. Rare Heroes (SR) Great healing. The Best Heroes in The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Right Now? Check Out – Best mobile games. He is a top-tier character who excels in attacking enemies with powerful skills. The Knighthood becomes available after Episode 72 is beaten. Up to date game wikis, tier lists, and patch notes for the games you love. Green Meliodas is best character for clearing PVE story with his counter ability. Left To Survive Promo Codes 2021: January 2021(NEW! His damage is not worth it and his Unique passive skill is just decent. Guess this is just for PvP. What is the con that made you put her in S. Doubt he’d be high on the list but I don’t see blue adventurer ban, I have just cleared the cache of the site. Scroll down to check the text version of the 7DS tier list global 2021. Your competitive edge. He is one of the decent ones. Escanor Holy Knight; Escanor The Lion Sin of Pride; Gowther The Goat Sin of Lust; Meliodas Lostvayne; Lillia Mastermind; Zeldris Elite Demon (Unreleased) 7DS Grand Cross Tier List – Tier S. Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Tier S are also overpowered His first skill has a great chance of getting critical hits, but nothing else other than that. Holy Knight Escanor. The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices, or cardinal sins, is a grouping and classification of vices within Christian teachings, although they are not mentioned in the Bible.Behaviours or habits are classified under this category if they directly give rise to other immoralities. Maybe not for endgame, but at start when you dont have ultis to lvl 6 of SSR heroes, hers causes mayhem in pvp and other content. Gowther - The Goat Sin of Lust. King is another top-tier character in 7DS Grand Cross Global. Better to just use the King as his Ultimate is a lot better. If you face him in a battle, you can just ignore him and leave him as the last one standing then keep spamming the stickers on your opponent’s faces. If the targets don’t die, they cannot attack. Red Melin. Do not try to heal petrified allies Requires a specific playstyle to make the most of her ultimate. Tier lists for Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross. Starts the battle with extra gauges. Tier S contains the best heroes, while tier F contains the weakest heroes in 7DS. He does the supporter role in the team by healing the allies, removing debuffs – also, he can inflict AoE damage. Unqiue Skill – Increases Pierce Rate of allies, Unique Skill – Increases Human allies’ HP-related stats by 15%, Other Skills – Inflicts massive damage, disables recovery skills, increases the basic stats of all allies, removes debuffs from all allies, Skills: – massive single-target DMG, self-stat boost, amplify damage, Skills – massive single-target damage, fills ULT gauge, ignite effect(more damage on the enemy), dispel buffs from the enemy, Unique Skill – dispels buffs and debuffs and becomes immune to the harmful effects when ULT gauge is completely full, Skills – amplify damage on one enemy, AoE DMG, and depletes ULT move gauge orb. Green Ban. So, Here’s all of the Waifus of sort from the Manga & Anime of the Seven Deadly Sins. Not worth putting him in normal PvP. Tier List. Holy Knight Escanor was added in the April patch of the 7DS Global Version. In this section, I will talk about the pros/cons of each Hero in the game, their effects, counters, strategies and the best food for them. Green King is one of the best DPS for annihilation grey demon. Oh, okok, cool! In this 7DS Tier List Global 2021, we have ranked all the Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross characters. For example, someone who wants to rush Jericho Ultimate by switching cards, etc. ), Puzzles and Survival Codes: NEW Gift Codes(January 2021), Skills – AoE Damage, Buff allies(base stats, damage, skill ranks), Global – Yes(Now available in global version). Maybe I’m blind but I don’t see red Escanor… Thanks for sharing. Would love your thoughts, please comment. There aren’t too many great Red units yet. Do you love playing mobile games? Similar to other teambuilding video games, most heroes in The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross are only useful for some specific game modes. So this would be all in this post on 7DS Tier List Global 2021(Seven Deadly Sins Tier List). Moreover, the scaling of his basic skills is comparably higher than most heroes making him a fearsome opponent in PVP matches. Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Tier Lists; Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Tier List. SDSGC.GG is a Database and Tier List for The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Mobile game app on iOS and Android. His Unique can burst down the enemies if you go after your enemies in attack order and they haven’t focused their skills on a specific Hero in your team. The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross, the mobile anime RPG is a fun little affair. Starts the battle with extra gauges. Affection Gifts, Locations & Conversations, The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Tier List (Best Heroes). This guide will give you all of the answers that you might be wondering while checking our The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross Tier List above. If you don’t grind enough in Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross, you’ll always find yourself short on supplies. Healing isn’t based on missing HP. The series follows Elizabeth, the third princess of the Kingdom of Liones, who is in search of the Seven Deadly Sins, a group of former Holy Knights who were disbanded after the kingdom was overthrown. Canceling stances is not that important in the current meta. Now, let’s check out the 7DS Tier List Global 2021: –. SS. King - The Grizzly Sin of Sloth. Or it isnt possible? We have ranked the 7DS Grand Cross characters in x6 tier ranks; tier 0 features the 7DS characters that are OP/best, tier 1 features the characters that have good to best ratings(not OP), tier 2 features the good ones(not the best), tier 3 showcases the characters that are average, tier 4 showcases the 7DS characters with below-average ratings. 7DSGC Wiki is currently home to all information related to the game, such as Heroes, Ratings, Events, PVP, Story Mode, Dungeons, Bosses, Team Guides, and more. Skills – Healing, Removes Debuffs, AoE DMG, Skills – Single target damage + depletes the ultimate move gauge, Shield all the allies with a barrier, Seals the attack skills. Seven Deadly Sins Waifu Tier List. And, tier 5 features the characters that are the worst/not recommended. King is another top-tier character in 7DS Grand Cross Global. Her ultimate gives 2 extra Ultimate gauges, which is nice in a rushing team. And yes, I do have my own personal taste in Waifus. The unqiue skill fills the ULT move gauge of allies, Gear Build/Set – Attack/Defense(More firepower and survivability), Skills: – single-target DMG + stun, AoE + disable attack skills, severe damage, Skills: – single-target DMG + depletes ULT move gauge, AoE DMG + fills ULT move gauge, amplify damage, Skills – Single-enemy damage, decreases enemies’ defense-rated stats, AoE DMG, decreases enemies’ attack-related stats, unique skill decreases all foes’ pierce rate. He is kinda below average. Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross - F2P Gear Progression Guide; When going second with buff, she can do serious works. Updated Mar 2020. Before you scroll down and check out the tier list, we would like to describe the tier description; all the 7DS characters are ranked based on their overall performance in the end game. Seven Deadly Sins is one of the most popular anime and manga to come out of Japan in recent years. His second skill is not great in the current metagame. She is simply a spicy version of Gustav If you are super unlucky and cannot get multiple freezes, you will be dead. Yes, reloaded and there he was . You can see this in the 7DS Tier List above. The Seven Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai / 七つの大罪) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Nakaba Suzuki. Check out all The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Gowther Characters list – how to build with the best gear set, unique skills, tier info. She is oppressive if ahead. Also, check out Ultimate Beginner guide The Seven deadly sins So sorry about that! Based on the best-selling manga series of the same name, Nanatsu no Taizai follows the adventures of Elizabeth, the third princess of the Kingdom of Liones, and her search for the Seven Deadly Sins. 7DS Grand Cross game features multiple instances of Gowther character – each with unique skills, characteristics, and art-style. Initial pick if you are going to grab Arthur from exchange. Can be great vs Blue units if he achieves crits. He is quite good at PvP. She is interesting but there are still better choices. RELATED: Seven Deadly Sins: 10 Hidden Details You Didn’t Know About The Main Characters Among the things that make Seven Deadly Sins a fantastic watch are the lively and epic … However, he doesn’t recover HP to full. And one q, how can you get Lilia now? Read on for 7DS Grand Cross Tier List global featuring the best 7DS characters guide January 2021. 7DS/SDS Grand Cross is a strategy RPG for Android & iOS. Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Tier SS are the best characters and the most overpowered. How can Red Derieri be in S and not in S+ when she is the first choice for every event and easy PvP nuker? Derieri. For More Updates, Game News, Game Guides, New Game Releases, And ALERTS – Like Us On Facebook – Gaming Soul, Follow Us On Twitter – Gaming Soul. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our websiteGot it! Great damage and attack seals from Ultimate. Now, Check out the Reroll tier list for The Seven deadly sins. Crit when he’s at 20% HP and lower. Unique Skills – buffs HP-related stats at the beginning of the fight. With their help, she endeavors to not only take back her kingdom from the Holy Knights, but to also seek justice in an unjust world. When going second with buff, she can do serious works. You should see him now . SSR Gilthunder. Red Escanor is in the highest tier. There are more than one Gilthunder characters in the game – but they are not the same – all are different when it comes to the faction, art-style, skills, tier, etc. Ban - The Fox Sin of Greed. The plot, characters and themes are so strong that it has developed quite a fanbase since it first debuted. The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross is a mobile game based on the manga and anime series Nanatsu no Taizai, developed by Netmarble Fun and Netmarble for iOS and Android devices. Enough in Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross features multiple instances of Gilthunder version on June,... Help you clear the waves of enemies in no time – Thanks to the Global version June..., not the best DPS for annihilation grey demon mode is actually useful almost... No time – Thanks to the Global version on June 2, 2020 Stun is nice! Uses cookies to ensure you get Lilia now AoE DMG + depletes x3 ULT move gauge orbs AoE. 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