Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on February 26, 2019: I was interested in reading the answers to your quiz. 10. Of the listed social media sites, Facebook was founded first on February 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. 12. Next Quiz. » Which Came First? Awesome quiz by the way! Level 74. Prepare to put your thinking cap on with this skill-testing history quiz … Cable TV came out as early as 1948 to bring over-the-air TV signals to remote communities in Pennsylvania, Arkansas, and Oregon. Tetris Pong 2. 6.3. Prepare to put your thinking cap on with this skill-testing history quiz … 6. Complete your quiz offer with 100% accuracy and get credited. 7. In this quiz, I will list two discoveries or inventions in each question. 9. The UN is formed. ✔️Right Answer: Mints. The author enjoys creating quizzes and puzzles that both entertain and inform. Which Came First? Level 65. The USA was founded on July 4, 1776, which is celebrated as Independence Day. Sometimes it’s easy to tell which one of two words first entered the English language (ax probably came before airplane, for instance).Sometimes it’s hard to tell. Since the invention of ancient tools, human civilizations…. So this is a new quiz format I've come up with. Created by George Apeech On Feb 4, 2016 1 / 17 Cappuccino. That can make it hard to remember when things happened in relationship to each other. Aurelio Locsin (author) from Orange County, CA on January 03, 2020: Just picked them out at random, I guess. Feb 28, 2019. That is to say, which came first? You need to specifically know jazz history to know who came first among people who were alive at the same time. Hey - this rhymes. France was founded on July 14, 1789, since celebrated as Bastille Day. Guitar. 4 Min Quiz Image: refer to hsw About This Quiz. Music Which US rapper had 1998 hits with ‘Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It’, ‘Just The Two Of Us’ and ‘Miami’? We may never know the origin of the chicken and the egg, but can you tell which of these other inventions came first? Ratifying the Constitution allowed a state to join the United States. Are The Ancient Pyramids Older Than Stonehenge? What did you get? 11. The Eiffel Tower was dedicated on March 31, 1889. Pong. New Mexico. Gum. 9. Which Came First? History Quiz From Stonehenge to selfies, test your knowledge of history’s timelines. Instead, it checks out your knowledge of history by asking you to pick which came first among three selections. Rajan Singh Jolly from From Mumbai, presently in Jalandhar, INDIA. Gum Mints 5. 13. I hope you follow up with at least one more, or better yet, start a series! Sausages have been around since Roman times. A fun and interesting article. . The first night baseball game or the first night football game? Do You Know The Real Names Of These Celebs? Did People Enjoy Gum Or Mints To Freshen Their Breathes First? The Netflix movie site was founded on Aug 29, 1997. Was The First Laptop Invented Before The First Game Console? The golf tee or the safety pin? from Quiz Diva 100% correct answers. Fortunately, this fun quiz doesn't ask such esoteric questions. Did People Enjoy Gum Or Mints To Freshen Their Breathes First? You buy a fancy phone today, and a cooler one will come out tomorrow and make yours obsolete. Just goes to show how much I don't know. You may know these famous figures and extraordinary events, but do you know their order? 3 / 17 Microwave. on December 17, 2019: Okay...I'm not near as smart as I thought. Finally, the PayPal payment processor began in December 1998. Quiz Answers 1. The term “milkshake” appeared in print in 1885 to refer to a whiskey and egg concoction but came to mean an ice cream drink made with vanilla, strawberry, or chocolate syrup by the early 1900s. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. The Lincoln Memorial was dedicated on May 30, 1922. Your challenge is to determine what happened first: the person was born, the event occurred, the item was invented, or the book was published. The first 'Rolling Stone' magazine is published. It was split into East and West Germany during the cold war and became the current Federal Republic of Germany on October 3, 1990, which is celebrated as Unity Day. . 10 million years ago, humans began to make tools out of wood, stone, antlers, and bones. In 1954, Texas Instruments produced the first pocket transistor radio, the Regency TR-1. YouTube launched in 2005 and Twitter appeared on March 21, 2006. A First B; Twitter: Facebook: Texaco: BP: Star Trek: Star Wars: Shell: Valero: XBOX 360: Nintendo DS: Google Maps: Yahoo! Which came first? Arizona. You’ll find the answers after the test, including a short explanation and relevant link. Which gadget came first? 6.1. Liz Westwood from UK on February 27, 2019: Great quiz, but the result was a bit demoralising. However, you may know these questions. Quiz Diva - Which Came First Quiz Answer by Helfoo May 03, 2020. 8. ... Elijah +4. I didn't really have a plan in picking the questions. Can You Match The Celebrity Exes? WAS THE BOW AND ARROW USED BEFORE THE SWORD? Disney's 'Beauty and the Beast' is first shown. Who was the first billion-dollar author, earning one billion US dollars (or their currency equivalent) … 7. 10. Basketball. The first night baseball game was played first, on June 2, 1883, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Howard Garns, a puzzle inventor, published the first … Was Checkers a Board Game Before Chess? Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Dogs are humanity’s oldest pets, having been domesticated 16,000 years ago in Europe and then again 14,000 years ago in Asia. You may know these famous figures and extraordinary events, but do you know their order? And if you didn’t then this article has helped you to … Quizzes Fact Box Photo Identification Famous Art Celebrities. Which novel has the game often been compared to? ABOUT DMCA CONTACT SITEMAP DISCLAIMER PRIVACY POLICY PLACE AN AD, Copyright © 2020 QuizHelp.Top - All Rights Reserved Created with DoDa. Which Came First? Read More. Brian Jones, founder member of the Rolling Stones, dies. 2. By: Staff. Challenge Try our science quiz. Which Of These Items Was Created First? Answers: Come after the images below each question. Umbrella. What was invented first? . Hint In each question, the two events compared are always at least one decade apart – usually more. Which Of These Items Was Created First? Was The First Laptop Invented Before The First Game Console? WHICH OF THESE ITEMS WAS CREATED FIRST? Don’t spoil the fun by looking for answers online or in books. Did The iPhone Come Out Before Minecraft, Or Was It Vice Versa? King John signs the Magna Carta. ️ Type Answer: The Road. Which came first Decide which of the following events came first to test your knowledge of scientific progress. Well, no one knows for sure. 1. Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty' is first shown. New Jersey did it first on December 18, 1787, followed by New York on July 25, 1788, and then Rhode Island on May 29, 1790. Quiz Answers Which Came First? History Quiz. Umbrella Guitar 3. … You may know these famous figures and extraordinary events, but do you know their order? Quizzes are constantly updated. Which Came First, The Internet Or Email? From Stonehenge to selfies, test your knowledge of history’s timelines. However, hot dogs were sold by German immigrants on pushcarts in the 1860s. 15. Did We Enjoy Chocolate Chip Cookies First, Or Did We Invent the Electric Razor Before? Shai K. 3/24/2020 Share Share Join Us Share Send to friends 4:00. Fortunately, this fun quiz doesn't ask such esoteric questions. Leave a Comment! Just tell us which one came first. Did The iPhone Come Out Before Minecraft, Or Was It Vice Versa? 3. Audrey Hunt from Idyllwild Ca. Quiz and answer stats >> Start Quiz . We are pretty sure that you loved the above questions and hopefully, you knew the answer to almost all the questions. Cats were buried with their owners about 12,000 years ago. I'm shocked that people do not know what period came first: Jurrasic or Cretaceous. WHICH GAME WAS CREATED FIRST? History Quiz From Stonehenge to selfies, test your knowledge of history’s timelines. Which Of These Items Was Created First? The first night football game was played in 1892 at the Mansfield Fair, in Mansfield, Pennsylvania. by DK Oct 01, 2018 | Filed in Reviews+. Adidas. Which Game Was Created First? Option:-Tetris Pong Q 2. The first published crossword puzzle appeared in the New York World in 1913, created by journalist Arthur Wynne. JenkinsEar +8. This fun quiz is all about what came before what. Put your scores, thoughts, and suggestions in the comment box. The Ultimate "Which Came First" Quiz! It also means that groups in the Hall of Fame were rocking out long ago.But how long ago? :). Riddles & Puzzles Trivia Mentalrobics Puzzle Games Community. This is a test of what you personally know. It's very simple: we'll give you two things - they might be people, companies, movies, inventions, literally anything - and you have to pick the one that is the oldest. They were born 25 years apart and died 20 years apart. Did We Enjoy The Popsicle Or The Banana Split First? on May 15, 2019: Not happy with my score but that helped to increase my GK. Type the title in down below! 2 / 17 Baseball. Place your bets. A band has to last a long time before it can make the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The construction of the Eiffel Tower began on 15th March 1887 and concluded on 31st March 1889. If you know that about the composers, then you know which one came first and can answer the question. Which Came First? Scoring. You'll get a few options each time, some are people, some are events, but what's for sure - you'll need all your historical knowledge, logic and smarts to solve this "what came first" quiz! Which of these U.S. states was admitted to the union first? Shauna L Bowling from Central Florida on February 27, 2019: Boy, not paying attention in history class really showed in this quiz. Option:-Laptop Game Console Q 4. MORE TRIVIA How Well Do You Know The Number One Pop Songs of 2020? That means you have to matter a quarter of a century later. The words in the following quiz … Musicians are not eligible until 25 years past their first release. Did People Enjoy Gum Or Mints To Freshen Their Breathes First? Which Board Was Used Before The Other? 3. Prepare to put your thinking cap on with this skill-testing history quiz inspired by Timelines of Everything. Hamsters were bred in the 1930s from an original litter at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. For each question, choose the best answer. They think about art history separate from military history separate from science history. Take this quiz to find out which of the following things came first. 5. People tend to think about history in clumps. Just curious - how did you decide on these questions? . Type the author of this novel in down below! Quiz Answers. 2. 4 / 17 Nike. You’ll find the answers after the test, including a … Quiz Diva Answers Quiz Diva Which Came First? NEXT> Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Which Game Was Created First? What Came First: Gadgets, Toys, and Games Edition. Can you remember which of these iconic products appeared on the market first? Which Came First? 8. Minecraft iPhone 4. Television. Level 26. Gustav Eiffel designed the internal structure of the grand lady as well as the Paris landmark. 4. 4. Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops lived around the same time around 67 million years ago during the Cretaceous. The game is often compared to a novel. Hawaii. This makes the quiz suitable for parents and kids. Who was born first? Germany originated as the unified German Empire on January 18, 1871. The answer key is below. Was the Bow and Arrow Used Before The Sword? Can you keep your timelines straight and figure out which of these events came first? Marlene Bertrand from USA on November 06, 2019: I scored a lot lower than I thought I would, but the quiz was fun and reading about the history of events was fascinating. ️ Type Answer: Cormac McCarthy. Oct 21, 2020. Hamburgers showed up in the late 1800s although the origins are contested by many locations. Although these toys continue to fascinate kids today, they all originated over 50 years ago starting with LEGO in 1958, Barbie in 1959, and G.I. 5. In which year was this novel published? Which Came First? This was fun and educational at the same time. Joe in 1964. They appeared to a wide public at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair. ️ Type Answer: Cordyceps. Which Came First? Which Came First? promastermage +1. Mints. 2. Latte. Play Again. I won't even tell you my score! Flush toilet or stop sign, mayo or ketchup, Statue of Liberty or Eiffel Tower… reckon you know which came first? Was The Smiley Face Created First, Or Was It The Cassette Tape? Option:-Umbrella Guitar Q 3. Waldo's Which Came First Quiz - Answers Which came first . Finish Quiz. Audrey Hunt from Idyllwild Ca. We picked a handful of famous bands — and a handful of classic TV shows. I have to admit not knowing all of the correct answers. They reached the US as pets by 1938. on February 26, 2019: Gee, I thought I'd do much better on the quiz. You have remaining. An Other Quiz : Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Apatosaurus (formerly called brontosaurus). Each question will have four possible answers: a person, a historical event, an item, and a book. Although this isn’t intentionally designed to be a difficult quiz, I’d suggest that you think about each pair of discoveries or inventions carefully before making a selection. Written by Deena Bustillo. The construction of Ulm Minster took much longer, since it started in 1377 but, for a variety of reasons (though they were mainly political and economic), the church was only completed on … Dinosaurs lived over a very long time span starting with Apatosaurus (aka Brontosaurus) around 150 million years ago during the late Jurassic. 6.2. It’s just ten questions. But a 32,000-year-old skull found in Belgium may have been the first dog. The quiz is paused. Available Formats. Pick a side. Your goal is to select which of them is the oldest. Fun and interesting questions. Tetris. Instead, it checks out your knowledge of history by asking you to pick which came first among three selections. New questions are added and answers are changed. 1. Were Emojis Invented Before the Ipod, Or Is It The Other Way? Resume . 5 / 17 Mustard. What's Your 'Gossip Girl' Couples IQ? The more you wager in What Came First?, the more you win and the faster you move around the track — but get it wrong and you'll be heading backwards in a hurry. Neil Armstrong walks on the moon. Q 1. 14. Did The iPhone Come Out Before Minecraft, Or Was It Vice Versa? Minecraft. Quizzes Fact Box Photo Identification Famous Art Celebrities. Depending on who you ask, the first personal computer was either the KENBAK-1, introduced in 1971, or the Altair 8800, for which the term was described, which came out in 1975. The game is often compared to a novel. Conclusion – So these are our top picks for the best business knowledge quiz questions and answers. Assessment: Check […] These tools are believed by historians to be the first inventions made by humans. Ketchup. This trivia quiz is all about inventions, from early machines, to inventions from a decade ago - can you tell which of the two came first? 3. Utah. Was the Bow and Arrow Used Before The Sword? Then it's time to put your money where your mouth is. Then came Google Search on September 4, 1998. Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty' is first shown. Jurrasic or Cretaceous TV came out as early as 1948 to bring over-the-air TV signals to remote communities Pennsylvania... Ago in Europe and then again 14,000 years ago in Europe and then again 14,000 years ago lady. Means you have to admit not knowing all of the following events came first Jurrasic! Domesticated 16,000 years ago during the late Jurassic for answers online or in books celebrated as Bastille.! Min quiz Image: refer to hsw about this quiz the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated on March 21 2006! The fun by looking for answers online or in books make it hard to when! It Vice Versa, humans began to make tools out of wood, stone antlers... 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