People may notice exposure to ammonia with symptoms such as burning eyes, nose, and throat. But urine does NOT cause ill effects. Like bottled ammonia, cat urine ammonia emits a strong odor that triggers asthma and allergy symptoms in those sensitive to it. Exposure to ammonia can cause itchy skin, itchy or stuffy nose, hives, rash, dizziness, and even vomiting! That smell won't go away completely until you've located and neutralized it. Breathing in ammonia can cause irritation in the respiratory tract. Poisoning can occur if enough ammonia is breathed in--but cat urine in normal quantities and concentrations is not strong enough to cause a serious health hazard. Inhalation of large or concentrated quantities can cause… Burning of the nose, throat, and respiratory tract. Check the conditions of the litter box. The most common sign of a problem is breathing trouble but it can show up in other ways too. Breathing in ammonia can trigger health problems in people who are already suffering from respiratory problems. Best Dental Gel For Cats – Clean Teeth With No Brush. The cat litter mats would definitely help in minimizing the stains. Litters like pine, cedar, crystals, newspaper, and corn have usually reached their capacity after about 5 days and will need to be changed. She also enjoys taking care of creatures that wander into her yard. Exposure to cat urine may trigger asthma attacks, rhinitis, bronchitis and laryngitis. Required fields are marked *. When you don’t keep things clean and tidy, you run the risk of your cat starting to go outside of the litter box. If you’re using strong cleaners of any kind, always make sure you have good ventilation. Exposure to ammonia can cause itchy skin, itchy or stuffy nose, hives, rash, dizziness, and even vomiting! The most important thing you can do for yourself, your family and your cat, is to keep the litter box clean and minimize ammonia exposure whenever possible. As the urine dries, it becomes more concentrated and starts to decompose, emitting foul odors. ammonia in liquid form at high levels can be quite. Wear a respirator that blocks ammonia odors when entering an extremely stinky location. The same holds true for cats that squat and pee outside the litter box. In fact, if you really need to, (as in natural disaster), you can drink your urine if you ran out of water. Guarding against this allergy is as easy as using an effective cat urine odor removal product on the affected area, as well as regularly scooping and cleaning the litter box. Cat urine contains high levels of ammonia If you let cat urine sit on a surface for an extended period, it can crystallize and form vapor. Ammonia can be dangerous, but it is a naturally occurring compound. If you have a home with a basement or a spare room you never use, put it in there. Litter boxes that aren’t cleaned regularly enough can contain buildups of urine and feces, resulting in dangerous ammonia fumes. So by inhaling the animal urine smell, you're actually inhaling animal urine. Dog or cat urine smells sharply of ammonia, which is an irritant to the lungs. It can even cause headaches when the odor is extreme. The longer you're exposed to strong urine ammonia odors, the greater the chances of developing health issues. After doing this once, a cat is likely to urinate in the same spot again unless you've completely removed all evidence of the odor. Leave it in place for 24 hours and then vacuum it up. You will want this mixture to be 70% water and 30% hydrogen peroxide. If inhaled, ammonia can cause coughing, chest pain or … So giving them the extra option can help a great deal. Home » Health » Symptoms Of Ammonia Poisoning From Cat Urine. Using any of these cat litter mats is also a great idea as they trap the litter from the box and prevents it from scattering. Other symptoms of ammonia exposure include rashes, itchy skin, red eyes, headaches, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, etc. Health Effects From Breathing Cat Urine ... Cat urine contains ammonia, which is a major cause of the strong smell. You can also sprinkle a little baking soda on top of the litter box to minimize odors at the source. But even they have a limit. Cat pee ammonia can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. What Are Side Effects Of Breathing Cat Urine Ammonia? Health effects from breathing cat urine odor. Chief among these is the release of ammonia into the atmosphere. Cats peeing in the litter box are little cause for concern, as long as the litter box is cleaned frequently. You can also consider using Pet Stain & Odor Miracle Enzyme Cleaner for Cat Urine to effectively remove stains and odors. You can buy hydrogen peroxide at any pharmacy if you do not already have some in your home. Cat urine wreaks of ammonia which is known to cause respiratory issues , especially in those who suffer with asthma or COPD. And do not forget that cleaning the litter box is more than just scooping and changing litter. Cat urine can sometimes trigger allergies worse than fur. Lungs that are already compromised, such as in someone with asthma, may be irritated by even a mild odor of cat urine, especially if they’re frequently exposed to the odor. As much as we all love our feline family members, it is important to remember that they are animals. In the short term, ammonia can cause to irritation of the nose, eyes and throat and coughing as well as nausea. Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and even kidney or liver damage are possible in extremely rare cases. After it turns into a solid form, its concentration level increases. Bleach will not get rid of the ammonia smell and can make things worse. Ammonia causes the nose to become used to its odor, resulting in the … Adding a second box is also worth considering. Usually it isn’t a problem. Another possible cause of ammonia-like odors inside your home is cat urine. OSHA found that a 5-minute ceiling limit for ammonia … Inhalation of large quantities of ammonia causes … Generally, people that have healthy immune systems are not made ill by breathing in the ammonia in cat urine. When excessive amounts of ammonia enter the central nervous system, the brain’s defences are severely challenged.– A complex molecular chain reaction is triggered when the brain is exposed to excessive levels of ammonia. In the case of large amounts of urine, your lungs could feel like they are burning. In the case of large amounts of urine, your lungs could feel like they are burning. Baking soda is the best solution for carpets and upholstery. The Dutiful Cat. Dip a cloth or a towel into this mixture and gently blot the spot where the cat has peed. Unless you catch that cat in the act, you may not even know he sprayed your curtains or the couch. When you are cleaning these places, it is a good idea to avoid using bleach. For some people, the symptoms of ammonia poisoning from cat urine resemble an allergy. It can even cause headaches when the odor is extreme. Spraying is one of those behaviors. If it gets bad enough, it can be fatal. The side effects of inhaling ammonia include irritation of the respiratory system, coughing, and burning of the nose, according to New York State's Department of Health. You won't get sick or anything, since urine is pretty much water with some germs. Most people will blame cat fur or dander but it may actually be the result of cat urine. Ammonia breathing can lead to respiratory, asthma, and bronchitis health diseases in people. However people with allergies or weakened immune systems can suffer irritation in the lungs and even bronchitis if the exposure is long-term or extreme. Cats have a habit of marking the same place over and over again. While cat urine may seem like a harmless and natural part of every feline's life, it could be harmful to human health in some situations. But constant exposure to ammonia, especially in poorly ventilated areas, can start to take its toll over time. While 50 ppm or less is the considered a harmless amount of airborne ammonia, at only 100 parts per million, ammonia can cause eye and nose irritation. Left uncleaned, urea decomposes and undergoes a series of chemical reactions. Ammonia, which is a toxic gas, can cause serious breathing … She earned her first income as a kid pet-sitting for various friends and neighbors. But spraying isn’t always about dominance. Your dog or cat urine smells sharply of ammonia, which is an irritant to the lungs. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Irritation of the eyes or skin. But if you do not neutralize the odor, your cat is likely to return to that spot and pee again. If your cat is spraying, it is important to try to stop this behavior. In a worst-case scenario, sections of carpet, pad and subflooring may need to be replaced to completely get rid of such odors. In the case of large amounts of urine, your lungs could feel like they are burning. A cat urine allergy will present with similar symptoms as a cat dander allergy, including wheezing, coughing, hives or a rash, watery eyes, headaches or sinus problems. Again, repeat this process until the cat pee smell is gone. Normally, cat urine has a weak ammonia odor. Repeat this process until the smell of cat urine is gone. One of the biggest downsides is the. In the case of large amounts of urine, your lungs could feel like they are burning. Inhalation of large quantities of ammonia causes immediate burning of the throat, respiratory tract and nose. Throw any machine washable items in the washing machine and wash as directed on the care tag, without fabric softeners. Humans are as much at risk as cats. Add 1 cup white vinegar to the final rinse cycle to help remove lingering odors. It exists in cleaners, textiles, soil, the air and as mentioned, cat pee. Your email address will not be published. Some cats, especially unfixed males, spray urine on vertical surfaces from time to time instead of using the litter box. Most often, though, it is anxiety or issues with the litter box that causes it. The urine of a cat has a high concentration of ammonia levels in it. Exposure to ammonia in an enclosed area can cause irritation of the throat, eyes, and nose. Making sure it is clean, is top priority. © 2018-2021 Your dog or cat urine smells sharply of ammonia, which is an irritant to the lungs. Activate more allergies Wash the floors and any surfaces sprayed by cats. So why wouldn’t you use it other places too? This is due to urea, which is the primary component of cat urine. Anyways, the body will just keep getting rid of … Check other belongings such as mattresses and bedding, as well as carpeted stairs, cat trees, and areas surrounding the litter box to determine if any materials should be discarded to get rid of lingering odors. An ammonia-like odor after a period of rain could be caused by mold. If you want to learn how to stop your cat from peeing outside the litter box, this might help. If your cat is spraying, or peeing outside of the box, you need to minimize the stains and neutralize the odor as quickly as possible. Your email address will not be published. At the opposite end of the spectrum, however, cat-urine residue and ammonia could cause serious health problems, even for otherwise healthy people. One of the most important things you need to do is keep the cat litter box clean. Bleach and ammonia mixed together can create toxic fumes that will only make the situation worse. The ammonia in cat urine causes damage to the respiratory system when breathed in regularly. This can mean a sore throat, coughing or shortness of breath. We have found that ammonia short-circuits the transport of potassium into the brain’s glial cells.– This means that potassium accumulates around nerve cells, causing these cells to absorb excessive amounts of po… Cat urine has a strong, distinct scent. What are side effects of breathing cat urine ammonia? Not only does ammonia smell nasty but it's not safe to breathe it in. From there, solving the problem could be as simple as changing the litter you use. Other problems from inhaling cat urine include coughing, phlegm, wheezing and loss of sense of smell. She also enjoys writing pet-related articles for Hunker, SFGate and other sites, aiming to help animal owners keep their non-human friends healthy and happy. The side effects are cumulative, so as time goes on, you feel them more acutely, … The Bad Effects of Breathing Pet Urine in our Lungs. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. cat urine contains ammonia which becomes stronger the longer it sits. Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and even kidney or liver damage are possible in extremely rare cases. Cats spray for a few reasons. October 29th, 2013. For getting rid of the cat urine smell, try using the following. The Bad Effects of Breathing Pet Urine in our Lungs Your dog or cat urine smells sharply of ammonia, which is an irritant to the lungs.In the case of large amounts of urine, your lungs could feel like they are burning.Inhalation of large quantities of ammonia causes immediate burning of the throat, respiratory tract and nose. What Is Ammonia? The amount of ammonia in a room that reeks of cat pee can irritate and eventually harm healthy lungs. Runny noses, red eyes, itchy skin, rashes, and so forth are just some of the side effects. Cat urine ammonia is corrosive and irritating. To keep yourself as safe as possible, consider using gloves and a face mask when changing and cleaning the litter box. An allergic reaction can produce hives on the body, excessive sneezing or difficulty breathing 1. Don't touch affected objects directly; instead, wear rubber gloves when handling suspect items. Ammonia is a primary eye and upper respiratory tract irritant. Cat Urine Ammonia Poisoning When you breathe in cat urine, you are breathing in the approximately 0.05 percent ammonia that makes up a healthy cat’s urine. 2. Once the odor is gone, you can use cold water to rinse away the solution. Ammonia is used to purify water supplies, as a fertilizer, a Upholstered furniture, beds, rugs, and carpeting are particularly problematic peeing locations as the liquid is absorbed into its surroundings, making it harder to completely remove. This can mean a sore throat, coughing or shortness of breath. The longer you let the litter sit, the stronger the ammonia smell will become. Odor’s Effect on Mood While your cat's urine is mostly water, it also contains chemical compounds such as ammonia that could contribute to human health issues. They are complex and charming creatures that make life enjoyable. These mats are also easy to clean. Having said that, cats are not without downsides. How Does Ammonia From Cat Urine Hurt Humans? Many other side effects like runny noses, itchy skin, red eyes, rashes are caused due to it. Actually, strong ammonia from cat urine can be dangerous if it is in high enough concentration. However, unless the individual is without a doubt allergic to the ammonia, it's also possible that the presence of a pet or the carpet itself is causing the allergic flareup. Causes various kinds of allergies Not only does the fur of the cats cause allergy but its urine also does. While ammonia is found in soil from bacterial processes, it is also produced in the . Water promotes mold growth, and odors from mold are more noticeable when the area is wet. Ammonia: Inhalation of ammonia fumes causes runny nose, throat irritation, watering of eyes,cough,chest tightness and in higher concentration,shortness of brea ... Read More 2 doctors agree They use spraying to mark their territory and communicate with other cats. All rights reserved. Breathing in ammonia can cause irritation in the respiratory tract. It is important to clean the box itself at least once a week using soap and water. Obviously this is harder to do in small spaces or apartments but it is important to try. The actual number of cats in the US is 94.2 million.That takes account of homes that have 1 or more cats and also stray or feral cats. They offer affection and entertainment but not without health risks. The litter can be more effective when used with a well-designed and high quality litter pan like the Jumbo Hooded Cat Litter Pan from Catit. Hydrogen peroxide is very good at neutralizing ammonia and checking the symptoms of ammonia poisoning from cat urine. Kathy Adams is an award-winning journalist and freelance writer. Actually, strong ammonia from cat urine can be dangerous if it is in high enough concentration. The Bad Effects of Breathing Pet Urine in our Lungs. The Bad Effects of Breathing Pet Urine in our Lungs Your dog or cat urine smells sharply of ammonia, which is an irritant to the lungs. Even the smallest amount of ammonia creates a distinct, unpleasant smell. We may receive a commission, or some sort of compensation, when you purchase any products and/ or services using links on this page. Cat urine is highly concentrated compared to the urine of humans, which means it can also emit a strong odor. The ammonia gas is corrosive to the nose, airways and lungs. The potential dangers of cat urine increase the more frequently the urine goes undetected around the house. Humans are exposed to low concentrations of ammonia on a regular basis. The pad and subfloor beneath the carpet may have absorbed the urine as well. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. A rare bacteria found in cat urine may cause serious health issues if it enters the bloodstream through contact with your skin. With these large numbers, it is certainly worthwhile investigating the health risks associated with cat litter, cat urine and cat feces, in a lot more detail. This means removing clumps at least once a day and changing the entire contents of the box every 7-10 days. Health Effects & Illness from Breathing in Cat Urine Odor To make matters worse there are several health risks associated with inhaling cat urine and feces . In a home where the litter box is cleaned regularly, and the cats pee where they should, ammonia isn't usually an issue. The scented litter in your cat’s box will absorb most of the gas for you. Dr. Elsey’s Cat Ultra Premium Clumping Cat Litter, Pet Stain & Odor Miracle Enzyme Cleaner for Cat Urine, Best Cat Dental Treats And Chews For Your Cat’s Teeth, Best Cat Toothpaste For Effortless Brushing Sessions. If there is one thing that cat lovers know, it is this: cats make wonderful pets! For people with asthma, or other respiratory problems, exposure to cat pee can make things even worse. And as animals, they come with a range of instincts and behaviors that can be frustrating or difficult for us humans to deal with. Try to put the litter box in a location where you do not spend a lot of time. Some litters, like Dr. Elsey’s Cat Ultra Premium Clumping Cat Litter are better than others when it comes to absorbing the ammonia gas. Headaches may also occur. Here are just a few illnesses that you can acquire from facing and handling filthy boxes: • Overexposure to ammonia—as urine and feces accumulate in the litter box, ammonia fumes are produced. Ammonia is what is bothering him in the cat's urine. Thus, cat urine is extremely dangerous to people suffering from … A rare bacteria found in cat urine may cause serious health issues if it enters the bloodstream through contact with your skin. Urine contains small amounts of ammonia. Most people will blame cat fur or dander but it may actually be the result of cat urine. In situations where cat urine has repeatedly soaked through the carpeting, steam cleaning it may not be enough. Sprinkle baking soda on top of the spot. Simply spray the vinegar on the spot and let it dry. Ammonia is gas that can be inhaled. Long term exposure can lead to pneumonia, bronchitis, trachea burns, and pulmonary edema. Sometimes it is a medical condition that makes them spray. Just the thought is enough to make you sick, right? human body. Dog or cat urine smells sharply of ammonia, which is an irritant to the lungs. Sometimes cats like to pee in one place and poop in another. Wet cough and shortness of breath. Kathy enjoys snapping pics of wildlife and encountering all sorts of creatures out in nature. Being exposed to the ammonia in cat urine can make you quite sick. Living with cats is a blast but experiencing the symptoms of ammonia poisoning from cat urine isn’t. Ammonia occurs naturally in some types of bacteria, including pet urine. To reduce the symptoms of ammonia poisoning from cat urine, try to put the litter box in a place where you will not be breathing the ammonia all day long. Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with water. Cat pee ammonia can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. You use baking soda to absorb odors in your fridge. You can experience a loss of sense of smell, increased heart rate, irritation to the eyes and mucous … This program from an ASPCA Veterinary Technician will teach you how to stop cat spraying behavior permanently. Pet urine contains ammonia. Cats can be picky and they may not like the texture under their feet. As scary as all that sounds, there are many things you can do to reduce these risks to you and your family. If you're living in a poorly ventilated environment shared by several cats, or a home in which the cat's urine isn't cleaned up right away, the air quality is compromised as ammonia becomes more prevalent. Cats are tidy creatures by nature and ammonia can impact their health as well. How To Keep Cats Off Furniture With Vinegar. 36 Related Question Answers Found Short-term exposure to low-levels of ammonia is pretty harmless, but it doesn't take much to become irritating. Association of Aging in New York: The Effects of Breathing Cat Urine, Popular Science: 8 Disgusting Diseases You Can Catch from Your Pet, Pet MD: The Ultimate Guide to Eliminating Cat Pee Smell, Jezebel: What to do When Your Gym Clothes Reek. A home that reeks of ammonia should be ventilated immediately by opening windows and doors and removing any objects laden with pet pee, such as couch cushions, pet beds, and the litter box. Then, use a scrub brush to get the baking soda deep into the fibers. An overpowering ammonia stench could lead to lung irritation and coughing, respiratory infection, bronchitis, or pneumonia. Of breath into a solid form, its concentration level increases that spot and again... High concentration of ammonia on a regular basis the most important things you need what are side effects of breathing cat urine ammonia do is keep cat! Contents of the cats cause allergy but its urine also does on our website, hives, rash,,. 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