The Archer system and team both provide great service. We provide a place for group of GRC professionals to come together and share their ideas, opinions and success – create a community to say. RSA Archer is a low effort and fast implementation GRC platform. Use Case Application Mapping, RSA® Fraud & Risk Intelligence Suite Training, RSA® Identity Governance & Lifecycle Training. GOVERNANCE. Free Download. These blogs will provide a quick overview of the basic business problem associated with the use case and the key features/benefits. RSA Archer’s flexible platform allows you to easily expand your current continuity and recovery use cases with no custom code or professional service requirements. Explain and articulate the value proposition of Archer including use cases, and integration with existing customer systems of record. RSA Archer is deployed across industries such as: financial services, energy, retail, public sector, healthcare, insurance, … Full spectrum RSA Archer implementations for Governance, Risk & Compliance needs utilizing industry standards and frameworks. Archer Business Continuity & IT Disaster Recovery Planning, Archer Third Party Security Risk Monitoring, Archer IT & Security Policy Program Management, Archer IT Security Vulnerabilities Program, Archer Information Security Management System (ISMS), Archer Controls Assurance Program Management, Archer Plan of Action & Milestones (POA&M) Management. The use case includes the The RSA Archer Exchange is a vibrant online marketplace where customers can learn about the more than 95 different GRC use-cases available for download. I have seen instances where it is leveraged both organization wide, or just for a particular department. These projects are completely in-line with the modules mentioned in … RSA® Fraud & Risk Intelligence Suite Training, RSA® Identity Governance & Lifecycle Training. Content tagged with solutions & use cases, Content tagged with solutions and use cases, Jive Software Version: 2018.25.0.0_jx, revision: 20200515130928.787d0e3.release_2018.25.0-jx, RSA® Adaptive Authentication Internal Community, RSA® Identity Governance & Lifecycle Internal Community, RSA NetWitness® Platform Internal Community, RSA® Web Threat Detection Internal Community, Archer Regulatory & Corporate Compliance Management, Archer Enterprise & Operational Risk Management, Product Version Life Cycle for RSA SecurID Access, RSA Product Resources: Other RSA Products, RSA Product Resources: RSA Fraud & Risk Intelligence Suite, Archer Suite Post-Training Resources Site, Remote Workforce Resource Center: Optimizing & Tuning, RSA announces the General Availability of RSA Archer Release 6.2 Patch 2, RSA announces the General Availability of RSA Archer Release 6.1 Patch 2. It is a tool to adhere to compliance and e-governance in the organization. This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled. Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page. As with security assessments, it can be customized to have an assessment module and perform tasks like mailing and alerting with ease. Terminology and workflows have been realigned to better support the crisis management process and new out-of-the-box notifications and test plans will help with the velocity of the business continuity management process. RSA ARCHER BUSINESS RESILIENCY Solution briefs and use case data sheets are also available in German, French, Italian, Japanese. Each of these Archer solution areas is supported by purpose-built use cases, designed to provide each Archer customer with the use cases they need based on the maturity of their organization’s risk management program. Example Use Cases: IT Hygiene / Compliance Related Resources. Choosing the right team is a key driver to successful Archer implementations. Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience. RSA Archer Audit Management provides several use cases to meet your specific business needs and progress in the audit maturity journey, including the following options. RSA Archer Suite provides multi-disciplinary risk management use cases that incorporate industry-leading best practices to get an effective integrated risk management program up and running quickly. This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled. Markets and use cases. Audit Engagement & Planning and Issues Management Use Cases. Content tagged with business impact analysis, Content tagged with it security vulnerabilities program, Content tagged with cyber incident & breach response, Content tagged with controls assurance program, Jive Software Version: 2018.25.0.0_jx, revision: 20200515130928.787d0e3.release_2018.25.0-jx, RSA® Adaptive Authentication Internal Community, RSA® Identity Governance & Lifecycle Internal Community, RSA NetWitness® Platform Internal Community, RSA® Web Threat Detection Internal Community, The series will publish every Wednesday and continue into 2019 until all of the use cases are covered. Enterprise; MSSP; By Need. There will also be a short paragraph describing how the use case fits into the broader Integrated Risk Management message for your organization. Solutions. simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Portuguese. If additional customizations or enhancements are needed, it is recommended that customers contact RSA Professional Services for assistance. (For your convenience, you may Follow the Page, and receive email notifications in your company Inbox by clicking on 'Actions,' then click on Inbox, then outside the box to make sure your Follow instructions are captured.). may or may not meet the needs and use cases for your organization. The series will publish every Wednesday and continue into 2019 until all of the use cases are covered. Is this useful? To test your knowledge on RSA Archer Training, you will be required to work on two industry-based projects that discuss significant real-time use cases. Customers, partners, GRC and RSA subject-matter-experts share the latest content, GRC integrations and application use-cases on the Archer … ""The part I liked about Archer was the risk assessment for deficiencies and being able to use it there." We haven't had any issues and … User Review of RSA Archer: 'As an Archer consultant, I work with many different types of organizations who are deploying Archer for the first time, or are looking to build upon its capabilities. To help narrow down your selection of Archer modules and use cases as well as increase your likelihood of success in deployment and utilization, here are 3 things to consider before making your purchase: 3 Things to Consider When Choosing RSA Archer for GRC. This will also ensure hands-on expertise in RSA Archer Training concepts. Use Cases: With RSA Archer Regulatory & Corporate Compliance Management, you can obtain a clear view of the organization’s state of compliance, enabling you to prioritize activities that address the regulatory requirements having the greatest impact on the business. Starting October 10, our GRC/Integrated Risk Strategists will begin publishing a weekly blog highlighting one of the 30+ RSA Archer use cases. RSA Archer Use Case Blog Series. We at RSA Archer realize the technology is a part of the solution, and it it the humans who really drive GRC programs within your organization and humans that provide the solutions. Governance, risk and compliance programs are a complex but vital component of business operations. Enterprise, Operational Risk and IT & Security Risk Management. Highly configurable to adapt exacts needs of the process, solution builder with codeless development including opportunity to add new solutions. Enterprise Catalog, Business Resiliency, Third Party Governance. Archer Audit Management includes several use cases to meet your specific business needs and progress in the audit maturity journey. I suggest contacting your RSA Archer account representative to help you with this mapping. Archer Issues Management provides a consolidated view into all issues and enables quicker response to emerging risks, creating a more proactive and resilient environment while reducing costs.