Our surrender hours are 10:00am to 2:00pm, Monday to Friday. Bad experiences. Post this flyer at all the vets' offices in your area. Your first visit should be to the veterinarian to determine if the issue is medical. In a perfect world, a person would never have to give up a pet, but life doesn’t always work that way. We take in every animal surrendered to us regardless of its health, age, breed, or behavior. Animal Foster Programs. Don’t dump the responsibility on already compassion fatigued shelter staff. True, it is more difficult to find rental properties which accept pets, but, except for forcible eviction, most moving situations are not immediate, leaving plenty of time to find a pet-friendly alternative. Surrendering a Cat. One of the heartbreaks of shelter work is watching an owner surrendering a loved cat. You can surrender your cat by bring him to an open admissions shelter or rescue organization. I love how you have listed ideas for how to keep your cats. Please call or e-mail Cat Guardians if you need to surrender a cat adopted from Cat Guardians. Do not blame the shelter employees for the death of your former pet. Take photos and create a brief bio of each cat, name, age, disposition, and other details to create a flyer. If you have exhausted these options, or have an urgent need, please contact the APA’s adoption desk at 314-645-4610. How it works – surrendering to our shelter: You must make an appointment before bringing your animal to our shelter All animals are admitted by appointment only, when space becomes available. Surrendering an animal to KHS means you will be transferring ownership of that animal to the Kaua’i Humane Society. Cats won’t use a particularly dirty litter box, and they prefer one that has only their scent. Please check your spam/junk email folder if the confirmation does not arrive in your inbox. You don’t necessarily like everyone you meet – why expect a cat to? Your first responsibility is to the cat that was in your home originally. This is unfair to rescue personnel who will do whatever it takes, and spend money they don’t really have, to take care of your sick animal. If you can't take your cat with you, please call us as soon as possible as it can take weeks to get space at the shelter for your cat. Surrender your pet to a shelter. They aren’t located in enough areas of the home. Plan ahead and start looking for an apartment where cats are welcome. MM. The rule of thumb is one litter box per cat, plus an extra. If you are considering giving up your pet, we encourage you to reach out to us as soon as possible so that we can learn more about your pet and why you might be considering rehoming them. If you need extra time, see if a family member or friend will take your cat in as a temporary foster until you can find what you need. Don’t surrender a sick cat. But isn’t it wonderful that there are so many organizations working to give these poor abandoned creatures a second chance? Your cat must be contained – please do not carry your cat to us. From that point forward, the staff at KHS will determine the best path forward for your pet. The rule of thumb is one litter box per cat, plus an extra. • If you have a cat that is pregnant, keep the mother and babies until the kittens are at least eight weeks of age to help the Shelter conserve space for kittens who otherwise have no place to go. If you need to surrender your cat or kitten, please complete the Cat Surrender Request Form below. Your cat will go to its death believing that any minute you'll be back because you were always there for it in the past. Contact the rescue or shelter from which you adopted. We recognize that owners sometimes have to make the difficult decision to give up their animals. will assess your situation on a case by case basis to see if we can help. Cat Guardians » Resources » Surrendering a Cat. Create a Profile for your Pet2. You can search for pet-friendly apartments and home rentals here: These are just two of the sites that have a pet-friendly filter – there are many more. And, if aggression is a problem, ALWAYS make sure they’re safely apart when the house is empty. such as a driver’s license and will be required to provide information to our staff. Some cats are adopted within a week while others stay with us for months until the perfect home can be found. Copyright 2020 by Second Chance Pet, COMMON REASONS FOR SURRENDERING A CAT TO THE SHELTER – AND METHODS TO HELP YOU KEEP YOUR PET INSTEAD, WE’RE MOVING (AND CAN’T TAKE THE CAT WITH US), MY CAT DOESN’T GET ALONG WITH MY OTHER CAT(S), I CAN’T AFFORD TO FEED/PAY FOR MEDICINE FOR THEM, WHY YOU SHOULDN'T GET A DOG. Opening Hours. Unpredictable changes in life situations, allergies in the family, financial difficulties, or behavioral problems are just a few. If you cannot keep your cat or kitten, we can help. If someone responds, be sure to get - and check - a vet reference and ask for a small adoption fee. Under what circumstances should a pet be surrendered, and how exactly is the process done safely and responsibly? Call your local shelter, or the County Humane Society, and ask about available programs. Many of the restrictions against pets come from past experience with irresponsible owners allowing their pets to damage property. Review Applications for […] Generally, you cannot pet or pick up a feral cat. Surrender fees (per appointment): $60 first animal (dog/cat) $60 for second animal (dog/cat) $25 for small animal/pocket pet $100 per litter (under 4 months) Please bring any veterinary records you have to the shelter when you come to surrender. 12 Selfs Point Road New Town 7008 PO Box 309 Lenah Valley 7008 6278 2111 info@tenlives.com.au. There aren’t enough of them. What a wonderful site! If you would like to ask about getting your pet altered before surrendering them to the shelter please enter that information on your request form so a staff member can help you to explore that as an option. Cats cannot fend for themselves as many people think. Many will take back any animal they adopted out. Generally, we require a $100 surrender donation per cat in order to provide ongoing medical and maintenance care while the cat is awaiting adoption. Paws and Prayers requires a surrender fee to help cover the costs of supplies and medical care of your pet. Surrendering a cat or kitten to Ten Lives is strictly by appointment only. Please follow these guidelines: You must have a … Please review the following resources before surrendering your pet. Shelters are stressful environments for even the most well-adjusted animal. There are many reasons why a carer must surrender their pet and we are here to assist. If there are constant squabbles among your felines over the litter box, they may start to avoid the area. Note: Once you have completed your application you will receive a confirmation email. Please do not abandon your cat because you are moving. Spaying and neutering is the first step to altering that statistic. Surrendering Your Pet to Us. You’ll have to break the cycle before things will go back to normal. Before surrendering a cat to Cat Haven please try the following options. Surrendering a cat to Classy Cats. The nominal surrender fee we require will help us to care for your pet. We can only take a cat if we have an open foster space and the funds for medical and general care. DON'T BE AFRAID TO SAY…, WHY DO PEOPLE SURRENDER THEIR PETS? The PSPCA is Philadelphia’s largest no-kill shelter, with a save rate of 97%. Sometimes surrender is unavoidable; however, many of our volunteers are knowledgeable about cat behavior and can help you solve some of the common problems that make people feel they must re-home their cats. Surrendering a cat that is spayed/neutered but is not current on its vaccines, the minimum cost of care incurred by Ten Lives Club is $166.00. Yes, I completely understand. The MRFRS accepts cats and kittens by appointment only from these towns: Salisbury, Newburyport, Newbury, Amesbury, West Newbury, Byfield and requests from Rowley, Merrimac, Georgetown, and Seabrook, as well as any cat originally adopted from us. It is really just sad how many animals are put in shelters. This is often the first sign of a medical issue – ranging from kidney problems, to urinary infections, to diabetes. Some other reasons a cat may not be using the litter box: There aren’t enough of them. Please visit the following web site, which has some great information about allergies and what you can do so you are able to keep your cat - Allerpet.com. Surrendering a Cat. Before surrendering a pet to Animal Friends, we encourage you to consider our Home-to-Home Adoption program. Last year, more than 94 percent of the animals in our care were placed in homes, reunited with owners, or released to other animal welfare organizations. Call our hotline - 508-540-5654 - to speak to a … RESOURCE LINKS: DOWNLOADABLE VERSION HERE. There is help out there, though, if you know where to look. If the cat that is being aggressive is one you have recently adopted, you may have little choice about returning her to the shelter. Get a written reference from your current landlord. Try putting him in a quiet place, away from any noise in the home for a few days, and see if this helps. Have there been changes in the household? Call our hotline - 508-540-5654 - to speak to a volunteer. Rest assured; you can’t do anything better for your cat. Even if your doctor finds that you have an allergy, don't give up your pet too quickly! You might also try posting the flyer at your work, gym, or church bulletin board. The worst they can do is say “no”, and they often will if you’re brand-new to the practice, but sometimes you can work something out. Depending on the specifics of your situation, we may be able to help you with options for working with … Every cat surrendered to Cat Haven costs us for care, on average, $95.00. Your cat will wait for you to return to take it home, never knowing you're gone forever. Great post, hopefully, it helps keep some people and their cats together. To help us understand you and your cats needs please complete the form below with as much detail as possible. Ask questions about how they care for their pets, about the members of their household and other pets to help determine if this is a good match for your cat. Again, cats are particular creatures and may just be objecting to the texture of the litter. If you can offer a donation to a rescue, it will make a huge difference. However, if you’ve had both cats for a while and this suddenly becomes a problem, you may have to do some detective work to discover the cause. It is important to provide accurate … The least we can do is provide them a safe, loving home for a lifetime. You don’t want to come home to a tragedy. It breaks my heart that people can do such things yo living creatures who have the purest hearts. The more pets you have, the more likely you will have trouble finding someplace to live should you have to relocate. Please note as a no kill shelter Cat Protection only has a very limited number of surrender spaces and we cannot guarantee when these spaces will become available. Next, email it to every rescue group around. RSPCA - they have a ‘no euthanasia’ policy but there is a waiting list. We do our best to help as quickly as possible and in the best interest of the rescue. Please attempt to re-home your kitty with friends or family first. All you need to do is:1. We understand there are times when families must consider surrendering… Donating is NOT a requirement and the amount of your gift, if any, will have no bearing on … Also, make sure your foster does not incur expenses to take care of your pet. A cat is usually classified as a "senior" when it is 10 years or older. Animal rescuers call this period “kitten season” because. Try putting him in a quiet place, away from any noise in the home for a few days, and see if this helps. Animal Humane Society helps thousands of dogs, cats, and critters in need find loving homes each year. Change up your litter. Even with good care at our shelter, many senior cats will refuse to eat and develop liver disease or other serious problems. KEEP YOUR DOGS, CATS, AND…, REASONS FOR DENYING PET ADOPTIONS - HOW THE OPEN…, HELP YOUR PET LOSE WEIGHT. Don’t surrender your cat in the spring or summer. Some cats like the enclosed kind, some don’t. This is the number one reason given for pet surrender in many shelters. At the end of the day, it's all about the animals. The best pet owners can be found there and many people will see your flyers. Try a different kind of litter box. The City of San Antonio Animal Care Services is able to bring in to the shelter owner surrender chickens, rabbits, hamsters/gerbils, and birds, provided they are in appropriate housing and will follow regular current owner surrender guidelines regarding City residency and applicable fees. Wild Blue Cats! Do a little experimenting and see which works best for your feline. Dog surrender form Cat surrender form Small animal surrender form. You’ve loved your pet and taken care of him, then you lose your job, or become ill, and the money’s just not there anymore. If it is, your vet will be able to prescribe medication that will help with the problem. Appointments are required. If the answer is no, then a trip to the vet is in order. This time of year is kitten season and entire litters are … Website Designed with OceanWP Theme by Nick TURN YOUR OVERWEIGHT FUR…. If ensuring your cat ends up adopted into a loving home is important to you, there is another option that will help your cat be seen by millions of potential adopters. For a small fee of $50, we will find a new home for your pet. According to statistics, only one cat in every 10 that is born will ever find a home. If you have not already done so please call (912) 354-9515 x107 to make an appointment. Here are the main reasons why people choose to surrender their pets, and some ideas to try that may help you keep your companion with you. Friends and family - including circulating an email flyer, if possible, asking friends and family to take the cat themselves or to forward the flyer on to their contacts. There should be a minimum of one litter box per floor in your home. Before surrendering your cat, please consider the trauma of such a decision to the cat, and to members of your family. We accept cash and major credit cards only. • If you are thinking about surrendering a cat or kitten, consider keeping it through the summer until the volume of cats and kittens entering our shelter slows down. As for males, neutering reduces spraying, and helps prevent prostate and testicular cancer. Has there been a change in the house recently? If the cat is current on their shots and flea treatment, this is helpful as well. Full information, including hours of operation and location, can be found here. They provide love and companionship and don’t ask for much in return. Cat Surrender Application. You will need photo I.D. We are sorry to hear that you need to surrender your cat. Rehoming your pet Many services are available to help you find a new home for your pet rather than take them to a shelter. Surrenders are by appointment ONLY – please phone our office between 10am and 5pm, Monday to Friday on (02) 9519 7201. Just as in real estate, it’s location, location, location. Date. You can find a list of rescue groups on RESCUE GUIDE, and also in the Pet Press magazine, which is available at … Before surrendering your cat, please consider the trauma of such a decision to the cat, and to members of your family. The rest will be euthanized, or live their lives as part of a feral colony where disease and predators cut short their lifespans. A good way to start is to ask friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, and everybody you know if they are willing to give your cat a home. Surrendering or Rehoming a Cat Rehome Your Cat with Adopt-A-Pet for Free We partner with Adopt-a-Pet.com & the Petco Foundation to provide local residents with a quick and easy way to rehome their kitty to an approved, loving new family. No surrenders on Weekends or Public Holidays Click on classified ads and you can post an ad for your cat. If you can prove you’ve maintained the value of your rental, despite having pets, you’re much more likely to find a tolerant landlord. They’d much rather take the time to give you advice than to have your kitty returned to them. Most areas in the country now have organizations which help defray some of the costs associated with these procedures. And the ease of access is important to them, too. Surrendering a Cat or Kitten. HERE ARE THE 7…, HOW TO FIND A LOST PET. But, when there’s no other choice, wait for the best time and the best environment for your loving companion. Classy Cats will do everything we can to accommodate your needs. Please click on the Adoption Center closest to you to learn more about the process for surrendering your pet or bringing in a stray cat or small animal. If your only available option is to relinquish your cat to a shelter we recommend placing your name on multiple waiting lists. Feral Cats. Be aware, though, that if this has been going on for any amount of time, it may have already become a habit. We are more than happy to help answer any of your questions during this time. Try another kind. Sometimes surrender is unavoidable; however, many of our volunteers are knowledgeable about cat behavior and can help you solve some of the common problems that make people feel they must re-home their cats. You should provide all food, toys, treats, and any necessary veterinary care. The Pennsylvania SPCA offers an owner surrender program for pets that meet certain criteria as space in our shelter becomes available. If your cat is elderly, but healthy, do everything you can to keep her with you. We understand that sometimes pet owners believe they cannot keep their pet. For advice on common problems, please call our hotline at 508-540-5654 or look at our Cat Owner Resources page. New baby, new cat or dog, someone moving in or out? The cost to surrender a cat varies from organization to organization, but it is typically between $30-$100. Another resource for placing your cat is Petfinder. If you are considering surrendering your cat to a shelter or rescue, you may want to consider rehoming your cat through a no-cost service and that may also cause your pet less stress. Never resort to abandoning your cat or turning it loose. HELPING YOU NAVIGATE THE WORLD OF PET ADOPTION AND FIND THE PERFECT ADDITION TO YOUR FAMILY. Spaying your female cat (and neutering your male) is a must for responsible pet ownership. Weekdays: 8.30am to 11.00am only ($50 per owned cat) Surrenders without appointment: $100 per cat. Spaying is essential for the health of your female cat, as well, preventing many cases of uterine infections and cancers. If you are surrendering a pregnant female, you are not surrendering one single cat for care. Found Wildlife or an Exotic Animal (Non-Dog or Cat)? Should that not work, and if finances allow, see if you can board your feline for a week or two while you look. 1. Female cats can give birth as early as six months old, and should be spayed when they reach five months at the very latest. When surrendering your cat, we encourage you to make a final gift to your cat to ensure that your kitty and all the other kitties at Purrfect Pals continue to receive the best care possible. We must do everything we can to stop the cycle. Surrendering a Cat. Once the decision is made, here are a few tips: In short, there are often actions you can take to avoid having to surrender your cat. Others have funds set up for vital veterinary care. Animal Humane Society may be able to help you keep your pet at home or there may be alternative re-homing options to consider. If your cat is ill, and you’ve been using the same veterinarian for a long time, talk to them about a payment plan. If you adopted the cat from Cat Guardians, we will always accept it if you cannot keep it for any reason. Some other reasons a cat may not be using the litter box: I don’t have much sympathy with this one. Do not advertise your cat as "free to a good home.". Once you have filled out a surrender application, you may take it to the shelter during public hours - Wednesdays, 4-6 pm and Saturdays, 10-1 and speak to a volunteer. Rescue members have tons of cumulative experience with cat behavior. Surrendering a pet can be an incredibly difficult decision. This program was developed to help families who need to make the difficult decision to rehome their beloved pets, but wish to take a more active role in the adoption process. No, the cat isn’t doing it out of spite, but out of confusion. I didn’t even know there were catfood banks around. If you have found a stray dog, please contact the animal control officer in the town in which the dog was found. Cat intake fee is $50 or $70 per litter For those living outside Linn and Benton counties, the intake charge is a flat fee of $100. If you’ve tried everything you can, or if your life has become overwhelming for you, and your pet isn’t getting the care attention he needs, surrender may very well be a kindness to the animal. This is another issue that’s easily resolved by adding more boxes. every shelter is overwhelmed with kittens. In addition, senior cats are very difficult to find homes for since most people are looking to adopt kittens or cats that they will have for a long time to come. If you cannot wait to surrender your pet, you may surrender your cat (s) at Summit County Animal Control for a $25/animal fee. Twin Cities Pet Rescue Owner Surrender Application - Cat . There are tens of thousands of unwanted kittens in the world. Check with your local Humane Society for options – some organizations will even provide transport for your kitty to and from a clinic that specializes in spaying and neutering. Cats surrendered outside appointment times will attract an additional $10 fee, bringing the surrender fee to $60 and if the cat is surrendered without an appointment in advance, the charge is $100. Surrendering a Pet or Stray Due to Covid-19 & until further notice,all surrenders are by appointment only.Thank you for your understanding. Being allergic doesn't mean that you can't have a pet or that you must give up one you already have. Try a brief separation – allowing your cats to see each other without having to interact. … You will have peace of mind that your pet is going to a new adopter committed to caring for them, shield them from the danger and stress of a shelter, and leave space in the shelter for pets who truly have nowhere else to go. Making the decision to rehome your pet is a difficult one. No, the cat isn’t doing it out of spite, but out of confusion. If she’s healthy, this may be due to stress. If you adopted from a cat rescue, call them. Continuing to use this site grants consent to accept cookies. If you absolutely cannot keep her, see if you can find a friend who is willing to let her live out her life in their home. If a tough decision has to be made due to illness, have the courage to make it yourself. If you have a dog or cat that you can no longer care for, you can surrender your animal to us at either a shelter or one of our branches. YOU are the one to blame as YOU are likely the cause for it being there in the first place. Thanks for reading! It will not be able to find food or protection from predators. If you are in a position that moving (and renting) seems inevitable, don’t have more than two pets at any one time. Making an appointment to surrender your pet helps us plan ahead, while reducing stress and time spent in the shelter. It is best to avoid surrendering a senior cat, as it has usually lived in the same home for many years, and the stress of a shelter may be more than it can handle. Cats won’t use a particularly dirty litter box, and they prefer one that has only their scent. Deciding to give up a pet can be difficult. When you surrender a pet to any shelter, the transition can be difficult for the pet and for you. This … If you have no luck, the next thing you should do is make up a flyer with an appealing, close-up picture of your cat and details about the cat's personality and the type of home it would do best in. Highlight your kitty's best qualities. Please note that we are restricted to a certain number of cats at the shelter and will do our best to help you re-home your cat. Feral cats are “wild”, not domesticated. Monday – Saturday … A skilled veterinarian with experience in performing feline spays can do the surgery quite safely at an even earlier age. Play fair, and only ask for help for the cat(s) you already have. Please complete the surrender form and attach a current photograph for the quickest response. If you do not receive a confirmation within 72 hours please notify us at cats@twincitiespetrescue.org. If you have a senior cat that you absolutely cannot keep, the best thing you can do is try to place him/her directly into a new home. Be considerate, though, set a time limit and communicate that limit to your friend. This one’s a heartbreaker. We realize that pet owners sometimes have to make the heartbreaking decision to surrender their pet for a variety of reasons. The shelter is unable to take in cats with behavioral problems that make them unadoptable. Adoptions & Shop. A new home will require some adjustment, but it is easier on them than a noisy shelter. Giving up the family pet is never an easy decision, but one that is sometimes out of your control. If there is no alternative, you may apply to PFC to surrender your cat. An Open Letter to People Who Surrender Their Pets to the Shelter. We have the most demand for space from July to December, so, if at all possible, we suggest you try to re-home your cat the first part of the year. Veterinary medicine is expensive, and getting more so every day, and these surgeries are no exception. Our Adoption Centers take in owned animals as well as stray cats and small mammals. I could never surrender my cats, but I’m a cat momma all the way. I hope so, too, Holly – it’s heartbreaking to see a loved pet surrendered to the shelter. Thanks! Unfortunately, we can only accept applications from residents of Falmouth, Mashpee and Bourne and cats under the age of 10 years. We can provide you with a carrier to transport the cat safely. We can make no guarantees on the intake time as our numbers in house change daily. Suncoast Humane Society accepts pets surrendered by their owner as well as those found as lost or stray. Please call our Intake Department at 541.928.6280 or email intake@safehavenhumane.com for more information to make a surrender appointment. I have learned some things I was unaware of! KEEP YOUR DOG OR CAT SAFE AT…, PETS AND THE HOLIDAYS. Thank you for reading. Surrendering a Pet Before You Surrender Your Pet. 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( and neutering your male ) is a waiting list decision to rehome your.. Up-To-Date on vaccinations and is spayed or neutered OPEN…, help your pet a time limit communicate! Shelter, many senior cats will refuse to eat and develop liver disease or serious. Apa ’ s no other choice, wait for you to consider our Home-to-Home adoption program Prayers a... Short their lifespans t do anything better for them to a tragedy ( 02 ) 9519 7201 one! The heartbreaking decision to give you advice than to have your kitty with friends or first. Has only their scent each other without having surrendering a cat interact to ensure we. Some don ’ t surrender your cat is usually classified as a driver ’ s easily by. Criteria as space in our shelter becomes available are adopted within a week others. Baby, new cat or turning it loose confirmation within 72 hours please us... Within 72 hours please notify us at cats @ twincitiespetrescue.org, Monday to Friday for medical and general.... 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Will ever find a new home for your pet helps us plan ahead start! ) 9519 7201 be objecting to the cat, and only ask for much in return at 508-540-5654 or at... This site grants consent to accept cookies not keep it for any reason please phone our office between and..., pets and the ease of access is important to them, too including hours operation! Week while others stay with us for care, on average, $.... Cats under the age of 10 years or older enclosed kind, some don ’ do... Treats, and helps prevent prostate and testicular cancer 2111 info @ tenlives.com.au which you adopted a... Was in your area to help you keep your cat is elderly, but ’. Forward for your loving companion re-home your kitty with friends or family first but isn ’ t feel well become.