Enterprise Architecture Example - Project Management (PM) Process Below the example gives you a general structure of different channels for taking project management. Cloud security at AWS is the highest priority. Information security is partly a technical problem, but has significant procedural, administrative, physical, and personnel components as well. Enterprise Security Architecture, how it relates to Enterprise Architecture, and how this Guide supports the TOGAF standard. Sections should not be removed from the presentation. A security model is a specification of a security policy: it describes the entities governed by the policy, it states the rules that constitute the policy. AWS Security Documentation. Field of Application of the CC and CEM The CC is useful as a guide for the development, evaluation and/or procurement of (collections of) products with IT security functionality. The Platform Security Architecture (PSA) is a holistic set of threat models, security analyses, hardware and firmware architecture specifications, and an open source firmware reference implementation. It reflects input from management responsible for the system, including information owners, the system operator, the system security manager, and system administrators. The purpose of the review is to seek approval to move forward to the Concept Phase of the Expedited Life Cycle (XLC). Sample Software Architecture Document 1. What is an IT Infrastructure Architecture Blueprint? In preparation for your project’s Design Reviews, model diagrams with examples of System Architecture, Technology Stack, Security Design, Performance Design, Physical Design, and Multi Data Center Integration can be accessed from the following SharePoint site pages. T0338: Write detailed functional specifications that document the architecture development process. ... A dependency matrix is a great way to document your architecture as it grows to holistically complex to visualize with a graph. Secure enterprise architecture begins with an initial security assessment to identify and isolate capabilities by threat level. Once you’ve mapped out your architecture, add an image of the diagram to the template. Information Security ArchitectureAnalysis of information security at the structural level. The assessment goes beyond identifying gaps in defense; it also involves analyzing the most critical business assets, such as proprietary trading algorithms or underwriting data that, if compromised, could result in material losses and reputational harm. Solution architecture is a structural design that addresses a set of functional and non-functional requirements.Generally speaking, solution architecture is immediately implemented as a program, project or change. Security by Design (SbD) is a security assurance approach that formalizes AWS account design, automates security controls, and streamlines auditing. Its a statement of the security we expect the system to enforce. For this reason it is created as an independent MSWord document, a working copy of this is attached to this page during the life of the project. Profile (PP) document, which is the central document for a security evaluation according to the Common Criteria. Goals & Vision. Chapter 3 describes the concept of Enterprise Security Architecture in detail. The Technical Architecture Document (TAD) continues on beyond the project closure as a 'living' document. For example, a three-tier application architecture looks like this: It kind of looks like ice cream you’d serve at a party. Document your Azure Architecture Posted in Azure Like me you may need to document your Azure Architecture and over the last few days I have came across some decent materials for doing just that and I thought I should share with you me findings, so here goes: – Guidance for Security Targets are addressed in [STG]. Hover over the various areas of the graphic and click inside the Box for additional information associated with the system elements. This document is a template for the Architecture Review (AR). Enterprise information security architecture (EISA) is the practice of applying a comprehensive and rigorous method for describing a current and/or future structure and behavior for an organization's security processes, information security systems, personnel, and organizational sub-units so that they align with the organization's core goals and strategic direction. Although the development of IT security architecture has gained much needed momentum in recent years, there continues to be a need for more writings on best theoretical and practical approaches to security architecture development. Solution Architecture Template (SAT) Design Guidelines v2.0.0 ISA² Action - European Interoperability Architecture Page 4 of 25 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of this document This document explains the purpose of a Solution Architecture Template (SAT) and how to design one. ARM’s developer website includes documentation, tutorials, support resources and more. Nelson Gibbs February 01, 2007 Comments Views A ntivirus programs, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems play a key role in protecting organizations against external threats. The following documentation shows you how to configure AWS services to meet your security and compliance objectives. Implementing security architecture is often a confusing process in enterprises. System Overview. Instead of relying on auditing security retroactively, SbD provides security control built in throughout the AWS IT management process. In some cases, specific technology may not be available. The security plan is viewed as documentation of the structured process of planning adequate, cost-effective security protection for a system. 2.2. Traditionally, security architecture consists of some preventive, detective and corrective controls that are implemented to protect the enterprise infrastructure and applications. enterprise security architecture is designed, implemented, and supported via corporate security standards. It may include a high level description of the approach used to develop the system design. Business Architecture Analysis and design of business structures. OSA is licensed in accordance with Creative Commons Share-alike. The following are illustrative examples of solution architecture. The blueprint is a building plan for the IT Infrastructure of an organization showing the IT concepts that are part of the IT architecture, the elements of the concepts and the components that implement the elements. If a section is not applicable, please indicate as such and provide an explanation. In security architecture, the design principles are reported clearly, and in-depth security control specifications are generally documented in independent documents. The Software Architecture Document (SAD) contains the description of the system in terms of its various architectural views, in order to highlight the different aspects of it. Set the stage for your review by detailing how your architecture currently performs. As a result, logical access controls are based on the principle of role based access control (RBAC). Online Examination System (OES) Version: 1.0 Software Architecture Document Date: 08/04/2016 Confidential , 2016 Page 3 of 58 Contents 1. OSA shall be a free framework that is developed and owned by the community. Start by using diagramming software to illustrate the overall structure of your architecture, and make a point to explain how the components of your architecture work together. Information Security Classification: Low Page 1 Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide consolidated Data Architecture standards and guidelines for the Ministry applications during application development, implementation and maintenance phases. The Architecture Definition Document spans all architecture domains (business, data, application, and technology) and also examines all relevant states of the architecture (baseline, transition, and target). This is the software design document template we’ve carefully constructed here at Tara AI. The System Design Document provides a description of the system architecture, software, hardware, database design, and security. Some enterprises are doing a better job with security architecture by adding directive controls, including policies and procedures. This section should describe the basic system design goals, functionality and architecture. Here, all you’re doing is providing a description of the project and the purpose of the SDD. I. This document, Enterprise Security Acrhitecture (ESA), A Framework and Template for Policy-Driven Security, was originally published by the NAC in 2004, and provided valuable guidance to IT architects and security architects. System architecture can be considered a design that includes a structure and addresses the … Chapter 2 describes the relationship with other IT security and risk standards. Microsoft cloud for enterprise architects illustrations. Scope¶ Describes the scope of this requirements specification. However, note that you’ll want the context provided in this article to properly fill out the template. These cloud architecture posters give you information about Microsoft cloud services, including Microsoft 365, Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and hybrid on-premises and cloud solutions. The description makes use of the well-known 4+1 view model. Template Instructions. Assessing IT architecture security – • Consider the risks and implemented strategies to mitigate potential security hazards. "OSA distills the know-how of the security architecture community and provides readily usable patterns for your application. By using SbD templates in AWS CloudFormation, security and compliance in the cloud can be made more … Security architecture is based on the “Least Privilege” principle. Outputs include principles, models, controls, policies, processes, procedures and standards to address information security. A least privilege enterprise model designed for architectural assurance is implemented in a comprehensive access control model. The Architecture Definition Document is the deliverable container for the core architectural artifacts created during a project and for important related information. This secure architecture design is the result of an evolutionary process of technology advancement and increasing cyber vulnerability presented in the Recommended Practice document, Control Systems Defense in Depth Strategies. Any general security strategy should be include controls to: • prevent; • detect; • control; and • respond to architectural security. To obtain a TAD template, click on the link below which will open a read-only view. AWS customers benefit from data centers and network architectures that are built to meet the requirements of the most security-sensitive organizations. General factors and elements include business plans, team members, IT development, database security, and analysis. 11/4/2020; 2 minutes to read; S; D; J; D; J; In this article. This example IT Infrastructure Architecture Blueprint is created on the Dragon1 collaboration platform. This differs from enterprise architecture that may include long term roadmaps that take many years to implement. Software Architecture Documentation Co-op Evaluation System Senior Project 2014-2015 Team Members: Tyler Geery Maddison Hickson Casey Klimkowsky Emma Nelson Faculty Coach: Samuel Malachowsky Project Sponsors: Jim Bondi (OCSCE) Kim Sowers (ITS) 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents Revision History 1 Introduction 2 Background 3 Functional Requirements 4 Quality Attributes … Technology Architecture The design of technology infrastructure such as networks and computing facilities. Writings that document a practical approach are few. T0328: Evaluate security architectures and designs to determine the adequacy of security design and architecture proposed or provided in response to requirements contained in acquisition documents. Learning how security architectures work can help internal auditors maximize security audits and play a more proactive role in their organization's security activities. Introduction 5 1.1 Purpose 5 1.2 Scope 5 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 5 1.4 Overview 6 2. A security policy is a document that expresses clearly and concisely what the protection mechanisms are to achieve.