Gᴏᴀᴛ. D'ailleurs Mace ne perd face à Sidious que par l'intervention d'Anakin. Re: Mace Windu (TPM) vs Joruus C'baoth. Anakin looked up and saw Mace Windu with an expression on his face that resembled a smile. Windu and Anakin Skywalker made a visit to the Endurance later in the war, where they mentored a group of young clone cadets. Comic Books Art. Re: … You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master. Mace Windu appears in the set 7261 Clone Turbo Tank, first as a light-up lightsaber Minifigure, then the figure was later changed to a standard minifigure in the set in 2006, a year after its initial release.The new figure remains similar to the light-up lightsaber appearance, and features a brown head with two black dot eyes, two slanted eyebrows, and a black, slightly slanted mouth. You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master. I think there is a point in his life where Anakin could defeat Mace Windu - however, not while he is still Anakin. Comic Art Character Design Batman The Dark Knight Batman Vs Batman Poster. Yoda ne serait donc pas le meilleur en tout. Joruus stomps. BBHunter. Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker were two Jedi always at odds with each other. 0. Mace Windu smiled. The code forbids now is not the time for this you better back off. Ok, let’s start with dueling feats. She'll be safer there. Description. A Sith Lord?' The room is dark and quiet, the silence broken by the heavy breathing of two shadowy figures. Anakin aurait donc bel et … Mace Windu was a Human Jedi Master and arguably the Jedi Order's greatest warrior during the Clone Wars. Mace Windu sat in a small meditating room alone with Master Yoda. From what the cutscenes indicate, Anakin was practically destroying Mace and the only time Mace ever held an advantage was when Anakin was distracted. Or Windu vs Dooku while Anakin vs Yoda, Windu can beat Dooku easier than Yoda can beat RotS Anakin, and team 2 wins in any scenario. And don't use registered transport. Be nice to others or you die. The power that Mace Windu had driven at him was greater than anything Anakin had experienced. mon cher Trucrimer quand j´ai fait le Windu vs Obi-wan j´ai dit que les avis etait partagé parce que Obi-wan pourrai tres bien se defendre il a battu Anakin qui a + de midichloriens que Yoda! Yoda: The Council is confident in its decision, Obi-Wan. Anakin lacks the mindset to defeat Mace -- he is easy to trip up because he is over confident. But the younger Jedi didn't seem like kidding, because his face was serious. ' That’s what you get, Jedi asshole! * si il y aurai un combat qu'y les opposerait,qui crois tu qui en sortirais vainqueur? gibbs615 Mar 12, 2018. Mace Windu est un personnage de la saga cinématographique Star Wars. Mace Windu: The boy has exceptional skills. Level Six. Windu was a sparring partner of Count Dooku, and is confirmed to have beaten him in the past. ―Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu, upon learning Palpatine's true identity. He does lose that before we get to know him as Darth -- so I think there is a point he could defeat Mace. Skywalker confirmed grimly, ' Yes. As rapidly as Anakin had been moving towards Mace, he suddenly found himself helplessly being hurled backwards. Travel as refugees. Yeah. Yoda was still on Kashyyyk. Anakin should solo in canon if he has a rage amp, if not then Mace wins, Kenobi is pm a non factor Lv 5. He didn’t care that Anakin’s mother died and didn’t make him a master! Reply. Anakin beat Dooku. Mace Windu is a bastard. Windu. He had just finished telling his tale about the events in Palpatine's office that occurred mere hours ago. Histoire Univers officiel L'Attaque des clones. On a jamais vraiment vu combattre Mace Windu et quand on l'a vu, il n'avait rien de + qu'un Obi Wan ou un Anakin, toute sa puissance est basée sur des théories ou sur son aspect de mec vénère. Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker, trapped on the Endurance. The one we've been looking for.' The Cosmic Force … Are we treating this the same as Ressurection TPM Maul vs ANH Vader? Mace Windu: Anakin, escort the Senator back to her planet of Naboo. Windu est le meilleur au sabre , la force de sidious c'est sa maîtrise de la force , hors , Windu a désarmé sidious , manquait plus que il lui coupe la tête , sauf que anakin est arrive As such, he commanded incredible influence over the Jedi Council and subsequently the Jedi Order itself. If he had nicer and more understanding, maybe Anakin wouldn’t turned on him! on Thu May 23, 2019 11:53 am. Mace Windu, un humain sensible à la Force, était un Maître Jedi respecté et un membre du Haut Conseil Jedi durant les dernières années de la République Galactique.Durant sa carrière au sein de l'Ordre Jedi, il servit comme leader élu des Jedi et, durant la Guerre des Clones, en tant que Général Jedi au sein de la Grande Armée de la République. Unbeknownst to Windu, a young Boba Fett had stolen in amongst the cadets and was in the process of assassinating Windu in revenge for his father Jango Fett. Mace Windu was remembered by Anakin Skywalker's son, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. on Thu May 23, 2019 9:08 am. he could never amp himself beyond that level . Dooku beat Windu like 3 times. Windu repeated after a moment. A master of every single form of lightsaber combat and numerous aspects of the Force, only Jedi as powerful as Grand Master Yoda could call themselves his peer in battle. I'm getting a little pissed motherfucker now when you yell at me, it makes me nervous and when I get nervous, I get scared and when motherfuckers get scared, that's when motherfuckers accidentally get shot. ' How do you know this?' moi perso je pencherais pour mon favori Mace Windu c'est un trop bon Jedi il est trop puissant avec son terrible sabre laser In the years following Anakin Skywalker's redemption and fulfillment of his prophesied destiny as the Chosen One, his son Luke Skywalker embarked on a quest to rediscover the history of the all but forgotten Jedi Order. whereas the other two can if they bring their A game . However, he's stronger, just as fast, and is just as skilled with a saber. ' He knows the ways of the Force,' He said. ' Them motherfuckers ain't here to buy no mandingo. Untitled. Forum Posts. Anakin wasn't really operating out of the dark side yet. From the moment they met in The Phantom Menace, they viewed each other with suspicion, distrust, and skepticism. Anakin would most likely be tapping into his anger, which would actually allow windu to beat him more easily, as mace uses vaapad which involves redirecting all the dark side energy being used against him back against his opponent which in theory allows him to fight for a near infinite amount of time provided his opponent keeps on using the dark side. Mace Windu: Protect the senator at all costs. Mace Windu had no interest in training Anakin when he first arrived, and regarded him with distrust through his entire career. Joruus>Darth Vader>Kar Vastor>Mace Windu. The showdown on Coruscant was a confrontation that took place in the Supreme Chancellor's Suite of the Galactic Senate in 19 BBY.It began after Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker informed Master Mace Windu that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had revealed his identity as a Sith Lord to him. Palpatine manipulates Skywalker. Tumblr Blog. on Thu May 23, 2019 12:05 pm. Silhouetted in this light is a face. Mace hasn't gotten his massive power boost yet, so he's still around Dooku level in power, maybe lower. 1 0. Level Six . Mace Windu did beat the Emperor, but lost because he was betrayed by Anakin. Windu also wouldn't tear through Anakin to begin with, if he can't use Vapaad to his advantage it's a close matchup. 2 months ago. I take Anakin is my learner. Mace Windu: This party's over. Mace Windu stared at Anakin Skywalker, comprehending what he just told him. Suddenly, the darkness is pierced by a blinding purple light.