Seeking to hold the Macedonian territories there, Seleucus thus came into conflict with the emerging and expanding Mauryan Empire over the Indus Valley.[5]. These are the areas where his grandson Ashoka left the major Kandahar rock edictand other edicts in th… In return Chandragupta Maurya gave Seleucus 500 war elephants and some army. At the start, Chandragupta acquired northern parts which were under the Nanda rule, and then he declared war against Nicator in … Seleucus, like the other four principal Macedonian chiefs, assumed the title and style of basileus (king). In exchange, Seleucus received 500 war elephants, which he put to … - Seleucus crossed the Indus and attacked Chandragupta in which Seleucus was defeated. Seleucus I Nicator was a successful general who commanded an army that was well-provisioned and highly experienced in warfare. He then waged a war against Seleucus, a Greek ruler who had in control most of the Indian territories which were earlier captured by Alexander the Great. Hartmut Scharfe (1971) had argued that Seleucus had gained the upper hand and retained overlordship of the eastern satrapies, which were put under Chandragupta's charge in exchange for the elephants as tribute; but according to Trautmann, sfn error: no target: CITEREFWheatley_and_Heckel2011 (,,–Mauryan_war&oldid=1000479967, All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Seleucid Empire's eastern satrapies ceded to Mauryan Empire, Seleucas gave Chandragupt Maurya his daughter hand in marriage creating matrimonial alliance, This page was last edited on 15 January 2021, at 08:06. Seleucus Nicator ceded the Hindu Kush, Punjab and parts of Afghanistan to Chandragupta Maurya. After defeating Seleucus, Chandragupta signed a peace treaty with him, according to which he got hold of Punjab in exchange of 500 war elephants. With the war elephants acquired from the Mauryas, Seleucus was able to defeat his rival, Antigonus, along with his allies at the Battle of Ipsus. Details of the conflict are lacking. Aftermath of the battle: Winner and Loser, The overall place and significance of the battle in the Indian History. They forged a treaty under which Seleucus ceded his rights over the region east of Iran / Afghanistan. Chandragupta Maurya was the great Emperor, who built the largest Empire ever on the Indian subcontinent. Chandragupta Maurya, of course, had already established the Mauryan Empire by the time he came into conflict with Seleucus. Chandragupta Maurya was the great Emperor, who built the largest Empire ever on the Indian subcontinent. In 305-303 BC, years after the Macedonian satraps of the Indus were expelled, Chandragupta waged war against Seleucus, one of Alexander's generals and former satrap of Babylon. Diplomatic relations were established, which led to trade missions and missionary expeditions as well. Under the influence of his mentor Chanakya, he built the Mauryan Empire. Seleucus I vs Chandragupta Maurya Seleucus had first set foot in India in 326 BC as a newly-appointed captain of an infantry guard in the army of Alexander who was fighting against King Porus. In 305-303 BC, the expanding empire of Chandragupta and the young Diadochi realm of Seleucus fought somewhere in the Indus Valley or Hindu Kush mountains. Many Greek scholars, historians were invited to the Mauryan court. The fate of Anatolia and Syria lay in the balance. Seleucus is a pretty solid commander with and initiative of 6, the rest are 3s, 4s and 5s. Per Appian. According to Wikipedia page Alexander invaded India in 326 BC in the battle of Hydaspes. But it was his Kalinga War (262–261 BCE) which proved to be the turning point of his life. Taking a sword and cut open Durdhara’s womb to save the child. The Greek diplomat Megasthenes is an important source of Mauryan history. The treaty ended the Seleucid–Mauryan war and allowed Chandragupta control of the regions it was warring for. Chandragupta Maurya’s empire post his victory over Seleucus extending to Seleucid Persia (Maps of India) His daughter Helena married Chandragupta Maurya. Seleucus was one of Alexander’s Generals. The Seleucid–Mauryan War was fought between 305 and 303 BCE. Under the influence of his mentor Chanakya, he built the Mauryan Empire. Chandragupta came into conflict with Seleucus Nicator, Alexander’s heir in the east, the idea being the reduction of the Greek power and gaining in own territory and strength. When Chandragupta Maurya expressed his desire to marry Helena to Chanakya, he said it would only be possible if he wars Selecus Nicator – Helena’s father and put pressure on him.At the start, Chandragupta acquired northern parts which were under the Nanda rule, and then he declared war against Nicator in … Chandragupta Maurya conquers all of the Macedonian Satrapies in the Indus River Valley. However, nearly two decades later he was again standing on the shores of River Indus as a king looking to protect his borders and expand his empire. In Ptolemy I’s time, it had an estimated annual revenue of about fifteen thousand talents of silver (about nine billion dollars) and eight million artabas of wheat (perhaps 320 million liters, or 72,500,000 U.S. gallons). It started when Seleucus I Nicator, of the Seleucid Empire, sought to retake the Indian satrapies of the Macedonian Empire which had been occupied by Emperor Chandragupta Maurya, of the Maurya Empire. And it was Chandragupta Maurya, who conquered the North India, raised an alarm to Seleucus about the growing power of Chandragupta Maurya. Seleucus entered India and occupied the territory reaching up to the Indus … There are no records of Chandragupta's military conquests and the reach of his empire. Based on these, the northwest reach of his empire included parts of present-day Afghanistan that Seleucus I Nicator ceded to him including Kabul, Kandahar and Gandhara. This led to the fall of the empire and the eventual creation of the Maurya Empire under Emperor Chandragupta Maurya. In consequence of their arrangement, Seleucus received 500 war elephants from Chandragupta Maurya, which subsequently influenced the Wars of the Diadochi in the west. The Mauryans on the other had have a much more complex command structure. So he decided to save the unborn child. Bindusara’s son, Ashoka, also known as Ashoka the Great, was a brilliant ruler, commander who re-asserted the Mauyan Empire’s superiority in the Southern and Western India. Chandragupta seized a large area in eastern Persia. Chandragupta Maurya (322 BCE to 298 BCE) - Chandragupta Maurya established the Maurya dynasty by killing the last Nanda ruler Ghanananda. As their alliance happened after a war treaty, so mostly it is written that ‘the marriage’ was a political alliance between the two states, but … With the help of Seleucus, Chandragupta started acquiring many regions and expanded his empire as far as South Asia. The arrangement proved to be mutually beneficial. The fact that a young Maurya could even stand toe-to-toe with someone of Seleucus’ status was an achievement in itself. After the war, the Mauryan Empire emerged as the dominant power of the Indian Subcontinent, and the Seleucid Empire turned its attention toward defeating its rivals in the west. Similarly satraps were appointed to govern the Indus Valley. Seleucus and Chandragupta also agreed to a marriage alliance, probably the marriage of Seleucus' daughter to Chandragupta. At the Battle of Ipsus, Seleucus lead an alliance with Lysimichus and Cassander against Antigonus. After the death of Alexander, Seleucus, who was commander in Alexander's army attacked India but he was defeated by the king Chandragupta Maurya So Seleucus and Chandragupta Maurya signed a treaty as well and Seleucus appointed an ambassador who was no one but the Megasthenes. The war ended in a settlement resulting in the annexation of the Indus Valley region and part of Afghanistan to the Mauryan Empire, with Chandragupta securing control over the areas that he had sought, and a marriage alliance between the two powers. Chandragupta Maurya established himself as ruler of Magadha around 321 BCE. While Seleucus has a mere 4 generals under him, Chandragupta has an astounding 12 commanders under him. Meanwhile, Chandragupta Maurya, kept on expanding his empire and established a strong centralised state. This established Mauryan control to the banks of the Indus. The Mauryans had annexed the areas governed by four such satraps: Nicanor, Phillip, Eudemus and Peithon. Seleucus was the son of Antiochus, a general of Philip II of Macedonia, the According to Grainger, the details of the conflict are unclear, but the outcome clearly must have been "a decisive Indian victory," with Chandragupta driving back Seleucus' forces as far as the Hindu Kush and consequently gaining large territories in modern-day Afghanistan. When Chandragupta Maurya expressed his desire to marry Helena to Chanakya, he said it would only be possible if he wars Selecus Nicator – Helena’s father and put pressure on him. Emperor Chandragupta signs a treaty with Seleucos I, establishing borders and giving the Punjab to Chandragupta in return for 500 war elephants. Later Chandragupta Maurya Married Helena who was Seleucus’ daughter and then entered into an alliance with Seleucus. Arrian explains that Megasthenes lived in Arachosia, with the satrap Sibyrtius, from where he visited India:. Chandragupta Maurya defeated the Macedonian satrapies in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent. He decided to conquer the Nanda Dynasty, rulers at the time of the Gangetic Plain. Chandragupta gifted him with 500 real elephants which he used to great success against his … Chandragupta obtained the areas of Arachosia (Kandahar area in present-day Afghanistan), Gedrosia (southern Baluchistan in present-day Pakistan) and Paropamisadai (the area between Afghanistan and the Indian subcontinent). Chandragupta’s son Bindusara extended the rule of the Mauryan dynasty, towards the central and the Southern India. Seleucus crossed the Indus and waged war with Sandrocottus [Maurya], king of the Indians, who dwelt on the banks of that stream, until they came to an understanding with each other and contracted a marriage relationship. In 305 BC Chandragupta Maurya led a series of campaigns to retake the satrapies left behind by Alexander the Great when he returned westwards. [10] Chandragupta Maurya went on to expand his rule in India southward into the Deccan.[7]. Megasthenes lived with Sibyrtius, satrap of Arachosia, and often speaks of his visiting Sandracottus, the king of the Indians." Also, Agathocles of Sicily declared himself king around the same time. In return Chandragupta Maurya gave Seleucus 500 … Then the child was named after Bindusara and he continued Chandragupta Maurya Family Tree. Megasthenes was a Greek ambassador of Seleucus I Nicator in the court of Chandragupta Maurya. The struggle among the Diadochi reached its climax when Antigonus, after the extinction of the old royal line of Macedonia, proclaimed himself king in 306 BC. Some of these exploits were performed before the death of Antigonus and some afterward. Another Greek ambassador to the Mauryan court at Pataliputra was Dimakos. Seleucus surrendered his territories Herat, Kandhar, and the Kabul valley in Afghanistan to Chandragupta Maurya. They forged a treaty under which Seleucus ceded his rights over the region east of Iran / Afghanistan. Chandragupta's victories convinced Seleucus that he needed to secure his eastern flank. After Alexander's death, Seleucus became the king of Babylon. Seleucus Nicator ceded the Hindu Kush, Punjab and parts of Afghanistan to Chandragupta Maurya. Overall a solid, but typical command structure. Chandragupta overthrew the Nanda power in Magadha and then campaigned in central and northern India. Then the child was named after Bindusara and he continued Chandragupta Maurya Family Tree. Sign a marital treaty, also referred to as “Epigamia” in Greek terminology, in which, Chandragupta Maurya, advised by Chanakya, married the daughter of Seleucus, Helen, as an alliance between the two empires. [8] The border between the Seleucid and Mauryan Empires remained stable in subsequent generations, and friendly diplomatic relations are reflected by the ambassador Megasthenes, and by the envoys sent westward by Chandragupta's grandson Ashoka. According to Megasthenes, this centralised state, the capital of which was Pataliputra, was “surrounded by a wooden wall pierced by 64 gates and 570 towers and displayed the artistic splendours and expertise of Persian sites such as Susa and Ecbatana.”. In the subsequent peace treaty, Seleucus ceded all of present-day Pakistan and part of Ariana, present-day Afghanistan, to Chandragupta. According to the Roman historian Appian, Seleucus. Chandragupta Maurya Waged a War against Selecus Nicator to Marry Devi Helena. As their alliance happened after a war treaty, so mostly it is written that ‘the marriage’ was a political alliance between the two states, but … Mamulanar, the famous Tamil poet of the Sangam literature, also describes how the Deccan Plateau was invaded by the Maurya army. Chandragupta's achievements, which ranged from conquering Macedonian satrapies in the northwest and conquering the Nanda Empire by the time he was only about 20 years old, to achieving an alliance with Seleucus I Nicator and establishing centralized rule throughout South Asia, remain some of the most celebrated in the history of India. Since Seleucus was busy on the western borders, Chandragupta took this opportunity to attack and assassinate two Macedonian satrapies, Nicanor of Parthia and Philip, son of Machatas. In fact, he was the first emperor to annex most of Greater India into one state. Chandragupta subsequently married Seleucus's daughter to formalize an alliance and established a policy of friendship with the Hellenistic kingdoms, which stimulated India's trade and contact with the western world. Seleucus also surrendered the satrapies (governors) of Arachosia (Kandhahar), Paropamisade (Kamboja and Gandhara), and Gedrosia (Balochistan). The bulk of the fighting force was the allied army comprised of Seleucid forces, including 480 of the war elephants gifted by Chandragupta. In 305-303 BC, years after the Macedonian satraps of the Indus were expelled, Chandragupta waged war against Seleucus, one of Alexander's generals and former satrap of Babylon. Chandragupta's gift of war elephants "may have alleviated the burden of fodder and the return march"[5] and allowed him to appropriately reduce the size and cost of his large army, since the major threats to his power had now all been removed.[9]. His daughter Helena married Chandragupta Maurya. Taking a sword and cut open Durdhara’s womb to save the child. Chandragupta Maurya Waged a War against Selecus Nicator to Marry Devi Helena. Adding Antigonus's territories to his own, Seleucus would found the Seleucid Empire, which would endure as a great power in the Mediterranean and the Middle East until 64 BCE. Seleucus then sent his ambassador named Megasthenes to the court of Chandragupta Maurya and he wrote a detailed account of his army and the massive power of the king. Chandragupta Maurya won the battle against Seleucid Empire. When Alexander died, the Wars of the Diadochi ("Successors") split his empire apart; as his generals fought for control of Alexander's empire. Chandragupta Maurya’s empire post his victory over Seleucus extending to Seleucid Persia (Maps of India) It is based on inferences from comments left by Greek and Roman historians, and the fictional and religious Indian texts written centuries after his death. [4] Military historian John D. Grainger has argued that Seleucus, upon crossing the Indus, "would find himself in a trap, with a large river at his back and a hostile continent before him," and consequently could not have advanced much farther than the Indus. Seleucus I Nicator fought to defend these territories, but both sides made peace in 303 BC. In return, Chandragupta gifted 500 war elephants to Seleucus, which helped him get victory against western Hellenistic kings in the Battle of Ipsus in 301 BCE. As per Chankaya’s advice, Chandragupta Maurya then invited Seleucus for a meeting and proposed the alliance of Helena with Chandragupta. As part of the peace treaty that ended this war, Chandragupta gained control of that land as well as the hand of one of Seleucus’s daughters in marriage. With this victory, Seleucus was able to found what came to be known as the Seleucid Empire which ruled over large parts of the Mediterranean and the Middle East until its collapse in 63 BC. 500 elephants were given to the Greeks. Chandragupta also received vast territories on the west of the Indus, like the Hindu Kush, and the Balochistan province of Pakistan. Seleucus then moved to the east in pursuit of re-capturing Indian satrapies of the Macedonian Empire, which were then occupied by Emperor Chandragupta Maurya of the Maurya Empire. Thanks to this massive expansion, Chandragupta Maurya’s empire was said to be the most extensive in the whole of Asia, second only to the empire of Alexander in this region. In the year 305 BC, Seleucus I Nicator went to India and apparently occupied territory as far as the Indus, and eventually waged war with the Maurya Emperor Chandragupta Maurya. The war ended in 301 BCE by the signing of a treaty. Later he returned back. So he decided to save the unborn child. Despite the fact that we know virtually nothing about it except for it's occurence, and that Chandragupta gained vast territories in the east afterwards, including Arachosia, Gedrosia, and Paropamisadae, and in return, Seleucus recieved 500 elephants from him, while it might be an exaggeration, they were still crucial to defeating his rival Antigonus at Ipsus. Seleucus I Nicator was a successful general who commanded an army that was well-provisioned and highly experienced in warfare. [citation needed] The Greek diplomat Megasthenes, who visited the Maurya capital Pataliputra, is an important source of Maurya history. In the struggles following the death of Alexander the Great, he rose from governor of Babylon to king of an empire centring on Syria and Iran. The fact that a young Maurya could even stand toe-to-toe with someone of Seleucus’ status was an achievement in itself. Seleucus I Nicator, Macedonian army officer who founded the Seleucid kingdom. In 305 B.C.E. The whole region from Phrygia to the Indus was subject to Seleucus. [6] According to Wheatley and Heckel, the level of friendly Maurya-Seleucid relations established after the war imply that the hostilities were probably "neither prolonged nor grievous".[3]. It is unknown if there was in fact a pitched battle. Seleucus and Chandragupta also agreed to a marriage alliance, probably the marriage of Seleucus' daughter to Chandragupta. In the eastern territories one of these generals, Seleucus I Nicator, was taking control and was starting to establish what became known as the Seleucid Empire. Chandragupta came into conflict with Seleucus I Nicator, Alexander’s heir in the east, the idea being the reduction of the Greek power and gaining in own territory and strength. Chandragupta Maurya won the battle against Seleucid Empire. Chandragupta subsequently married Seleucus's daughter to formalize an alliance and established a policy of friendship with the Hellenistic kingdoms, which stimulated India's trade and contact with the western world. He fought the empire for eleven years with successful guerrilla campaigns, and captured the Nanda capital of Pataliputra. 304 BCE Seleucos I refounds and renames the ancient city thereafter known as Edessa . [7] In consequence of their arrangement, Seleucus received 500 war elephants from Chandragupta Maurya, which subsequently influenced the Wars of the Diadochi in the west. The war ended in 301 BCE by the signing of a treaty. To mark his treaty with Chandragupta in 305 BC, in which he ceded all Greek possessions to the east of Kabul, Seleucus Nicator imprinted some of his coins with an Indian elephant. Greek sources report that he engaged in a conflict in 305 bce in the trans-Indus region with Seleucus I Nicator, one of Alexander’s generals, who, following the death… As per Chankaya’s advice, Chandragupta Maurya then invited Seleucus for a meeting and proposed the alliance of Helena with Chandragupta. The Persian provinces in what is now modern Afghanistan, together with the wealthy kingdom of Gandhara and the states of the Indus Valley, had all submitted to Alexander the Great and become part of his empire. Later Chandragupta Maurya Married Helena who was Seleucus’ daughter and then entered into an alliance with Seleucus. Ptolemy, Lysimachus, Cassander and Seleucus soon followed. Mauryan control of territory in Afghanistan helped guard against invasion of India from the northwest. It is mentioned that he conquered the land between the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal (the land between the two seas). always lying in wait for the neighboring nations, strong in arms and persuasive in council, he acquired Mesopotamia, Armenia, 'Seleucid' Cappadocia, Persis, Parthia, Bactria, Arabia, Tapouria, Sogdia, Arachosia, Hyrcania, and other adjacent peoples that had been subdued by Alexander, as far as the river Indus, so that the boundaries of his empire were the most extensive in Asia after that of Alexander. One special mention was the historian Megasthenes, who wrote a famous book entitled “Indica”, giving a detailed account of his stay at the Mauryan court and of Chandragupta Maurya. Arrian, Anabasis Alexandri It seems Chandragupta took issue with this, for he restored the conquered lands under his banner, annexed the Punjab, and kept going until he pressed against the borders of Persia—and into the eastern flank of Seleucus I Nicator, basileus of the newly formed Seleucid Empire, … Chandragupta battled Seleucus, Alexander’s successor, near the Indus River, emerging victorious. Alexander had appointed satraps in control of his territories. When Alexander died, Seleucus established his own kingdom named Seleucid Empire. During his last days, Chandragupta Maurya surrendered his throne to his son, Bindusara and spent his life as an ascetic. Around the same time s advice, Chandragupta Maurya Married Helena who was Seleucus ’ daughter then... Seleucus and Chandragupta also agreed to a marriage alliance, probably the marriage of Seleucus daughter. Ancient city thereafter known as Edessa Emperor Chandragupta signs a treaty seleucus and chandragupta Maurya Pataliputra... 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