Fire Frilldora Card - Class: Card Compounds On: Weapon Weight: 1 Increases magical damage on Earth property targets by 3%. Permeter Card - Add a 15% resistance against Shadow and Undead Property attacks. You currently have javascript disabled. I'm half duck. Your browser does not support … If you don't have stat belts, a great accessory is Ring of Flame Lord that gives 10% fire resistance. Lower Headgear[4] - You can compound four Leib Olmai Card to achieve 40% resistance to water, which is better tirfing card or thara frog card for shield. Civil Servant Card (Cat Ghost) ---- Increases damage on Ghost Property monsters by 20%. These bonuses, however, only apply if the equipment they are slotted into are upgraded to +5 or less. Feather Beret: 10% demihuman resistance + 1 mdef. Les températures et les climats extrêmes affectent la jauge d'Eau du joueur. This is an album of cards that enchant armor with a certain elemental property. Results from google are a bit outdated because it shows the old card system. Cards for Shields mainly focuses on reducing the damages dealt by specific monsters. ROM Enchant armor with the Holy Property. ⚔ Additionally, its potency greatly increases when dealing a critical hit. Giant hornet card: 10% wind resistance. if you are a sorc, you can use your elementl spirits, but it … Increases physical damage on Earth property targets by 5%. As already noted, Alligator is also nerfed and gives 2%. Protect its user from being Frozen. Draco Card: Reduces damage taken from Earth property enemies by 20%. We've recently opened a new server - if you'd like to give it a try, please check out our website at, This is not recommended for shared computers. Example, if you want to reduce the damages of Shadow monsters like Orcs and some Boss monsters in the game, you might want to get some Hammer Kobold cards for your Shield. Item Script Anacondaq Card ---- Increase damage on Poison Property enemies by 20%. ERP Quest Requirements ERP Quest Walkthrough Creating ERPs . 50% less damage from wind, 25% more from poison and 50% more damage fire. DEF+1. Card: Class: Weapon Card: Buy: 20z: Sell: 10z: Weight: 1: Pre/Suffix: Dragoon: Description: Increase damage on Dragon monster by 20%. Ces sept évènements climatiques sont facilement reconnaissables: This guide will teach you how to boost your farming efficiency and leveling speed by using the elements table, elemental converters, and cards… Guard: 7% resistance to small and medium-sized monsters. Ragnarok: FFXIII (Card) The beast said to destroy the world when the ultimate Focus has been fulfilled. Don't get scared if I quack. Ragnarok Super High Rate Guides to Super High Rate Servers Resist Builds, Hybrid Builds, and Power builds. Let's leave it at that and not get deeper. Garment: Deviling Card - Add a 50% resistance against Neutral Property attacks. All information on cards that go into head gear, armor, shoes, garment, weapon and accessory for the mmorpg Ragnarok Online. Tirfing: 25% resistance to medium size monster, includes demi-human. Also you forgot that elemental potions give +20% to an element and -15% to its opposite (net gain 5%). Enchant armor with the Poison property. You may think a Poring is soft and elastic, but you should be very careful if you approach them with the idea of bullying them. Headgear Cards. Fun Facts. Thursday, September 2, 2010 . Golden Thief Bug card: Reduces magical damage. Earth Resist Alloy - Reduces earth damage by 50% for 5min. Deviling: 50% neutral resist, 50% more damage from everything else, Noxious: 8% neutral reistance, 10% reduction from long range attacks. 75% less damage from fire property attacks and 50% less damage from earth property attacks, 50% more damage from water property attacks and 25% more from poison property attacks. Weak Vs. Earth; Normal Vs. PalagRO Changelogs - Change Main Host (SG) - Proxy Server (EU) - Uranus Circlet Stat Buff - Additional 15% Resist to Fire, Earth, Water, Wind Elemental Attack. Logged fantast. Ok … we’re going to exclude MVP cards from this list. ~~Use Normal Eq if your intent is to do normal instancing) or higher end raids (Ex. Thara frog builds are better if you also use Combat Knife (you can get 70% Demihuman reduction), but be careful not getting hit by physical classes. Ring of Flame Lord: Increases resistance to Fire Property by 10%. Wood Goblin Card: Increases physical damage on Earth property targets by 5%. Ragnarok Online - Card Database. [Base Intelligence >= 99] Add a chance of auto casting Level 10 Kyrie Eleison is increased to 10%. Commentaire de 8666 MC Tank Equipment List /// NOTE: This is a compiled list of equipment that can be used for tanking either normal instances (Ex. … Cannot work with Ice/Hurricane/Fire Alloy effects. Shield. Garments worth mentioning are Vali's manteau (15% neutral) goibne's spaulders (5% ranged) and skin of tendrillion (5% water and earth). Browse the Ragnarok Mobile cards, card price, card crafting. Another different gospel buff which gives … well they are impossible extremely hard to get, worth a bajillion zeny or a bajillion dollars through the auction system. It has 50% earth resist and can be bought at several shops, along with being … However, if you have green apples with you, Stapos may show you their soft side. REMEMBER ALL SERVERS ARE DIFFERENT CHECK THE MODIFICATIONS!. In Ragnarok Mobile: Eternal Love, all monsters each have different elements. Your source for Ragnarok M Monsters, Cards, Quests, Database, Headwears, Blueprints, Items, Market Prices, Exchange Price List and Stats and Skills calculator. Andre Larva Card. Flee Rate + 5 Thara Frog: 30% resistance to demihumans. They each go into a different equipment type, but all have the suffix of Magic Resist or of Resist Spell Power. Always Equip 3 of a kind for better results. Alligator: 5% resistance to long range attacks. Redox Packet Editor guide AKA RPE! Sandman Card: Endows the armor with the Level 1 Earth property. If compounded item upgrade level is +9 or higher, Increases magical damage on Earth property targets by 7%. Several functions may not work. Guide to Resist cards and items. Below is a list of Ragnarok Mobile Cards, its effects and exchange prices. Hi! Add a 3% chance of auto casting Level 10 Kyrie Eleison on the user when the user receives Physical Damage. Munak Card: Decreases Earth … Personal experience of card system. Platinum Shield: 5% resistance to medium and large-sized monsters. Only non-mvp modifier cards (Size, Element and Race) have been included as they are obtainable and typically provide the largest impact to increasing your character’s damage. Novice shield: 20% to all elements except neutral. NEW SYSTEM: The card system has been revamped into combining 5 different cards to get 1 random card of higher rank. Neutral, Fire, Shadow; Resistance Vs. Wind, Water, Ghost, Undead, Poison(Lv4), Holy(Lv4) Wind 1 Monster receives 25% Wind Damage; 50% Water Damage; 100% Ghost Damage; 100% Undead Damage; 150% Earth Damage; Wind 2 Monster receives 0% Wind Damage; 25% Water Damage; 75% Ghost Damage; 75% Undead Damage; 175% Earth Damage; Wind 3 … Resist Builds, Hybrid Builds, and Power builds, Ghost Bandana:10% resistance to Ghost property, Feather Beret: 10% demihuman resistance + 1 mdef, Permeter: 15% shadow and undead resistance, Holy Robe:15% resistance to Demon monster and 10% to Shadow property. Rudra Bow increases resistance by 50%. This is a Supreme card, the rarest of cards. Ragnarok Online » Guides (Moderator: ... Card sprite still same as before BTW i'm trying this for iRO chaos server. Monster Info. One of the most peculiar races of Porings, hardness is the biggest characteristic of Stapos. Cards Increasing Damage by Element. So, what easily obtainable piece of gear do you know of that everyone could get their hands on that has some decent earth resist? Edited by silverhx, 11 July 2014 - 03:27 AM. Reduce Damage Based on Damage Property Cards. Dustiness Card - Increase resistance to the Wind Property by 30%. Shield. A walkthrough of the Elemental Resist Potion Creation platinum skill quest in Ragnarok Online. This is an album of cards that reduce damage based on the property of the attack inflicted. Evil Snake Lord Card increases resistance by 50%. Flee Rate + 5 Hode Card - Increase resistance to Earth Property attacks by 30%. I will be posting a RPE download and a BETTER tutorial than all the tutorials that are online today. Receive 50% more damage from other property attacks. ⚔ Its ability excels at depleting your foes' HP. NO damage from poison property attacks (Enchant poison, but NOT from EDP), 50% less damage from Undead and Shadow property attacks. Mini Tree increases resistance by 20%. 75% less damage from neutral, 25% more damage from ghost property attacks. If you want the maximum damage reduction all around, Platinum shield with 2 Tirfing Cards reduce more damage than Platinum Shield with 2 Thara Frog cards mostly. Type: Normal. In Ragnarok M There's 2 type of Debuff Resist: Standard Debuff Resist from equip, card, or rune Hidden Debuff Resist from … Add a 5% resistance to Water Property attacks. 75% less damage from ghost property attacks. So what are they? 2.1 Information; 2.2 Rules; 3 MvP & Miniboss cards disabled on WoE; 4 WoE Supply List; 5 Drop from Treasure Chest; Ragnarok Life WoE Schedule. First Date: April, 7 Day Time Timezone Castle Type Min Cap Sunday 21:00 - 23:00 GMT +3 Cyr (arug_cas02) with 3 custom warp portals Second Edition 12 Information and Rules Information. If you have a really good earth resist buff, you don't need a lot of earth resist on everyone, but still, some folks might find it hard to get even 20% on every unit. this will bring you to 97% fire resist and 102% water resist. edit: if you are a WL, you can get 100% fire/water resist easily from crimson/aqua set. This guide is a good starting point but incomplete. If upgrade level is +9 or higher, increases physical damage on Earth property targets by an additional 5%. Increases damage received from [Holy], [Ghost] elements by 100%. If you want to have more resist from Valkyrie Shield, then go ahead with 2 Thara Frogs. Formless / Earth / Small. Effect: When insect monsters are skilled, caster has a 3% chance to increase moving speed by 25%; the effect lasts 20 … Mon-Wed: Closed | Tue–Sun: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM - 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM . WoE … Edited by mudingudboyz92, 07 August 2014 - 11:05 PM. 21 votes, 21 comments. Magic Resist Cards. Poopoo hat: 10% demihuman resistance. Increases damage taken from Earth property enemies by 5%. Valkyrie Shield: 20% fire, water, shadow, undead resist. Guides to Super High Rate Servers Ragnarok Mobile best cards. Ragnarok Online 2 Card System Guide by Sushipao. NO damage from Holy, 25% reduction to ALL elements, but 25% more damage from Shadow element. This is a great guide, but I thought I'd just point out that Noxious Card only provides 5% long-ranged resistance on this server instead of 10%.Other than that, it looks excellent. The Card Monsters in Ragnarok M Eternal Love is one of the key items to increase the stat of all of your equipment and add new attributes for your character like bash, hiding and more abilities. The following cards increase MDEF and some also increase DEF. Halo:15% resistance to Holy Property. Beret: 10% demihuman resistance. So we’re going to be realistic here and only look at cards … Your ultimate guide for Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love. 蝙蝠弓箭手卡片. Why? Upper Headgears. 75% less damage from wind property attacks and 50% less damage from water property attacks, 25% more damage from poison property attacks. If compounded item upgrade level is +7 or higher, Increases magical damage on Earth property targets by 5%. Adds resistance to a particular element at the cost of taking damage from another element. Ghost Bandana:10% resistance to Ghost property. Elemental Resist Potion (ERP) Creation Quest Requirements: Class: Alchemist Job Level 40-Geek Glasses-Maneater Blossom x 20-Moth Dust x 10 … Gargoyle Card. Star Goggle increases resistance by 15%. For example, OLD SYSTEM: combining 3 normal poring card will give you 1 silver poring card. In iRO however, the prefixes/suffixes are different. Goibne's Spaulders: 10% long-ranged resistance. 1 Ragnarok Life WoE Schedule; 2 Information and Rules. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. What is RPE? Home; Menu; Order Online; Contact; water resist ragnarok There are 7 types of cards that can be use for specific equipment type. Wootan Shooter Card increases resistance by 20%. Strat Scholo UBRS LBRS etc. If you are building elemental resists, Valkyrie Shield > Platinum Shield in almost every situation. You can search, sort and run down the list to pick out the ones you need. ⚔ Slotting it in your deck increases Magic and the potency of earth attacks. Immune to coma, 25% less damage from ghost property attacks and 25% more damage from Holy property attacks. those not even included fire/coldproof pots and fire/water armor. All Stats + 1. Depending on the class you are playing, you may want all the cards on this list to maximize your damage against the various monster types in Ragnarok … Giearth Card grants immunity. Knowing what your target's element is allows you to significantly increase your damage by using the weakness of your target's element. main 4 elemental resist (Can only use 1 pot) All item only have [1] slot except satyr[2] and some has no slot Equipments:-HG [1] each, we have satyr helm [2] So its 3 slots for HG, if u're using Satyr its 4-S.Tunic 20% to all except water and neutral-Armor [1], if u're using S.tunic[0] = 25% less damage from water property attacks, 75% more damage from wind. Not sure how this works but I think you get healed by shadow and poison attacks take damage from heal and you're immune to coma, 25% more damage from Fire property attacks, Marc: Immune to freeze, 5% resistance to Water property, Steel ChonChon: 10% resistance to Wind property. Enchant armor with the Shadow property. Introduction. My advice is, get the Gaia Gear robe. Drainilar Card ---- Increase damage on Water Property enemies by 20%. Increases resistance to [Fire], [Water], [Earth], [Wind], [Shadow], [Undead] elements by 50%. One of the buff received from Gospel will remove any status ailments. , old system: the Card system has been revamped into combining 5 cards. Card - Add a 15 % resistance to fire property by 10 % demihuman resistance + 1 MDEF Gospel. All Servers are different CHECK the MODIFICATIONS! show you their soft side quest in Online! ) -- -- Increase damage on Earth property enemies by 20 % of Flame Lord: increases physical.... Depleting your foes ' HP damage from Ghost property attacks by 30 % soft side 's it. And -15 % to all elements, but 25 % more from Poison and 50 % for 5min,. You can get 100 % Increase DEF Resist Spell Power buff received from Gospel will any. Monsters by 20 % fire Resist and 102 % water Resist from Ghost property.... Higher, increases physical damage on Poison property enemies by 20 % to an and... 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