This is because it gets a considerable amount of rainfall more than any other desert in the world. This country’s history is unique and fascinating. What is the Difference Between the Vatican City and the Holy See. From the 17th century the San Bushmen started to come under pressure from migrating Bantu tribes, who had mi… The Okavango Delta is a massive inland delta located in the Kalahari Desert of Botswana. Nowadays, the US-funded BDF is more involved in disaster-preparation and peacekeeping operations. 27. General Botswana Facts. It is landlocked, bordering Zimbabwe, Namibia, Zambia, and South Africa. At the time of its independence in 1966, Botswana (along with neighbors Lesotho and Swaziland) continued to use the South African rand … Botswana is a landlocked country located in Southern Africa. However, attacks by South African and Rhodesian troops led to the formation of the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) in 1977. Facts about Botswana. Although most of the country is covered by deep Kalahari sand, there are rocky hills to the south-east. Annually, $3.2 billion worth of diamonds is produced from the Orapa mine. Diamond revenue pays for the primary education for every child in Botswana until the age of 13. Africa 62 (3): 413–434, 1992. The name was fitting at that time because rain was scarce in Botswana and so seen as a valuable blessing just as money is. It is a term also used in township and villages of South Africa. Additionally, the country has a density of 1.28 elephants per square km, which is the highest elephant concentration in Africa. The Moritsane culture is historically associated with the Khalagari (Kgalagadi) … Some 1,000 workers are sacked. Located in the dry savanna of north-eastern Botswana, the Makgadikgadi Pan is one of the largest salt pans in the world. In 1885, because of some local wars, the … Key facts. 25 Interesting facts about Botswana . Morton, Fred, and Jeff Ramsay, eds. The remains of stone tools and fauna have revealed that all areas of the country were inhabited at least 400,000 years ago. The official name of the country is the Republic of Botswana. Botswana became independent on the 30th of September 1966. The 900,000 sq km expanse of semi-arid sandy Savannah has its name derived from the Tswana word Kgalagadi. Botswana is Africa's oldest democracy. A large inland river delta in the north-west has a rich variety of wildlife. The Okavango Delta accounts for several interesting facts about Botswana (Shutterstock) 3. Before Europeans arrived in the area, the land was ruled by tribes of herders and farmers. So much so for all nations of the world. Reinvesting their resource income is one of the secrets to the Botswana economy. Botswana is located in southern Africa, north of South Africa. Botswana Has Africa’s Highest Concentration of Elephants . The country is unique in its vastly untouched lands bursting with thriving African species. About 38% of the country is set aside for national parks, reserves, and wildlife management areas. Botswana is a young nation, having achieved independence only just over six decades ago, trailing behind a history of unsympathetic British colonization, conflicts between tribal enclaves and disturbing migrations by ethnic groups and the Boers. It is now a middle-income country with a consistently increasing growth rate per capita income. Gay rights groups attained legal recognition by Botswana’s government in 2014, a massive step towards the attainment of equal human rights in the country. (Source: British Geological Survey) 4. Trophy hunting is illegal in Botswana and has been since January 2014. OFFICIAL NAME. In 1824 the first written record related to modern Botswana … Call us on +1 (206) 279-1367 between 10am - 4pm EST. The protectorate of Bechuanaland: 1885-1966: When the region north of the Molopo river is made the British protectorate of Bechuanaland, in 1885, the expectation is that it will merge eventually with Cape Colony to the south - or, after the success of Rhodes's venture in the early 1890s, with Rhodesia to the north. It is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. This literally translates as ''the water-less place''. Officially the country is called the Republic of Botswana. It is relatively free of corruption and has a good human rights record. This makes it the largest producer of diamonds in the world in terms of value and carat quantity. Botswana is located right in the center of Southern Africa. A landlocked country in the centre of Southern Africa, Botswana is bordered by Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. The Tswana or Setswana people comprise the country's largest ethnic group, accounting for 79% of the population. HISTORY OF BOTSWANA including Protectorate of Bechuanaland, Independence. The country features diverse landscapes and humans have inhabited the region for at least thousands of years. The desert is home to many animals ranging from Meerkats, Flamingos, and Leopards to African wild dogs. All this helps to ensure the economy grows quickly. It is argued that The Kalahari desert is not a true desert, but more of a fossil desert. Botswana offers the best opportunity to observe these unique and interesting animals. It was first introduced as the national currency in August 1976. You can get in touch with us on Botswana is home to the Kalahari Desert, which takes up about 80% of the entire country. This has provided the platform for the free education program which has been ongoing for the past two decades. Early History and People Botswana has been inhabited by humans since the dawn of modern humans about 100,000 years ago. Botswana is a landlocked country in southern Africa. a multiparty republic with one legislative house 1 (National Assembly [63 2]) HEAD OF STATE AND GOVERNMENT. Gaborone is the capital city of Botswana. Humans evolved throughout all these years - from Sahelathropus and eventually to the Homo genus phase. The Tswana group belong to the Bantu speaking family with eight major tribes having their own chief. Facts About Culture, Geography, and History of Botswana. They are believed to be descendants of King Mogale who lived in the present-day Magaliesberg Mountains in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. In a bid to preserve the animal population, the President banned trophy hunting. The delta is covered by swampland vegetation and is inhabited by numerous mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Once the country became independent on the 30th of September 1966, the government decided to change its name to Botswana. History & Background. Botswana has achieved one of the world’s most rapidly increasing economies since liberation in 1966, transforming itself from originally being one of the poorest. Approximately 38% of Botswana’s territory is protected as national parks, sanctuaries, reserves, and wildlife management areas. Botswana : History. Botswana is a landlocked nation located in Southern Africa. As a foreigner visiting Botswana, locals may call you “lekgoa”. Botswana was formerly a British protectorate named Bechuanaland. Over 50,000 elephants can be found in Botswana. The semi-arid sandy savanna of the Kalahari Desert occupies over 70% of Botswana's total area. The male African Elephant favors the Savute area which is where they live out their lives in all seasons. View Images. Botswana is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. Mopane worms are a delicacy in Botswana. By William … The latter phase has several phases too, that include Homo habilis, Homo erectus and finally ends with Homo sapiens.It is within the Homo sapiens phase that recorded history begins to shed light on the origins of Botswana. Never bitter about the past, their focus was the future of Botswana, then one of the world’s 10 poorest nations, having been badly neglected under colonial rule. Although Botswana's economic outlook remains strong, the devastation that AIDS has caused threatens to destroy the country's future. 10. The group is the Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals of Botswana (LEGABIBO) and they were given the right to register and campaign for changes to anti-gay legislation. 2. The Birth of Botswana: A History of the Bechuanaland Protectorate from 1910 to 1966, 1987. The chiefs all have a seat in the council of chiefs who serves as an advisory body to the Botswana Parliament. Conservation is taken very seriously here and tourism provides major revenue for the country. Before independence, Botswana was one of Africa's most peaceful countries and did not even have its own armed forces. It is bordered by South Africa to the south and southeast, Namibia to the west and north, Zimbabwe to the northeast, and Zambia to the north. Capital City: Gaborone; Population: 1.8 milliom (2007) Botswana has the highest concentration of wild elephants in Africa, with most of them living in Chobe National Park and the Linyanti region. It has large areas of land that are vacant and left to evolve as nature intends. Here’s our roundup of the most interesting Botswana facts: 1. Botswana is a landlocked country dominated by the Kalahari Desert and flatlands, rich in diamonds and other minerals. In 2015 the world’s second-largest diamond discovered in Botswana. A Medical History of Botswana, 1885–1966. There are five conservation and national parks specifically consisting of four-game reserves and one nature reserves. Botswana became independent on the 30th of September 1966. Botswana: Facts and History. The Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), has been in power since 1966 with Seretse Khama ruling as president until 1980. The Okavango Delta is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa and has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Since that time, Botswana has maintained an uninterrupted tradition of democratic elections, making it Africa’s oldest surviving democracy. About 70% of its land is made up of a large part of the Kalahari Desert. According to Neil Parsons's online "Brief History of Botswana": "From around 1095 south-eastern Botswana saw the rise of a new culture, characterized by a site on Moritshane hill near Gabane, whose pottery mixed the old western style with new Iron Age influences derived from the eastern Transvaal (Lydenburg culture). Its eastern and southern borders are marked by river courses and an old Their influence is still evident in southern Africa, where these indigenous inhabitants eke out traditional lives as hunter-gatherer. It is usually used for a white person, mainly expatriates who are believed to have crossed seas to get to Botswana. The new country maintained good relations with its white-ruled neighbors but gradually changed its policies, harboring rebel groups from South Rhodesia as well as some from South Africa. Botswana is a former British protectorate, and its economy and standard of living rank among the highest in Africa. October 22, 2019 Posted by: Ife Aminu; Category: Botswana; No Comments . It has a land area of 603,200 square kilometers. In English, this directly translates to ‘spat out by the sea’. Prior to this, any LGBT activities were illegal and such groups were hidden like in most African countries. It is known for its game reserves, Kgale Hill, art and cultural displays. President: Mokgweetsi Masisi; CAPITAL. From politics to wildlife, Botswana has some interesting fun facts that will have you wanting to pay a visit to this country. See the fact file below for more information on the Botswana or alternatively, you can download our 22-page Botswana worksheet pack to utilise within the classroom or home environment. It receives 5-10 inches annually. Botswana is the world’s second largest producer of diamonds. Formed by the Okavango River in a tectonic trough of the desert, the delta is an endorheic basin that loses its water through evaporation and transpiration. After gaining its independence on September 30, 1966, the independent state was renamed Botswana. Botswana is one of the most ancient countries in the world. The country has an adult HIV prevalence rate of 24.8%. Botswana is the world’s second-largest producer of diamonds after Russia and Africa’s largest. Since much of Botswana is desert, rainfall is a rare event in the country, and is therefore highly valuable and considered to be a blessing. The pula is the currency of Botswana. Botswana is inhabited by people of predominantly Tswana origin (collectively called “Batswana”) whose recorded history can be traced back to the 14th century. This discovery is what helped turn Botswana into one of the wealthiest countries in Africa, and the second-largest producer of diamonds in the world. This worthy action has inspired some airlines to stop transporting these trophy animals. Republic of Botswana; FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Gaborone is the capital of Botswana. This is mainly due to its ability to retain water a little longer than normal. Festus Mogae succeeded Masire served until 2008 and the son of the first president, Ian Khama, currently serves as president continuing the undiluted running of the Botswana Democratic Party. In 2001, Botswana had the highest rate of HIV infection in the world (350,000 of its 1.6 million people). It has an estimated population of 2, 250, 260 as of 2016. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2021, 10 Interesting And Unique Facts About Botswana, 10 Unique And Interesting Facts About Uzbekistan, 10 Interesting And Unique Facts About Samoa, Yakutsk, Russia – The World’s Coldest City, 10 Of The Most Notorious Serial Killers In The World. A series of interesting and unique facts about Botswana are highlighted below. English is the official language of Botswana and widely spoken, although Setswana (also called 'Tswana') is spoken by almost everybody. History of the Botswana Pula . Peters, Pauline E. "Maneuvers and Debates in the Interpretation of Land Rights in Botswana." Archaeological experts have shown that hominids have lived in Botswana for almost two million years. Key Facts & Information HISTORY. For many thousands of years, people speaking the Khoisan, Khoe, and San languages have lived in Botswana. 1996. From politics to wildlife, Botswana has some interesting fun facts that will have you wanting to pay a visit to this country. The 1,111-carat stone was found in Karowe mine. This means it has no ocean coastline. Botswana is the worlds biggest diamond producing country in terms of value and the second biggest in terms of production. Tourism attracts thousands annually and natural deposits of gemstones and precious metals like diamond, uranium, copper, and gold have attracted a lot of international corporations to Botswana. Botswana, one of Africa's most stable countries, is the continent's longest continuous multi-party democracy. It can be subdivided into 100 thebe. Even after the legalization, much of society still frowns on such sexual orientations or any homosexual sexual acts. Gaborone, or ‘Gabs’ as local residents mostly call it, became the capital city after Botswana gained independence. The territory is roughly triangular—approximately 600 miles (965 km) from north to south and 600 miles from east to west—with its eastern side protruding into a sharp point. Botswana Facts 1. With civilization confined to some parts of the country alone, breathtaking sunsets and star-filled skies leave a beautiful sight to behold. The word pula literally means "rain" in the local Setswana language. This counts for fifty percent of the government’s value. The history of Botswana is in general the history of the Kalahari area, intermediate between the more populated savanna of the north and east and the less populated steppe of the south and west. In this article, we share some interesting facts about our neighbouring country, one which has a diverse and interesting history and a prosperous future. The country features diverse landscapes and humans have inhabited the region for at least thousands of years. 26. There are many more amusement parks and attractions, making the 38% worth it. Botswana used to be a British protectorate territory called Bechuanaland. Here are 5 facts about the country: Botswana’s capital is Gabarone. Botswana: Facts and History. The currency of Botswana is the Pula, which in Setswana means rain. A series of interesting and unique facts about Botswana are highlighted below. It is the sixth-largest desert with sand and it supports over four hundred species of plant life. Top 10 facts about Botswana TODAY is Botswana Day, celebrating the independence of Botswana from the UK on September 30, 1966. The first people to settle in Botswana were the San Bushmen, nomadic hunter-gatherers whose territories are also thought to have spanned present-day Namibia, Angola, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Subscribe to get special offers and the latest offers from the Afrikanza team. Botswana is home to approximately 130,451 elephants. We have listed twelve of those facts and we'd like you to comment on any more we may have left out. 2004 August - Workers at Botswana's largest diamond-mining company strike over pay, after a court rules that such action is illegal. Botswana is home to approximately 130,451 elephants. Quett Masire took over the presidency after serving as vice president in the previous terms. The Republic of Botswana was established in 1966 when Great Britain terminated its status as the colonial protector of Bechuanaland. Botswana suffers from one of the world’s worst HIV/AIDS epidemics, after Swaziland and Lesotho. Examples of their early rock art are also still visible across the region. It has an estimated population of 2, 250, 260 as of 2016. The country covers an area of 224,610 sq mi and has a population of 2,250,260, which makes it one of the least densely populated in the world. Bon Appetit! Trophy hunting targets large animals for their horns, size, skin to be displayed as "trophies". I bet this is one of the facts about Botswana you didn’t want to know about. Botswana, country in the centre of Southern Africa. The species is endemic to Southern Africa, and is common throughout the Kalahari Desert. The wild African Elephants are also Safari-friendly and are the highlights of any safari in Botswana. Meerkats are small carnivorans from the mongoose family. As a result, 93.1% of school-aged children between 7 and 13 years have benefitted from this diamond generated opportunity. Many wildlife tours offer meerkat safaris in Botswana. The high socioeconomic costs of managing HIV/AIDS at a national level are challenging to the nation's economy. In fact, the country produced 40 million carats of diamonds in 2016. At this point in time in Botswana history, the country was considered one of the poorest countries in the world, until large deposits of diamonds were discovered in the late 1960's and 1970's. Brief History of Botswana: Batswana is a landlocked African country just north of South Africa. Botswana has the longest-running multi-party democracy in Africa and low institutionalized corruption. The pan is situated in an area that was once covered by the massive Lake Makgadikgadi. Some 1,000 workers are sacked. Although Botswana is rich in diamonds, it has high unemployment and stratified socioeconomic classes. Although reduced to a peripheral role in Southern Africa for most of the 20th century, at other times Botswana has been a central area of historical development. Botswana History . The chiefs all have a seat in the Interpretation of land Rights in Botswana. the of... 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