NCNW-ColGa committees are the backbone of the section. With its 39 national affiliates and more than 240 sections, NCNW is a 501(c)3 organization with an outreach to nearly four million women. Alive, Well and Solvent . endstream endobj 799 0 obj <>/Metadata 38 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 794 0 R/StructTreeRoot 55 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 800 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/Pattern<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 801 0 obj <>stream Tri-Chairs: Sharah Denton, Arion Jamerson, and Ariana Brazier The Committee on Young Adult & Collegiate Affairs (YA 2 Litty Committee ) is a standing committee led by young adults and youth who serve as the “wings” of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW). The mission of NCNW, Inc. is to lead, develop and advocate for women of African descent as they support their families and communities. BYLAWS Adopted November 2, 2018 Article I Name Section1. We are a 501 (c) 3 organization. Purpose: • Review national and local issues • Determine NCNW's direction and goals 09/08/20 – Homegoing Service for Yvonne Jones Emmons and Benevolence Announcements. The 59 th NCNW National Convention was held virtually this year on September 24-27, 2020. It is open to NCNW members, members of NCNW’s affiliates organizations and invited guests. Congratulations! ��XH����2�M����?�-��$.O9��\����-h����Z2/���_UL�mLk���d�[� �#� 0 The national headquarters acts as a central source for program planning. Purpose: Review national and local issues. To promote and support the national Program/Community Service of the NCNW. to enthusiastic applause. from National Chair, Ingrid Saunders Jones, who reported that NCNW is . %%EOF A Section shall be chartered by the NCNW Executive Committee. %PDF-1.5 %���� h��U�N�0�?���vۉ�V�ݲQ.jhi�xpw]��MV����;�8&˥T}��h��\�=㓌+�H�5�9��$�r�f$K� The NCNW 58th National Convention will be held November 9-11, 2018 at the Grand Hyatt Washington, 1000 H Street, NW Washington, DC.. The Executive Committee shall charter a Section. The Bylaws of all NCNW sections and any Amendments thereto shall be forwarded to the National Bylaws Committee Chair for approval and be filed in the National Office. We fulfill our mission through research, advocacy and national and community-based health, education and economic empowerment services and programs in the United States and Africa. The Washington DC 2 serves to further the goals established by the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. As a community-based Section, we aim to be a presence in the Washington D.C. community and fill in the gaps where needed. Promote and support the national program of the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW). The Washington DC 2 serves to further the goals established by the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. As a community-based Section, we aim to be a presence in the Washington D.C. community and fill in the gaps where needed. Both the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW), St Petersburg and Carter G. Woodson Museum are listed. All programs will be focused around the national program initiative known as “Four for the Future”, which includes the following four pillars: ... 2018 East Stroudsburg University Collegiate Section of NCNW Consitution and Bylaws.pdf. It is open to NCNW members, members of NCNW’s affiliates organizations and invited guests. It is open to NCNW members, members of NCNW's affiliates organizations, and invited guests. With its 28 national affiliate organizations and its more than 200 community-based sections, NCNW has an outreach to nearly four million women, all contributing to the peaceful solutions to the problems of human welfare and rights. Article I . The National Convention is a legislative assembly that meets every two years to conduct its business according to the bylaws and Robert's Rules of Order. National Council of Negro Women, Inc., Montgomery County, Maryland Section. Article II Purposes Section 1. The National Convention is a legislative assembly that meets every two years to conduct its business according to the bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order. The health and safety of our guests is our utmost concern therefore all of our in-person events have been postponed to 2022. The National Convention is a legislative assembly that meets every two years to conduct its business according to the bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order. 5. The National Convention is a legislative assembly that meets every two years to conduct its business according to the bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order. Name . We fulfill our mission through research, advocacy and national and community-based health, education and economic empowerment services and programs in the United States and Africa. The NCNW 58th National Convention will be held November 9-11, 2018 at the Grand Hyatt Washington, 1000 H Street, NW Washington, DC.. 798 0 obj <> endobj BYLAWS . Ms. Jones emphasized that the convention would focus on strengthening organizational governance and the expected adoption of new bylaws. Each national officer of NCNW is entitled to one (1) full vote. We are a 501 (c) 3 organization. NCNW is governed according to its Bylaws which may be found at . Our national headquarters is based in Washington, DC, with a historic main office on Pennsylvania Avenue that is strategically located between the White House and the Capitol. Their responsibility is to make sure African-American sisters in our community have the resources they need to improve their economic stability, health, and professional careers. The Bylaws of all NCNW sections and any Amendments thereto shall be forwarded to the National Bylaws Committee Chair for approval and be filed in the National Office. �zTUy�C� ���y�o�7c{�� (��=;�63�7��ѯW�����������4�y�0���EJ.+K�xe�5>)�nV��-�Go'�.�+��Z�Pp]���)��P�ʘ��izS��n4̫���fF[����,��h,�bWfG㉡�=�N5�O�n�Qj��)P C. Bylaws. Headquarters National Council Negro Women, Inc. 633 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 P: 202-737-0120 F: N/A FIND THE SECTION NEAREST YOU 7. 6. Keep the legacy alive. 815 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<226E4C8E1FCBC7489E98106246B19D59><3EFB3E2FF84E2A41B18F6F0B88EE3D9D>]/Index[798 31]/Info 797 0 R/Length 95/Prev 155379/Root 799 0 R/Size 829/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream © 2021 St. Petersburg Metropolitan Section of National Council of Negro Women | Bootstrap WordPress ThemeSt. ��1ꤼ'��~�d�J1K��+ 8�5���˒f3���g�m2������v̷V�壮c�����J���?�s+nE �NQ1��M�W=97�����GMk�wNx���lZW����9V'�s�s��R���Vv/���Q_� Gkj���΃��NM�k�6�"S�u��Ü��"���hk�S�xj�v �e�Q� �)��1���\ΧU�-�hߟ���D������H�R���p��DD,Y��T�V���� �t��i���.�S��]�1�s�x�|ft�Ր�� ���3��:�Ҋ�>J��5F%���}���J�. A group of 122 Broward County community members sought to bring her vision to life in Broward County and on April 27, 2016, the section received its charter. If you have questions, please contact Dr Sharon Jackson 727-647-6112 or email her at . The name of this organization shall be the Northern Virginia (NoVA) Section, National Council of Negro Women, Incorporated. Section 2. Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune had an extraordinary vision to create a council of women and her visions still continues to live through us all. Each delegate of a National Affiliated Organization, Community-based Section or Campus-based Section in good standing shall have one (1) full vote. The National Convention is a legislative assembly that meets every two years to conduct its business according to the bylaws and Robert's Rules of Order. We also have two field offices around the country. Each program the Section offers must translate seamlessly to the mission of our national organization. To carry out the purpose of NCNW in relation to the needs of women of African descent, their Representative Sheila Jones was sworn into office on January 10, … '���-�G�N�d�$\)�P����$aJ�Kz8��LgW$c)��tuIόs�����- ,�19�=�o�ۣ�Â�4Ug�옞4��Tt>%|��ӳ�szvL8-�ĵ��Ǧ������K���Aጳti|\���&���]�x.�?��ە����,etn6ly}�抾��֎H$]T�#"���v�Ysw����{p��W~wa�eu�fږ�z�-'fm�_�{C�Z�7���t�N���T�rZ_W�0Z8��B��?�"��ܸ��_^�sl��j���Y��5�(�iݕq�(���oL%���I�>ӏ&x$R����C �p�I��W���?J�3/BJ"��e9QJ�$��l2K{_XqC�k�!G�sƥ/���բ�5�DC �} ��=@ �}���_��y���h@��*���0(��߈�Qg� >cq�C� B��^���C���".0��zG�� endstream endobj startxref If you missed this year’s convention or would like to watch a session that you enjoyed, please click here to view some of the highlights. Florida A&M University Section : The National Council of Negro Women. The mission of NCNW, Inc. is to lead, develop and advocate for women of African descent as they support their families and communities. Article II . The National Council of Negro Women is an “organization of organizations” (comprised of 300 campus and community-based sections and 32 national women’s organizations) that enlightens, inspires and connects more than 2,000,000 women and men. We would like to thank all of our attendees for their interactive support and patience. 7. endstream endobj 802 0 obj <>stream of Incorporation, Bylaws or Policies and Procedures of NCNW. Q�� �� [��C'��LQ!��bU Section 4. NCNW 59th Convention Highlights. Section 1. Committee on Young Adult & Collegiate Affairs. Determine NCNW's direction and goals. h�bbd```b``z "[�d-�d���`e�",@��!X,�&"���"WA$3/�d�j�Y��{\��ׂM``�������W� �7 Representative Sheila Jones for being our Woman Crush Wednesday Recipient! Purposes . The name of this organization shall be the District of Columbia Section 2, National Council of Negro Women, Incorporated. It is open to NCNW members of NCNW's affiliate organizations and invited guests. NCNW fulfills this purpose through research, advocacy, and national and community-based services and programs on issues of health, education, and economic empowerment in the United States and Africa. Thus, Mrs. Bethune founded the National Council of Negro Women as such – “a national organization of national organizations” at the 137th Street Branch, YWCA, New York City, December 5, 1935. As part of a national campaign to raise awareness about hunger and access to education, Denny’s has partnered with the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW) and several national organizations to sponsor the 2019 educational tour to seven Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to kick off the seventh year of the Denny’s Hungry for Education Scholarship Program. 6. Section 1. D. Membership. 09/11/20 – National Membership Renewal by September 30. Through section and affiliate volunteers in 34 states, NCNW addresses local needs while impacting communities nationwide. �^6� L6�謊&` Wm�䱕 ��U��rnmcZ�+1)0�� Q�x� NCNW Pledge “It is our pledge to make a lasting contribution to all that is finest and best in America, to cherish and enrich her heritage of freedom and progress by working for the integration of all her people regardless of race, creed, or national origin, into her spiritual, social, cultural, and civic, and economic life, and aiding to achieve the glorious destiny of a true and unfettered democracy.” Section 2. Welcome! 09/11/20 – NCNW President and Chair Dr. Johnnetta B. Cole on the Roland Martin Show Tonight & Congrats New NCNW. NCNW fulfills this mission through research, advocacy, national and community-based services and programs in the United States and Africa. The mission of NCNW, Inc. is to lead, develop and advocate for women of African descent as they support their families and communities. The National Convention is a legislative assembly that meets every 2 years to conduct it's business according to the bylaws and Robert's Rules of Order. Each Life Member or Legacy Life Member in good standing is entitled to one full vote in national elections. 5. H��V[OW~�_1��Q���/R �� 828 0 obj <>stream It is open to NCNW members, members of NCNW's affiliates… To promote and support the national program of the NCNW. We fulfill our mission through research, advocacy and national and community-based health, education and economic empowerment services and programs in the United States and Africa. the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws or Policies and Procedures of NCNW. Its mission is to lead, advocate for, and empower women of African descent, their families and communities. The value of NCNW is its combined strength of members and member organizations, its communication of ideas, and its work with women of diverse interests and backgrounds. Designed by Pink Dragon Design. Financial Management, Section Operations, NCNW Bylaws : NCNW 59th National Convention Speakers: Constance Newman, Lynda Bagley, Loretta TilleryView details h�b```�j��� ��ea���� �/�j�İfA���9��W�.�� ��600�n������!9Bi����Y�b ��`FWfw�����2|d}ԩ�8��j�'K6�V~�:9��]@���A�� �U/�4#9 ms6` �{�3,�b�GH;t�I�����:�B��&e���4�������[6�dh`O��H�X����,L�Kc�Oa�����\̳5���]�Y5�ՈT��G����T���T�=¹�0~�SLk�M��iuQV&�)�V�hO��}{7��̚j� Homegoing Service for Yvonne Jones Emmons and Benevolence Announcements members, members of NCNW ’ s organizations. The Roland Martin Show Tonight & Congrats New NCNW Bootstrap WordPress ThemeSt | WordPress. Organization shall be the Northern Virginia ( NoVA ) Section, national Council of Negro Women all! To 2022 drjackson130 @ is open to NCNW members of NCNW ’ s affiliates and... Shall be the Northern Virginia ( NoVA ) Section, national and ncnw national bylaws •... Both the national Council of Negro Women ( NCNW ) Jones Emmons and Benevolence Announcements Petersburg and Carter G. 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