AbeBooks.com: My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography (Dover Value Editions) (9780486456096) by Trotsky, Leon and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography. Contents. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Со своей стороны он не может ошибаться. I found his escape from Siberian exile and him meeting a Social Democrat at the end of the world very intriguing and interesting. Refine Search Results. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography, Volume 2. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Four and a half stars, really, hand on heart, though this is certainly anything but a dull, anecdote-laden political biography. 2.7k size 9.8 MB by shifter in Applications > Windows 1. Because of his intransigent opposition to Stalinism, he was expelled from the Communist Party in 1927, sent into exile in Central Asia in 1928, and ultimately banished from the Soviet Union in 1929. Trotsky's exile placed him … Other editions - View all. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography, by Leon Trotsky. $32.27. Some of the stories are merely informative while others are positively inspiring, like Trotsky's daring escape by reindeer from his second Siberian exile or his wartime command of the entire Soviet Army by train. Learn about the man behind the myth of Leon Trotsky from the man himself. Main My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography. Leon Trotsky. The only Bolshevik leader to write his memoirs, Leon Trotsky published this remarkable book in 1930, the first year of a perilous, decade-long exile that ended with his assassination in Mexico. Trotsky was murdered in 1940 in Mexico, where he had been given asylum, by a Stalinist agent. My Life : An Attempt at an Autobiography quantity Add to cart. Reg. I would have given it five stars, but problem was knowing who everyone was! 1; 2; Next; Sort By. Правдив ли Троцкий перед читателем? Learn about the man behind the myth of Leon Trotsky from the man himself. item 7 My Life : An Attempt at an Autobiography by Leon Trotsky (2007, Perfect) - My Life : An Attempt at an Autobiography by Leon Trotsky (2007, Perfect) $41.45. Since it first appeared in German, My Life has been translated into numerous other languages, including English, which I read with interest. Like the episode where he left his first wife and child to pursue the revolution in Siberia. “To understand the causal sequence of events and to find somewhere in the sequence one’s own place-that is the first duty of a revolutionary.”, Leon Trotsky – from the foreword to My Life. My Life recounts the rise of the revolutionary wave in Russia in 1905 and 1917, the devastating effects of World War I, and the degeneration of the Russian Revolution from Lenin's internationalist course to Stalin's increasingly counterrevolutionary policies. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography Katie Quarles - September 10, 2015 . Price: $27.00. My Life - An Attempt at an Autobiography: Leon Trotsky, Joseph Hansen: 9780140051308: Books - Amazon.ca Other editions - View all. Puede ser un pequeño libro de historia de los acontecimientos que llevaron a la revolución rusa de 1917 hasta la consolidación de la URSS, desde uno de sus principales participantes (algo bastante atípico). Reviewed in the United States on November 17, 2014 Leon Trotsky's autobiography, My Life, was first published in 1930 when Trotsky was fifty, ten years before he was assassinated. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography by br>Ships from Local Supplier Related Searches: Books, Personal Memoir Books, Personal Memoir Format: Hardcover Dimensions: 22.91 x 15.19 x 3.96 centimeters Weight: 1.15 kg My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography Leon Trotsky Limited preview - 2007. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography… What people are saying - Write a review. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography Leon Trotsky. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Best Selling in Nonfiction. Buy My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography Reissue by Trotsky, Leon, Hansen, Joseph (ISBN: 9780873481441) from Amazon's Book Store. Since it first appeared in German, My Life has been translated into numerous other languages, including English, which I read with interest. It is the only place where you will get an honest account of what life was like in the Trotsky household in Mexico. Paperback. Amazon Price New from Used from Kindle "Please retry" $15.81 — — Hardcover "Please retry" $101.11 . 7. Learn about the man behind the myth of Leon Trotsky from the man himself. Add to Wishlist. File Name: My Life An Attempt At An Autobiography.pdf Size: 4476 KB Type: PDF, ePub, eBook: Category: Book Uploaded: 2020 Dec 27, 19:36 Rating: 4.6/5 from 746 votes. £50.34 — Paperback "Please retry" £15.49 . Since it first appeared in German, My Life has been translated into numerous other languages, including English, which I read with interest. Троцкий игнорирует действия царских чиновников, не обращает внимания на политическую составляющую соперников по идеологии, он трудится во имя личных устремлений, словно следует с жаром доказывать правоту пустоте, поскольку истина кроется в доселе невысказанных словах, против чего бы они не были сказаны. Contents. My Life : An Attempt at an Autobiography Library Binding Leon Trotsky. Related products. Trotsky’s life is inseparably bound up with the great events of the first half of the 20th Century. Start by marking “My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Our times again are rich in memoirs, perhaps richer than ever before. Download Now! The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is the traditional name for the unfinished record of his own life written by Benjamin Franklin from 1771 to 1790; however, Franklin himself appears to have called the work his Memoirs.Although it had a tortuous publication history after Franklin's death, this work has become one of the most famous and influential examples of an autobiography ever written.. Franklin's … Some of the stories are merely informative while others are positively inspiring, like Trotsky's daring escape by reindeer from his second Siberian exile or his wartime command of the entire Soviet Army by train. 1: i . Used; good; paperback; Condition Used - … 6. Leon Trotsky's autobiography, My Life, was first published in 1930 when Trotsky was fifty, ten years before he was assassinated. Filter Results. Trotsky published this extraordinary autobiography in 1930 while residing in Turkey, where Stalin had sent him into exile. Like the episode where he left his first wife and child to pursue the revolution in Siberia. Reading this was quite an interesting experience. In addition to his political work, Trotsky was a major Marxist theoretician. Buy My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography by Trotsky, Leon (ISBN: 9781258005078) from Amazon's Book Store. goes on a bit at times but v entertaining and gets to details not covered in the history of the revolution. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography: Trotsky, Leon: Amazon.sg: Books. January 1st 1970 La autobiografía de León Tortsky a mi gusto es una joya, no sólo por la gran forma en que esta escrita, sino por sus múltiples lecturas que se puede hacer de ella. Он борется за что-то, не обосновывая мотивов. Ship This Item — Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store Check Availability at Nearby Stores. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. 206: 23 other sections not shown. Max. The points knocked off, or my reservations about the book, are that there is a fair bit of point-scoring going on here, against Stalin, primarily (and understandably) masquerading as telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. My life: an attempt at an autobiography: Author: Leon Trotsky: Publisher: Pathfinder Press, 1970: Original from: the University of Michigan: Digitized: Jul 1, 2008: Length: 602 pages: Subjects Leon Trotsky. This is a difficult and monotonous read because I am not familiar with Russian history, geography, political structure, and culture. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography Leon Trotsky. Autobiographical account by a leader of the October 1917 Russian revolution, the Soviet Red Army, and the battle initiated by Lenin against the Stalinist bureaucracy. 360: Section 2. I know quite a bit about his period in history, but at times I was lost as to what was going on. Buy the Paperback Book My Life: An Attempt At An Autobiography by Trotsky Leon at Indigo.ca, Canada's largest bookstore. A Pathfinder upgraded edition. Autobiographical account by a leader of the October 1917 Russian revolution, the Soviet Red Army, and the battle initiated by Lenin against the Stalinist bureaucracy. One of the best biographies I had read - Trotsky had an interesting life I would recommend reading this one first before reading some other Trotsky biographies. already answered appeared army arrived asked became began Bolsheviks boys brought called carried Central close Committee completely congress course delegation demanded direct entire everything eyes face fact father felt fighting followed force … by Leon, Trotsky, Woods, Alan, Volkov, Esteban Vsievolod | Language Published 19/02/2018 by Wellred (Wellred Books) Paperback | 600 pages, Illustrations, black and white. Trotsky’s theory ultimately formed the basis for the October 1917 revolution. Imperialism Highest State Of Captialism £ 5.99 Add to cart; … To see what your friends thought of this book. Paper, 790 pages Publisher: Pathfinder ISBN-13: 978-0-87348-144-1 ISBN-10: 0 … Trotskyists are one of the most reviled groups on the left...and I have been partly or wholly one my entire adult life. Peu importe ce qu'est ensuite devenu l'URSS. Now with enlarged type. Skip to main content.ca Hello, Sign in. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography 624. by Leon Trotsky | Editorial Reviews. Trotsky succeeds in stating things directly as they are. 8. This resource is available electronically from the following locations. Leon Trotsky's autobiography, My Life, was first published in 1930 when Trotsky was fifty, ten years before he was assassinated. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. Contents. usenet.nl/download/My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography. More search options. No other leading Bolshevik produced works quite like Trotsky. Too Much and Never Enough by Mary L. Trump (2020 ,Hardcover) (3) $2.15 New; … Именно таким образом поступает Троцкий, рассказывая историю жизни. My Life : An Attempt at an … In Their Shoes: Navigating Non-Binary Life with Jamie Windust plus special guest to be announced [online event] Friday January 22 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Since Leon Trotsky’s My Life was first published, it has been regarded as a unique political, literary and human document. He traces the origins of Stalinism to the economic isolation and backwardness of Russia and the setbacks suffered by the international working class. My Life : An Attempt at an Autobiography by Leon... $30.42. Better World Books via United States: ISBN 9780873481434 Publisher: Pathfinder Press, 1970 Used - Good: Pathfinder Press. Took me a long time but I finally finished this book. We’d love your help. Sort By: Search Within These Results. Paperback, 9780486456096, 0486456099 Load more replies. Amazon Price New from Used from Kindle Edition "Please retry" £9.74 — — Hardcover "Please retry" £50.34 . Trotsky, who was head of the Red Army during the years immediately following the revolution, led the Soviet Union to victory in the Civil War from 1918-1921. (And if... Autobiographical account by a leader of the October 1917 Russian revolution, the Soviet Red Army, and the battle initiated by Lenin against the Stalinist bureaucracy. Чтобы настолько плохо относится ко всем, с кем работаешь (Дзержинский, Бухарин, Зиновьев, Каменев, разумеется сам Сталин), нужно даже очень постараться. 377: 15 other sections not shown. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography - Ebook written by Leon Trotsky. That said, it doesn't take a Trotskyist (or even a "TrotskyITE") to enjoy this book. Leon Trotsky. $25.95 +$3.99 shipping. 1 Review. Троцкий хорош в оценке других людей и их действий, но когда речь идёт об оценке собственных действий, всё сводится к рассуждениям о том, какой замечательный Лев Давидович и как он был прав. 202: Section 2. Protest: Stories of Resistance with Christopher … See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Transcription and HTML markup for the Trotsky Internet Archive by David Walters in 1998. Section 1. Lenin with the meticulous care of an intellectual and a journalist, two of the lesser known aspects of Trotsky's life. Tagged: Life; attempt; autobiography; Show Comments. but i think he preferred the power of the prince as opposed to the constraints of kingship. My life : an attempt at an autobiography. Since it first appeared in German, My Life has been translated into numerous other languages, including English, which I read with interest. It was the town that played the major role in shaping this feeling, a feeling which later became the basis for a philosophic outlook on life. Names are just casually thrown in. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography (Dover Value Editions) Kindle Edition by Leon Trotsky (Author) Format: Kindle Edition. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography. Published New York: Dover Publications, 2007. Price incl. Leon Trotsky, the Marxist who co-led the Russian Revolution of 1917 alongside Lenin, and in whose tradition Socialist Alternative stands, spent his entire adult life fighting for a better world. Additional information about Trotsky’s political biography, his role in Soviet and world history, and his treatment at the hands of modern historians can be found here: Leon Trotsky, Soviet Historiography, and the Fate of Classical Marxism, Sign up to receive emails on new publications, special offers, and exclusive events, Russian Revolution & the Third International, Left Opposition & the Fourth International, International Committee of the Fourth International, American History, Labor and Social Issues, In Defense of Leon Trotsky (second edition) – Format: Paperback, Leon Trotsky, Soviet Historiography, and the Fate of Classical Marxism. Троцкий игнорирует действия царских чиновников, не обращает внимания на политическую составляющую соперников по идеологии, он трудится во им. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography Leon Trotsky Limited preview - 2007. Cart All. Excerpt. Fascism: What It Is and How to Fight It by Leon Trotsky Paperback $5.00. No ratings or reviews yet. But John never wrote a definitive autobiography—that is, until now. His letters and articles explaining the class nature of the Soviet state, written in the context of an inner-party debate that took place in 1939-1940 within the Trotskyist movement and collected in the volume In Defense of Marxism, are a brilliant example of the application of the dialectical materialist method to the analysis of contemporary political questions and problems of party program and perspective. Price › $21.95; Share this book: Product Description; Product Details; The only Bolshevik leader to write his memoirs, Leon Trotsky published this remarkable book in 1930, the first year of a perilous, decade-long exile that … My Life was originally published in 1930 by Charles Schribner’s Sons, NY. SKU: 9781900007771 Category: key marxists. By. A Pathfinder upgraded edition. Noté /5. $14.49. Readers should note that the translation uses a form of written English combining both the British and the United States styles of English. Quelle vie ! Skip to main content. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. I had succeeded in making my autobiography a mere daguerreotype of my life – which I never intended it to be – it would nevertheless have called forth echoes of the discussion This item: My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography (Dover Value Editions) by Leon Trotsky Paperback $19.95. 11: OUR NEIGHBORS AND My First SCHOOL . a bit too much score settling from retrospect but sure, comes with the man, leon trotski ya be ghole khode russ ha:lev trotski'i!tarikhe enghelabo khoondam hamintor yaddashthaye roozane,commune paris va barnameye enteghali.zendegie mano tooye avale rahnamayi khoondam va avale daneshgah dobare moroor kardam.kheili baram jale budeh va hast nasresh va zehni ke dare.dar morede shakhsiate siasish bahsi nadarm inja.fagahat mitoonam begam man trotskist nistam amma trotski ra doost daram;). The Revolution Betrayed by Leon Trotsky Paperback $21.99. Along with Vladimir Lenin, he was one of the leaders of the October Revolution of 1917, which brought the Bolsheviks to power in Russia. Free shipping. The Truth About Modern Slavery with Emily Kenway in conversation with Dawn Foster [online event] Wednesday January 27 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Trotsky's exile placed him beyond the pale of both the official Communist party and the rest of the political world; yet in this … search results for this author. Expelled from the Communist party and deported from the Soviet Union, the former People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs recalled his lifelong struggle in the world of revolutionary politics. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Read preview. Trotsky was an amazing figure. Он борется за что-то, не обосновывая мотивов. Puede ser un pequeño libro de historia de los acontecimientos que llevaron a la revolución rusa de 1917 hasta la consolidación de la URSS, desde uno de sus principales participantes (algo bastante atípico). Trotsky’s prediction, outlined most explicitly in The Revolution Betrayed, that unless the working class in the USSR regained power through a political revolution, the Stalinist bureaucracy would bring about the restoration of capitalism, was proven correct by the events of 1989-1991. 204: Section 3. Trotsky doesn't overglorify his role in the historical events he was involved in although there are some cases where he tries to justify his wrongdoing. This item is not reservable because: There are no reservable copies for this title. English. In all honesty, I tend not to read autobiographies for enjoyment. Attribute it to my major of History and my constant reading of autobiographies and biographies for my education. Nacido en Ucrania, hijo de granjeros, se convirtió en uno de los más notables personajes del siglo XX, al ser parte fundamental de la revolución que daría nacimiento a la URSS. $101.11 — Paperback "Please retry" $38.02 . Buy My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography by Trotsky, Leon online on Amazon.ae at best prices. One of the best biographies I had read - Trotsky had an interesting. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Autobiographical account by a leader of the October 1917 Russian revolution, the Soviet Red Army, and the battle initiated by Lenin against the Stalinist bureaucracy. Но проще не говорить до конца, чтобы создать нужное о себе представление. Leon Trotsky (1879-1940) was born on November 7, 1879 in the village of Yanovka, which at the time was part of the Russian Empire and is now within the borders of Ukraine. just a few comments that echo many of those below. An edition of My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography (1970) My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography by Leon Trotsky. Better World Books via United States: ISBN 9780873481434 Publisher: Pathfinder Press (NY), 1970 Good. From inside the book . This on-line version of My Life stays loyal to the literary structure, spelling and … We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Everyday low … In 1938, he founded the Fourth International. … Courier Corporation, 5 avr. Better World Books via United States: ISBN 9780873481434 Publisher: Pathfinder Press, 1970 Used - Good. In 1933, Trotsky warned that the policies pursued by the Stalinist Communist Party in Germany, if not changed, would pave the way for the coming to power of Hitler by politically disorienting and organizationally disarming the working class in the face of the fascist threat. In October 1917, he organized the insurrection that brought the Bolsheviks to power. Reg. Autobiographical account by a leader of the October 1917 Russian revolution, the Soviet Red Army, and the battle initiated by Lenin against the Stalinist bureaucracy. Skip to main content.sg. I think there’s a strange kinship between Churchill and Trotsky. Hello, Sign in. This is one of the most inspiring books you'll ever read, but I strongly urge people to buy the edition with an introduction by Joseph Hansen, who was a secretary to Trotsky in Mexico: My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography. Read More Books in 2021 with the Goodreads Reading Challenge. Later he found a new family. Leon Trotsky, "My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography" English | 2007 | ISBN: 0486456099 | 624 pages | EPUB | 1.1 MB The only Bolshevik leader to write his memoirs, Leon Trotsky published this remarkable book in 1930, the first year of a perilous, decade-long exile that ended with his assassination in Mexico. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography, by Leon Trotsky. La autobiografía de León Tortsky a mi gusto es una joya, no sólo por la gran forma en que esta escrita, sino por sus múltiples lecturas que se puede hacer de ella. Троцкий вызывает симпатию и пишет бодро, но из мемуаров конечно понятно, почему его убили и почему он проиграл соперничество со Сталиным. Como una respuesta política de Trotsky a sus detractores, con amplias pruebas, y en especial a Stalin que lo persiguió en el exil. *FREE* shipping on eligible orders. Advanced Search Find a Library. Leon Trotsky's autobiography, My Life, was first published in 1930 when Trotsky was fifty, ten years before he was assassinated. Hello Select your address All Hello, Sign in. Our times again are rich in memoirs, perhaps richer than ever before. Cite/Export. Click here to read this EBL e-book; Available at E-library. 0 Reviews. Read preview. See all. Signed up for the 2021 Goodreads Reading Challenge and looking for tips on how to discover and read more books? Trotsky founded the Left Opposition in 1923, which was established to oppose the growth of bureaucratism, nationalism, and inequality in the Soviet Union under Stalin’s leadership. See all 7. See this brilliant passage: Really good autobiography. My Life. Expelled from the Communist party and deported from the Soviet Union, the former People's … Introduction by Joseph Hansen, Chronology of events and writings, 1929-1940, index. After his warnings were proven correct, Trotsky concluded that Stalin’s betrayal of the German working class meant that the Third International could not be reformed. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography. Leon Trotsky. Try. It's an informative read. After the defeat of the 1905 revolution, Trotsky authored the theory of permanent revolution, which correctly anticipated the 1917 Russian Revolution, in which he played a key practical role. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography. Now with … No comments have been posted yet. Sellers with Multiple Copies; My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography by Leon Trotsky. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. NOOK Book. Best Selling in Nonfiction. Tuvo escapatorias épicas de la prisión en Siberia, vivió en grandes ciudades de Europa (no necesariamente por elección), fue autodidacta, un escritor prolífico, un teórico-político muy activo, comandante de las fuerzas armadas, perseguido político. No ratings or reviews yet. The beginning chapters took some time to get acquainted with as I had to read a few peripheral articles to give me a historical context. My Life: An Attempt … 371: Section 3. 0 Reviews. Trotsky subsequently attributed the greatest significance to this aspect of his political work. By Leon Trotsky. answer army arrested asked became began Bolsheviks bourgeois boys Brest-Litovsk Central Committee command Commissaries Communist Comrade Trotsky congress course delegation demanded democratic Elizavetgrad enemy epigones everything … Really good autobiography. Trotsky's brilliance is on full show throughout, and this is ram-packed of political insight and inspiration, though read as a curiosity or as literature it has its shortcomings. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Auch wenn man (wie ich) praktisch nichts über den Sowjetkommunismus wusste, kann man den Geschehnissen relativ gut folgen. I had just given birth to my daughter and asked my partner to bring a book into hospital for me to read - he bought me this... typical of him and just right for me. Sehr interessant. The "crossing" of two … From inside the book . Everyday low … Refresh and try again. From inside the book . All of us remember bits and pieces, and perhaps unifying themes, which we might include in our own autobiography … My Life begins with Trotsky’s youth and continues with the major … It is because there is much to tell. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. My life: an attempt at an autobiography. Peu de gens ont changé comme lui l'histoire du Monde. Books . eBook includes … My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography [Trotsky, Leon] on Amazon.com.au. Amazon Price New from Used from Kindle Edition "Please retry" £11.39 — — Hardcover "Please retry" £50.34 . My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography: Amazon.co.uk: Trotsky, Leon, Hansen, Joseph: 9780873481441: Books Electronic books. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography Paperback – June 5 2007 by Leon Trotsky (Author) 4.5 out of 5 stars 18 ratings. Со своей стороны он не может ошибаться. In Stock. View all » Common terms and phrases. I both lost and gained a lot of respect for Trotsky. Day; Week; Month; 1 day ago KMS Matrix 5.7. Free shipping and pickup in store on eligible orders. $19.95. Too Much and Never Enough by … My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography, Volume 1. Cite/Export. already answer appeared army arrived asked became began Bolsheviks boys brought called carried Central Committee completely congress course demanded direct entire everything exile eyes face fact father felt fight followed force French friends front gave German … Filter by Price (£) Min. Used - Good. Other editions - View all. The more dramatic and rich in change the epoch, the more intense the interest in current history. Be the first to write a review. Правдив ли Троцкий перед читателем? My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography. What people are saying - Write a review. When I heard boys who were studying physics and natural history repeat the superstitious notions about “unlucky” Monday, or about meeting a priest crossing the road, I was utterly indignant. The art of landscape-painting could never have been born in the Sahara. Find items in libraries near you. Trotsky’s struggle to defend the internationalist program of Marxism against the rising Stalinist bureaucracy in the Soviet Union comprises the final chapters of My Life. My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography: Trotsky, Leon: 9780873481441: Books - Amazon.ca. Shows some signs of wear, and may have some markings on the inside. Trotsky doesn't overglorify his role in the historical events he was involved in although there are some cases where he tries to justify his wrongdoing. My Life was originally published in 1930 by Charles Schribner’s Sons, NY. '' ) to enjoy this book men of their age, their memoirs are strangely.. De Trostky es sin duda sorprendente, una gran aventura romántica could never have born. Know quite a bit at times I was lost as to what was going on a,!: … My Life: an Attempt at an Autobiography Leon Trotsky Paperback $ 5.00 $ 32.28 quite Trotsky! A Russian reading list for the 2021 Goodreads reading Challenge and looking for tips on to... 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