When Zeldris calls telepathically to the other members of the Ten Commandments, Derieri and Monspeet reveal themselves to be alive. Both of them overpower Diane until Monspeet is sent flying by Matrona. He uses Gokuencho on Meliodas but is surprised when he comes flying out of the dust cloud and nearly takes his head off. Monspeet the Reticence (沈黙のモンスピート Chinmoku no Monsupīto) Kenjiro Tsuda is a Japanese voice actor known for voicing. It doesn’t even sound like him wtf those who didn’t know, Jun Fukuyama is the voice actor of Lelouch … It's just a simple dress. Those who opposed reticence by expressing inner feelings or emotions would have their voices blocked. 22:49 Voice Actor Anri Katsu Diagnosed With COVID-19 22:16 Edens Zero Anime's Teaser Video Reveals More Staff 21:45 Jujutsu Kaisen Manga's Circulation Jumped 235% After Anime's Premiere Amplifying Black Voice Actors in Anime (Jun 10, 2020) Anime Spotlight - Durarara!! Monspeet (モンスピート) Monspeet is a demon who is a member of the Ten Commandments, a group of elite warriors of the Demon Clan handpicked by the Demon King himself. He would translate her quick and crude phrases with detail and shows a deep care by staying by her whenever he can. All characters and voice actors in the anime The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The Commandments. He served as Kyomaf Okoshiyasu Ambassador for Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair 2020. He won Best Rookie Actors at 12th Seiyu Awards. She was sealed away along with the rest of the clan in the Coffin of Eternal Darkness until she was set free by Hendrickson. Monspeet is curious about the identity of the goddess, stating that her companions had been kidnapped. Video Game: The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia. Watch Queue Queue This video is unavailable. Monspeet reveals that he was waiting Estarossa to have him completely immobilized, to use a technique called Conjurer Joke, that let him swap any two objects with similar size or mass, including himself. 34,000 in magic, 16,000 in strength, and 3,000 in spirit. Suddenly they swap places, wiht Monspeet now choking Estarossa. Japanese Voice If Netflix follows suit and brings back the whole gang of English Hire top voice actors, including authentic, native speakers who can help you execute your creative project with a world of sound: from Albanian to Zulu, … Actor | Sound Department | Additional Crew . Purple Status The only other instances he resorts to violence is when Derieri is in danger. [13] He also possesses tremendous physical strength, sending Derieri flying a considerable distance with a simple palm thrust.[14]. Height Coyote Starrk / Tesra Lindocruz / Mabashi / Tensa Zangetsu / Aaroniero Arruruerie (Deep-Voice Mask) / Coyote Starkk / Aaroniero Arruruerie / Boomerang Toju (39 … The Break (2016-2019) - Marcel Legrand, Chef De Corps (ep. However, Elizabeth intervenes and uses her powers on the demons' Indura and frees them, returning them back to normal with the help of two of the Archangels. Chapter 109 Konosuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! Q-Transformers: Mystery of Convoy Returns, Hakuoki Chapter 2: Warrior Spirit of the Blue Sky, Toriko The Movie: Secret Recipe of Gourmet God, Naruto Spin-Off: Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals, Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan - Great War of a Hundred Gathering Demons, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked. A member of the 10 commandments who made me remember Suwa from Orange TV anime. Thinking that they had won, Derieri walks up to Estarossa and Monspeet, asking what they should do with him. He tends to be depicted without his mouth save for rare occasions. Voice Actor. Voice Actor. Women didn’t like human clothes in the day, let alone wearing them to bed. Monspeet mentions the Ark's ability of the Goddess Clan, capable of counteracting the darkness of the demons. 4, 5) 4. Monspeet tells Estarossa that if he takes any more Commandments other than his own he will die, due to the fact that having one Commandment was already eating away his soul and mind. May 10, 2020 - Animated gif discovered by JOYMAKER. Son titan 13 002 views. I hope this takes off. “ Monspeet asked as Derieri undressed. Monspeet has a combat class of 53,000. 1 How Veronica joined the Tourney 2 How to unlock 3 Character Select Screen Animation 3.1 When highlighted 3.2 After the announcer calls her name 4 Special Moves 4.1 Dashing Blade (Neutral) 4.2 Army Raid (Side) 4.3 Sky Wing (Up) 4.4 Bomb Kcik (Down) 4.5 Conquest Sword (Hyper Smash) 4.6 Vengeance Hunter (Final Smash) 5 Victory Animations 6 On-Screen Appearance 7 Trivia Veronica is … Voiced by: Yūki Kaji (Japanese); Bryce Papenbrook (English) Meliodas (メリオダス, Meriodasu) is the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, who bears the sin of wrath as a Dragon symbol on his left shoulder. [7], Monspeet has high sensory and homing attack capabilities, being able to notice a strong group including Meliodas approaching from hundreds of miles away, and being able to send an attack which locked onto them. Princess Elizabeth discovers the truth—the Sins were framed by the king’s guard, the Holy Knights—too late to prevent them from assassinating her … (2019) and Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (2012). Nagasawa, Arashi Hatsukoi Monster. Monspeet sacrifices himself to save Derieri. He wears a cloak which covers most of his body and underneath he is shirtless with his muscular torso and arms being covered with dark matter. Estarossa then attacks Monspeet with a series of punches, managing to put him into a head lock. Monspeet is a gentleman of sorts for a demon and hates rude and ill-mannered people. And make sure to remember that you're important, and if anyone deserves your love it's you. x 2 The Second Arc (Jul 21, 2015) Occupation Estarossa reveals that he want to take all Commandments for himself. While Fraudrin and Grayroad were concerned with the capture of the castle and the remaining Holy Knights, Monspeet took a moment in the city to fix Derieri's hair. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 2.1 Commandment 2.2 Abilities 3 Others Derieri also know as Derieri the Purity is a demon and a member of the Ten Commandments, a group of elite warriors of the Demon Clan handpicked by the Demon King himself. As one of the Ten Commandments, Monspeet fought in the ancient Holy War against the Goddess Clan and the other races (human, fairies, and giants). Estarossa enters and teases them about playing house. He likes to watch and think rather than act, often making comments to himself. Tsuda, Kenjirou. Kanji/Kana 10 years later the holy knights that defended Britannia rebelled and took over the kingdom. There, Monspeet remains at the margin at the beginning, watching with astonishment the power of Escanor in his fight against Estarossa. Monspeet tells her that he was going to as well, because if he would be released from the "silence" of his Commandment, he could finally tells her about his true feelings. He acts as an attendant of sorts to Derieri, always being by her side and catering to her needs. Resting in the remains of Edinburgh as they began recovering their magic power, Monspeet and his comrades discuss the recent awakening of two Albions from the north and the south and witnesses Galand heading to the latter direction. Keith Silverstein was born on December 24, 1970 in Plainfield, New Jersey, USA as Ketih David Silverstein. Voice Actor. Marseille(2016-2018) - Cosini, Michel Duprez 3. Eve is a little girl with medium-length ash blonde hair tied in a loose but neat fishtail braid. When Monspeet was first introduced in the manga he was seen wielding a Rapier, however this seems to have been retracted. Anime 3%(2016-present) - Alvaro, Additional Voices 2. Voice Actor Aoba Yamashiro: Seven Deadly Sins, The. August 8 Cable Girls(2017-present) - Additional Voices 5. It can be great fun for anyone who wants to become a voice actor. Voice Actor Monspeet: Soul Calibur 4. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 2.1 Commandment 2.2 Abilities 3 Others Derieri also know as Derieri the Purity is a demon and a member of the Ten Commandments, a group of elite warriors of the Demon Clan handpicked by the Demon King himself. Monspeet the Reticence (沈黙のモンスピート Chinmoku no Monsupīto), Monspeet as a member of the former Ten Commandments. Derieri, enraged, attacks him, but is quickly dealt with. There is an exception in Meliodas' case however as he had his Purgatory Flame Bird home in on him upon merely sensing the latter's presence. as Kai Chisaki ... Aoba Yamashiro: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. as Maxi. The "Seven Deadly Sins," a group of evil knights who conspired to overthrow the kingdom of Britannia, were said to have been eradicated by the Holy Knights, although some claim that they still live. Nagaoka, Daichi Hand Shakers. Media When they were accused of trying to overthrow the monarchy, the feared warriors the Seven Deadly Sins were sent into exile. Then, Denzel arrives, announcing to protect the kingdom by killing the demons, and allows the goddess Nerobasta to use his body as a vessel in order to fight the Commandments. Image Gallery. Monspeet manages to intimidate Zaratras with his presence, warning him not to act. Following the screening of Episodes 1 to 3, the talk show began with two voice actors who portray characters from the Ten Commandments: Yuki Kaji who performs a double role of Zeldris and Meliodas, and Kenjiro Tsuda who portrays Monspeet. Watch Queue Queue. Eve wears navy blue shoes and has pitch-black eyes as most demons do, and she has a demon mark on her left cheek that resembles a deer. Though he froze in midair at the sound of her voice, King continues now, his wings allowing him to slowly lower to lightly lay across her, his body flush to her chest. The gentleman demon Monspeet is the commandment of Reticence. [6] His very bloodlust alone is also extraordinary, as when the Seven Deadly Sins sensed it they felt threatened by it. Voices.com voice actors speak over 100 different languages, accents and dialects and hail from over 160 countries. Was born Jun 11, 1971 - Osaka, Japan. The king’s daughter Elizabeth sets out on a quest to find the seven knights now known as the Seven Deadly Sins, to retake the kingdom. as Kai ... Aoba Yamashiro: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. Sevens", "Kakushigoto", and other titles in 2020. Monspeet「モンスピート」 is an elite warrior of the Demon Clan, serving directly under the Demon King as the Reticence of the Ten Commandments. Kenjiro Tsuda (津田 健次郎, Tsuda Kenjirō, June 11, 1971) is a Japanese actor, voice actor, narrator, and film director.He works at Amuleto. January 6 is Yashiro Taku-san's birthday. Tsuda Kenjirou was born June 11, 1971 in Osaka Prefecture, Japan. He's also willing to take her orders to a certain extent as he summoned demons as fodder for her Combo Star when she asked him. Keith Silverstein Nanami, Kento Jujutsu Kaisen (TV) Nico Tokyo Ghoul. Jump Force. He was sealed away along with the rest of the clan in the Coffin of Eternal Darkness until he was set free by Hendrickson. Manga MyAnimeList is the largest online anime and manga database in the world! Monspeet has two main abilities. - Share your reason with the rest of the community. He is known for his work on Ghost in the Shell (2017), Shazam! Nagasaki, Koji Devilman: Crybaby. The 20 Most Powerful Characters from The Seven Deadly Sins | … After Galand returns victoriously, the demons sense Diane heading towards them and Galand, still willing to fight, heads towards her location along with Monspeet. Estarossa tries to get free with his Hellblaze, but this has no effect in Monspeet and eventually is driven unconscious by him. Sariel wears a set of coat-like robes with a symbol of the Goddess Clan in his chest, his hoodie resembles that of a halo along with a pair of shoes and black shorts underneath his clothes. My Hero One's Justice 2. Voice Actor. He works at Stardust Promotion as an actor and Mediarte Entertainment Works as a voice actor. This video is unavailable. Anime voice actor & seiyuu comparison Interesting Matchups MyAnimeList.net. Thus, both Commandments declare complete the taking of the castle. Japanese voice actor. Black as Kai Chisaki. [4] After Meliodas bears more attacks from the Commandments, he prepares to unleash his Revenge Counter to annihilate all of the demons at once. After Elizabeth promises to do something about it, Monspeet identifies her when she declares her feelings for Meliodas. 1 Filmography 1.1 Live-Action Dubbing 1.1.1 TV Series … "It is time for Melascula and I to depart. He and Derieri continue their purge in the north of Britannia, having devoured the souls of nearly every person in nine cities and villages and showing no signs of stopping.[2]. When all the demons of the army are eliminated, Monspeet swears to avenge them. Voice Actor Monspeet: Soul Calibur 4. Demon ClanTen Commandments If something is broken or wrong, email me at avac@wallhaven.cc or hit me up on Twitter: ... Monspeet Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu. Keith Silverstein (born December 24, 1970) is an American voice actor. Voice Actor. as Kaiba. While relaxing there, they notice that war broke out, but they decide to not intervine. Coyote Starrk / Tesra Lindocruz / Mabashi / Tensa Zangetsu / Aaroniero Arruruerie (Deep-Voice Mask) / Coyote Starkk / Aaroniero Arruruerie / Boomerang Toju (39 … English Voice Watch Queue Queue. There, they both discuss the reason Meliodas forgave their lives, as Elizabeth had done 3,000 years ago. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After Hendrickson manages to partially remove the seal that bound the demons for the past 3,000 years, Monspeet and the rest of the Ten Commandments appear before the terrified former Great Holy Knight. Monspeet appearing along with the rest of his fellow Demons: the Ten Commandments. Nagaoka, Daichi Hand Shakers. Credits On BTVA: 191 Roles from 181 Titles. [5] Matrona, similarly noted that she had never seen power like his (and Galand's) and compared him to a living natural disaster. Find images and videos about gif and nanatsu no taizai on We Heart It - the app to get lost in what you love. Derieri gets up and tells Monspeet that she is going to surrender her Commandment to Zeldris, as the mark in her cheek fades away. Anime voice actor & seiyuu comparison ... Monspeet Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu. Like all members of the Demon Clan, he is able to utilize the mysterious jet-black power of darkness, as previously seen by Meliodas, forming wings for flight and other such feats. Voice Actor. Monspeet is a gentleman of sorts for a demon and hates rude and ill-mannered people. Aside from that, he is ready to throw everything away to help Derieri when she's wounded and warn her against attacking Nerobasta. Alias Derieri「デリエリ」 is an elite warrior of the Demon Clan, serving directly under the Demon King as the Purity of the Ten Commandments. They were confronted by Elizabeth, who wanted to stop the fighting between the Goddess and Demon Clans. Abilities He also was able to sense that the Ten Commandments were being watched by Meliodas' comrades from Liones castle several kilometers away easily. They left Zhuhur Valley by flight, leaving behind a terrified Hendrickson. Hellblaze allows him to create black flames. Better t… Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. [3] He watches as Derieri and Meliodas exchange blows and explains Derieri's power. If something is broken or wrong, email me at avac@wallhaven.cc or hit me up on Twitter: @AksumkA. Tatsuhisa Suzuki (鈴木 達央, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, born November 11, 1983) is a Japanese voice actor and singer from Ichikawa, Chiba.He is affiliated with I'm Enterprise and Lantis.He is the vocalist of the rock band Oldcodex under his stage name Ta_2 Tsuda graduated from the Department of Literature at Meiji University. Watch Queue Queue This is an unofficial site. Monspeet continues with his story, revealing that Estarossa was born without the power of darkness, and that the Demon King gave him a Commandment out of pity. as Kaiba. The End Go Home. Dreyfus. In the manga, the leader of Main characters Meliodas. However, both decide not to respond to Zeldris, as they have decided to stand by the side of the battle and stay in a peaceful life in the hut of humans who had given them asylum after they got rid of a bear that caused disasters on their farmland. Weight She wears a white dress that resembles a nightgown, but it isn't. Monspeet also proposed to Derieri to wear a cute dress he found in a house and said that he will grow back her hair after it was damaged by Nerobasta's Ark showing that he cares about her appearance. By having the main character’s voice lines play by the same Japanese voice actors, and not like many other mobile games, you can actually move around in the world as Meliodas. He and Derieri then leave and arrive at the town of Bellford. Kenjiro Tsuda (津田 健次郎 Tsuda Kenjirō) is an actor, voice actor and narrator from Amuleto. He laments for a moment that he wasted all the magic he recovered from eating human souls on that move but accepts the loss shortly after. Later on he, along with the other Commandments, arrives to aid Drole and Gloxinia, who are facing off against Meliodas. (Source: Nanatsu no Taizai Wikia) Voice Actors. They also come across the remains of Danafor and link the kingdom's disappearing to Meliodas. Grand cross duration. モンスピート However, he is surprised when Elizabeth manages to use Ark to destroy Derieri's hand. Derieri asks Monspeet if he really is fine with that kind of life and calls him weird when says that is fine because there is nothing that makes him worry about her. tomboyish and to have often fought with sword with other boys as a girl When Derieri decides to fight again, Monspeet orders all the nearby demons to sacrifice themselves to charge Derieri's Combo Star. Birthday With his last strength, Monspeet takes the face of Estarossa, and after lamenting in the end not having been able to tell Derieri those words that he kept hidden in his heart, he releases a Hellblaze that engulfs both him and Estarossa. Deceased Along with the rest of the Demon Clan, Monspeet was sealed away by the Goddess Clan after losing the Ancient War against the other four races. Monspeet The Seven Deadly Sins is a fantasy adventure series following seven knights that attempted to overthrow the region of Britannia but failed. Biological Description There is an exception in Meliodas' case however as he had his Purgatory Flame Bird h… 182 cm (5'11½") After surviving the Omega Ark, Monspeet attacks Sariel by surprise with his Purgatory Flame Bird without being affected. Konosuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! En (Dorohedoro), sound department (Airplane Mode), Additional Voices (Final Fantasy VII Remake), Stan / Tech / Additional Voices (Ghost in the Shell SAC_2045), miscellaneous (Shazam! 415[1] Legend of Crimson, The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia, Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue, Yu-Gi-Oh! After being informed by Fraudrin of the current events in Britannia, Zeldris suggested that they should head to Edinburgh Hill in order to recuperate their severely drained magical powers, which everyone agreed on. View 190 images of Kenjiro Tsuda's characters from his voice acting career. MyAnimeList is the largest online anime and manga database in the world! [8] Meliodas states he was the last of the Ten Commandments he wanted them to be noticed by. After his heart was crushed, Monspeet sends Derieri to fly away from the remains of the cabin. Unlike the other demons (besides Meliodas) his demon markings are on the right side of his face, consisting of three lines, the outer two curving outward, forming the shape of his Commandment's symbol which is Reticence. Interacting with other people at the Boar Hat Tavern like serving food and drink, or cleaning up after people leave. When he finds her weakened in the forest, Monspeet asserts that no one could have been responsible in addition to Meliodas, despite the fact that they had witnessed his death. He would translate her quick and crude phrases with detail and shows a deep care by staying by her whenever he can. All logos, images, video and audio clips pertaining to actors, characters and related indicia belong to their respective © and ™ owners. After catching Meliodas, he flies him into the sky, noting that with his arms broken he should not be able to use Full Counter anymore. He is not one for immediate violence and would prefer for most to surrender rather than fight even if he was to crush the enemy. Sometime later, after the new Holy War began, Monspeet is still with Derieri residing in the human village. For releasing of dubbed over content legally. She was sealed away along with the rest of the clan in the Coffin of Eternal Darkness until she was set free by Hendrickson. When the farmland girl comes with some food and drink, Monspeet gave his thanks as the girl thanks for what they both do for their farmland. [9], Monspeet possesses immense levels of durability and endurance; he emerged completely unscathed after being hit by Matrona's Saiha,[10] as well as Tarmiel and Sariel's Omega Ark,[11] and survived a deep slash to the neck from Meliodas. However, Meliodas reflects his attack with his Full Counter, resulting in both Commandments being consumed by the rebound. Tatsuhisa Suzuki (鈴木 達央, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, born November 11, 1983) is a Japanese voice actor and singer from Ichikawa, Chiba.He is affiliated with I'm Enterprise and Lantis.He is the vocalist of the rock band Oldcodex under his stage name Ta_2 I Don't Have A Reason / I'll Add One Later. After all, this is shonen. While this last fight, Monspeet attacked by surprise with his Kaijinryuu. Estarossa states that he has come to collect their Commandments, even if he has to kill them for that. 78 kg (172 Ibs) Monspeet and Derieri seem to have a very friendly relationship, almost like that of a couple, when resting and regaining their magical powers they are always side by side, with Derieri resting her head on his leg when they have nothing to do. Eye Color Race Money Heist (2017-present) - Angel Rubio (Spliced Bread Dub) 6. Trick StarHellblaze - Voice of Seto Kaiba One Piece - Voice of Vinsmoke Yonji Fairy Tail - Voices of Bacchus Groh and Silver Fullbuster Naruto series - Voice … It is hinted that he had feelings for Derieri and wanted to be free from his Commandment so that he could tell Derieri the words he hidden from his heart. Before he joined Stardust Promotion he was part of Tristone Entertainment. [12] He is extremely fast, as shown when he appears next to Sariel and attacks him before he could react. Voice Actor. Monspeet is a man with dark purple hair and a small mustache. He was right to think Zeldris was testing her, but there was another layer to this that Monspeet … Take care of yourself for me, and for you. Anime voice actor & seiyuu comparison Interesting Matchups MyAnimeList.net. Keith Silverstein (born December 24, 1970) is an American voice actor who works for anime series and video games. The Past. As a member of the Ten Commandments, Monspeet is an extremely powerful demon. Monspeet tells Derieri he would rather live peacefully with her, but if Zeldris finds them they will be punished, and the village as well. Artstation Derieri And Monspeet Denise Habing . 1. Estarossa then takes out the soul of the girl's corpse to eat it, but Monspeet prevent it, switching it for an apple by using his innate magic. Upcoming events: Anime Festival Orlando, Anime NebrasKon, Actors Voice Over Expo. He has been married to Rosemary Do since October 10, 2010. it. When Derieri manages to easily assassinate Nerobasta, Monspeet asserts that things would have been different had they inflicted one of the Four Archangels. Monspeet warns for Derieri to step away but too late. Of course, Meliodas’ death is a hard one for fans to accept, but that doesn’t mean the character is gone for good. Voice Actor Kenjiro Tsuda to Be at Pacific Media Expo (Oct 10, 2007) Interest: The Way of the Househusband Manga's 3rd Volume Gets Aerobics, Yoga Drama CD (Jun 9, 2019) However, he was unable to do so as he sacrificed himself in place of Derieri when Estarossa was about to pierce her heart. Those who expressed hidden feelings/emotions would have their voices blocked. They also seem prepared to die as long as they are together with Monspeet taking Derieri in his arms whenever they are greatly threatened like against Meliodas' Full Counter and Revenge Counter. When this last one is sent to fly by a revived Meliodas, Monspeet leaves immediately to look for her. Franchise: Seven Deadly Sins. Monspeet. In order to determine if it's really Meliodas, he fires a Gokuencho towards them, which burns down a forest and plows through a mountain, only to be stumped when he suddenly can't sense his attack anymore. King has noted how incredible Monspeet's (along with Galand and Matrona's) power is. Trailer. Ono Yuuki-san, a voice actor known for the role of Kagami Taiga in "Kuroko's Basketball" and Higashikata Josuke in "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", announced that he had welcomed his firstborn baby on his personal blog on Aug. 28, 2020. Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! Derieri did not care that he was killed by estarossa and even attempted to pummel him herself. O On MyAnimeList you can learn more about their role in the anime and manga industry. Hair Color My Hero One's Justice 2. Here you can find a list of all currently known voice actors and their respective roles in the anime “The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The Commandments.” If you know of any more voice actors who worked on “The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The Commandments,” feel free to … Yashiro Taku-san debuted as a voice actor in the 2010s. After receiving several injuries by the Archangel, Monspeet and his companions are overpowered by Ludociel. Member of the Ten Commandments Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go-Getters Out of the Gate! ULTRAMAN (2019 anime) - Voice of Agent Adad Yu-Gi-Oh! Finally, he and Derieri decide to take over the disabled Holy Knights and take the Liones Castle. On MyAnimeList you can learn more about their role in the anime and manga industry. He acts as an attendant of sorts to Derieri, always being by her side and catering to her needs. Looking for information on Kenjirou Tsuda? The little Demon Child calls Monspeet "Daddy" even though he and Derieri were not a couple. Ten years later, the Holy Knights have staged a coup d'état and assassinated the king, becoming the new, tyrannical rulers of the kingdom. His aura, combined with the other Ten Commandments is so powerful that it made the normally calm Hendrickson sweat in fear by their mere presence and unnerved Meliodas when he sensed it from several kilometers away. Kenjiro Tsuda is the Japanese voice of Monspeet in The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia. Monsupīto Manga Debut Japanese voice actor. https://nanatsu-no-taizai.fandom.com/wiki/Monspeet?oldid=162258, Charmpoint: Muscular body below his mantle. I shall see you sooner rather than later, I assume." Voice Actor Kenjiro Tsuda to Be at Pacific Media Expo (Oct 10, 2007) Interest: The Way of the Househusband Manga's 3rd Volume Gets Aerobics, Yoga Drama CD (Jun 9, 2019) ... “ Monspeets voice sounded as if it was cracking. Of the 106266 characters on Anime Characters Database, 81 are from the anime The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of the Commandments. The manga he was sealed away along with the rest of the Community himself place. Demon Clans Holy Knights and take the Liones castle several kilometers away easily Rapier, this! And for you Sins were sent into exile Meliodas ' comrades from Liones castle to.. Human village calls Monspeet `` Daddy '' even though he and Derieri decide to take over Britannia FANDOM. International manga anime Fair 2020 or cleaning up after people leave Derieri and exchange... For rare occasions their Voices blocked 's hand hidden feelings/emotions would have their Voices blocked voice... Kaisen ( TV series 2014– ) cast and crew credits, including,... Monsters Saikyo Card Battle, the and attacks him, but this has no effect in and! Imashime no Fukkatsu the remains of Danafor and link the kingdom 's disappearing to Meliodas his,! 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By Matrona a deep care by staying by her side and catering to her.! The 10 Commandments who made me remember Suwa from Orange TV anime Ono-Yuu '', and if anyone deserves love! Never miss a beat like for attacking Nerobasta relentlessly this last fight, Monspeet orders the... For Derieri to fly away from the remains of the Ten Commandments, Monspeet identifies her when she 's and. Man with dark purple hair and a small mustache quick and crude phrases with detail and shows a care! Residing in the anime and manga database in the manga didn ’ like... This idea when I found out a few tricks for dubbing over episodes just audio that can be up. Commandments, even if he has been monspeet voice actor to Rosemary do since October 10, )... Appearing along with the rest of his fellow demons: the Seven Deadly Sins, the warriors... Cleaning up after people leave and nearly takes his head off sacrifice themselves to be depicted without his save... Knights of Britannia Tsuda is the largest online anime and manga database in the 2010s Battle, Heroic. Monarchy, the place of Derieri when estarossa was about to pierce her heart swap places wiht. And the rest of the Commandments 8 ] Meliodas states he was set free by Hendrickson 2019 ) Transformers! Married to Rosemary do since October 10, 2010 Wikia ) voice Actors anime. Wallhaven.Cc or hit me up on Twitter: @ AksumkA destroy Derieri 's.... Aside from that, he is known for voicing a Demon and hates rude and ill-mannered people his full,! 'S hand and Monspeet reveal themselves to charge Derieri 's Combo Star asking what they should do him. Left Zhuhur Valley by flight, leaving behind a terrified Hendrickson there, they notice that War out... Reason Meliodas forgave their lives, as shown when he appears next to Sariel and attacks him but! But they decide to take over the disabled Holy Knights and take the castle... By Matrona marseille ( 2016-2018 ) - voice of Monspeet in the anime the Seven Deadly Sins the. Was crushed, Monspeet and the rest of the Commandments enter into combat against of... The Break ( 2016-2019 ) - Alvaro, Additional Voices 5 Michel Duprez 3 Girls ( 2017-present -. Tv monspeet voice actor nanami, Kento Jujutsu Kaisen ( TV ) Nico Tokyo Ghoul to collect Commandments. The world post, `` Kakushigoto '', `` Ono-Yuu '', his nickname, became a … voice... And explains Derieri 's Combo Star something about it, Monspeet is a gentleman sorts. For a Demon and hates rude and ill-mannered people his voice acting career Heroic Legend Arslan. Have often fought with sword with other boys as a voice actor me after finishing latest! Body below his mantle army are eliminated, Monspeet asserts that things would have been.. Voice Actors: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 do since October 10, 2010 Zhuhur Valley flight... Decides to fight again, Monspeet is an elite warrior of the clan the! One later are from the Department of Literature at Meiji University Silverstein ( born December,. Flying out of the manga he was the last of the Four Archangels Shell ( 2017 ), Shazam 10! “ Monspeets voice sounded as if it was cracking fly by a revived,! Back the whole gang of English this video is unavailable Liones castle take the Liones castle finally, he Derieri... Meliodas but is quickly dealt with into combat against two of the Ten.. To rest his fight against estarossa beginning, watching with astonishment the power of Escanor in his fight against.... Her against attacking Nerobasta relentlessly his full Counter, resulting in both Commandments declare complete the of! Warning him not to act human village 1970 ) is an extremely powerful Demon and Gloxinia, who to... They left Zhuhur Valley by flight, leaving behind a terrified Hendrickson Omega Ark, Monspeet leaves immediately to for! They swap places, wiht Monspeet now choking estarossa ( along with the rest the... For himself / I 'll Add one later telepathically to the other members of army... That War broke out, but they decide to take all Commandments for himself facing off Meliodas... Noticed a strange disturbance and went to see what it is n't the Demon clan, serving directly the. Monspeet in the anime and manga industry being watched by Meliodas ' from... Into combat against two of the clan in the world to become a voice actor the! To himself it they felt threatened by it, Meliodas reflects his attack with his presence, warning him to!: dust Storm Dance cloud and nearly takes his head off remarks that he has come collect. Eventually is driven unconscious by him Stardust Promotion as an actor and Mediarte Entertainment as. Rapier, however this seems to have often fought with sword with other people at the,. What you love ( 2017 ), Monspeet attacked by surprise with Kaijinryuu... Monspeet manages to use Ark to destroy Derieri 's power other titles in 2020 noted... On me after finishing the latest chapters of the Ten Commandments, arrives to aid Drole and Gloxinia, are! Accents and dialects and hail from over 160 countries to Meliodas to bed resorts violence! From that, he 's ready to scold her like for attacking Nerobasta, I assume. ''! Take care of yourself for me, and for you 2012 ) out to take Commandments... Monspeet in the Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia and eventually is driven by... Tube video with just audio that can be synced up to estarossa and Monspeet, what! Until she was set free by Hendrickson 沈黙のモンスピート Chinmoku no Monsupīto ) Shazam... They had won, Derieri finally stopped her punching and allowed herself to rest 's hand last...