This page will be sent back to you as confirmation of receipt from the Marsden Fund. FUNDING FOR GROUNDBREAKING RESEARCH: The Marsden Fund/Te Putea Rangahau a Marsden has granted $959,000 to Gisborne's Matai Research chief executive Dr Samantha Holdsworth and Dr Sarah-Jane Guild of the University of Auckland and … 548 likes. The Marsden Fund was established in 1994 to fund excellent fundamental research. Māori research projects land Marsden Fund support. Marsden Fund of New Zealand, 2016-2019. "Remarkably, there are Mtb strains endemic to Māori and Pasifika communities. It will also inform local efforts, including efforts by and for Māori, to reduce substance-related harm.". The newly-formed Climate and Energy Finance Group received $869,000 to explore to what extent, and when, increasing floods would affect property values in coastal cities. The work held personal significance, she said. The Royal Society of New Zealand MARSDEN FUND Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden PRELIMINARY RESEARCH PROPOSAL APPLICATION RECEIPT RECORD (STANDARD PROPOSAL) Only one Application Receipt Record is to accompany the copies of your Preliminary Research Proposal. Grant: $550,000. Dr Jude Ball, of the University of Otago, Wellington, was awarded $300,000 to understand how the function and meaning of substance use has changed in young people's lives. Marsden Fund of New Zealand, 2016-2019. Marsden Fund Standard grants are open to established researchers as well as emerging researchers... Marsden Fund Fast-Start grants come from a special pool of funds set aside for emerging researchers (up to seven years after the conferment of their PhD)... Marsden Fund Council awards are a new category to support large interdisciplinary projects and are open to established researchers as well as emerging researchers... Find out who we are and what we do, including information on the Marsden Fund Council, panels and staff, Keep informed on what Marsden-funded research projects have been uncovering with print and broadcast media items, photo galleries, book galleries and in-depth articles, Supporting international research collaboration, President's Address 2019 on redefining research excellence, Te Takarangi: Celebrating Māori publications with Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, Climate change mitigation options for New Zealand, Climate change implications for New Zealand. It is managed by Royal … It is hypothesised that this association may be driven by both host and bacterial genetic factors as well as socioeconomic factors. Researcher Dr Erica Newman received $300,000 to examine the impact of the 1955 Adoption Act on the identity of descendants of Māori adoptees yet to connect to their taha Māori. Marsden Fund grant for Psa research project offers kiwifruit industry hope 25 Nov, 2020 04:00 PM 4 minutes to read Kiwifruit researcher Dr Jay Jayaraman of Plant & Food Research. The Marsden Fund awarded the researchers $954,000 over three years for the project. I know I am not the only person of Māori descent who is in this situation and it is important that these stories and journeys are explored. It is regarded as a hallmark of excellence, allowing New Zealand’s best researchers to explore their ideas. The Motu study of the effectiveness of the Marsden Fund is a great step towards transparency and the use of evidence in setting policy around science funding … The University’s researchers are leading 15 Standard grant projects worth up to $960,000 each over three years and 12 Fast-Start grant projects worth $300,000 each over three years. Despite New Zealand being a low TB country, TB disproportionally affects Māori and Pasifika compared to New Zealand Europeans. TRENDING. Marsden Fund marvels: 10 amazing new studies 1 Nov, 2017 10:55 PM 16 minutes to read One new Marsden Fund study could help us better understand the growth and formation of galaxies. REUTERS NEXT-Unilever 'strongly encourages' workers to get COVID vaccine Global. Current Marsden Fund projects. New Arrivals Festival of Speed Revival ... Sir Jonathan Marsden KCVO, FSA, former director of the Royal Collection and Surveyor of The Queen’s Works of Art. The Marsden funding will go towards projects across the university's disciplines from Commerce and Health to the Humanities and Sciences. Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden, the Marsden Fund, has allocated $83.671 million (excluding GST) to 125 research projects across Aotearoa. Marsden Fund Council Chair, Professor David Bilkey, says: “It is always humbling to see both the quality and breadth of excellent research that is being conducted within New Zealand. I congratulate those that have received funding, but I am also aware that these are highly competitive funding rounds, and that there are many excellent proposals that we are unfortunately unable to support. Marsden Fund. "There is always huge competition for these awards, not just from the country's eight universities, but also about 30 Crown research institutes and private and public-sector organisations. Hīkoi of a lifetime: Retracing Māhinaarangi's footsteps, Covid-19: Iwi Chairs forum urges cap on incoming travel, faster vaccine rollout, Church leader defends decision to exclude politicians from hui, No politicians at Rātana in 2021 as celebrations made exclusive for church adherents, Prada Cup: Disaster strikes as American Magic capsizes, Revolution puts healthy Pacific Island food back on the menu, Auckland man traumatised by mistaken arrest, Council transparency puts spoke in bike club's wheel. Because we don't know what has driven substance use down, policy makers and researchers are poorly placed to predict future trends or influence further positive change," she said. Keep informed on what Marsden-funded research projects have been unco... Find out how to get in touch with the Marsden Fund staff or find our premises, Announcements and media releases from the Marsden Fund Council and staff, General enquiries: +64 4 472 7421 | | PO Box 598, Wellington 6140. U.S. asks Tesla to recall 158,000 vehicles for touchscreen failures United States. "Accordingly, this research will explore to what extent, and when, increasing flood frequencies will impact property values in New Zealand's coastal cities given that markets are forward looking and have imperfect information. News; Marsden Fund under the microscope; Marsden Fund under the microscope . 11 November 2020 University news. University of Waikato researchers will lead 13 new programmes supported by the Marsden Fund covering topics from the whole disciplinary spectrum. For more information about the Marsden fund and how grants are allocated, click here. University of Otago researchers this week learned they have secured $17.5 million in funding for 30 projects, including three with a unique Māori perspective. Grants are made in all areas of research, in both science and the humanities. The Marsden Fund grants support New Zealand’s best investigator-initiated research in the areas of science, engineering, maths, social sciences and the humanities. Marsden grants fund research at University of Auckland . We estimate the impact of the NZ Marsden Fund on research success, by comparing the subsequent performance of funded and unfunded researchers. 3. "New approaches to answering these questions will be adopted by an interdisciplinary team of experts in geographical information systems, geology, climate change, real-estate and banking.". Supports excellence in science, engineering, maths, social sciences and the humanities in New Zealand by providing grants for investigator-initiated research. Dr Htin Lin Aung also received $300,000 to decode the genetic determinants of a strain of Tuberculosis-causing bacteria which disproportionally affect Māori. This journey could also connect the adoptee, if they are ready.". Share this. 10:50 am on 15 November 2020. 2016-2018. These larger awards will be worth up to $1 million per year for up to three years ($3 million maximum total award). Marsden Fund Council awards are a new category to support large interdisciplinary projects and are open to established researchers as well as emerging researchers... About the Marsden Fund. Ten Massey University-led research projects will receive almost $9 million from the Royal Society Te Apārangi annual Marsden Fund announced by Research, Science and Innovation Minister Dr Megan Woods. The clocktower of the University of Otago Registry Building in Dunedin. Published 2 October 2015. In total, the 2020 Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden, the Marsden Fund, has allocated $84.751 million to 134 research projects across Aotearoa in the humanities, sciences, maths, social sciences and engineering. AUT recipients . 2. The Marsden Fund provides grants to support excellence in science, engineering, maths, social sciences and the humanities in New Zealand. View the State Apartments . "Our research framework learns from Māori traditions of considering multiple generations in decision-making and Māori investment principles where environment and people are integral to a systemic view of investment decisions," he said. Twitter LinkedIn Email. "This latest impressive performance continues the University's strong record in gaining external research funding and reflects the ongoing strength of the University's research culture.". "Although I know I am of Māori descent I do not know my whakapapa, my hapū or iwi, my pepeha or my tūrangawaewae and this is because my mother was adopted into a non-Māori family. Research at the University of Auckland will be surging ahead, with today’s announcement of 39 Marsden grants, representing $24.8 m in funding. "I am the daughter of a Māori adoptee and do not yet know my taha Māori," she said. The research drew on a unique framework of Māori traditions and principles. "Absence of tūrangawaewae for descendants of Māori adoptees has an effect on their identity and their health and wellbeing. Goodwood is the seat of the Dukes of Richmond whose family art collection is one of the greatest in any English country house. (AI, with Brijesh Verma) Distributed data-intensive service composition. Finding whakapapa connections can only benefit the participant in strengthening their Māori identity by having the knowledge of who they are and where they come from. "This research will contribute to international efforts to understand why substance use has declined. The Marsden Fund. New Marsden Fund grants support innovative research. "Adolescent smoking, drinking and drug use have declined dramatically over the past 15 to 20 years in Aotearoa New Zealand and other OECD countries. These grants support excellent New Zealand research in the areas of science, engineering, maths, social sciences and the humanities We estimate the impact of participating in the NZ Marsden Fund on research output trajectories, by comparing the subsequent performance of funded … The Marsden Fund is administered by the Royal Society Te Apārangi on behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. 11 Turnbull StThorndon, Wellington 6011Aotearoa - New Zealand, © 2021 - Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi, Information on applying to the Marsden Fund, as well as guidelines for panel members and referees. Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden, the Marsden Fund, supports excellence in science, engineering, maths, social sciences and the humanities in New Zealand by providing grants for investigator-initiated research. The Mtb strain "Rangipo" is strongly associated with Māori. Grant: $270,000. "Further, we will examine if there are flow-on effects of these losses on the stability of domestic banking system. The grants are made from the Marsden Fund, which was established by the New Zealand Government in 1994. The aim of this study is to decode genetic determinants of the Rangipo strain for its virulence in Māori.". The clocktower of the University of Otago Registry Building in Dunedin. Share on Twitter; Share on Facebook ; Share via email; Share on Reddit; Share on Linked In; University of Otago researchers this week learned they have secured $17.5 million in funding for 30 projects, including three with a unique Māori perspective. Working Paper 21652 DOI 10.3386/w21652 Issue Date October 2015. We find that funding is associated with a 6%–15% increase in publications and an 11%–22% increase in citation-weighted papers for research teams. The Marsden Fund is the primary mechanism in New Zealand for funding pure research, which is undertaken solely to increase knowledge. Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project (DP160102639). About the Marsden Fund. Marsden Fund, Wellington, New Zealand. By understanding the factors it was hoped the health inequity for Māori could be better understood and addressed. Thursday, 8 November 2018, 9:44 am | Marsden Fund. Fourteen projects received grants ranging from $729,000 to $960,000, and a further 16 researchers received kick-start $300,000 grants. Content Sourced from We attempt to pin down the … Jason Gush, Adam B. Jaffe, Victoria Larsen & Athene Laws. Latest News on Marsden Fund, Read more information on Marsden Fund ... News. The Effect of Public Funding on Research Output: the New Zealand Marsden Fund. 5.1 New interdisciplinary award: the Marsden Fund Council Award The Council is introducing a larger award category to complement Fast-Start and Standard grants: the Marsden Fund Council Award. "Tuberculosis is a curable disease caused mainly by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), and yet paradoxically it claims 5000 people's lives daily. New Zealand’s top researchers have been awarded $65.2 million in Marsden Fund grants in the 2016 funding round, Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce announced today. Marsden grants are the main form of contestable funding for fundamental, 'blue skies' research in New Zealand. The Fund is managed by Te Apārangi Royal Society of New Zealand and supports research that is investigator-driven rather than funder- or industry-driven. 4. "It also has implications for the stability of our banks given that over 60 percent of the value of the four largest New Zealand banks loan portfolios are to housing.". 1. New Marsden Fund grants support innovative research in Aotearoa from atoms to Antarctica’s microbes The Marsden Fund has allocated $85.6 million (excluding GST) to a total of 136 research projects across New Zealand. We control for selection bias using the Marsden panel rankings. The research, led by Otago Business School's Associate Professor Ivan Diaz-Rainey, had immense value for the future. Google enables higher delegation limits for Gmail United States. Friday Fry Up: What tech got from the Marsden Fund, New tech term to learn: IoB, Dunedin back in front for broadband Friday Fry Up is Computerworld New Zealand’s weekly look at the world of IT. In aid of Ned's Fund. Information on applying to the Marsden Fund, as well as guidelines for panel m... Marsden Fund Standard grants are open to established researchers as we... Marsden Fund Fast-Start grants come from a special pool of funds set... Marsden Fund Council awards are a new category to support large interdi... Find out who we are and what we do, including information on the Marsden Fu... Ka whakanuia te rangahau Celebrating 25 years of the Marsden Fund. Photo: 123rf. University vice-chancellor professor Harlene Hayne said the awards were a significant achievement and testament to the exceptionally hard work and world-leading research happening at the University of Otago. "This is an extremely important topic because 65 per cent of the population in New Zealand live within 5km of the sea and 85 per cent of individual wealth is concentrated in real estate," associate professor Diaz-Rainey said. View more on how to contact us or use this form to send us an email. The Bradford Royal Infirmary unit was set … Dr Nicola Gaston comments on an evaluation of the Marsden Fund carried out by Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Institute. Over the next three years, their research will help us better understand the natural world (including impacts of climate change and pollution), human health and psychology, and history. Share. GERRY Marsden, who died earlier this month, left a poignant legacy in Bradford - raising funds for the city's pioneering burns unit. (PI) A Novel Framework for Optimised Ensemble Classifier. Gush, Adam B. Jaffe, Victoria Larsen & Athene Laws for more information about the Marsden Fund the... Why substance use has declined reuters NEXT-Unilever 'strongly encourages ' workers to get COVID vaccine Global 960,000 and. The greatest in any English country house for Gmail United States research Institute are allocated, here. Are Mtb strains endemic to Māori and Pasifika communities `` further, we will examine if there are flow-on of! Humanities and sciences Brijesh Verma ) Distributed data-intensive service composition Tesla to 158,000. And health to the humanities had immense value for the future a strain of Tuberculosis-causing bacteria which affect! Dp160102639 ) Society of New Zealand Marsden Fund carried out by Motu Economic and Public Policy research Institute Rangipo for... 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