Supervision. Marsden Fund Fast-Start grants come from a special pool of funds set aside for emerging researchers (up to seven years after the conferment of their PhD)... Marsden Fund Council Award. Marsden Fund of New Zealand, 2020-2023. Rico Rodriguez Promoted to General Manager of Haynes . Marsden Fund marvels: 10 amazing new studies 1 Nov, 2017 10:55 PM 16 minutes to read One new Marsden Fund study could help us better understand the growth and formation of galaxies. Dr Parr’s project will examine the historical trajectory of the proclaimed epidemic by bringing together the voices of people involved with creating and disseminating popular narratives around obesity, with medical developments, industry interests and social changes in New Zealand from 1945 to the present. Useful Links. 2019-2022. The Marsden Fund received a total of 1170 proposals, made up of 721 Standard and 443 Fast-Start Expressions of Interest (EOIs), and six Marsden Fund Council (MFC) Award proposals. Massey enjoys continued success in Marsden Fund Massey projects receive $7.45m from Marsden Fund Massey staff appointed to Marsden Fund Council. Ardis was born on April 20, 1928, in Medford, Massachusetts and was the daughter of the late Lawson and Elizabeth (Miller) Oikle. Associate Professor Rachel McKee (School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies), Signs of development: Sociolinguistic variation and change in New Zealand Sign Language in times of status change and globalisation, $778,000. Professor Rodney Downey (School of Mathematics and Statistics), New initiatives in the Theory of Computation, $718,000. The Marsden Fund is the primary mechanism in New Zealand for funding pure research, which is undertaken solely to increase knowledge. Published 10 November 2020. Details of all award winners and project abstracts can be found here. Professor Margaret Barbour, School of Science, Global productivity over the Holocene: Leaf hydraulic design to constrain the Dole effect Standard grants. Analyse material in primitive meteorites and reconstruct compositions of the earliest planetary ingredients to better understand how the solar system was developed. Dr Lujia (Luke) Liu (School of Physical and Chemical Sciences), 3D Covalent Organic Frameworks: Potential Materials to Break the Porosity Record? About the Marsden Fund. 1.12.2020 Natera $75,000 Research grant. Dr Victoria Chen (School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies), Mountain or coast? 11 November 2020. I want to find out why Māori make their electoral roll choice, and my findings will inform debate about the future of these electorates. The Marsden Fund Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden supports excellent New Zealand research. Business School. Professor John Townend (School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences) co-leading with Dr Caroline Holden (GNS Science), Fault slip and ground-shaking in the coming Alpine Fault earthquake, $960,000. Education and society, “These grants will help our researchers make a valuable difference in so many fields of New Zealand and global life as they bring their expertise, insights and research skills to bear on some of the greatest opportunities and challenges of our time, be they social, environmental, technological, health-related or economic.”. 1 talking about this. Based on a pilot study of rivers across New Zealand, including the Waimatā River in Gisborne, Dr Hikuroa and Professor Salmond say the project is looking for new ways to give rivers a voice and to revitalise them as living communities of landscapes, plants, animals and people. First there was gunpowder, then nuclear weapons. The Government has just announced a $798,000 boost for the project, with the grant to be distributed over the next three years through the 2020 Marsden Fund, which supports world-leading research. Created: 13/11/2020 | Last updated: 17/11/2020 Current treatments for Alzheimer’s disease can help manage symptoms but are unable to slow the progression of this devastating disease. Wellington’s University has best Marsden Fund year ever, Examine how people are finding ways to experience intimacy through dating apps during COVID-19, Help young people negotiate the digital marketing of alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes and other unhealthy products, Explore why bystanders fail to step in to prevent bullying and find ways to teach children how to do so, Develop postcolonial understandings of collective maternal wellbeing through following women’s journeys into motherhood, Redesign water markets to incentivise the provision of environmental flows, Investigate how kaupapa Māori approaches to food might transform what we eat, how we obtain it and how we value it, Co-create urban design strategies centred in Indigenous ecological knowledge and nature-based solutions, Collaborate with Māori and Native Americans to examine multiculturalism’s impact—helpful or harmful—on Indigenous communities, Use novel seismological observations to investigate the factors affecting patterns of ground-shaking in future large Alpine Fault earthquakes, Improve knowledge of the atmospheric circulation pattern encircling Antarctica known as zonal wave three (or ZW3) to better understand southern hemisphere climate extremes and how their location and intensity may change over this century. Distinguished Professor Dame Anne Salmond, Dr Dan Hikuroa (Te Wānanga o Waipapa) and Dr Billie Lythberg (Business School) have been awarded $870,000 for Let the River Speak, a project which drew inspiration from the 2017 Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui River) Act, in which Aotearoa New Zealand became the first nation-state to recognise the river as a legal person. Marsden Fund of New Zealand, 2020-2023. The difference between living and non-living things has been debated since antiquity, and still confounds scientists and philosophers. Professor Colleen Ward (School of Psychology), Is Multiculturalism Helpful or Harmful to Indigenous Peoples?, $870,000. Email:, Politics and International Relations, Faculty of Arts, Harassment, bullying, sexual assault and other violence, Career Development and Employability Services (CDES), Postgraduate policies, guidelines and forms, Latest volunteering and mentoring opportunities. One-stage proposal process, with a full proposal to be submitted by the February deadline. Dr Bruce Charlier (School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences), The recipe for our solar system: Investigating the raw ingredients in the oldest meteorites, $624,000. The Marsden funding will go towards projects across the university's disciplines from Commerce and Health to the Humanities and Sciences. The Marsden Fund recently published a virtual roadshow for the 2021 application round that has just opened: Mob: 027 562 5868 Dr Julia Talbot-Jones (School of Government), Fresh ideas for water economics and policy. Standard grants. Marsden Fund Council Award: Open to all eligible researchers. Sitemap. Anonymous, Sight (from The Five Senses), 1630-40, ©Trustees of the British Museum . Marsden Fund Fast-Start grants support early career researchers to develop independent research and build exceptional careers in New Zealand. The University’s full list of researchers leading projects supported in the 2020 Marsden Fund round are: STANDARD. The Marsden Fund received a total of 1170 proposals, made up of 721 Standard and 443 Fast-Start Expressions of Interest (EOIs), and six Marsden Fund Council (MFC) Award proposals. Marsden Newsroom. Assessed in a two-stage process by the Marsden Fund Council. “The social complexities underlying obesity in this country become further entangled by our stark differences in obesity rates, with Māori and Pacific populations showing the highest rates,” she says, noting that New Zealand’s legacy of colonisation and close relationship with the Pacific Islands make it a novel case study within the global rise of obesity. University news. Two of the projects even tackle issues raised by COVID-19,” says the University’s Vice-Provost (Research), Professor Margaret Hyland. (AI, with Bing Xue) Precision Farming National Science Challenge SfTI Spearhead. MadawaskaAcadian Light-Heavy (1940, Chicago Art Institute) ist eine davon. With associate investigator, Dr Dan Hikuroa, Dr Parke will also take the philosophical discussion in new directions, as a lens through which to examine the relationship between indigenous and scientific knowledge. 26 February 2020. We are thrilled to announce a star-studded benefit concert to be held at London’s iconic O2 Arena on Tuesday 3 March 2020 with a stellar line up of superstars performing their biggest hits.Funds raised from the concert will go towards building The Royal Marsden’s brand new, state of the art treatment and research facility, the Oak Cancer Centre. Prof Hulme and his team will look at whether the prices of non-native ornamental plants, as well as their popularity with gardeners, contribute to them becoming invasive. Client Change Interview. 16.12.2020 Cancer Research Trust New Zealand. With more than 100 proposed definitions and “no movement towards consensus, it’s a debate that has arrived at a bit of an impasse”, she says. History, Faculty of Arts. She was surrounded by her family. Dr Parke’s account will resolve sticking points in philosophical debates about life and scientific concepts more broadly, and will inform theoretical and empirical work in scientific fields where life matters, such as astrobiology and origin-of-life research. by Marsden Services on November 8, 2020 at 7:00 am . Professor Kevin Burns (School of Biological Sciences), Eusociality in plants, $943,000. Current Marsden Fund projects. Press Release: Royal Society. 16.12.2020 Marsden Fund 2021 round info and deadline. The University of Auckland is ranked No. From the University’s initial 166 proposals, it had a success rate of 16 percent, compared with a national rate of 11.5 percent. Life Space Mapping. The Fund is managed by Te Apārangi Royal Society of New Zealand and supports research that is investigator-driven rather than funder- or industry-driven. Dr Qi Chen(School of Engineering and Computer Science), Genetic Programming for Evolving Interpretable Models for Symbolic Regression. See separate guidelines for more details. The University also topped the previous PBRF assessment. Dr Lara Greaves Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden (the Marsden Fund) encourages New Zealand’s leading researchers to explore new ideas that may not be supported through other funding streams, and fosters creativity and innovation. The amounts awarded – between $530,000 and $960,000 – are in line with each project’s research requirements. In 2020, there were 59 recipients of Fast-Start grants for a total of $17,700,000 (excluding GST). Marsden Fund preliminary proposals for 2020. Marsden grants fund research at University of Auckland. Details below. This represents a slight increase compared to last year’s total of 1163. The University also has eight researchers involved in Standard grant recipients led by other institutions, including Dr Lynda Petherick, who is co-leading Australia burning, NZ melting: impacts of bushfires on NZ glacial environments with Dr Phil Novis of Manaaki Whenua—Landcare Research. Dr Jianzhao Geng (Robinson Research Institute), Ultra-precise control of magnetic flux quanta in high-Tc superconducting magnets. Marsden Hartleys Lieblingsmodell war der französisch-kanadische Boxer im Halbschwergewicht. University of Waikato Marsden Fund 2020 winners (principal investigators) and their project titles are as follows. Tuesday, 10 November 2020, 4:31 pm. In total, the 2020 Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden, the Marsden Fund, has allocated $84.751 million to 134 research projects across Aotearoa in the humanities, sciences, maths, social sciences and engineering. More related articles. Employee Resources. Re-imagining anti-racism theory in the health … Dr Nick Brettell(School of Mathematics and Statistics), Matroids representable over GF(4) and other fields. These questions are behind four projects from the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Arts to receive a total of $1,770,000 in funding from Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden, the Marsden Fund. The success rate was 13.3% for these awards. Nachdem sich Marsden Hartley 1937 in Maine niedergelassen hatte, wandte er sich Studien nach athletischen Männern und Sportlern zu. Recent Publications. by Marsden Services on November 15, 2020 at 7:25 am . FUNDING FOR GROUNDBREAKING RESEARCH: The Marsden Fund/Te Putea Rangahau a Marsden has granted $959,000 to Gisborne's Matai Research chief executive Dr Samantha Holdsworth and Dr Sarah-Jane Guild of the University of Auckland and their team of top specialists to research the capability of the newly developed medical imaging method as a non … Professor Margaret Barbour, School of Science, Global productivity over the Holocene: Leaf hydraulic design to constrain the Dole effect So, the spreadsheet on who got the nod in the 2020 round of the Marsden Fund Te Pūtea Rangahau—‘New Zealand’s premier fund for investigator-led research’—makes for a fascinating read. 05 February 2020. American Security & Investigations Acquires Premier Security. Standard grants Personalised outcome measures. This year, the Marsden Fund has allocated $84 million to 134 research … Professor Martyn Coles (School of Chemical and Physical Sciences), Activating Substrates for Chemical Synthesis with Reactive Aluminium Reagents, $941,000. Dr Maibritt Pedersen Zari (Wellington School of Architecture), Wellbeing through Nature-based Urban Design: Co-designing Climate Adaptations in Oceania, $870,000. 2020 > Marsden Fund grant supports UC molecular research on Alzheimer’s disease. Faculty of Arts, Overall, the Marsden Fund awarded 134 grants, with Wellington’s 27 accounting for a fifth of them. Details below. University of Waikato Marsden Fund 2020 winners (principal investigators) and their project titles are as follows. It’s outcome will be a range of practical interventions aimed at restoring river communities to a state of ora – prosperity, health and wellbeing. This is an important focus for the University. Political scientist Dr Lara Greaves receives a $300,000 Fast-Start grant to look at the seven Māori electorates and why people of Māori descent choose to either vote on the Māori or general roll. The University’s full list of researchers leading projects supported in the 2020 Marsden Fund round are: Professor Kevin Burns (School of Biological Sciences), Eusociality in plants, $943,000. Professor Noam Greenberg co-leading with Dr Daniel Turetsky (both School of Mathematics and Statistics), Computability, Reverse Mathematics, and Effective Descriptive Set Theory, $718,000. University of Waikato Marsden Fund 2020 winners (principal investigators) and their project titles are as follows. The Government has just announced a $798,000 boost for the project, with the grant to be distributed over the next three years through the 2020 Marsden Fund, which supports world-leading research. Hartley schuf sie für ein Wandbild in einem Sportstudio. Grant: $707,000. It is managed by Royal Society Te Apārangi on behalf of the government. Dr Julie Deslippe (School of Biological Sciences) co-leading with Professor Aimee Classen (University of Michigan), Changing climate and biodiversity in mountains: understanding the interactive effects of warming, species extinctions and invasions on ecosystem function, $960,000. “In 2020 of all years, the success of these projects is a great achievement for the researchers involved and the professional staff supporting them in their applications during the upheavals of COVID-19. More than half the projects are led by women and many incorporate mātauranga Māori and collaborate with Māori to tackle issues of concern to their communities. Associate Professor Gina Grimshaw(School of Psychology),Attentional Control in Emotional States: Insights from Virtual Reality, $869,000. Project. Establish the origins of Austronesian, the second largest language family (spoken from Madagascar to Polynesia and including Māori), to better understand the peopling of Southeast Asia and Polynesian and Māori prehistory. Steve Putnam Promoted to … “I want to find out why Māori make their electoral roll choice, and my findings will inform debate about the future of these electorates, and help ensure effective political representation for Māori, and Indigenous peoples worldwide,” she says. Client Resources. The grants are made from the Marsden Fund, which was established by the New Zealand Government in 1994. Professor Margaret Barbour, School of Science, Global productivity over the Holocene: Leaf hydraulic design to constrain the Dole effect. University of Waikato Marsden Fund 2020 winners (principal investigators) and their project titles are as follows. For Alzheimer ’ s disease can help manage symptoms but are unable slow... 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