Although it has a certain independent consciousness, when it is attacked or threatened, it will still directly smack into the enemy and explode. Ragnarok M Eternal Love: Alchemist Job Change Class. - Duration: 10:49. MARVEL Realm of Champions. Search monster by size, type, race, or element. Lvl 10 Axe/Hammer Mastery – Permanently increase ATK 1 Medicine Bowl (Alchemist guild seller in Al De Baran) 1 Empty Bottle. Untuk mencari monster, masukan nama monster di kolom Search. Hi there! (The price in exchange might vary from time to time). (Detail monster saat ini sedang kami update) Suggestion: Cart Change, Learning Potion, Axe Hammer Mastery, Pharmacy, Lvl 10 Life MergeLvl 5 Cart BoostLvl 5 Cart CannonLvl 5 Health LinkLvl 15 Genetic ModificationLvl 10 Demonic FireLvl 5 Searing Storm, Weapon: Berdysz, Holy Dagger > Stalker’s Knife, Elder’s Hammer (2 slots)Offhand: Floral Bracelet / Rosa BraceletHead: Cat Ear Beret, Rudolph’s Horn, Nut on HeadFace: Any that helpsMouth: Spiked ScarfTail: Marchosias Tail, Beast’s TailBack: Devil WingArmor: Tights or Alloy Armor, Thiefs Clothes > Breath Holder’s ArmorGarment: Ancient CapeFootgear: Rune BootsAccessory: Strength Ring, AGI Pin, Martyr’s Leash, Weapon – Desert Wolf Card x 2 (for Cramp) or any Race card that helps (Hell plant unaffected by element)Headwear – Andre ★ CardOffhand – Lude CardArmor – Dark Swordsman CardAccessories – Ultraman Card (for Harpy), All Hell Plant Runes – 46 Gold Medals min (For Hellplant Occult)Ignore DefINT switchAmistr BlessingCart BoostSTR, STR Meal BSlow Attack AlloySatisfied Feast or (Atk & Pen) Original Will-Cookies dish (DMG% to non-boss), If you think you have the biggest baddest Creator build, leave a comment below. Ragnarok M: Eternal Love is an open world MMORPG based on the ever famous Ragnarok Online, and inherits the RO legacy that drew the attention of millions of … When it's threatened, it explodes itself. Marine Sphere creation guide? Normal. A very old single-cell mutated monster which evolves slowly. Could always buy from someone, but it's kinda cheaper to make it in a sense. 35 Pages. Add new page. 32 at Underwater Temple or you could buy this from Exchange for 566 Zeny. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. From experience, Creator is hella fun to play. Alchemist Job Change is a bit lengthy, so bringing enough Butterfly Wings and Fly Wings could do you good while completing the task. Rune Nifelheim Ragnarok Mobile Monstruos. :), RO Mobile: Merchant / Alchemist / Creator / Genetic, RO Mobile: Merchant / Blacksmith / Whitesmith / Mechanic, RO Mobile: Acolyte / Priest / High Priest / Archbishop / Saint, RO Mobile: Merchant / Alchemist / Creator / Genetic, RO Mobile: Merchant / Blacksmith / Whitesmith / Mechanic, RO Mobile: Archer / Hunter / Sniper / Ranger. Type. Search monster by size, type, race, or element. Throw it and a hammer will be set in the bottle. Deposit Card. Not only that, Creators can weaken tanks incredibly which is perfect for War of Emperium. Good Mobile Games Private Limited. Rune Nifelheim Database Monstruos. Marine Sphere monster, where to find Marine Sphere. Arguably the best place to go Marine Sphere Mobbing is Ra_San01, aka the Rachel Sanctuary dungeon: To get there you need an entry quest, the Rachel Dungeon entry quest is part of the Cursed Abbey Questline so if you already completed the Abbey access quest, you should have access to Rachel Sanctuary as well. Max HP +24. Nivel 51 Marine Sphere. 41 at Mjolnir, Marine Sphere Lv. Romwiki. ... Ragnarok Mobile Fansite. Posts about sphere marine written by TataQueen. A3: STILL ALIVE. Monster dengan perawakan prajurit tinggal tulang tersebut memiliki drop rate sebesar 28.05%, disusul Marine Sphere dengan drop rate 30.56% serta Flora yang terbesar dengan 42.78%. Manipulate the laws of nature with the Creator. Monstruo. ( Log Out / Talk to Nemma outside the temple to get the quest started. Change ), Enter your email address to follow this guide and receive useful updates of new posts by email. All images and content on belong to their respective creators. 1 Tendon (drops from Marine sphere) 1 Detonator (drops from Marine sphere) Some Gloria, Clementia/Blessing and Lauda (HP/AB Support) And creation potion? Marine Sphere's item drop, stats, hit, flee, range, speed, race, element, size, base exp, job exp, hp and sp. One has the Ultraman Card, and the latter has a Marine Sphere Card equipped. With our easy to use ROM monster database, you're sure to find what you're looking for! The one who stamps on it carelessly will be killed. "Hey you! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts I use two Luna Brooch [1] because they’re cheap. Manipulate the laws of nature with the Creator. Gathering their detonators may be useful for Alchemists. It floated peacefully in the water, but exploded if something came into contact with it. Koality Game. I recommend buying a Marine Sphere card 100%. If you are using Elder Hammer weapon:Lvl 10 Axe Hammer Mastery (if you are using Elder Hammer)Remove Acid Terror and Acid DemonstrationLvl 5 Gene modificationSuggestion:Put points to max out Pharmacy & later on Learning potion. On iRO, this item is localized as Marine Sphere Creation Guide. Recently Changed Pages. The trick is to cast Life Psychic last. The Alchemist is one of the two 2nd job choices that specializes in potion creation and has an ability to summon Homunculus monsters. Sebekum berbicara lebih jauh, berikut lokasi yang disarankan untuk mencari Memento di Ragnarok Mobile: Eternal Love, di antaranya: Ghost Ship (Level 20-30) Item information for Marine Sphere Card. Manipulate the laws of nature with the Creator. Attack: 1 ~ 2: Range: 1 cell: Aspd: 139.95: Move Speed: 800 ms: Base Exp: 446: Base Exp per HP: 0.232: Job Exp: 503: Job Exp per HP: 0.261: 100% Hit: 267: 95% Flee: 250 When it's threatened, it explodes itself.1 Strange, round-shaped monsters that pulse with destructive energy. Loot / Draw / Craft Card. Can use skill [Magnum Break] Lv.3 The … More RO Mobile: Merchant / Alchemist / Creator / Genetic, Enter your email address to follow this guide and receive useful updates of new posts by email. Accessory Marine Sphere Card: Effects: Can use skill [Magnum Break] Lv.3. Monster Database > Marine Sphere Marine Sphere. Increases Magnun Break Dmg by 50%, but lose a certain amount of HP each time using Magnum Break. Creators are great tanks thanks to their Homunculus and can dish out a considerable amount of damage to make your enemies fear you. Nivel 32. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 3 minutos Ragnarok Mobile Shura Hell Gate Build E aí galera, como vocês estão?Hoje vamos falar de uma das classes com maior dano massivo do jogo e muito procurada para ir à caça do MVPs no jogo, o assunto de hoje é Ragnarok Mobile Shura Hell Gate Build! 2017 Adventurer apk auction bard card cat cbt collection Cooking EP1.0 equipment eternal love event fashion gacha glast heim goblin guide guild interface item job King Poring list maintenance mercenary mobile new generation news pet popular quest ragnarok rank ro skill skill translation sneak peek tencent thief translation update updates wedding 80 to 99 STR80 to 99 VIT20 to 40 DEX [Start with 10 DEX and work on the other stats first], Lvl 10 Cart Attack – 750% PATK at Lv10, Delay 2.5s, Lvl 5 Change Cart – Increase bag slot by 30, Lvl 10 Funding – Increase 20% Zeny looted from monsters, Lvl 5 Sphere Parasiticism – Deals extra x 2.2 DMG (requires: Marine Sphere Bottle, purchasable at Shop), Lvl 3 Call Homunculus – Lvl 1: Lif, (heal) Lvl 2: Amistr (tank), Lvl 3: Vanilmirth (dmg), Lvl 5 Homunculus Strength – Increases homunculus stats permanently, Lvl 10 Life Psychic – Decreases own %PATK & %MATK to improve homunculus stats, Lvl 2 Resurrect Homunculus – Resurects homunculus, Lvl 10 Enchance Cart – Increase ATK by 150 (Merchant Skill), Lvl 5 Axe/Hammer Mastery – Permanently increase ATK, Lvl 10 Hell Plant – Summons a hell plant that does PATK (1 Skill Point first until Homunculus Strength II is maxed), Lvl 10 Homunculus Strength II – Improves stats for Hell Plant & Homunculus, Lvl 5 Super Life Psychic – VIT increases homunculus stats, Suggestion: Resurrect Homunculus, Axe/Hammer Mastery, Lvl 10 Demonic FireLvl 5 Searing StormLvl 10 Life MergeLvl 5 Cart BoostLvl 5 Cart CannonLvl 5 Health LinkLvl 15 Genetic Modification, Weapon: Berdysz / Holy Dagger or Elder’s HammerOffhand: Floral Bracelet / Rosa BraceletHead: Cat Ear Beret, Eye Scar, Spiked Scarf / Cat Ear Beret, Nut on Head PipeTail: Marchosias TailBack: Devil WingArmor: TightsGarment: Ancient CapeFootgear: Shoes / Bunny SlippersAccessory: Luna Brooch / STR Ring, Sphere ParasitismAmistr BlessingBlood LustHell PlantRestore Homunculus, 80 to 99 STR20 to 30 DEX [Start with 10 DEX and work on the other stats first], The rest into STR (max) then extras into INT then VIT, Lvl 10 Discount – Discount from NPC Shops, Lvl 5 Overprice – Increase Selling price to NPCs, Lvl 5 Acid Terror – Deals PATK, causes Bleed, chance to break armor, Lvl 1 Call Homunculus – Lvl 1: Lif, (heal & MATK), Lvl 10 Axe/Hammer Mastery – Permanently increase ATK, Lvl 4 Pharmacy – Increases 8% potion crafting success rate, Lvl 5 Powerful Acid Demonstration – Increases MATK of Acid Demonstration by 200%, Lvl 10 Improved Acid Demonstration – Deals Physical DMG to enemy, has 1% chance of breaking weapon & armor, Lvl 10 Pharmacy – Increases 20% potion crafting success rate, Lvl 1 Hell Plant – Summons a hell plant that does PATK, Suggestion: Call Homunculus, Homunculus Strength, Axe/Hammer Mastery, Weapon: Berdysz / Elder’s HammerOffhand: Floral Bracelet / Rosa BraceletHead: Cat Ear Beret, Eye Scar, Spiked Scarf / Cat Ear Beret, Nut on Head PipeTail: Marchosias TailBack: Devil WingArmor: Alloy Mail / Alloy ArmorGarment: Ancient CapeFootgear: Rune Shoes / Rune BootsAccessory: Luna Brooch / STR Ring, 119 STR (Make sure your total DEX is 90)Rest to DEX. 17:15. Selain itu juga dapat memperoleh drop berupa item, equip dan cards. :), RO Mobile: Merchant / Alchemist / Creator / Genetic, RO Mobile: Acolyte / Priest / High Priest / Archbishop / Saint, RO Mobile: Merchant / Alchemist / Creator / Genetic, RO Mobile: Merchant / Blacksmith / Whitesmith / Mechanic, RO Mobile: Archer / Hunter / Sniper / Ranger. Berikut daftar lengkapnya. . Marine Sphere is a spherical creature drifting under the sea without an aim. Marine Sphere monstruo Ragnarok Mobile. Totally Zero… Strange, round-shaped monsters that pulse with destructive energy. Marine Sphere's item drop, stats, hit, flee, range, speed, race, element, size, … I’ve adjusted it to have the STR Ring thanks for your feedback! Where to find Marine Sphere. Dalam Ragnarok Online Mobile Eternal Love terdapat banyak sekali monster yang dapat dimusnahkan untuk menaikkan level. My attempt to help people starting with the Creator Class. ROGuard - Ragnarok M: Eternal Love Database. With our easy to use ROM monster database, you're sure to find what you're looking for! Heres a guide for all the ragnarok mobile players looking for a whitesmith alt character farming guide. Legend of Treasure - Arc Hero. Slot. Lvl 5 Sphere Parasiticism – Deals extra x 2.2 DMG (requires: Marine Sphere Bottle, purchasable at Shop) Lvl 1 Call Homunculus – Lvl 1: Lif, (heal & MATK) Lvl 5 Homunculus Strength – Increases homunculus stats permanently. ( Log Out / Kabam Games, Inc. Prizefighters 2. Marine Sphere: Monstruos del Ragnarok Online. Ragnarok Online Mobile Wiki. Although it has a certain independent consciousness, when it is attacked or threatened, it will still directly smack into the enemy and explode. Use Magnum break (manually) after casting all of your buffs (except Life Psychic). Marine Sphere is a spherical creature drifting under the sea without an aim. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Monster details for Marine Sphere. Configuración: 1x/1x/1x (Renewal) | Editar. A very old single-cell mutated monster which evolves slowly. The requirement item to finish this quest are the following: 30 x Mementos; 1 x CD – Miss You; You can loot Mementos from Flora Lv. ( Log Out / When it's threatened, it explodes itself.1 Strange, round-shaped monsters that pulse with destructive energy. Ragnarok Mobile Whitesmith NO RUNES One Shot ORCS Farming Guide Dont forget to Subscribe by Clicking the link below. Ragnarok Mobile Creator Sphere Parasitism Guide - Duration: 17:15. simpleonin 37,330 views. Search ROM items and equipments, Look up monster base experience, job experience, stats, sub stats, location, drops, properties, and other information! The CD – Miss You can be bought from the Event NPC in Prontera. Lvl 5 Sphere Marine – 400% ranged PATK. This is the first of a series of videos RO仙境傳說:5 SECRET TRICKS Version 2 in RAGNAROK MOBILE! This one is special because you can farm efficiently without investing heavily in Runes and gold badges. From experience, Creator is hella fun to play. Creators are great tanks thanks to their Homunculus and can dish out a considerable amount of damage to make your enemies fear you. Marine Sphere is a spherical creature drifting under the sea without an aim. Not only that, Creators can weaken tanks incredibly which is perfect for War of Emperium. I overlooked this. Creators are great tanks thanks to their Homunculus and can dish out a considerable amount of damage to make your enemies fear you. A full guide on the quest can be found here: You will need 40x Glacial … A book with instructions for catching Marine Spheres and trapping them in bottles. Why did you put Luna Brooch in the Hell Plant Creator and not Str Ring/ Frosen Rose Ring? Marine Sphere. Marine Sphere Bottle is an item in Ragnarok-Online Mobile: Eternal Love. Search ROM items and equipments, Look up monster base experience, job experience, stats, sub stats, location, drops, properties, and other information! YOULOFT GAMES. ( Log Out / Netmarble. r/RagnarokMobile: Ragnarok M: Eternal Love is a free-to-play fantasy RPG based off the original Ragnarok Online franchise, developed by XD Global … Press J to jump to the feed. Look up Marine Sphere's spawn location on iRO / kRO, spawn amount and spawn time. So I watched this YT video of a sphere parasitic creator build and is using a Multiplication card, but I'm kinda confused what the card actually does and it also has a vague description of "[Sphere Parasitism] Marine Sphere Bottle cost =1", by default the skill already use 1 Marine Sphere Bottle. 1 Objectives 2 Summary 3 Notes 4 Rewards 5 Progress 6 Completion 7 External links 8 Patches Enter into the Temple of the Sea God by the deep sea turtle and get Marine Sphere Sinew from Marine Sphere to send the Mermen Merchant in the Resistance Army Base. Basic Alchemy: Marine Sphere Creation ----------------Preface-------------------- We discovered a monster called Marine Sphere while exploring Izlude. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Wiki Content. Special because you can farm efficiently without investing heavily in RUNES and badges. - Duration: 17:15. simpleonin 37,330 views for Marine Sphere Sphere 's spawn on. 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