0000087259 00000 n 0000015297 00000 n 0000015927 00000 n 0000175262 00000 n 0000038859 00000 n 0000015747 00000 n Letter : Audio: Thai Name: Transliteration: English Name: Class: Initial: Final: ค 0000043893 00000 n 0000013891 00000 n 0000043769 00000 n 0000267223 00000 n 0000256352 00000 n 0000225037 00000 n 0000030016 00000 n %PDF-1.7 %���� Learning the Thai alphabet is very important because its structure is used in every day conversation. 0000015162 00000 n The source is on GitHub. 0000013936 00000 n Download full-text PDF. 0000035481 00000 n Download PDF; About the chart. 0000151540 00000 n 0000012124 00000 n This paper aims to examine similarities and differences between Thai and English consonants. 0000211005 00000 n There are 44 consonant symbols in the Thai alphabet which produce 21 initial consonant sounds when used at the beginning of a syllable and 6 final consonant sounds when used at the end of a syllable. 0000012993 00000 n Top Thai Consonants Flashcards Ranked by Quality. 0000039756 00000 n A Thai syllable is made from either 1. a consonant + vowel Or 2. a consonant + vowel + consonant Well, A syllable can end with any vowel, but some consonants are not used in the final position. There are 44 consonants in the Thai language. 0000012824 00000 n 0000152680 00000 n 0000034290 00000 n 0000012869 00000 n 0000188723 00000 n 0000015882 00000 n 0000247253 00000 n 0000217239 00000 n Thai, like other Indian-based scripts, lists consonants and vowels separately. 0000160778 00000 n 0000267886 00000 n 0000207884 00000 n 0000044129 00000 n Let’s review a bit before we continue, there are 44 Consonants in the Thai Alphabet which are divided into 3 classes; 1. 0000217902 00000 n But like anything in life, the sooner you get started, the faster you’ll learn. 0000151849 00000 n 0000036414 00000 n 0000013083 00000 n gL��8D'��q�BZ���,���#DX�qѢ�h�DP��s��{��@# uS }녝���ӂT|��+K����0�V��T����T�(�(��B���؉;lc��VE��e�����W��[a��%jB!�T��Q�V%��E�����y-��P�%���|\��q\1=���^��D�Q��qypZ�wdQ �cԊ��+Ui�R����dAM��p�$�ey��F��5�ڙ��G�V--�|:3��������2. 0000158022 00000 n 0000020511 00000 n High Class 3. 0000195730 00000 n 0000029634 00000 n 0000224374 00000 n 0000041119 00000 n There are 44 consonants in Thai script. 0000015612 00000 n 0000238281 00000 n 0000151045 00000 n 0000252052 00000 n The pronunciation errors of Thai regular final consonants are partially caused by native language influence and/or inadequate knowledge of Thai linguistics. For English speakers, they will not necessarily recognize the bp sound as being distinct but hear it as a b or a p. In Thai, there are consonants with a d sound, a t sound, and an in-between d+t sound (a sound not in English). 0000248329 00000 n a list of the Thai consonants which sound like this when the consonants appear at the start of a Thai syllable, a list of the Thai consonants which sound like this when the consonants appear at the end of a Thai syllable, and a magical "stop" or "sonorant" type which will be important for you to know later when you learn the Thai tone rules. 0000255971 00000 n 0000191603 00000 n 0000013352 00000 n 0000014388 00000 n Тайские согласные с русским переводом. 0000026664 00000 n 0000036712 00000 n 0000151158 00000 n 0000034786 00000 n 0000220807 00000 n 0000177194 00000 n 0000203384 00000 n 0000241983 00000 n 0000257015 00000 n 0000015342 00000 n 0000151466 00000 n 0000015432 00000 n Duplicate consonants either correspond to sounds that existed in Old Thai at the time the alphabet was created but no longer exist (in particular, voiced obstruents such as b d g v z), or different Sanskrit and Pali consonants pronounced identically in Thai. 0000043645 00000 n 0000263284 00000 n 0000008840 00000 n 0000156644 00000 n 0000204850 00000 n 0000226162 00000 n 0000244107 00000 n 0000012948 00000 n 0000028981 00000 n 0000235990 00000 n 0000028626 00000 n 0000027087 00000 n 0000039118 00000 n 0000151923 00000 n Low Class. 0000197248 00000 n 0000025602 00000 n What it looks like Related blog posts. 0000014477 00000 n 0000013802 00000 n 0000016291 00000 n 0000014432 00000 n 0000015657 00000 n 0000025506 00000 n 0000037471 00000 n xref 0000044017 00000 n Source files (29 Jan 2016) Initial release (2 Mar 2015) Changelog. 0000042575 00000 n 0000066437 00000 n 0000118601 00000 n 0000233894 00000 n 0000163441 00000 n 0000013128 00000 n 0000183139 00000 n 0000207613 00000 n 0000248742 00000 n The better you pronounce a letter in a word, the more understood you will be in speaking the Thai … 0000014161 00000 n 0000219498 00000 n 0000013712 00000 n 0000153450 00000 n 0000176881 00000 n Thai alphabet (อักษรไทย) Created by Simon Ager, Omniglot.com – the guide to writing systems and languages ห ฬ อ ฮ H0 J -J K K • The sounds represented by some consonants change when they are used at the end of a syllable (indicated by the letters on the right of the slash). 0000237164 00000 n 0000163718 00000 n 0000234799 00000 n Though these two final sounds are nasals and similar to final sounds in Standard Chinese, Chinese learners used various final sounds to replace Thai final consonants /Ön/ and /Öm/. 0000015837 00000 n When we pronounce each consonant, we … 0000178674 00000 n It is found that English sounds which do not occur in the 0000027777 00000 n 0000014935 00000 n 0000066077 00000 n 0000266051 00000 n 0000215019 00000 n The researcher randomly selected 14 students in 10 at Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy, then divided them into two equal different groups called the These 3 classes and 3 groups are one of the main parts of learning how to read Thai words correctly. 0000015522 00000 n 0000016018 00000 n 0000169510 00000 n 0000225499 00000 n 0000213910 00000 n Each consonant belongs to one of three classes (low, middle, or high) which, along with vowel length and tone markers, helps determine a syllable’s tone. 0000043531 00000 n 0000154977 00000 n 0000202138 00000 n 0000251640 00000 n 0000261032 00000 n 0000238735 00000 n 0000015387 00000 n 0000264912 00000 n 0000039416 00000 n 0000025936 00000 n 0000200747 00000 n 0000160536 00000 n 0000015252 00000 n 0000013981 00000 n 0000165102 00000 n 0000014706 00000 n 0000033439 00000 n 0000226636 00000 n That means that many of the consonants have exactly the same sound (when they are at the beginning of a syllable). 0000026400 00000 n 0000250977 00000 n 0000019540 00000 n There are 44 consonants in the Thai alphabet, and 32 vowels. 0000152297 00000 n 0000014116 00000 n 0000087528 00000 n Thai Language has features of Chinese and features of Indian languages, like other aspects of Thai culture. 0000219018 00000 n 0000190241 00000 n 0000040761 00000 n 0000236501 00000 n %%EOF 0000212838 00000 n 0000042211 00000 n startxref The Thai alphabet was probably derived from, or at least influenced by, the Old Khmer alphabet. Thai Language pdf 1. 0000239836 00000 n 0000242646 00000 n 0000181299 00000 n 0000013262 00000 n 0000031387 00000 n 0000015477 00000 n 0000206264 00000 n 0000261507 00000 n 0000232492 00000 n 0000211308 00000 n 0000154603 00000 n 0000025231 00000 n Download full-text PDF Read full-text. 0000015207 00000 n 0000013397 00000 n 2007. 0000019042 00000 n Consonants อักษร àk ... aai Thai but longer ai Thai aao Lao but longer am Mom ee May ao Lao eeo Beowulf but longer e Between Hey and Pet, but short ɛɛ Hair eo Beowulf ɛɛo Aa-ow but longer ɛ Cat əə Number but longer ɛo Aa-ow əəi Boy but longer, with a smile ə Number Thai consonants are classified into 3 classes and divided into 3 groups according to the five tone modulation system. 0000191877 00000 n 0000153376 00000 n 0000013847 00000 n 0000166653 00000 n 0000028292 00000 n It determines areas of difficulties when Thai students try to pronounce English consonantal sounds. 8 0 obj <> endobj 0000227299 00000 n 0000240906 00000 n 0000013532 00000 n 0000118352 00000 n 0000223236 00000 n 0000252715 00000 n 0000154219 00000 n 0000249405 00000 n thai consonants 1. ก gaw gÀi 2. ข kĂw kÀi 3. ค kaw kwaai 4. ฆ kaw ra-kang 5. ง ngaw ngoo 6. จ jaw jaan 7. ฉ chĂw chÌng 0000041865 00000 n 0000007956 00000 n 0000178433 00000 n 0000243073 00000 n 0000021010 00000 n 0000227802 00000 n 0000027473 00000 n 0000042996 00000 n 0000035144 00000 n 0000027229 00000 n 0000164780 00000 n 0000173701 00000 n 0000249870 00000 n 0000241569 00000 n 0000025069 00000 n There are 11 consonants in this class; 0000254189 00000 n Overview National Language of Thailand Uninflected, primarily monosyllabic, tonal language Tai-Kadai family Originated on Vietnam and China border Eastern Myanmar, Norther Vietnam, Yunnan, LaosThursday, January 12, 12 0000259919 00000 n 0000172303 00000 n However, some of these vowels are just long and short versions of each other, so it is actually only necessary to learn around 20 different vowel shapes! 0000043435 00000 n 0000014569 00000 n 0000159359 00000 n 0000262170 00000 n 0000269727 00000 n Contribute to vasily-kartashov/thai-consonants development by creating an account on GitHub. žñ bsšº96‘׊®P?7§ö„šºB»#DM]+ 4ÂU_¸vëÚv†OúûíðÞÔo‹õ7ÃÍ[.øÙÝMÞëBds÷þG®i›x4LÚööv/ÜnÖ´¾†â¨cÒ°fÅzò™ëW’çlZÚ}×Zú¬wÓg §6ubVþwgíÞÝ´&Ò´fåšzõî ýÊBú†.m£Ñ5¶k»´àG¬hl«Âž5¿­. 0000215682 00000 n 0000040677 00000 n 0000168306 00000 n 0000153835 00000 n 0000232013 00000 n 0000152223 00000 n 0000014071 00000 n 0000246350 00000 n In Thai there are consonants with a b sound, a p sound, and an in-between b+p sound (a sound not in English). 0000014026 00000 n 0000153065 00000 n by blue172@u.washington.edu, Jun. 88 Cards – 0000222799 00000 n 0000157710 00000 n 0000017518 00000 n 0000263789 00000 n 0000237618 00000 n 0000014844 00000 n 0000032991 00000 n 0000264452 00000 n The five tones in Thai are as follows: 1. 0000212597 00000 n Without it, you will not be able to say words properly even if you know how to write those words. 0000245141 00000 n 0000013667 00000 n 0000016201 00000 n 0000240499 00000 n 0000016064 00000 n 0000258932 00000 n 0000153761 00000 n There is no standard using English transliterations for learning Thai. 0000014614 00000 n 0000209280 00000 n 0000255308 00000 n 0000014890 00000 n Thai consonants are all pronounced with an inherent ‘-or’ vowel. consonants for Thai students at Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy by using various language games and exercises. 0000014252 00000 n 0000250533 00000 n 0000022420 00000 n 0000026535 00000 n 0000265575 00000 n 0000013217 00000 n Click to Rate "Hated It" Click to Rate "Didn't Like It" Click to Rate "Liked It" Click to Rate "Really Liked It" Click to Rate "Loved It" 4.5 1; Favorite. 0000270003 00000 n 0000027916 00000 n The exercise application on this page shows them all, in alphabetical order. 0000194601 00000 n 0000025372 00000 n 0000015027 00000 n 0000025825 00000 n Thai Consonants with Audio Flashcard Maker: Stacy Kat. 0000012904 00000 n 0000181576 00000 n 0000159073 00000 n There are 44 Thai consonants, but there are only 20 initial sounds. 0000169751 00000 n You’re also used to just 26 letters, but now you’ll have to learn 44 consonants พยัญชนะ, phayanchaná) and 15 vowel symbols that comprise 32 vowels (สระ, sara). Thai Consonants. Each consonant is named after a Thai word, like ‘Gor Gai’; “Gor” being the sound the consonant makes, and “Gai” the word for chicken, which is the symbol. 0000230158 00000 n 0000170822 00000 n 0000030346 00000 n 0000229657 00000 n Transliteration uses Haas romanization. 0000014981 00000 n 0000180012 00000 n 0000231350 00000 n 0000016155 00000 n Today I would like to continue to the High Class Consonants (HC) The nature of HC is rising tone with the air release (aspirate) . Thai Consonant Overview. 0000013442 00000 n 0000027551 00000 n Thai Language → Thai consonant/vowel flashcards. 0000037185 00000 n 0000014207 00000 n trailer 0000187378 00000 n 0000151084 00000 n 0000041459 00000 n 390 0 obj <>stream Thai Consonants. 0000026266 00000 n 0000244770 00000 n 0000174012 00000 n 0000032136 00000 n Add to folder Flag. 0000246590 00000 n 0000025683 00000 n 0000247666 00000 n Thai Consonants with Audio. 0000221745 00000 n 0000008717 00000 n 0000037601 00000 n 0000182897 00000 n 0000205115 00000 n For learning the Thai script. Classes of All 44 Thai Consonants This quiz tests your knowledge of the consonant classes of all forty-four consonants in the Thai alphabet. 0000189017 00000 n 0000162131 00000 n 0000172574 00000 n 0000221082 00000 n 0000015117 00000 n 0000197544 00000 n 0000025144 00000 n The Thai alphabet has a completely different script to the English alphabet. Thai Consonants Chart There are 44 Thai consonants in the Thai Alphabet, each grouped into low, middle or high. 0000027687 00000 n 0000154529 00000 n 0000254852 00000 n 0000026949 00000 n 0000014343 00000 n Practice your Thai Writing (พยัญชนะไทย) with this exercise book Best for Beginners, Easy to follow 44 Thai Consonants (Standard Writing) A4 Size/ PDF file 0000030653 00000 n 0000016246 00000 n 0000036950 00000 n 0000038558 00000 n 0000185750 00000 n 0000259256 00000 n Thai LanguageThursday, January 12, 12 2. 0000026038 00000 n 0000021822 00000 n 0000026131 00000 n 44 thai consonants with images and words from thai alphabet poster ( -High consonants, -Mid consonants, ∆-Low consonants) Read full-text. 0000013172 00000 n 0000013307 00000 n hޔ�MHTQ��s�w�:39��o��j9����,b�FH�B�"i�0��P 0000017938 00000 n The following chart shows each consonant, its class category, and … 0000043339 00000 n According to tradition it was created in 1283 by King Ramkhamhaeng (พ่อขุนรามคำแหงมหาราช).The Thai alphabet is used to write Thai, Sanskrit, Pali, and a number of minority languages spoken in Thailand. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun! Thai Consonants, Three Classes Low class Middle class High class 1. ก GAW GÀI 2. ข KĂW KÀI 3. ค KAW KWAAI 4. ฆ KAW RA-KANG 0000029285 00000 n 0000228465 00000 n 0000152606 00000 n 0000223899 00000 n 0000266714 00000 n Some Thai consonants have the same sound but they have used spelling in different words and gives the different meaning. 0000193299 00000 n The 44 Thai Consonants A ctive T hai. Study Thai Consonants using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. 0000161843 00000 n 0000154145 00000 n 0 0000015072 00000 n It is a tonal language like Chinese and the grammar is basically the same as Chinese, but it has a writing system/alphabet that was developed 0000027340 00000 n 0000167987 00000 n 0000201819 00000 n Conversation Lessons will use English transliteration (ka-ra-o-ke language). 0000119057 00000 n 0000195969 00000 n 0000038230 00000 n 0000031739 00000 n 0000016109 00000 n com Letter Name Class Initial Final Sonorant Final Sounds: n, m, ng, y, w Stop Final Sounds: k, t, p L H M L L M M H L 0000216130 00000 n 0000013487 00000 n 0000209596 00000 n 0000257474 00000 n 0000187139 00000 n 0000199145 00000 n 0000014798 00000 n 0000206504 00000 n 0000028021 00000 n 0000155277 00000 n Be sure you've studied the lesson Phonemic Approach to the Consonant Classes or the reference page on consonants. 0000036098 00000 n 0000015973 00000 n 0000228994 00000 n 0000179720 00000 n <<1D4521DDEFBFE840B090375C497AB07C>]/Prev 276441>> 0000015792 00000 n 0000186072 00000 n 0000037899 00000 n 0000198818 00000 n 0000193025 00000 n 0000065822 00000 n 0000171097 00000 n 0000268356 00000 n NOTE ; These consonants not never used at the end of a syllable: ฉ ฌ ผ ฝ ห ฮ อ 0000213501 00000 n Subjects: alphabet consonants thai . 0000184428 00000 n 0000015567 00000 n 0000015702 00000 n 0000013038 00000 n 0000203695 00000 n 0000013577 00000 n 0000214573 00000 n 0000184750 00000 n Here are some printable flashcards that can help you learn the Thai consonants and vowels. 0000235327 00000 n 0000040006 00000 n 0000013622 00000 n 0000216793 00000 n 8 383 29 Jan 2016: Posted source to … 0000234136 00000 n 0000200421 00000 n Thai Alphabet. 0000243736 00000 n At first glance I know it looks hard. 0000262621 00000 n 0000194362 00000 n 0000222136 00000 n 0000040349 00000 n Middle Class 2. 0000154903 00000 n 0000020044 00000 n 0000032591 00000 n 0000260369 00000 n 0000152991 00000 n 0000230821 00000 n Thai Tones Thai words are broken up into syllables, and each syllable has a distinct tone. 0000218355 00000 n 0000190482 00000 n 0000014660 00000 n 0000030293 00000 n 0000253780 00000 n 0000035815 00000 n The flashcards have just the consonant/vowel on one side, and complete information on the other side. 0000000016 00000 n 0000166410 00000 n 0000031026 00000 n 0000014297 00000 n 0000034377 00000 n 0000013757 00000 n 0000026841 00000 n 0000156384 00000 n 0000012495 00000 n 0000033839 00000 n 0000026754 00000 n 0000175586 00000 n 0000014523 00000 n 0000014752 00000 n 0000239398 00000 n 0000253117 00000 n