2020. Actor Jocko Sims caught audiences' attention with a role on an episode of the gritty crime drama The Shield. Sims holds an American nationality and belongs to mixed ethnicity. IMDb 8.1 2019 X-Ray 16+ ... Reynolds (Jocko Sims) begins to build his department as Dr. Sharpe (Freema Agyeman) battles skepticism from a patient's parents. 13+ YTc2YzI5OGU1NDYxMTljMGNiMjg4ZTk0MmUzMzY2MzE5NDgwOTA2NzQ1MmM2 Ryan Eggold, Janet Montgomery, Freema Agyeman, Jocko Sims. In 2004, he appeared as a guest in an episode of Cold Case as Lionel Royce, the leader of the "Black Liberation Front" section in Philadelphia in 1969. [1], In 2008 he joined the main cast of Crash, in which he played Anthony Adams, a street pilot, until the end of the series in 2009. [6], In 2014, he joined the recurring cast of the second season of the series Masters of Sex where he played Robert Franklin, brother of Coral (Keke Palmer) and a civil rights activist. When he was a kid, Jocko Sims was keen on science, hoping to become a doctor. This is what you need to know about Jocko Sims, an American actor, well known for portraying the character of Anthony Adams in Crash and later playing Carlton Burk in the series The Last Ship. Actor (42) New Amsterdam (TV Series 2018-2020) Dr. Floyd Reynolds (40 episodes, 2018-2020) Evelyn x Evelyn (Short 2019) Charles Beyond White Space (2018) Harpo The Last Ship (TV Series 2014-2018) Lt. Carlton Burk / Cmdr. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Jocko Sims is a main actor on New Amsterdam, who portrays the role of Dr. Floyd Reynolds. ODkxMDRhMzAxN2Y3ZDliNDQzMjM2M2M5MzM0YjRlNjJkNTQ1NTdkNGFlMWU3 In 2008 he joined the main cast of Crash, in which he played Anthony Adams, a street pilot, until the end of the series in 2009. October 15, 2018. Jocko Sims. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. MTNiNWQ0MWRhNjQzNzAyYzhiNGZiZGY5OThkZTAyMWM3Njk0YmVhYzUxZDc5 ODNkOTVhOTViZTU1ZGJiOTU1YzljYmI5YzBmZWQwYzIwNjM3MWY2MDkxZDk5 ZGNjYzdkOWE3MDk1ZDJhM2E0ZmM5YjcwY2IzMzk4ZGQ4NmU3ODlhNTYwNDEz [4] Jocko Sims was born on February 20, 1981, in San Antonio, Texas, the United States. IMDb's advanced search allows you to run extremely powerful queries over all people and titles in the database. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events producer, actor, director Jocko Sims is an actor and producer, known for Dreamgirls (2006), Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) and The Last Ship (2014). IMDb 8.7. Natalie Paul and Jocko Sims star in this short film. IMDb 7.02005 R. Subscribe. Story : Dr. Max Goodwin is brilliant, charming -- and the new medical director at America's oldest public hospital. [5], In 2012, he played Michael Thomas, the brother-in-law of NCIS director Leon Vance, in the series NCIS. ZTU3MWE0NWQwNTIzZjhjODYxOTVmY2VjMTUxNmU5MTAzYjliNTlhYmM2MTZj In February 2019, it was announced that the series had been renewed for a second season, which premiered on September 24, 2019. Also in 2008, he starred in Leon Lazano's award winning film "Something Is Killing Tate." Find exactly what you're looking for! ZGY2MDdkY2M3M2IxODdmMThhZWI3YmE5NzYwNzM5YTJhZmYzNjA3YzY4M2E0 ZDRhYWQzMWUwYTcyYmEwNTEzYmRjODliZTM3YjFhN2U2YTVmMzkwYmZiYjlj NWQxODNiMTZiN2M5MWUzMDgyNjQ0NGM5YjQ5ZmJlZGNkMTNhZjg2YzhlNTk1 Jarhead. -----END REPORT-----. Story : Dr. Max Goodwin is brilliant, charming -- and the new medical director at America's oldest public hospital. OThiZTZjY2ExNTFhNmY2ODU3ZTEyZDliYzliNmNiZGM2NDlmMTAwZjI4ZDA5 OGRiY2Y3MjY0ODAyZDI1MTNlM2EwMmUzOTg0ODdjMDA4NGM2MzY1ZWU1MGI2 43min. NGZjZmFlYmQzODY5MGE3MWQ4MGNjYjE2N2Q4Y2M0YWY3ZjY5NDI2ZmYxMDA1 Other presenters and … In March 2018, Sims was cast in the role of Dr. Floyd Reynolds on the NBC medical drama New Amsterdam. While he's set on tearing down the bureaucracy to provide exceptional care, the doctors and staff are not so sure. Boundaries. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiYjk5NDc3ZDYwYWJkZGIxM2ExOGNlMWFlYTk5MjZlMDc4 NWEzYjY1OWYwMmYxNjc0MmMyYTljMzBiNGM0NGY5MjYyNDkxNmQ4ODFmNjMz [2] His portrayal of Anthony Adams, a chauffeur[3] and aspiring hip-hop artist, led to the iTunes release of Head Up, a song that is performed by Sims in the third episode of the series. NDgzZWU5MDY4MGViZWMzMGJiZmI0YjE2N2I2OWVmYzRkNzAyOWE4YTJiNmUx Opening remarks were from Danny Gomez and Jocko Sims (“New Amsterdam”). NmI4MGYwNmIwMzg5NmRjYjkwNzY0NGI4ZTQxYzc0YTQ2ODJhYzIwYWM0MDM3 ODQ5NGQ0MTU4N2MzMDM4ODk0ZjVkYWM0YzVjZDI1N2RhY2YwMTYzMGM2Yjk4 He survives the ordeal, but from his actions, it is obvious that "something is killing Tate!" Sims was born on February 20, 1981, in the United States. Jocko Sims: We did ad-lib some stuff to make it realistic. ZmZiM2JiMTgyMjcyODZkYjY5N2QzYjNlNjhkOGFjYjBiYjE4NjdhMjQ3YTY5 OGEyYjU0MDJjMjI1YmJhZTRmNWVmMjNmMjA5MDFhMjA1MmFkNTM1YmE5MzQy He is an actor and producer, known for Friday the 13th (2009), Transformers (2007) and Meet the Spartans (2008). [8], That same year he joined the recurring cast of The Last Ship, where he plays Lieutenant Carlton Burk, the head of Team VBSS of the USS Nathan James. NWRmMGIwOWViM2ZmYmE3YmViMjU5NGFlNDJkMjk4ZmEwN2ZjMTk2Yjc3YmMw YzQyNzMyMmI0NmQwZjVlNDA4MzI0NTZlMGE0MzE3MGZiMmQ5MWQ0Y2IzZDk1 NzY0MDBkMGNhYmVjZWRhZWU3YjRiY2M1NjJjNzljYWMzOTU4NWJiMGVkZjhi In 2010, he appeared as a guest on Criminal Minds, where he played Tony Torrell, the former landlord and victim of serial killer Kaman Scott (Leonard Roberts). "Jocko Sims Shaking Showtime's 'Masters of Sex' to Its CORE | EURweb", "Jocko Sims Joins 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' (EXCLUSIVE)", "Toni Trucks Joins 'Franklin & Bash'; Jocko Sims Upped To Regular On 'The Last Ship, "JOCKO'S MODERN WORLD: The Last Ship's JOCKO SIMS Sizzles Up Summer! IMDb 7.0. MzI4ZGQ4MDA4Y2JhZTcxNTNiM2I0MDMwMjhlNDg4YzNmYzcyN2I1NGU0YjI5 During the second season he became a main character.[9][10]. Travis Van Winkle was born on November 4, 1982 in Victorville, California, USA. ODkyZjRhODkwNGNjNWU4MjAxNWQ0OTUyODIxMGFmZTljZWI4MjRmODUxMDM5 [11] He also shot for the seasons 4 and 5 of The Last Ship. ODFkMjU0MDRjNGRkYzkxMTBhMzBmMTQ1NjE3MDEzNzU3MzE4N2JlZjk3MDYz Jocko Sims (born February 20, 1981) is an American actor, best known for playing Anthony Adams in Crash and later playing Carlton Burk in the series The Last Ship. NDEzYzFmNzdlZjhhZjc4MmE0MzBmNjJhOGRmMWU0OTFmNDA0NzJhYjJlYjQ1 MzkwMmRlZTJhNDU0NGE2MTJjYmM3ZDhkNjA3ZDVhMDU1YWUwMjQ2MjFkMTZi Jocko Sims is an American actor best known for his role as Anthony Adams (aka Panic) on the Starz network series Crash. Release : 2018– Rating : 8.1 from IMDb. ZTAzMDAwZDhiODNjMTBmM2EwMTkyMDA4NjY0MGQzZWM2NjYzMzMwN2RkYzAw Days before his birthday and weeks before his wedding, Tate Bradley, a twenty-five year old, African-American man attempts to commit suicide. NzU0NjRiOGUxN2I1NzE1MzRlY2QwNTEyN2ZhOTQ0YTk5NmFjZTYzZDE2OWUx Zjc2YThhMTA1ZDMyODU4NGZkNmU0ZTk1NTA4MjUwMmNjNDMxZjExOWEzMGUy NmM0YzcyYzliMGIwNjAxOWFiZmRiMDdiNmRlNjliMTg5YzcxOGZlYzdlZmY3 MzIifQ== Genre : Drama. Stars: Holt McCallany, Zulay Henao, Dave Sheridan, James Devoti, Jocko Sims, Kodi Kitchen, Mike Genovese, Tiffany Brouwer, Isaac C. Singleton Jr., Sebastian A. Jones, Spencer Hill, Sheena Chou, Lauren Mary Kim | Written by Ryan Colucci, Clay McLeod Chapman | Directed by Ken Locsmandi [Note: With the film now out on DVD in the UK, here's a reposting of our review of White Space, … NDFmMGU4ZGVhYzljN2MzM2NhY2NjYWEzNmFmZmM1ODhhMTdhYTAxMjdjYTVk 1.79 m [7], He also appeared in the film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes where he played Werner, the radio operator of the colony. The series was created by David Schulner and stars Ryan Eggold, Freema Agyeman, Janet Montgomery, Jocko Sims, Anupam Kher, and Tyler Labine. IMDb 6.32009 NR. ZjE0OTBmOTE5NDk3M2EwYjJlMGRhZmUxMTY1MDM2N2NmZTQ4MzUzMTgwNDIy MjJkYzI4YWFkNDRlZjRmNjFjNTdiOTNjMGZkYzViZGQ5ZjE4OWQzMTE4ZmE4 The Last Ship star Jocko Sims is set for a recurring role on new Fox medical drama series The Resident.. Jocko Sims Height. NjExZWZmYTUwNTE3NzZmYTQxZWEwZmE4N2M4Y2QwMjI5ZjdmZTA0OWJhZmNm YmUwNWViZDdjMmQyN2JlYTk0YTQ5OWI0ZjE0MDdkNWY3MTMxYzJkZGU1NTBh 'New Amsterdam's Freema Agyeman & Jocko Sims on Max's Impact on Helen & Reynolds The stars also talk about their characters making heat of the moment decisions. In addition, the winning films will be highlighted on the IMDb homepage. ZDdhMzFmZTYxZmVkY2ExYjMyZDk5Yjk3Y2UxODRjYWQ5NDA5ZWM2ZjQzMjU4 His portrayal … IMDb 6.9. IMDb Movies, TV & Celebrities: IMDbPro Get Info Entertainment Professionals Need: Kindle Direct Publishing Indie Digital & Print Publishing Made Easy Prime Now FREE 2-hour Delivery on Everyday Items: Amazon Photos Unlimited Photo Storage Free With Prime : Prime Video Direct Video Distribution Made Easy: Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands NjY0ZTE5NTk3OTZhNzVlYzY3Y2Y3ODVhNTBlZTE4ZmY5M2Y5ZmYzMzE1ZDEy NR. Jocko Sims (born February 20, 1981) is an American actor, best known for playing Anthony Adams in Crash and later playing Carlton Burk in the series The Last Ship. M2Q2ODlkNTI1OWVjMzAyY2QzMjQzNmJkMjQ5MWRkMTg1MmFiNjJjNTFhM2Zj This video is currently unavailable. Get all the details on Jocko Sims, watch interviews and videos, and see what else Bing knows -----BEGIN REPORT----- ", "Showtime's 'I'm Dying Up Here' Adds to Cast (EXCLUSIVE)", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jocko_Sims&oldid=994279808, Articles needing additional categories from January 2020, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 December 2020, at 22:37. MTdkYzdjNTY0MmQ0ZmFiZThhZTk1MDc0YzJjMmIzYjZjM2E3NTE5MTc5ZTY3 NGJjNDgwN2U3OWUxYTRhZDdjZWFlM2QzNDMwNDg2ZWQwOGRhNzQxN2MyMmFh Now he is a doctor, but not a real one, one on TV. MTE3NWRiOGZlZTZlMDk5NGNhMDkzMmI4NjYzODQ3NDFiYTI5MGM4M2JlYjc5 Carlton Burk (56 episodes, 2014-2018) The Resident (TV Series 2018) NzQ0YjFlNjgxNzFjNDQzODNhZGMxZWVlZmZlMjM4ZDkzMWExN2UxYmRjNzZh OGI1YzBmYWVmNDQ0YTk3YzI2YWJlMzg1NmM4ZmQzMWUzNTE5ZjM2ZjQ0OWIy Y2I5MmI3YzA4NzNmOWYyZTVlOGUyMGY3MDZmNmRhMzEyODA4MmU2OTAzMmRk Amazon.com: New Amsterdam: Season Two: Ryan Eggold, Freema Agyeman, Janet Montgomery, Jocko Sims, Tyler Labine, Anupam Kher: Movies & TV Generated by Wordfence at Sun, 17 Jan 2021 15:39:37 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. MTRkMjk5Yjc1ZmQ5Mjg2ODYzODhjY2ExNzU5NTY2ODRhOWJhMTEwYzFlZDQ1 Tate attempts to isolate himself to his apartment - hiding from the world. NWNhYTczZDdjMjdjYmYxMDI3ZGVjMDlkZDcwMDUxNTAzOTBiNWU5ZmJhNzIy MzZiZmUwYjJiNzMzYmQzY2Y5MWRhMjhiMGM1MjA5NDk0MTJlZTFlMmYyMzFm In 2004, he appeared as a guest in an episode of Cold Case as Lionel Royce, the leader of the "Black Liberation Front" section in Philadelphia in 1969. I was his first hire, and I … NjRhOTY2NTQ5OTlmMmNkYTAzODViZGViZjg5MzZiZWU1OTU1NzY3MDIxNDFk Jocko Sims Age. With Max, Ryan and I toyed with the idea that we started with this process together. Sims stars as … Turbo. The question is: What? In 2016, Sims joined the cast of I'm Dying Up Here, a dark comedy produced by Jim Carrey. 14min. Jocko Sims Biography. While he's set on tearing down the bureaucracy to provide exceptional care, the doctors and staff are not so sure. Subscribe. He is 39 years old as of 2020. YWYwYjU0MjcxOWQ1ZmUyIiwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiNWIzZjM5NmNlNTk1MDE0 ZmU5ZmVmYjhhODZhMDY4MWZiYTcyMjBjYWU1MzU4NzNjZjJkMjM3NjViYjBm ZGRkMzc0ZjhmODUxMTQxOGE5NmI1ZmY2ZTE5ZmM2YTJhM2Q5MTM1MmNmMTZk I: Ryan Eggold, Janet Montgomery, Freema Agyeman, Jocko Sims, Tyler Labine, Anupam Kher, Alejandro Hernandez, Lisa O'Hare, Margot Bingham... New Amsterdam sezona 2, epizoda 15 Turbo. See full bio » More at IMDbPro » Contact Info: View agent, publicist, legal on IMDbPro Inspired by the oldest public hospital in America, this unique medical drama follows the brilliant and charming Dr. Max Goodwin (Ryan Eggold, The Blacklist), the institution's newest medical director, who sets out to tear up the bureaucracy and provide exceptional care. YTJlZWY4NjhkYzNiNDBlNWNlYzJiY2ZjMDE2MDJhZjkwMzUxMzZjYzk4ZTQ2 [12] The same year, he also appeared as Dr. Ben Wilmot in the Fox medical drama The Resident. Ryan Eggold, Janet Montgomery, Freema Agyeman, Jocko Sims. A dramatic chronicle of the Gulf War as seem through the eyes of a young Marine sniper. YmExYmZkZjY2N2QyZGQ4YzVmYmJlYzZlYTc2MWFjNzlkYjdiODk2OWI3OThh ZjM2OTAzNDkxMzgxMmFhNWY0ZDExMWI3ZTZkNTE5MTlmM2E0MmI2OGYyMzdh MTZjOGMwNjI2MTNkZDY5ZjczMDZhOTBhMzllMzNkYTlhZTc5MDNjNzgzMWYz OGZlYTA2MTAyMmMxYWFjNjY0NDIxMzAzNjVmZjc5OTZlNTljZjk2ZjkyZDFk Raised in San Antonio parents’ Jackie Sims and Karen Sims, Jocko went to the University of California for his graduation. NWNmZTI5ODUwNWNjOGFmY2QwMzgzNTRiMGMyYTAzNzVjYmFlYTliN2ZlMDRh NTYwZGM5MDNkMWNmMDdiOWUxZTc2YWE4Y2ViNzVjMGI5NTE1OWRkY2VhODEx Jocko Sims is an actor and producer, known for Dreamgirls (2006), Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) and The Last Ship (2014). MDI3N2Q4ZDE4NDhkZmQ5M2JmMDMyNjIwMjBlMzYwMWI2MGJjM2QwOGMwNjcx Release : 2018– Rating : 8.1 from IMDb. Genre : Drama. ... an African American couple descends into despair. OTIxOTkwMjgwNTczMDlkNzgzYjkzMTM2ZmIxOTY5MGJmYzJiNDcwZmZmZDU1 Jarhead. 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To isolate himself to his apartment - hiding from the world Gomez and Jocko Sims was cast the!, in 2012, he starred in Leon Lazano 's award winning ``.