70) Reaper's Wraps Amazonian Parma - Season 1 50) Singularity Wiz 60) Blackthorne's Jousting Mail - Set Add Listing nagelring diablo 3. 34) Pendergrasps 70) Hallowed Defender - Crafted Set The stats of this item will be perfectly rolled. 70) Raekor’s Breeches - Set 70) Blood-Magic Edge 31) The Final Witness 60) Frostburn Gauntlets 70) Arcane Barb - Crafted 54) Harvest Moon - Crafted 31) Captain Crimson's Satin Sash - Crafted Set 60) Band of Hollow Whispers Templar. • Maces Smoking Thurible / 1 items found / A filterable quick-look reference for Legendary Items in Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls 70) Jade Harvester's Peace - Set 50) Maloth's Focus 8) Lut Socks 70) Hallowed Nemesis - Crafted Set, Legendary Ceremonial Knives - WD Solanium properties [edit | edit source] • The End Game 60) Demon's Skin 60) Ruinstoke Wiz More Competitions. 60) Storm Crow, Legendary Chest Armor 70) Firebird's Down - Set 30) Lost Time 29) Puzzle Ring 23) Unending War Barb • Increased EXP • Increased Gold Find 60) Unity 31) Bovine Bardiche 29) Pig Sticker 70) Captain Crimson's Silk Girdle - Crafted Set 60) Inna's Reach - Set 9) Umbral Oath - Crafted 2. 61) Smoking Thurible Enchantress 29) Bastion's Revered 31) Kridershot 70) Demon's Restraint - Crafted Set 60) Blood-Magic Blade - Crafted 31) Bombadier's Rucksack    • Moratorium • Materials Watch the Palm icon cascade through the mobs, killing just about everyone. 70) Cuisses of Akkhan - Set 12) Leoric's Signet 23) Cain's Scribe - Crafted Set    • Wreath of Lightning 60) Uhkapian Serpent 70) Vyr’s Swaggering Stance - Set 29) Holy Point Shot 50) Angel Hair Braid 70) Hallowed Hold - Crafted Set, Legendary Phalactery - Nec 60) Hallowed Defenders 60) Shenlong's Fist of Legend - Set 70) Utar's Roar 60) The Grand Vizier Legendary Health Potions 60) Stormshield 60) The Burning Axe of Sankis 50) Promise of Glory • Voodoo Masks WD 8) Gazing Demise 8) Broken Crown • Transmogrification, The Economy 11) Funerary Pick •• Leoric's Regret All Rights Reserved. 60) Sage's Gesture, RoS Sets 31) Gyrfalcon's Foote 31) Captain Crimson's Whalers - Crafted Set 60) Black Bone Arrows DH, Weapons 60) Manajuma's Gory Fetch Set 4. • Enchantress Focuses Secondary. 70) Cain's Scrivener - Crafted Set 35) Iron Rose 70) Firebird's Breast - Set 60) Danetta's Revenge - Set 29) Nutcracker 60) Tal Rasha's Relentless Pursuit - Set • Staves 29) Standoff 70) Atrophy - Crafted • Movement Speed Account Bound; The pungent smoke emanating from this censer serves to clear the mind, aiding in concentration and magical castings. 31) Cindercoat 70) Spite - Crafted, 10) Winter Flurry 70) Firebird's Eye - Set • Legendary Materials, Horadric Cache Materials • Ramaladni's Gift Simply put, this build is far behind every other Monk build and I would not recommend using it unless you're feeling frisky. • Potions 70) Aughild's Authority 70) Kethryes' Splint - Crafted 29) Rondal's Locket 70) Fleeting Strap - Crafted 8) Sanguinary Vambraces - A1 Bag 29) Broken Promises 52) Asheara's Guard - Crafted Set 60) Vigilance, Legendary Staves This build is presented to you by Deadset,one of the very few professional Diablo 3 players.Deadset regularly publishes video guides onYoutube andstreams on Twitch, where you cansee how this and other builds play out in practice. Legendary Follower Items 60) Tzo Krin's Gaze 50) Kymbo's Gold Focuses are primarily highly symbolic personal effects. 31) Justinian's Mercy 50) Lidless Wall 31) Stalgard's Decimator 70) Golden Scourge - Crafted, Legendary Hand Crossbows - DH LF Smoking Thurible Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition. 61) Bottomless Potion of Kulle-Aid 60) Manajuma's Carving Knife - Set 70) Hallowed Condemnation - Crafted Set, Legendary Fist Weapons - Monk    • Paragon Points 60) Vile Ward Introduction. 70) Heart of the Crashing Wave - Set 52) Asheara's Iron Fist - Crafted Set 60) Dead Man's Legacy 31) Jawbreaker sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti …    • Gogok of Swiftness 50) The Three Hundredth Spear Mirror Imageis an Arcane spell used byWizardsinDiablo III. 29) Slave Bonds 60) Demon's Revenge - Crafted Set 29) Telranden's Hand They serve to help channel unusual enchantments. 50) Goldskin 70) Sunwuko's Shines - Set, 8) Nagelring Diablo® III. 60) Wizardspike 61) Hand of the Prophet Enchantress When the leader of the sisterhood, the eponymous Prophet, foresaw a great disaster that would occur fifteen hundred years in the future, Eirena and her sisters pledged their lives to preventing the tragedy. 61) Skeleton Key Scoundrel 70) Sage's Passage - Crafted Set, Legendary Helms •• Heart of Evil 3. PC PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 Xbox One. 60) Manticore of your primary resource when used below 25% Life. 60) Blackthorne's Spurs - Set • Flails Crus 31) Ancestors' Grace    • Bonus Horadric Cache, • Helms 70) Demon's Marrow - Crafted Set, Legendary Cloaks - DH Since the Smoking Thurible simply erases all damage sent to the Follower, the total damage (which is then shared out between Unity-users) is reduced considerably. 60) Hellrack +4 Random Magic Properties. 31) The Magistrate 31) The Tall Man's Finger SUPPORT OUR WRITERS. 70) Unbound Bolt 31) Madawc's Sorrow 29) Doombringer 60) Rozpedin's Staff Monk • Law of Kulle 70) Focus - Set 61) The Mortal Drama, Legendary Daibos - Monk 70) Weight of the Earth - Set 45] Leger's Disdain 70) Sydyru Crust 60) Crystal Fist 8) Starfire 9) Manald Heal 31) Bakkan Caster • Hellfire Amulet & Ring 60) Zunimassa's Pox - Set 70) Asheara's Finders - Crafted Set Follower tokens provide immortality, access to all follower skills or 50% Cooldown Reduction.    • Paragon 2.0 • Paragon 31) Gift of Silaria 70) Sunder - Crafted, Legendary Polearms 60) Natalya's Reflection - Set 8) Split Tusk Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Le migliori offerte per DIABLO 3 ROS PS4 - [ softcore & HARDCORE ] - Completa Bundle! 60) Inna's Radiance - Set, Legendary Voodoo Masks - WD 6. 70) Blood-Magic Edge - Crafted, Legendary Maces 29) Erlang Shen 31) St. Archew's Gage Maces are popular items for all classes except Demon Hunters. Each follower has two legendary items, one grating immortality, the other enabling all skills. Equip on Follower: Your follower cannot die. Solanium is a legendary mace that can be found in Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls. • Paper Doll Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. 31) Inviolable Faith 31) Countess Julia's Cameo 60) Natalya's Sight - Set 50) Singularity - Crafted 70) Sunwuko's Balance - Set, Legendary Pants Resources 60) Litany of the Undaunted - Set • Attack Speed 60) Immortal King's Triumph - Set    • Bane of the Powerful 31) Exarian 31) Fury of the Vanished Peak 60) Hallowed Storm - Crafted Set 31) Fate of the Fell 60) Fire Brand 31) Light of Grace 70) Board Walkers 60) The Tormentor 34) Pendergrasps - Crafted 29) Silver Star Piercers 70) Arcane Barb The Smoking Thurible is a Legendary Follower item. 60) The Fist of Az'Turrasq 60) Sage's Orbit - Crafted Set • Item Binding, • Nephalem Rifts 70) Spires of the Earth - Set • Legendary Items 70) Piro Marella - Crafted, Legendary Mojos - WD    • Legendary Gems, • Staff of Herding 70) Sabatons of Akkhan - Set 29) Flesh Tearer • Weapons    • Repairs, The Blacksmith Character Where and when to use Unity? Eirena hails from the distant era of the Mage Clan Wars, where she was part of a clandestine sisterhood of magic-users known as the Hand of the Prophet. • Vault Portal 60) Demon's Scale - Crafted Set 8) Autumn's Call 70) Aughild's Rule - Crafted Set 31) Rakoff's Glass of Life 31) Vo'Toyias Spiker    • Main Stat 70) Skelon's Deceit 70) Guardian's Jeopardy 60) Sky Splitter 50) Wormwood 60) Tasker and Theo 31) Ancient Parthan Defenders 50) The Flavor of Time • Upgrading Gems 70) Cinder Switch - Crafted, Legendary 2H Maces 60) Azurewrath 70) Asheara's Custodian - Crafted Set 70) Jade Harvester's Joy - Set 20) Relilena's Shadowhook • Affixes 31) Valthek's Rebuke 60) Oculus Ring 5. 50) Messerschmidt's Reaver 70) Asheara's Vestments While wearing this Token, your Enchantress will never fall to her knees in battle. All Cube Recipes 70) Scales of the Dancing Serpent - Set    • Amethyst 12) Avarice Band A3 Cache The current seasonal rank 1 4-player clear on NA is a group that all has 2100+ paragon and 140+ hours played this season.