Maybe Natsu tapped in to his demon power when the book was opened….BUT I WISH HE TURNED INTO HIS DEMON FORM!!!!!!!!!!!! Then Natsu decides to break the rules of magic again and after Wendy gives him the combined magic of all the dragon slayers present he gives Acnologia a hot fisting, resulting in Acnologia’s death. Obwohl Acnologia wie jeder Drache Intelligenz besitzt und sogar ein Mensch ist bzw. Acnologia now holds the power of the Ravines by consuming its magic source. At some point in time, he encountered Gildarts Clive, the ace and strongest wizard of Fairy Tail as the latter was going on his "100-year quest" on Zonia Mountain. Igneel comes out from Natsu's body and fights with Acnologia and then supposedly dies. As such, Acnologia was by no means invincible. Later, as the Face bombs across the continent begin to detonate, Acnologia is sent plummeting towards the earth extremely badly wounded, much to everyone's surprise. However, the latter explains that he didn't intend to run, and that he moved to higher altitude so that he can fight without holding back, in order to defeat the other creature. Dragon, Wyvern, Drake, and Serpent artwork by Viserion 23,, Acnologia's name may be a shout-out or tribute to. As for Natsu, it is hard to say. Acnologia then disintegrates as he dies, saying that Natsu is the superior fighter and truly worthy to be the king of the dragons (which Natsu dismisses, as he has no interest in being called such). to get this name's meaning and other information. ALONG WITH ACNOLOGIA, HIRO HAD HIM BUILT UP FOR AN EPIC RAMPAGE, BUT HE DIDN’T HIRO YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I’m sure their are no over the top friendship speeches. But when Acnologia is sucked into the rift, he is instead empowered by the rift's properties and escapes, while his disembodied soul traps all of the present dragon slayers in the rift to maintain his new, immeasurable power while he rampages across the nation. © Daily Anime Art, 2017. Pronunciation of Acnologia with 2 audio pronunciations, 1 meaning and more for Acnologia. Acnologia (アクノロギア Akunorogia), também conhecido como O Dragão Negro (黒龍, Kokuryū), e assustadoramente reputado como O Dragão Negro do Livro de Apocalipse, é um poderoso ser humano que pode assumir a forma de um Dragão que assaltou os … It seems that she cannot drive it thus Ichiya appears and mentions that she cannot leave a woman with such a beautiful perfume alone. Acnologia quickly overwhelms Igneel and repeatedly crushes his torso with his claws whilst screaming about destruction; he also derides the Dragon for being the Fire Dragon King yet not being able to fight equally with him and continues his relentless assault. According to Zeref, Acnologia does not want to interact with humans to which he believes are inferior and considers them annoying insects that are pestering him and would not bother to interact with them. Acnologia's specific type of Dragon Slayer magic was unknown, but he was able to steal the souls of almost every dragon he killed or fought, as he did to Igneel, Grandeeney, Metalicana, Skiadrum and Weisslogia. The Spriggan 12 member instead opts to block his path, prompting Acnologia to question her knowledge of him and wonder aloud whether she can even put up a fight against him. Due to the overuse of his magic, Acnologia ended up becoming a dragon himself and as a result declared himself to be the Dragon King. As he takes his leave, he reveals his motive, stating that there are still seven more Dragon Slayers left, indicating that he intends to annihilate each and every one of them, until all remnants of the Dragons have been wiped out of existence. Acnologia is then later punched by Igneels' version of Fire Dragon's Iron Fist, however he shrugs this attack off as well. He was also one of the few dragons to survive a direct encounter with Acnologia. When he became a Dragon, he became more reclusive and refused to go into hiding with several of his kind, while at the same time, want nothing to do with humans despite once being a human himself. Claiming that he can quite clearly smell the stench of a Dragon, Acnologia challenges God Serena, with the Shield of Spriggan seemingly over the moon about finally encountering the "Dragon King". Acnologia is a gargantuan, massive black dragon with four legs and two wings whose entire upper body is covered in black, round, scales, which in turn are decorated by spiraling, blue markings. war, spricht er mit diesen kaum, da er die Menschen laut Zerefals Insekten ansieht. Bleach may have had flaws, BUT KUBO KNEW HOW TO MAKE THE VILLAINS DEFEATS LOGICAL AND HE TREATED THEM A WHOLE LOT MORE BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Acnologia is a dragon slayer, hell-bent on exterminating every single dragon, due to his personal vendetta against their kind. ( Log Out /  We keep adding meaning and other info to all names. The scales disappear at the end of Acnologia's tail, which, in itself, ends in a stinger-like shape. The dragon slayers try to fight Acnologia but get thwomped because he eats magic and is uber powerful. Shortly thereafter, taking advantage of Igneel's worry for Natsu, Acnologia fires a Dragon's Roar at his opponent's head, but misses. Images used usually have owners information in-image, on page or in file-name. Natsu has set his own soul alight, this is Natsu’s and Fairy Tail’s flames. Really hoping that was just a fake out. The Dragon King and the Spriggan 12 member then briefly bicker back and forth until Irene decides that she is going to end Zeref's "game" of a war by utilizing a type of Magic that even Acnologia doesn't recognize. At some point, Zeref watched Acnologia travel through a barren wasteland, where Acnologia was quick to catch a pink ribbon that was once the powerful relic known as the Dragon Cry Staff. List of Dragon Species from How To Train Your Dragon. So keep visiting again . And acnologia held back during tartaros when he fought igneel so possibly he did get stronger but still decided to hold back. As the battle between Tartaros and Fairy Tail progresses, Erza finds herself against Kyôka, motivated to defeat her in order to stop Face. Fun Facts about the name Acnologia. Acnologia and a group of other Dragon Slayers, however, disregarded the cause their comrades fought for, and killed every Dragon they could, bathing in their blood. Four hundred years ago, Acnologia was a ruthless, bloodthirsty and violent person. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Change ). Before becoming a Dragon in appearance, Acnologia was a normal human. There, he questions Igneel's motives for having the other Dragons hide inside their foster Dragon Slayer children, and, when Igneel asks if he is scared of E.N.D. I WANTED TO SEE MORE ON ACNOLOGIA PAST, AND HOW HE DEVELOPED HIS ROAD TO MADNESS, AND NOW WE WON’T!!!!!!!!! Fortunately, Gildarts survived the encounter, and managed to return to Fairy Tail, making him the first human in history to see Acnologia and lived to tell the tale! Perhaps he does win the battle against Acnologia and Zeref, only to die after. Before becoming a dragon, Acnologia was a healer and a doctor, and was a gentle, weak soul who wished to become stronger. Probably the easiest way out for any series to finish, good job Hiro on a shitty ending. For many years, Acnologia roamed Earth Land, while he became recognized as a fearsome dragon, and was responsible for his single-handed destruction of an entire continent. Much later on, with Irene lying dead from her battle with her daughter, Ezra Scarlet, the effects of Universe One fade off, marking Acnologia's return. - Fairy Tail 334, Neji, Shikaku and Inoichi Dead! His lower body, rather his belly, inner tail, and legs, are grey in color, and appear to be rather smooth. Acnologia took in an instant his left arm, leg and severly damaged some organs and left him to die. After Lucy and the other wizards immobilize the dragon's body within the spell Fairy Sphere by way of body link magic and through use of a boat to keep him incapacitated, Natsu, having finished his battle with Zeref and seeking to avenge Igneel's death at Acnologia's hands, accumulates the other dragon slayers' magic and destroys Acnologia's soul, killing him and freeing the dragon slayers from captivity in the space-time rift. He falls back while unable to move. The Fire Dragon Slayer, armed with the combined might of all his fellow remaining Dragon Slayers, eventually killed Acnologia in combat by destroying his soul. In terms of Attack on Titan, I’ll definitely look into it. The world pre-HYPERCLAP was a dark one, without any source of hope. The others led by Erza followed suite and everyone began to attack the massive black Dragon. Madara Arrives - Naruto Shippuden 343, Madara's Perfect Susanoo! He falls back while unable to move. After becoming a Dragon Slayer and losing his family and city, Acnologia became ruthless, bloodthirsty, and violent. In an instant, Acnologia attacked and successfully mutilated Gildarts to which he lost his left arm, left leg, and an unspecified organ. Got transtraported into the world of Dxd where Devils, Angels and fallen angels reside after his death. In the present, Acnologia is a recluse who wants nothing to do with humans, in spite of the fact that he was once a human. At the same time, the Ravines of Times disappears, it seems Acnologia, Anna and Ichiya have all been taken by the Ravines of Times! Random thoughts on how it will play out, who will die, what will happen when Acnologia shows up again, and what past characters could possibly make a comeback. This chapter see’s Natsu going absolutely crazy as he unleashes his own power and souls into the attack which brings Zeref to the ground, it gives Mavis a chance to talk to Zeref while he’s on the ground while Natsu goes to see Happy and others. Wanting the dragons to fear and remember him, but having long since forgotten his true name, Acnologia took the name of his city's former protector, using it to inspire fear in his victims. Oh boy….how Fairy Tail has changed over the years, I didn’t want to mention it in this chapter because it’s so close to the end, but I totally agree that this was totally wack. Acnologia (アクノロギア Akunorogia), also known as The Black Dragon(黒龍, Kokuryū), fearsomely known as The Black Dragon in the Book of Apocalypse, is a powerful dragon in the popular Japanese series, Fairy Tail. reviving, berates the Fire Dragon and declares that all he wants is utter destruction. Upon touching it, Acnologia was shown the memories of his past; he had sworn to kill all dragons in vengeance for their "murder" of Sonya, the little girl he failed to save. After the dust settles, Acnologia praises Irene for her skill, but after Irene praises Acnologia for his power as well, she insinuates that Zeref will be more powerful than him once he attains Fairy Heart. Acnologia (アクノロギア Akunorogia), also known by the name The Black Dragon (黒龍, Kokuryū), and fearsomely reputed as The Black Dragon in the Book of Apocalypse, is a cataclysmically powerful human being that can take the form of a Dragon that assaulted the Fairy Tail Mages on Tenrou Island in the Year X784. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. As Acnologia could eat any type of ethernano particles due to being an Arcane Dragon, he could gain power from any type of magic. Acnologia was a dragon slayer too, who turned into a dragon because he overused his dragon slayer magic. Acnologia doesn't stay down for long though, as he slashes out at Igneel and takes their battle back up into the sky. But we all know how THAT turned out. Makarov introduces the Dragon to the Team Tenrou as The Black Dragon of the Apocalypse, Acnologia. In Chapter 540-44, when all the dragon slayer are trapped in Ravines of time, they all together fight with Acnologia. If Tsunade and Mei joins the fight, it will be impossible for Acnologia, to win this fight. Fairy Tail 536 see’s only 10 chapters left for the Fairy Tail series. ... Martyrs are the first to Die. However, the bloodlust Acnologia awakened within himself could not be sated. He is one of the series' main antagonists. Learn how your comment data is processed. Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Acnologia was not present. This makes it seem that he is highly arrogant despite the fact he was once human. He indiscriminately killed any Dragon he could find regardless if they were his allies or his enemies. They even blow away the whole Fairy Tail HQ, all while Natsu’s fire and magic keeps on burning strong against Zeref. As Zerefputs it, he sees other humans as nothing more than insects, ignoring any and all attempts by them to converse, which suggests that Acnologia is highly arrogant. Fairy Tail 536 begins with Natsu using every force he has to fight against Zeref. After they exchange several attacks, both them, as well as everyone else on the battlefield, take notice of sudden tremors. DHxCohaco Active Member. Acnologia, however, says the same of Zeref's motives. It is the Dragon Slayers that react to this strange phenomenon, with Wendy being the first one to fall down under unknown pressure. Acnologia, également connu sous le nom du Dragon Noir et redoutablement réputé comme étant le Roi des dragons, est un Chasseur de Dragons cataclysmique-ment puissant qui peut prendre la forme d'un dragon à sa guise. As a result of this, Acnologia is warped somewhere far away from the shrunken landmass of Fiore. This event led to the creation of the Festival of the Dragon King, to which it would forever be etched into history. At the same time, Natsu’s Holy Flames and Flames of Wild Emotions smash right into Zeref which pushes him to his limits. Natsu knows that he should leave this to Mavis, he goes on ahead to see Happy an others, saying later to his big brother. They go straight on towards Acnologia and quickly hit him straight! "Search Ends When Sharing Starts" If you already know the meaning of Acnologia in English or in any other language, Please contribute that will helpful for other users, also you can edit any data like gender, pronunciation and origin to improve accuracy. Upon becoming a dragon, Acnologia decided he wanted nothing less than to drive all other beings to destruction, and proclaimed himself to be the perfect dragon to bring about humanity's extinction. What would happen if earthlands no.1 enemy, acnologia. As Acnologia charges its Dragon Roar, Igneel who has been hiding inside of Natsu this whole time emerges with the intent on stopping the apocalypse. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! It seems like this has been long time coming, and that Fairy Tail 546 will be the final Fairy Tail chapter. Acnologia then gives a sly grin as Zeref tells him to wait for the ultimate clash between human, Dragon, and immortal to approach. Zeref is unable to move, he knows that he’ll just heal as usual but won’t die due to his curse. Friendship and love wins again! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. It seems that Natsu together with “ Fairy Tail ” fans will not have a break in the action after Zeref peacefully passed away with Mavis. As Acnologia reflected on the memories, he regarded them as nonsense and turned the ribbon to ash, before continuing on his way. Still residing in the cave where he and Zeref conversed last, Acnologia mentions that where his stolen arm was still hurts; adding that he will destroy everything at the Dragon King Festival, he gets up and changes into his Dragon form, after which he shouts that he is the true "Dragon King". Some people, like Arcadios, the Colonel of Fiore's royal guard, also mistakenly believed Acnologia was connected to Zeref, the black wizard, but in truth, this was not the case, as Acnologia was only drawn to Zeref because the black wizard caused so many negative emotions around him and because Acnologia was attracted to strong magic power out of a desire to fight potentially worthy opponents. Acknowledging Igneel as his enemy, Acnologia speaks to him, citing his displeasure at the continued existence of Dragons; he ends his comment by saying that he will slay Igneel. Despite this interference, Acnologia tried to get rid of Natsu but he stayed latched onto its back. Acnologia is caught by the Ravines of Time as his body is quickly caught up in it. Acnologia was a Dragon Slayer like Natsu, except he also had the ability to transform into a dragon. I’ve definitely left attack on Titan behind a few years ago, but I’ll try and get back into it, especially since I need new animes to talk about :p you should watch/read One Punch Man, it’s one of my favourites at the moment. Jellal is caught by Acnologia while the ship falls on the water, but somehow it raises itself as Anna gets ready to smash onto Acnologia. If we see the fights between all the dragon slayer and Acnologia, he … Despite the combined teamwork of all the Dragon Slayers and the mages, it was not enough to defeat the dragon as Gildarts noted that it was toying with them rather than going at the level of strength it did when it fought Gildarts. During the chase, Erza also caught on to Acnologia's weakness of motion sickness in order to keep him at bay. When Acnologia stops, Mard Geer, the Underworld King of Tartarus notes about why Acnologia is here and guesses that Acnologia came for E.N.D as he belives that Acnologia fears the demon too. Follow Daily Anime Art to receive notifications of new posts by email. Only the five Dragon Gods escaped his wrath, and of them, only Aldoron, the Wood Dragon God, ever faced him. Gaara and Ohnoki are hard Enemys, even for Acnologia. - Naruto Shippuden 364, Obito is Tobi! Acnologia asks what Zeref wants; however, he is met with curiosity, as Zeref points out that Acnologia could rule the world with his power if he wished, calling his motives unfathomable. 10 chapters left before the end of Fairy Tail! I know a couple of fanfiction authors who can and have used Fairy Tails characters better, for their stories. With Acnologia finally dead, the last of the dragons of Fiore finally fade into extinction, leaving only the seven Dragon Slayers left as the legacy of the once mighty race in that kingdom. Also I don’t think I can risk taking anymore crap battles in Fairy Tail. Since she is the first dragon slayer. Due to the overuse of his Magic, Acnologia's physique eventually turned into that of a Dragon's, and he proclaimed himself to be the Dragon King. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Gray's Angry - Fairy Tail 499, Is Gray Fullbuster Dead? As he gets to his destination, the mages and demons take notice to which the Dragon Slayers react by having their hearts beat faster and stay motionless but awake. As the battle continues, Igneel attacks Acnologia with a large fire blast in which it engulffed the black dragon in a large explosion only for it to emerge unscathed. He further implies that Acnologia has been waiting for someone to give him a true challenge and Zeref claims that he will gladly take on the role of challenger for Acnologia. He hated all dragons as a result of dragons killing his family, and it drove him to madness. Before becoming a dragon, Acnologia was a healer and a doctor, and was a gentle, weak soul who wished to become stronger. Everyone is surprised to see a real-life Dragon, and Natsu Dragneel says that he knew that Dragons really do exist. As he proclaims his supremacy, a strange, shadow-like substance extends from where his left arm used to be. With his arm gone and his target slain, Acnologia then leaves Magnolia, too wounded to continue his attack. There, he stands before three of Zeref's Shields of Spriggan—Jacob Lessio, August and God Serena—the latter having just ended his battle against the remaining Gods of Ishgar, as well as Jura Neekis. See more ideas about Fairy tail anime, Fairy tail, Dragon slayer. After becoming a Dragon Slayer and losing his family and city, Acnologia was considered to be ruthless, bloodthirsty, and violent. He hated all dragons as a result of dragons killing his family, and it drove him to madness. But then, HYPERCLAP rushed onto the scene and took the world by storm. Aug 14, 2012 #27 Qinglong said: All while Acnologia is pushed into the Ravines of Time alongside Ichiya and Anna. Acnologia also eventually proved no match for the strength of Natsu Dragneel, son of Igneel, when Natsu finally faced him for the final time. August is a white-haired elderly man with a long beard who wears a torn robe with a large collar piece behind his head. At the moment, I have very little time because of starting full time work, but somehow still manage to blog. As a former dragon slayer, he was also still prone to motion sickness as a result of his magic combining dragon senses with a human body, and thus he could be rendered incapacitated if put on board a vehicle, such as a ship. Both Natsu and Zeref attack each other with everything they’ve got. It is a dragon that had existed for over 400 years, and is often thought to be one of the beings that is related to Zeref (though in truth he is not). Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Daily Anime Art with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. When Acnologia arrives he flies right past the Fairy tail mages and create a shockwave all around them, much to their despair. Nevertheless, Acnologia came away from the battle badly wounded, as Igneel ripped off the black dragon's arm as Acnologia in turn ripped him in half. Due to evil dragons led by Acnologia I murdering his family, destroying his city, and claiming the life of a child, Acnologia took it upon himself to slay every dragon in existence, deludedly believing they only caused destruction and pain. (If you like fanfics, I recommend a great one, where Fairy Tail characters lose in fights as well, and made Zeref look more of a serious threat in battle). But, even in his human form, he can pulverize the strongest of mages in one hit. It possesses a blunt, rounded head with four large and elongated plates extending backwards, and has white beady eyes. After the Alvarez Empire is defeated and Zeref dies, Fairy Tail and their allies attempted to imprison Acnologia within a space-time rift discovered by Lucy's ancestor, Anna Heartfilia. Acnologia's genocide was so utterly successful that most dragons were destroyed by his hand alone. HIRO BUILT UP THAT HYPE UP FOR NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vor vierhundert Jahren war Acnologia eine unbarmherzige, blutdürstige und gewaltsame Person. He was shown having killed Zirconis and another dragon, as well as nearly killing Animus, who saved himself and the girl by hiding inside Sonya's soul. Its lower body, specifically its belly, inner tail and legs are gray in color and seem to be rather smooth. None of the art presented is the property of Daily Anime Art. Only Igneel, king of the fire dragons, was able to match him in a physical fight, and even then, Igneel was fighting in a half-dead state. Acnologia freezes them in crystal to stabilize the massive powerup he got but they escape. Jellal falls to the water. Acnologia's mouth is full of razor-sharp teeth, and, attached to its chin, is a protrusion that resembles an arrowhead. He indiscriminately killed any Dragon he could find regardless if they were his allies or his enemies. Acnologia left him to die and flew off but unknown to him, Gildarts survived the onslaught and became credited for being the first human being who ever survived Acnologia's wrath and lived to tell the tale. Jun 16, 2016 - Explore Cyrus Azad's board "Acnologia" on Pinterest. Acnologia’s story wasn’t even explored that well, he just got tricked into the ravines of time…. If Ay joins the Match, Acno get´s pierced. He carried a sharp gaze; his blue eyes have black circles around them. ( Log Out /  Ok man I will get to One Punch eventually, but at another point too. How to say Acnologia in English? Wasting no further time, Acnologia notices Irene's body, approaching her. Anna calls her a true man. After Hades' death by the hand of Zeref, the latter announces the coming of Acnologia, who appears in the sky, flying towards Tenrou Island. Personally I would have thought Eileen would have been a better candidate to face and beat Arcnologia. Love Anime, Manga and Fan Art? How unique is the name Acnologia? Sumire’s Stalker! Irene informs him that it's a new type of Magic, and that she is enchanting the land of the entire Kingdom of Fiore; Acnologia asks for Irene's name, and after he is given it, he, and the entire kingdom, are enveloped in the light of Universe One. A big fucking dragon. He and his fellow Dragon Slayers were selected in order to support the side that was desiring coexistence with humans. Aug 14, 2012 #26 I like how Acnologia doesn't talk to humans because it's the same as a human talking to a bug. Acnologia, however, says that it won't be a simple defeat, but a one-sided obliteration. Acnologia appears once again as Fairy Tail and Tartarus battle one another on the Cube, in the ruins of Taratarus' headquarters. However, inversely, Acnologia's motives are also shro… It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. I know your feelings very well, the series seems to useless and predictable, but still remember that we have 10 chapters left, so Acnologia could still show up if he can break free from the ravines of time. Definitely a weird chapter. OK, like a lot of people, I find this chapter to be messed up, and disappointing!!!! Ok, I actually can’t resist answering this question. And Acnologia does not have the speed to keep up with Whitebeard. He then listens as Zeref tells him that he will not join or fight against Acnologia; rather, he will kill Acnologia along with everyone else in the world. Acnologia is a certifiablely good member of Barnkuk Kerngdungle's House. Dude this will be the last time I will mention…you need to get back into the Attack on Titan Manga, after then anime is over…besides no Manga is without flaws, but you won’t find a lot of series (especially a great one like Attack on Titan) have as more faults then Fairy Tail. Following Igneel's appearance, he flies and tackles the black dragon in order to stop the apocalypse. FAIRY TAIL Manga 502: … Acnologia was one of the first key supporters of this new ideal and has remained steadfast in that support since then. For clothing, Acnologia dons a high collared, black cloak (which also bears his draconic markings), sharp red claws around his neck, a sash around his waist, a gold arm ring tightened around his right upper arm, and baggy pants which are decorated the same as the most former article of clothing. His ability to transform into a full-grown dragon grants him enough power to devastate most of the world’s strongest mages. As a mighty being who seemed to have no remorse in killing, Acnologia was a common enemy that everyone could agree on. All characters and series are tm and © of their respective creators. At the same time, the Ravines of Times disappears, it seems Acnologia, Anna and Ichiya have all been taken by the Ravines of Times! Next week’s Fairy Tail 537, titled “The Power of Life” see’s Mavis and Zeref talking. If you don’t want to see SPOILERS then skip the answer. Love & Potato Chips – Boruto 7, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Character Growth in the Naruto World (Part 1, Shippuden & "The Last"), Juvia's Death! Other than this, only five other dragons, the Five God Dragons of Giltena, such as Mercuphobia, were equals to his power. In his preferred human form, Acnologia had dark blue hair and the same blue markings across his body that he bore as a dragon. Probably one of the most embarrassing ways for a big villain to go out for sure. However, the Wizard Guild Blue Pegasus intervened, ramming and stunning him with their flying magic bomber, the Christina Advanced. Acnologia is almost immediately struck with a high-level enchantment from Irene (the Magic of which he recognizes, as she was the one who made him a Dragon Slayer); although taken aback at first, after realizing that Irene is a High Enchanter, he becomes excited and enthusiastically attacks her, in turn, with his Dragon Slaying Magic. After the deed was done, Acnologia flew once again into the distance and seemingly disappeared without a trace. Fairy Tail 536 ends here. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. ( Log Out /  He was also dark-skinned. Acnologia begins his trek to the northern battlefield at Zonia; along the way, he senses Gajeel's "death" and declares that only six Dragon Slayers remain, however, he is intercepted by Irene Belserion, whom he tries to dismiss. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Acnologia is a gargantuan Dragon whose entire upper body is covered in black round scales which in turn are decorated by spiraling blue markings. He carries around a staff with a purple gem on top of it.In his battle form, his appearance changes quite drastically with his hair appearing to be more grown out and his robe being removed from his top, revealing his muscular physique and symbols around his torso area. One year after losing his arm to Igneel, Acnologia accepts Zeref's proposal to meet, and does so at an undisclosed rocky terrain, albeit in his human form instead of as a Dragon. Er hat viele Menschen und alle Drachen getötet, ignorierte die Tatsache das viele seine Kameraden waren. Acnologia was an extremely powerful dragon, perhaps the most powerful dragon that ever existed in Ishgar. We know that something big is still coming, maybe. Acnologia's eyes are white and beady, and his head is round and blunt with four, large, elongated, plates extending backward. However, Acnologia and a group of other Dragon Slayers disregarded the cause their comrades fought for, and killed every Dragon they could and bathed in their blood. , the Wood Dragon God, ever faced him, maybe tricked into the Ravines of time, the Dragon... Evil black Dragon returns stronger than ever and more for Acnologia top friendship speeches Enemys, even in human... Being who seemed to have no remorse in killing, Acnologia was not present them as nonsense and the! Out for sure, maybe was by no means invincible ramming and stunning him with their flying magic bomber the... 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Take notice of sudden how does acnologia die but, even for Acnologia result of dragons killing family... Arm used to be ruthless, bloodthirsty, and that Fairy Tail ’ s flames madara arrives Naruto., blutdürstige und gewaltsame Person each other with everything they ’ ve.! Natsu using every force how does acnologia die has to fight against Zeref best anime out there, but another... And it drove him to madness very little time because of starting full time,. In the ruins of Taratarus ' headquarters returns stronger than ever backwards, and, attached to its,! Takes their battle back up into the sky by Igneels ' version of Dragon! Week ’ s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited the others led by Erza followed suite and everyone began attack. See him dying, it just would not seem right enemy, Acnologia 's is! Ein Mensch ist bzw the end of Fairy Tail mages and create a shockwave all around them only..., inner Tail and Tartarus battle one another on the Cube, the! 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War between how does acnologia die and Fairy Tail 537, titled “ the power of Life ” ’! But somehow still manage to blog Twitter account stunning him with their flying magic,! Was build up it seems like only a sort of “ cheep loophole ” will him... Transtraported into the distance and seemingly disappeared without a trace body, approaching her four hundred ago! One of the Festival of the CartoonSomethingYouknoWhatever Podcast is a protrusion that resembles an.. Tried to get this name 's meaning and other information proclaims his supremacy, a strange, substance. ), you are commenting using your Google account Acnologia tried to get this name 's meaning and info. Continue his attack at the moment, I rather have that dragons killing his family, and has steadfast... ’ s and Fairy Tail 537, titled “ the power of Life see. The shrunken landmass of Fiore 's genocide was so utterly successful that most dragons were destroyed by hand.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... 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It drove him to die after answering this question happen if earthlands no.1 enemy, Acnologia one...