10 facts about world's best-preserved meteor crater in Winslow If you're standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona, you should walk a couple steps further and check out this meteor crater! 4. There are 22 national parks and monuments in Arizona. Tucson Arizona has almost double the amount of wilderness area as the entire Midwest. This frog ranges from ¾ to 2 inches long. The 13 gold and red sun "rays" on Arizona's flag represent the sun setting over the western desert and the original 13 colonies. In the 1690s and early 1700s, several Spanish missions were established in the state and Spain established Tubac in 1752 and Tucson in 1775 as presidios. Arizona is home to the two largest man-made lakes in the United States – Lake Mead (largest) and Lake Powell (second largest). Fun Facts About Cardinals How Much Cardinal Bird Trivia Do You Know? – Source, 12. – Source, 8. – Source, 22. Altitude and low humidity combine to produce clear air and relatively mild weather conditions year-round. Written by. If you have never been, then these 40+ fun facts have surely inspired you to check it out. At one time, camels were used to transport good across Arizona. – Source, 20. Practicing shooting in the desert in Arizona, David M. Grundman, 27, shot a giant saguaro cactus. – Source, 25. – Source, 6. Editor at The Arizona Report ™ Arizona real estate broker. Pin 11. Speaking of the Brits, Arizona is also larger than quite a few former members of the British Empire, including New Zealand, Uganda, and Guyana. mountain biking, horseback riding and cross-country skiing. The College is part of the University of Arizona Health Sciences (UAHS), the statewide leader in biomedical research and health professions training. If these fun facts made you interested in attending the University of Arizona, schedule a campus tour or check out more information about the diverse degree programs and social activities. In Arizona, cutting down a cactus is a punishable offense, and … The Hualapai Tribe in Arizona agreed to allow the builder of the Grand Canyon Skywalk to operate it for 25 years to recoup his $30 million investment. There is a law in Arizona called the “Stupid Motorist Law” that allows the state to fine drivers for their rescue if they drive around barricades or signs and get stuck in flooded roadways. In 2010, a man from Arizona sold an “air guitar” on eBay for $5.50 and claimed it was used once at a Bon Jovi concert. 1. Arizona has more Native American lands than any other state and 21 Native American tribes. It was inhabited by the Sinagua tribe over 400 years ago. – Source, 23. Melissa Mayntz. Chris/Flickr. There is a near-abandoned Flintstones-themed campground and amusement park in Arizona, about 30 minutes from the Grand Canyon, complete with year-round camping and a “Bedrock Theater” that plays Flintstones cartoons. As of 1 January 2018, the population of Arizona was estimated to be 7,016,270. Where did Mardi Gras originate? Here are nine more cool, fun, weird facts about Arizona. Updated 02/03/20. A person from Arizona is known as an Arizonan. Ants find the garnets while digging their anthills, drag them out, and discard them on the surface. What’s the stupidest thing someone has said to you with confidence? The Arizona Trail is 800-miles long and dedicated to hiking. Greater Phoenix is located in the Sonoran Desert, with an elevation of 1,117 feet above sea level. 2. Mine Inspector is an elected government position in the state of Arizona. Saudi Arabia purchased a large chunk of land in Arizona just to grow hay and ship it back to their dairy farms. The 50 states that make up the United States of America have colorful histories and interesting tidbits that make each state unique. – Source, 24. The Hopi Indians of Arizona are known for the multicolored corn that they grow. Do you know all there is to know about Arizona? 50 fun facts about US… 50 fun facts about US states to impress your friends . Climate being the first, Cotton which dominates … Arizona doesn’t observe Daylight Savings time, except a large reservation in Arizona does, except another smaller reservation inside it doesn’t. [4] 9. Sedona has changing leaves that will make you believe you have been transported out of the desert. It has been relighted after complaints by veterans groups. More than 50% of the state lies at an elevation of more than 4,000 feet above sea level. The Hohokam created 135 miles irrigation canals allowing the cultivation of crops in the desert climate. – Source1, 18. Source: Wikipedia. The state tree is the Palo Verde. The town of Why, Arizona was originally to be named “Y” because two major highways, State Routes 85 and 86, originally intersected in a Y-intersection but the state requires at least 3 letters in its city names. Fact 2 The Hollywood blockbusters Raising Arizona, Wayne’s World and Bill and Ted’s Excellent adventure were filmed here. – Source, 19. What about the fun stuff? – Source, 10. You know. The ringtail is the official state mammal. Interesting Facts about Arizona that you didn't know! Arizona and Hawaii are the only states that do not observe Daylight Savings time. There aren’t any dinosaur fossils at the Grand Canyon because the rocks are way older than the dinosaurs. Although the northeast is home to the most amazing foliage the eyes can see, Northern Arizona has a few tricks up its sleeve every autumn. QUIZ IT: ARIZONA is fun for parties, fun for around the dinner table, fun when traveling, and fun for simply an entertaining read. Fact 1 The Sonoran desert, part of which lies here is North America’s hottest desert and is 120,000 square miles in size. 10 Fun Facts About Arizona State. Fact 3 Phoenix is both the capital of this state and the largest city within the state. While we continue to feature destinations that make … There are more than 100 wineries and 22 varietals of wine produced in Arizona. The Story Of 5 C’s. Here are nine extremely interesting facts about our desert metropolis: There are 22 national parks and monuments in Arizona and California is the only state with more. by mule. – Source. Arizona has the highest percentage of land set aside and designated as Indian lands of all the states in the US. Arizona is large enough to fit all of New England plus the state of Pennsylvania inside of it. In 1997, a city-wide UFO sighting occurred in Phoenix, Arizona. There is a fountain in the Fountain Hills that is believed to be the tallest fountain in the world. Blue and gold are the official state colors of Arizona. Kingman is the County Seat of Mohave County, the fifth largest county in America (13,470 square miles, 34,886 square km). Lucky Cat Survives a Running Washing Machine, 5 Crazy Ways to Customize Your Company Intranet to Make Employees Laugh, Save Money on Your New Outdoor Sports Wardrobe, Copyright © 2007 - 2021 Oddee - All rights reserved. Women in Arizona were granted the right to vote eight years before national suffrage. The Palo Verde is the official state tree. Full-time Realtor® since 1998. What state has its own flavor? Arizona became the 48th state on February 14th, 1912. All Rights Reserved, 25 Crazy Headlines of the Month - Part 87, 60 Facts About Mobs, Gangs, Mafias, and Cartels, 25 Crazy Headlines of the Month – Part 184, 25 Interesting Shower Thoughts – Part 247. The state flag of Arizona "represents the copper star of Arizona rising from a blue field in the face of a setting sun." 5. 235 Shares. You know, because it’s a desert. “Anthill garnets”, small gemstones, are mined by ants in a few places in Arizona. Here are 42 fun facts about the state of Arizona. Arizona is a fun state with so much to do, see, and explore. It's A Top-Spot For Fall Foliage. – Source, 14. Humphreys Peak at 12,633 feet is the highest point in Arizona. The two top-rated waterfalls in the United States are located in Arizona. We’re aware that these uncertain times are limiting many aspects of life. Arizona is a part of the four corners, where you can stand in the same spot and be in four states at once. 3. Ten fun facts about Scottsdale. With its rich history, diverse degree programs (300+ majors) and unbeatable location, ASU is the number one choice for Arizona high school students applying to university. Arizona’s capitol building has the amount of copper equivalent to 4,800,000 pennies. Published on Feb 14, 2019 Arizona Facts: 10 fun facts about Arizona! 16 April 2020. The famous labor leader, Ceasar Estrada Chavez, was born in Yuma. Arizona State University . A person from Arizona is known as an Arizonan. As well as a human habitat. A former Governor of Arizona, aged 96, was detained by the US Border Patrol because his pacemaker set off radiation detectors. Fun Facts. Arizona is the largest copper producing state in the Union. This small and fox-like mammal is a shy, nocturnal creature that is about 2½ feet long. 42 Fun Facts about Phoenix, Arizona 1. Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh at Lowell Observatory at Flagstaff on February 18, 1930. In fact, the population fell to as few as 50 people after the mine closed in 1953. Admittedly those two will be hard to top, but there are plenty more interesting, weird, and fun facts about Arizona. Phoenix, Arizona has a similar latitude to the Ancient city of Carthage, which was a Phoenician city-state. The Hopis Indians founded the oldest Indian settlement in the United States, Oraibi. Located just 30 minutes from DC Ranch, Arizona State University (ASU) is one of Arizona’s most widely-recognized universities. It is the 14th most populous state in the United States. – Source, 7. There are only 21 deserts in the world—four in North America—and Arizona is the only state in the U.S. to have a section of all of them within its borders. At one time, camels were used to transport good across Arizona. View Larger Image; Share 218. The first Europeans to explore the Arizona region were the Spanish in 1539. Arizona attained statehood on 14th February which coincides with Valentine’s Day. The amount of copper on the roof of the Capitol building is equivalent to 4,800,000 pennies. Ten fun facts about Arizona. Here are 42 fun facts about the state of Arizona. – Source, 3. Petrified wood is the official state fossil of Arizona and most petrified wood comes from the Petrified Forest in northeastern Arizona. ; UAHS includes the UA Colleges of Medicine in Phoenix and Tucson, Nursing, Pharmacy and Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, with main campus locations in Tucson and the growing Phoenix Biomedical Campus in downtown Phoenix. The ringtail is a small fox-like animal about two and one-half feet long and is a shy, nocturnal creature. In 1885, the school was founded as the Arizona Territorial Normal School. They’re the Grand Falls and Havasu Falls. Well at least you know what to wear if you want to fit in.). Yuma, Arizona is the country’s highest producer of winter vegetables, especially lettuce. (Since when is this even a thing that’s specific to a state? Email. Pioneers and native tribes. Starting at 65, drivers must renew every five years, with a vision test each time. 1. There aren’t any dinosaur fossils at the Grand Canyon because the rocks are so much older than the dinosaurs. Hundreds of residents and even the Governor reported seeing lights and … 30 Facts About Tucson Arizona. Arizona has the largest contiguous stand of ponderosa pines in the world stretching from near Flagstaff along the Mogollon Rim to the White Mountains region. Spending the holidays in Arizona this year was fun, and a little weird. Arizona is home to more than 100 wineries and 75+ licensed craft breweries. Arizona is home of the Grand Canyon National Park. Where can you find the largest living organism? The bola tie is the official state neck wear. The second largest city is Tucson. That’s more than Florida and Hawaii. The ringtail is the official state mammal. In 2012, just 5 years after it opened, the tribe seized control of the Skywalk. That’s right, they were all Sun Devils and attended Arizona State University! It’s not your typical dry desert, though. KickassFacts - Fact Encyclopedia. The sundial in Carefree, Arizona, is one of the largest in the world and measures 90 feet across. There is a 3.4-acre indoor Biosphere in Oracle, Arizona that researchers lived in for 2 years and 20 months to see what living on Mars would be like. Great Seal of the State of Arizona. The only fossils you’ll find are things like corals, sponges and trilobites. Approximately 150 people are bitten by rattlesnakes ever year in Arizona. 1. Arizona is the 6th largest state in … 3. Arizona is larger than the United Kingdom, which is 93,628 square miles including England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. The U.S. Post office delivers mail to the people of Supai, Arizona by the only way possible i.e. People from Phoenix today are known as Phoenicians. – Source, 4. Fact 1 Arizona is also known as the “Grand Canyon State”. – Source, 5. In Arizona, it is legal for any citizen to carry a gun, but it is illegal to carry nunchucks. The sun shines in Phoenix and Tucson 85% of the year. Arizona’s State Seal has 5 C’s- Climate, Cotton, Cattle, Copper, and Citrus. Arizona's Sonoran Desert is the only place on earth where the iconic saguaro cactus grows. 3. 12. The famous labor leader, Ceasar Estrada Chavez, was born in Yuma. Share 3. The Arizona trout is only found in Arizona. The land that would become the city of Phoenix was first inhabited by the Hohokam people around 700 AD. There is a law in Arizona called the “Stupid Motorist Law” that allows the state to fine drivers for their rescue if they drive around barricades or signs and get stuck in flooded roadways. There are 228 buildings on campus spread across 392 acres. In 1952, Kingman was the first city in Mohave County to be incorporated (1952), and yet the last county seat in the United States to be incorporated. Melissa Mayntz. There is a biker gang from Arizona who help keep child abuse victims safe while the child’s abuser is prosecuted, including guarding their houses at night if a person is not yet in jail and attending court with the child, shielding them so they don’t have to look at their abuser. The first McDonald’s drive-through Arizona helped revolutionize the fast food industry in 1975. Women in Arizona were granted the right to vote eight years before national suffrage. The most abundant mineral in Arizona is copper. Arizona is famous the world over for Grand Canyon, which is over a mile deep, 227 miles long and up to 18 miles wide. 10. – Source, 2. There is a nuclear power plant in Arizona on 4000 ac.², it employs 2055 workers, generates 35% of all the electric energy in Arizona, and it is the only nuclear power plant in the world that is not built next to a body of water. The age of a saguaro cactus is determined by its height. 1. Arizona chefs and restaurants have received more than 50 James Beard nominations since 2010. Do You Know These 76 Fun Facts About Phoenix Arizona? Arizona is the 6th largest state in the United States in terms of total area with 295,234 square kilometers (113,990 square miles). Arizona (except the Navajo Nation) and Hawaii do not observe Daylight Saving Time. Advice: New talents you can learn with little to no equipments. Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn ; Melissa Mayntz has been a birder and wild bird enthusiast for 30+ years. So whether you are Grand Canyon State born and raised, a snow bird, or a recent transplant, here are 7 more Arizona facts that you probably didn’t know from your Prescott AZ Dentist! NEW UPDATED SECOND UPDATED EDITION! Arizona’s famous attractions include the Grand Canyon, the Petrified Forest, the Painted Desert, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, Fort Apache, and the reconstructed London Bridge at Lake Havasu City, etc. Roadrunners can run up to 17mph when they’re trying to flee their enemies in Arizona. (‘Official’ fun facts are the most educational of the fun facts. The Grand Canyon, Havasu Canyon, Grand Canyon Caves, Lake. Montezuma Castle National Park is an extraordinary ruins site in Arizona. – Source, 21. Arizona lost its chance to host the 1990 Super Bowl after its voters refused to Which M&M Flavor Is The Strangest? Tweet 3. Mohave County Fun Facts. Best Buy removed the fighting video game “Primal Rage” from its shelves after an Arizona woman complained that her 11-year-old son had faithfully portrayed one of the game’s gorilla-like character’s “golden shower/urination” fatality move. The once rowdy copper mining town of Jerome is no longer largely populated. – Source, 11. 1) The Montezuma Castle Name Can be a Little Misleading – Source, 13. Lonely Planet Editors. In fact, only 17% of Arizona’s large land mass is privately owned, the rest is comprised of Native American reservations, public lands, forests and state trust lands. A man from Arizona stole a diamond worth $160K and traded it for $20 of weed. Sometimes it takes travel to realize how weird everyday occurrences can seem to people outside of the state. The official amphibian of the state is the Arizona tree frog. 1. Part Two. – Source, 17. The country’s first barrel of tequila came out of Nogales in 1936. She has over 16 years experience writing about wild birds for magazines and websites. QUIZ IT: ARIZONA also contains "Just the Facts from A to Z" and "Timeout at the Oasis," a unique AZ word game to amuse and challenge readers. The 7 meters tall plant got chopped off, crushing him to death. The eternal flame at Bullhead City, Arizona, only lasted until city officials received a US$961 gas bill. A fan of the history of ancient civilizations? – Source, 9. Check out these other 5 amazing facts about the remarkable Montezuma Castle. 2. The capital of the Navajo Reservation is Window Rock. Maricopa County, Arizona golf courses average more than 80 million gallons daily for irrigation, consuming more water than any other place in the country. A guy in Arizona wrote his address on $1 bills pleading they be sent back to him & gets them back from all over the world, up to $94/month. Learn about The Spruce's Editorial Process. There are 5 biome areas; a rainforest, ocean, wetlands, savannah grassland, fog desert, and agricultural system. Author; Recent Posts; David Meek. There is more than 1 billion years’ worth of rock exposed at the Grand Canyon. The official state flower of Arizona is the Flower of Saguaro Cactus. The first McDonald drive-thru was opened near a military base in Arizona “to serve soldiers who weren’t permitted to get out of their cars while wearing fatigues.” – Source, 15. Arizona started issuing licenses that were good until age 60. 11 Weird Things Only People From Arizona Do. [4] 8. [3] 7. You will find fossils but they will be corals, sponges, or trilobites. Arizona is home to 75+ licensed craft breweries (and growing). – Source, 16. 11. Here are a few things that Arizonans do (and say) that are normal to us but may seem a bit strange. Phoenix is the capital and most populous city of Arizona. The original London bridge is now located in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. England could fit two times over in that space. 14. 10 Geographic Facts About Arizona . Arizona became the 48th state on February 14th, 1912. The world’s largest solar telescope is located in Arizona at Kitts Peak National Observatory in the city of Sells. May 24, 2018 fun facts; arizona state; What do Barry Bonds, Kate Spade, and Jimmy Kimmel all have in common? Mount Humphrey, located north of Flagstaff, is the state’s highest mountain. There's a lot you probably don't know about Phoenix, even if you've lived here for a while. At noon everyday the clock tower plays, “Bear Down Arizona.” 15. Fact 2 Arizona received its statehood on February 14, 1912. The Jerome Grand Hotel was once a hospital for the town’s miners and is now considered one of the most haunted places in Arizona. They lost in court and now must pay the builder $28.5 million. The cactus wren is the official state bird. – Source, Copyright © 2020. Arizona lost its chance to host the 1990 Super Bowl after its voters refused to make MLK Jr. day a state holiday. In Arizona, it’s illegal for donkeys to sleep in bathtubs…you know, just in case you have a donkey that likes to slumber in the tub. Turquoise is the official state gemstone. 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