If you notice your dog has a runny nose, a cough and a slight temperature, do not think the condition will clear up on its own – you must get your pet to the vets as soon as you can so that they can be prescribed a course of antibiotics. In general, these ‘dog colds’ are specific to that species, so you won’t be able to catch the same cold as your dog either. Just like humans, dogs can pick up seasonal viruses but canine flu is one strain that can affect a dog at any time of the year. Core vaccines should be given to all dogs, whereas non-core vaccines are given where indicated by your dog's lifestyle or the geographic area in which you live. Gastroenteritis in dogs refers to an inflammation or irritation of the stomach and intestines. You may not have heard of canine flu but it is a condition that your dog can catch much like humans get the flu bug. The usual symptoms of gastroenteritis in dogs include vomiting and diarrhea, though a range of other digestion-related symptoms may also occur. When the weather is so temperamental and one minute it's warm whereas the next it's freezing, it can be hard to know what to wear. Recommended for use in healthy dogs at 6 weeks of age or older as an aid in the control of disease associated with canine influenza virus infection. Therefore, the disease is rapidly transmitted between individual dogs. This is how Dog Flu has spread from state to state. Just like in humans, there’s a variety of conditions that might seem like dog colds and flu, a few of the most common are as follows: Your dog may not need treatment as many dogs simply get better on their own. But, just as with human flu, some dogs experience complications. Those sound like some pretty good odds to me. 3) Dog flu symptoms are apparent Dog flu symptoms involve the respiratory system. Youâve heard of flu outbreaks making people sick, but they can happen to dogs, too. Have something to say? If you have a sniffle or cough, you may be worried that you may pass the illness onto your companion, but you’ll be glad to know that this isn’t possible. Unfortunately, some dogs get sicker than this and develop a higher fever and labored breathing from pneumonia. © Copyright - Pets4Homes.co.uk (2005 - 2020) - Pet Media Ltd. Should You Vaccinate Your Dog Against Canine Flu? How To Treat The Canine Flu If Your Dog Gets It. Unfortunately, vaccinations won’t protect your dog from everything, but it can dramatically reduce the risk of them getting certain illnesses like kennel cough. Luckily, the condition although not very nice for dogs to have to go through, is not one that is fatal as long as the correct treatment is sought and the condition does not progress to pneumonia. The most common virus that generates cold in dogs is Parainfluenza, which is highly contagious. The first were the racing greyhounds on the very tracks that the equine flu ⦠Therefore, all dogs are susceptible due to their lack of immunity. The only way to reduce the risk of your dog from catching the canine flu virus is to do the following: The other thing to bear in mind is that if you have to leave your four legged friend in a boarding kennel for any length of time, then you have to be certain the owners have an infection control routine in place that covers the canine flu virus. That means that 0.0027044% of dogs get canine flu. The vaccination involves two injections given to dogs several weeks apart. Your dog will be feeling very sorry for themselves and should be kept in a nice quiet place away from any other pets you may own. Yes, there is a vaccination for canine flu and many dogs that are considered high risk are given it. How to tell if this is a problem, Why is my dog coughing ? The symptoms are relatively similar to flu in humans but have a different cause. The dog flu (also known as canine influenza) is a type of flu virus that can be passed from dog to dog. Canine flu has not been reported in many states yet, although hot spots include northern Kentucky, southern Ohio, and central California, Glaser says. Is Your Dog’s Nose Dry? There are two strains of the virus that causes dog flu (Influenza Type A): H3N8 and H3N2. ⦠Viral shedding starts to decrease ⦠The dog flu, or Canine Influenza Virus (CIV H3N2 or H3N8), is a highly contagious infection caused by an influenza virus and is transmitted by aerosolized respiratory secretions â think coughing and sneezing. Dogs have no natural immunity to Dog Flu because it is a newer virus. If it appears to be more than a mild dog cold and they’re off their food, not drinking, obviously uncomfortable and/or having difficulty breathing, you should contact your vet straight away. Infection with all of these microorganisms results in similar symptoms, including coughing, labored breathing, fever, decreased appetite, fever and nasal discharge. If your vet suspects it’s something serious, they’ll ask you about their dog flu or cold symptoms, do a full examination and may run some diagnostic tests to identify the cause of the problem. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to minimise the risk of your pup getting poorly. It's the kind of weather that brings on the snuffles both in people and their pets. When it comes to recognising the symptoms, these are pretty easy to spot because dogs with the flu virus show definite and distinct signs of breathlessness. However, many vets think that dogs who are considered high risk are the only ones that should be vaccinated again the virus, so it is really up to owners to assess whether or not their pets are indeed at risk of being infected and then make the decision on whether to vaccinate them or not. Because of the lack of previous exposure to this virus, dogs have no natural immunity to it. Do you like this article? Dog flu can live for a few minutes on your skin, but up to a day on your clothes. And while humans can’t get ill from dog flu, if you’ve been in contact with an infected dog, there is a possibility that you could pass it onto your dog too. The symptoms are relatively similar to flu in humans but have a different cause. We've answered the most frequently asked questions about Coronavirus and pets here. 0.0027044%. This is a good preventative measure you need to check out with the kennels should your dog need to go to one. Influenza in dogs is what healthcare professionals call an emerging disease. Dogs that come down with a mild form of the flu will display a fever and cough that will last one to three weeks, Collins says. With a brutal flu season upon us, 2018 has started out not with a bang, but a sneeze and a cough â for both pets and their human counterparts. Canine influenza is influenza occurring in canine animals. Dogs get upper respiratory infections (URI) and sometimes a cough. Dog breeds which have a squashed up face and brachycephalic muzzle are considered the most high risk for catching canine flu, for example English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs and Pugs. Most dogs who get canine influenza recover in a few weeks. The dog flu is similar to the kinds of viruses that infect humans, and have nearly identical symptoms including, runny nose, cough, fatigue and loss of appetite. If you’re around an infected dog, make sure you change and wash your clothes before you see any other dogs. Antibiotics. What’s the difference between a King Charles spaniel and a Cavalier King Charles spaniel? Animals too suffer, the hotter weather sees them shedding their coats only for the sun to vanish again which sees wild animals as well as domestic pets feeling rather confused.