MARK. Protective Coating Co. PC-Concrete Pro Epoxy System Gray Concrete & Masonry Construction Adhesive (Actual Net Contents: 600-fl oz) Best Glue For Concrete Statues. This glue is included on the seal by the manufacturer of the threshold and is designed to be used with this threshold. PC-Concrete Pro Epoxy System Gray Concrete & Masonry Construction Adhesive (Actual Net Contents: 250-fl oz) Item #2495882. Win a home water heater from A. O. Smith. I'm 250lbs. This wasn't my idea but they wanted to glue a piece of cement siding to the block wall of this room we did to make a band around it. ya I hate things like gripfill. ! Gluing the wood to the concrete is faster and easier than drilling holes in the concrete for lag bolts or using explosive nails to affix the wood to the concrete. You’ll need to remove any old adhesive and make sure the threshold isn’t disturbed for about 24 hours. Resistant to temperatures between -40°F and +194°F, Garadry adhesive & sealant is designed to work in almost any environment from sudden cold snaps to summer heatwaves. Our garage door threshold seal glue a contains thick, permanent bonding adhesive. This is the tricky part. I have a metal threshold that was previous connected to the cement foundation using glue to attach a strip of wood to the cement, then the threshold was screwed into the wood. A 2-part epoxy may be a good solution you can attach anything to anything with that stuff. Re: Wood Flooring - Attaching threshold to cement slab I like the stuff with the track as well. Stir the mixture in the bucket to create a slurry. Instead of demolishing it t... You agree that may process your data in the manner described by our Privacy Policy. The aluminum door threshold should sit level on the sill and join to it with a waterproof, flexible and adhesive sealant polyurethane. The best part is . Kapex, Domino DF 500, LR32, RO 125, T15, Ti15, TS 55, OF 1400, CT MINI, MFT/3, Carvex PS 420, SYSRoll 100, SORT 9, SORT 12, Centrotec Installers Set, SYS-Toolbox. . Do you mind sharing where you/they sourced the material? Step 2 — Measure Width. Copyright © 2020 Acton Media Inc. All rights reserved. The adhesive is flexible so will allow the wood to move (expand and contract). The next step would be drilling holes into the concrete and using either screws and plastic anchors or special concrete screws called Tapcons. There is also a really great adhesive, Durabond D-815 which would work for you. I would think PL Premiumn would work on this, it's holding powers have been used by me on various concrete and tile jobs. $9.98 $ 9. Try using E600 glue.It comes in waterproof. Festool makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of the material on this website or about the results to be obtained from using the website. Step 1 — Measure Depth. Life is too short and the road is too long to drive anything less than a Festool. The content contained on this site is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. I volunteered to build a custom threshold for a local charity. The threshold seal can then be positioned in place and pressed down on the adhesive to create a strong and watertight bond between the threshold seal and the floor. It’s a tough, flexible and highly versatile rubber based compound that exhibits exceptional adhesive, contact adhesive and sealant qualities. They'll be nearly invisible if you take anytime to grainmatch. Wood floor threshold, best type of glue to use? you would like to combine this two-component product and hold the wood to concrete for an hour with tapes or the other fixtures. Although Festool strives for accuracy in the website material, the website may contain inaccuracies. The wood plugs would involve some chisel work and return trips to stain and urethane them. Concrete Tapcons would work, the only drawback is they are blue in color and probably would need to be painted. To reduce the risk of serious injury and/or damage to your Festool product, always read, understand and follow all warnings and instructions in your Festool product's Instruction Manual. are very messy when it gets on your hands etc. Step 3 If you add too much concrete, add more water and glue to loosen the paste and make it softer. Use portland or mortar cement mix for the most effective bonding slurry. This hid the adhesive on the edge, and provided some leak protection. How To Repair Concrete Lawn Ornaments. The entrance to our house consists of wood stairs leading up to a cement landing, approximately 3'x 3'. The reason why you use silicone is so your floor can expand and contract: the silicone is pliable. Model #079003. I just replaced a threshold on concrete a couple of weeks ago. I'd put it on the screws if you have them and reinsert into the holes or on the flat part of the threshold.Or you can try using those plastic things that they use in walls that you use to hold a screw then screw the threshold back down. It is a medium viscosity adhesive with a self leveling formula. If you are in the … I use Sika adhesive to attach thresholds and parquet blocks to concrete, in the UK it is usually Sika T 52 adhesive, although others Sika products are available. Suggest you take a look at. E-6000® comes in a 3.7 oz tube. iFLOOR shows you how to install a t-molding between your floors or in doorways between two types of flooring. But then again I find products like stixall etc. Festool USA does not pre-approve the contents of this website nor endorse the application or use of any Festool product in any way other than in the manner described in the Festool Instruction Manual. The holes … Step 6 - Glue. So, you may still end up drilling and anchoring. One way would be to counter sink masonry screws (tap-cons) and use wood plugs to hide the screw heads. . If I raise the concrete pour mounting the sill, I might be able to cantilever and extend the lip of the sill about .75"-1" into the air over the exterior brick landing. Step 8 - Weight the Threshold. it is already installed on the seal for you! I have a block garage that I've been contemplated sprucing up, that trim looks like it would be a simple addition. Most thresholds on concrete are nailed. Posts: 6525. Sometimes on top of concrete, this can take quite some time here in humid Virginia. See next page for the full results. The following pictures show the concrete subfloor and the rotten threshold. Sans the track and anchors, liquid nails will work. Only glue a threshold down if there is no alternative. Compare; Find My Store. If it fits, apply Liquid Nails glue to the concrete and attach the threshold. We just inserted 1/4" masonry anchors and used brass, countersunk head, robertson screws instead of what came in the pack which were silver, pan head, phillips. My idea is a 19mm thick, 180mm wide oak transition that is flush with the terrazzo floor, and routed out on the bottom to overhang the click lock floor. I do thresholds over concrete all the time.