SOURCE: OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators Database, June 2011. Currently, the nation relies almost entirely on fossil fuels, especially coal, to generate electricity. The council drafts comprehensive science and technology policies to respond to national and social needs, advises on how to allocate resources, and evaluates major projects. In addition to setting broad goals such as increasing R&D spending to 2.5 percent of GDP by 2020, the lengthy document contained lists of targets for catching up with advanced nations by 2020 in “frontier sciences” such as the study of life processes, earth systems, and the brain; “major scientific programs” that include protein studies, quantum regulation, and nano-scale materials; applied technologies aimed at specific industries such new-energy based vehicles, high-performance computing, sensor networks, high-definition flat-panel displays, high-speed transit, and renewable energies. 475 Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Statistics Bureau at she said, and to tighten collaboration among universities, government, and industry. The top 10 universities garner half of research grants in Japan.499, Even though patent filings increased, technology transfer from Japanese research universities was not impressive when measured licensing revenue, according to Dr. Oka, Dr. Nakamura, and Dr. Tohei. However, the institutes have had few research ties to business, generated few startups, and produce few patents. The study rated Germany No. The University of Maryland also has a special “international incubator” that has helped launch 11 Chinese companies in industries such as solar energy and software. 127 US Company interview in Beijing (June 2011). “The indigenous innovation ‘web of policies’ is expected to make it difficult for foreign companies to compete on a level playing field in China,” the ITC reported.67 An American Chamber of Commerce report said “the plan is considered by many international technology companies to be a blueprint for technology theft on a scale the world has never seen before.”68, Chinese officials and economists have sought to assure foreign companies that China’s intent is not to steal foreign technology and shut foreign products out of its market. “2011 Global R&D Funding Forecast: The Globalization of R&D,” R&D Magazine, Dec. 15, 2010. 32 can be accessed at It also has 100 joint laboratories and technology centers with Chinese universities and offers curricula that have helped trained 860,000 Chinese students and 6,500 teachers.128. 351 Information on Fraunhofer innovation cluster initiatives is found on the Fraunhofer Web site at Digital upends old models. 38. 402 Bart Van Looy, Koenraad Debackere et al, Research Policy, 2004. The government’s approach to science and technology shifted significantly in the 1990s. Now the rest of the world is racing to catch up. 159 Springut, Schlaikjer, and Chen, op. 95 From remarks by Joseph Zhou of Tsinghua University at June 28, 2011, joint symposium. The two agencies that dominate policy, the BMBF and BMWi, collaborate in many realms but have tended to compete and duplicate each other’s work, as Stefan Kuhlmann of Fraunhofer ISI observed. 45 For a concise explanation of Chinese innovation policies over the past decade, see Can Huang, Celeste Amorim, Mark Spinoglio, Borges Gouveia and Augusto Medina, “Organization, Programme and Structure: An Analysis of the Chinese Innovation Policy Framework,” R&D Management 34, 4, 2004 ( FIGURE 5.2 China is second only to the United States in manufacturing valueadded. 164 Anil K. Gupta and Haiyan Wang, “Chinese Innovation is a Paper Tiger,” Wall Street Journal, July 28, 2011. 376 Expert Commission on Research and Innovation, “Research, Innovation and Technological Performance in Germany Report 2009,” op. America’s innovation system has long been the envy of the world. Select topics and stay current with our latest insights, The tougher competitors in emerging markets. Emerging markets: Why it's tough at the top, Developing economies face headwinds as they step up the pace of automation. cit. The MOST official also for the first time discussed ways in which foreign companies could participate in national government-funded research projects, an opportunity many multinationals have long sought.145. 237 Fir a insightful review of challenges, see R.A. Mashelkar `Reinventing India’, Pune: Sahyadri Publications, 2012. The national strategy incorporates a number of national innovation programs and initiatives to achieve these goals. SOURCE: China: Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, China S&T Statistics Data Book 2010, Figure 1-3; for U.S.: National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2008 Data Update, Detailed Statistical Tables, NSF 10-314 (March 2010), Tables 1-4. 139A report by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China said that “industrial-policy interventions and restrictions on foreign investment have been on the rise” and that “European companies are increasingly concerned by the tendency for local companies to be favored over foreign-invested ones.” See European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, European Business in China Position Paper 2009/2010, executive summary ( The government is mapping strategies to address all of these shortcomings. Competitive Challenges for Supply Chain Management in Emerging Markets: The Case of Mexico Abstract Drawing on previous studies in the area, this paper advances international supply chain research using the Resource‐Based View (RBV) to evaluate the competitiveness of … cit., p. 43. In Japan, similar activity is dispersed among many funding agencies that do not share information on researchers, according to a 2006 analysis by Yosuke Oka, Kenta Nakamura, and Akira Tohei.498 Nor are there guiding principles of peer review across agencies. The government also works to assure that the nation is a “lead market” for important, emerging technologies through methods such as consumer incentives, government procurement, and standards. American companies interviewed in China cited mounting pressures to transfer core technology and discrimination against foreign companies for contracts as their most serious concerns. 162 For example, see Jody Lu, “Who is Making Junk Patents?”, China Daily, March 6, 2011 ( But it had little experience with marketing, mass production, finance, and entrepreneurship.80, In 1999, 242 central level research institutes under 10 industry bureaus were transferred into enterprises. MyNAP members SAVE 10% off online. Since it began operation a decade ago, the program has established 2,000 chairs at degree-granting institutions. Chambers of commerce and labor unions also are involved in regional efforts. More than 60 percent have advanced degrees and 20 percent with global experience. America's position as the source of much of the world's global innovation has been the foundation of its economic vitality and military power in the post-war. In India, however, foreign companies have tended to hire top engineering and design talent to help develop products sold around the world. Several studies have found that Finland’s investments in R&D have had a significant impact. As developing-economy companies create greater value, personal wealth is increasing at an impressive rate as a result, particularly in emerging Asia. 188 National Innovation Council, “India Decade of Innovations 2010-2020 Roadmap,” March 2011 ( 412 Press release issued Aug. 6, 2010 ( The island of 23 million also has expertly leveraged its strategic geographic location off the coast of China. While it is too early to measure progress, the changes implemented over the past decade in Japan’s innovation ecosystem have provided a much stronger institutional framework for success in the 21st century global knowledge economy. One goal is to create a set of elite Germany universities.346 So far, the initiative has granted funds to 44 graduate schools to expand research by young scientists, “clusters of excellence” based at universities, and eight “universities of excellence” that have developed “future concepts” for high-level research. In most emerging markets, multinationals set up research and product-development operations mainly to serve the needs of the local market. 489 See presentation by Sadao Nagaoka of Hitotsubashi University in 21st Century Innovation Systems for Japan and the United States. Its giant neighbor has lower costs, vastly more engineers and scientists, and aggressive policies targeting all of the same industries as Taiwan. Please try again later. 294 Alice S. Huang and Chris Y. H. Tan, “Achieving Scientific Eminence Within Asia,” Science, Vol. The unit’s China operations develop lower-cost and simpler-touse CT scanners and portable ultrasound equipment for China. By 2030, we project that such a firm would see a 21 percent drop in its share of global assets, and revenue margins would be down ten basis points. Intellectual property was shared equally with the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Use minimal essential
6 Martin Grueber and Tim Studt, “Global Perspective: Emerging Nations Gain R&D Ground,” R&D Magazine, Dec. 22, 2009. Its mission is to develop multidisciplinary talent and perform demand-driven research for industry and government, with an emphasis on health care. Small contributions can be approved in as little as two weeks. Another question is whether state-led policies and programs that try to put national boundaries around intellectual property and curtail foreign competition can succeed in an era when most of the world is moving toward models of open innovation and global cooperation. 205 Hindustan Times, “More Autonomy, New Programmes for IITs,” Jan. 16, 2011. FIGURE 5.3 While trade data indicate that the United States imported $2 billion of iPhones from China in 2009, only an estimated three percent of the value-added was from China. The Council for Science and Technology Policy, established in 2001, became part of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet. [See Figure 5.3] The difference between the $500 selling price of the iPhone and the $179 production cost went to Apple and retailers.71. 418 From presentation by Kenneth Flamm of University of Texas at Austin in National Research Council, 21st Century Innovation Systems for Japan and the United States: Report of a Symposium, Sadao Nagoka, Masuyuki Kondo, Kenneth Flamm, and Charles Wessner, editors, Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2009. 27 From presentation by Yang Xianyu of the Ministry of Science and Technology in National Research Council, Building the 21st Century: U.S. - China Cooperation in Science, Technology, and Innovation, Charles. Estimating Domestic Content in Exports When Processing Trade is Pervasive,” presented at World Bank Trade Workshop, June 10, 2011. Never miss an insight. Engineers have developed immersive displays that can allow a surgeon to view a 3-D image of a heart without wearing special glasses, for example, and to manipulate the. 222, India’s automotive industry also is leveraging global partners to develop innovative products. The report also questioned whether the many discrete programs in areas like telecommunications, information, and pharmaceuticals fit into an overarching framework. “Promotion of forward-looking, outstanding, interdisciplinary basic research in science and environmental science, biology, and engineering, etc.”. 277 Yearbook of Statistics Singapore 2010. cit. One subsidizes industry-initiated cooperative ventures that aim to commercialize or add value to corporate research. In an index of national innovation effectiveness, however, China ranks No. German machine tool makers are the world market leaders with a share of 19 percent. Global Competitive Environment represents the structural making of the world characterized by the free flow of technology and human resources across national boundaries as well as the spread of Information Technology (IT) and mass media presenting an ever-changing and competitive business environment. Since the 1970s, the government has executed a systematic strategy to absorb advanced technologies from the West and Japan, develop globally competitive products and manufacturing processes, and then transfer the know-how to private companies to create world-class industries. Money raised in the bond offerings goes into a “pool of pools” that is invested in several R&D funds. View our suggested citation for this chapter. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. Singapore also is upgrading higher education to meet the demands of a 21st century knowledge economy. Among its innovations is what ZTE calls the world’s smallest base station for Long Term Evolution (LTE), a 4G mobile communication standard, which costs half the price of its previous base stations and lowers power consumption by 30 percent. In nanotech, Japan was spending almost as much on research as the United States—$940 million—as of 2004. 6, No. D. degrees. 293 Joseph Wong, Betting on Biotech: Innovation and the Limits of Asia’s Developmental State, Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2011. 37, behind Mexico and Romania.160 And while China has significantly increased its output of scientific publications, the average citation rate for Chinese papers in the Essential Science Indicators database over the period 1998-2008 was still well below the world leaders in science and technology.161 [See Figure 5.4], Chinese industries have indeed proved remarkably capable of “catching up” in maturing technologies and driving down prices. The competitive application process led to a sharp improvement in the quality of research projects, according to Dr. Nicholson. 121 See Jiang Hong, “State-owned Enterprises Research Project Press Release Conference & Academic Seminar Successfully Held in Beijing,” Unirule Institute of Economics. Some studies suggest, however, that the spillovers will have a positive long-term impact as seasoned engineers leave foreign companies and join domestic ones.235, India’s national research organizations also are becoming more important global partners. The foundation also was credited with creating nearly 4,700 jobs and at least 54 new companies. For example, each institute director must also serve as the department chair at a local university in order to maintain strong links with academia. The government also instructed each university to set up a technology-transfer office. Universities are in charge of some 80 percent of National Science Foundation research programs and 40 percent of national hightechnology research-and-development programs. 454 Canada Foundation for Innovation press release, Jan. 21, 2011. China’s heavy focus on absorbing foreign technology, rather than inventing it, also explains its industrial rise. Global competition is when companies compete to sell goods and services on an international scale. The university also has 40 staff offering management, information-technology, and advisory help to start-ups. • The value of increasing public and private investment in research and development, with at least 3 percent of GDP generally viewed as a desired target. 124 US Company interview in Shanghai. Leuven Inc., as it is called, has spun off more than 100 companies.406, To strengthen the flow of knowledge from universities to business, the Flanders government in 2006 launched a large €232 million program for strategic basic research of benefit to industry, the non-profit sector, and government policy objectives. Small and medium-sized manufacturers are regarded as the backbone of Germany’s advanced industrial sector. 280 Fewer than 500 U.S. patents originated in Singapore in 2009, according to U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, not a major improvement over the previous five years, and compared to nearly 7,800 from Taiwan. Canada was 11th in the innovation ranking. Fuel cells, an important technology not only for portable electronic devices but also for future electrified vehicles, also received heavy emphasis. A 1997 survey by Japan’s Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Post and Telecommunications found that only one in 50 employed people aspired to become entrepreneurs, a very low level on world standards, and that only half of them were actually preparing to become self-employed.494 The environment has. Learn more from this report put together by Kearney experts. This reflects changes to Germany’s constitution in 1946, when it was under Allied control. Also see U.S. International Trade Commission, China: Intellectual Property Infringement, Indigenous Innovation Policies, and Frameworks for Measuring the Effects on the U.S. Economy, Investigation No. Other fields, such as telecommunications and marine technology, were added in subsequent five-year plans. 129 US Company Interview in Beijing (June 2011). 89 Statistics from presentation by Lou Jing of the Ministry of Education’s Department of Science and Technology in Building the 21st Century: U.S. - China Cooperation in Science, Technology, and Innovation, op. Products include a system for viewing 3D images of complex bio-processes, a low-cost embedded computing platform that can replace conventional personal computers for day-to-day office work, an herbal oral psoriasis treatment that is in clinical testing, and an Internet Protocol service that allows users to get television, Internet, and telephone service over telephone lines.228 The budget for New Millennium projects recently was expanded to $157 million over five years. Such challenges have not slowed Canada’s commitment to investing in the science and technology foundations of an innovation-led economy. To this end, German public-private partnerships are investing in a wide range of transportation-related technologies. Each laboratory now has marketing teams, and senior staff can serve on boards of private firms. Canada has made especially strong progress in strengthening its infrastructure for basic research. Research institutions that cooperate with these firms can receive grants covering their entire costs up to €175,000.360 As of late 2010, ZIM had allocated €1.4 billion in grants that were matched by €1.5 billion in SME contributions. Shanghai’s Fudan is next at No. 312 World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012, Klaus Schwab, editor, 2011. Rather than attempt to invent new technologies from scratch, Dr. Chu explained, Taiwan’s strategy has been to focus on technologies that multinationals already possess and that Taiwanese companies want to apply. Most transformations fail. Government measures to establish Germany as a “lead market” for new energy technologies also help German industry attain scale in emerging industries. By 2007, they had relocated almost 100% of their production capacities in laptop PC, digital camera, motherboard and LCD monitor for PC into mainland China.”, once low spenders on R&D, contributed more than 69.7 percent of total spending on research in Taiwan.242, The island is beginning to excel in innovation as well. The aspect of the game plan that has generated the most attention overseas is the government’s emphasis on “indigenous innovation.” The goal is to ease China’s dependence on imported technology and to nurture companies that can compete at home and abroad with their own intellectual technology. During the subsequent five-year basic plans, another ¥49 trillion were invested. “Originally our (Chinese) researchers were very timid and lacked the confidence and courage to do things,” explained a GE representative. What remains to be seen is whether the government mobilize and coordinate central and state agencies, universities, and the private sector to execute its ambitious agenda.237, An appraisal by the European Commission expressed some skepticism. SOURCE: Executive Yuan, R.O.C. The nation’s heavy investments in higher education and R&D infrastructure and ability to execute visionary and comprehensive innovation policies has enabled the country to reinvent itself as a magnet for multinational research labs and top-notch international talent in fields such as genomics, infectious diseases, advanced materials, and information technology. 303 Heike Belitz, Marius Clemens, Martin Gornig, Florian Mölders, Alexander Schiersch, and Dieter Schumacher, “After the Crisis: German R&D-Intensive Industries in a Good Position,” DIW, promoting wide dissemination of environmental technologies have enabled German companies to capture 16 percent of world trade in that sector, which employs 1.5 million in Germany. One initiative is called “innovation alliances.” Under the program, corporations must decide at the board level to co-invest with government. 289 S&T Strategies in Six Nations, op cit. Some Indian business leaders have criticized jugaad; Anand Mahindra notes that it is “all too often used to excuse cut-price, second-rate answers to his nation’s pressing business and social problems.” See Financial Times, “More with less.” May 19, 2012. FIGURE 5.8 Taiwan R&D expenditure by type in 2009. 57 People’s Daily Online, “Strategic Emerging Industries Likely to Contribute 8% of China’s GDP by 2015,” October 19, 2010 ( 442 Council of Canadian Academies, op. 331 Data cited in Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Research and Innovation in Germany, op cit. A*STAR spearheads efforts to develop clusters in high value-added manufacturing, such as microelectronics, new materials, chemicals, and information and communications equipment, and the rapidly growing biomedical sector.284 The agency also manages Singapore’s ambitious new multibillion-dollar science parks, Biopolis and Fusionopolis, which combine a high concentration of public and corporate research organizations in a contemporary urban setting. 246 Executive Yuan, R.O.C. 379 For a history of the organization, see, 60 Years of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Munich: FraunhoferGesellschaft, 2009. • An incubator devoted to disruptive innovation. In Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, North Africa, and North America. Another organization that partners with industry is the Flemish Institute for Technology Research, Belgium’s premier research center for energy, the environment, and materials.414 The Research Centre for Broadband Technology, established in 2004 as a “virtual” center to help Flanders become a leader in information and communications technology. Underlying this trend is an emerging understanding of what makes a nation globally competitive. 285 Singapore Ministry of Education press release, Jan. 25, 2010. Each year, it generates more than 100 patents and leverages $71 million in added investment.461, Canada also has made generous use of tax credits to entice corporations to build R&D centers and advanced manufacturing facilities in Canada. Another challenge is that R&D costs are rising. 224 From presentation by Kapil Sibal, then of the Ministry of Science and Technology, ibid. Of the 120 million units it expects to ship in 2012, 18 percent are expected to be smart phones.111, Breakthrough innovation remains a challenge for ZTE’s handset business. The program had attracted 8,050 new faculty members to Canadian universities, with nearly 3,200 from other nations. (,%202010%29.pdf). Taiwan’s rise from poverty in the 1950s to one of the world’s premier high-tech powers has made it a role model of how to use science and technology policy for rapid economic development. 53, The plan also designated 16 “megaprojects” that would establish China as a global leader in key industries and be backed with significant direct central government funding, bank loans, and policy tools such as tax breaks for companies. 462 For details of how Canadian R&D tax credits work, see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, “Invest in Canada: We Take Care of Business,” September 2010 ( The center files around 100 patents a year. NOTE: Data for 2009 and 2010 are preliminary. 213 Data cited in Dutz and Dahlman, op. cit. We strive to provide individuals with disabilities equal access to our website. Energy Efficiency: By 2020, the federal government proposes to reduce Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent below 1990 levels and to double energy productivity. The Taiwanese government is investing $1 billion into clean energy over three years. The goal is to establish a “vertically functioning” LED industrial chain within Taiwan. FIGURE 5.6 R&D conducted by business in India: total spending and as a share of national R&D. 243 National Applied Research Laboratories, Yearbook of Science and Technology Taiwan ROC 2010, May 2011, Table 1-2-4. The study by CENTRIC offered a negative prognosis: “… (T)he Chinese model of science in its present form is unlikely to deliver the types of creative research on which future high-technology leadership will depend….. China has yet to show that it can meaningfully use the tools of the state to drive the commercialization of discoveries in research labs in a competitive manner. 141 The White House, “U.S.-China Joint Statement,” Paragraph 27, Office of the Press Secretary,” Jan. 19, 2011 ( An evaluation by Fraunhofer praised Pro. As an extensive study of China’s technology modernization drive by CENTRA Technologies concludes: “Caught between a tradition of state planning and the need for markets—and between an interest in foreign technology assimilation of the lure of domestically developed technology—China’s innovation system faces an ambiguous future.”32, Nevertheless, there is little question China has the raw potential—and certainly the determination—to emerge as a 21st century innovation power. 220 From presentation from Robert Armstrong of Eli Lilly & Co. in India’s Changing Innovation System, op. Yet when low taxes, finance costs, and other special advantages are accounted for, the average real return on equity of state-owned enterprises over that period was negative 6.2 percent.121. cit. 495 Donna J. Kelley, Niels Bosma, Jóse Ernesto Amorós, “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2010 Global Report,” Global Entrepreneurship Research Association, 2011, pg. An executive of one U.S. corporation with extensive operations in China said an official from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Cooperation told him that the indigenous innovation policies don’t apply to his company because the government regards it as a Chinese company. Instead, initiatives are owned and managed by government bureaucracies that “suffer from complex, overlapping structures for policy making and decision making.”182, India now is undertaking a number of initiatives to transform its innovation system.183 As the Planning Commission’s steering committee on science and technology explained in its report for the current Five-Year Plan, a “strong and vibrant innovation ecosystem” requires an education system that nurtures creativity, an R&D culture and value system that supports both basic research and applied technology, an industry culture that is keen to equity and foreign companies that can be involved.184. See Zhou and Stembridge, op. Virtually all work on global projects. 106 See The Economist, “Up, Up and Huawei: China has Made Huge Strikes in Network Equipment,” Sept. 24, 2009. Fraunhofer’s 80 research institutes and centers in Germany and around the world employ some 17,000 people— 4,000 of them with Ph. NOTES: GERD is gross expenditure on research and development. 97 These programs are described in Springut, Schlaikjer, and Chen, op. ( 38 See Yong Cai, China’s Demographic Reality and Future, Asian Population Studies, Vol. cit. In 2002, the Chinese government and Maryland set up a joint research park near campus that now houses facilities of companies from Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. The portion of GDP devoted to research and development has risen more than fivefold since the late 1980s, and reached 2.9 percent of GDP in 2009. These institutions were transformed into non-profit corporations. A recent study by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research estimated that Germany’s skills shortage costs the economy up to €20 billion a year, or one percentage point of GDP.373 In addition to spending more on education, the authors assert Germany should be more open to immigration. They will offer doctorate programs and be based at existing institutions.195, India has big ambitions in nanotechnology. At a time when the U.S. is struggling to maintain funding for current programs, China is providing the financial resources and policy support needed to build a 21st century innovation system. Germany’s innovation system differs from that of the U.S. is several fundamental ways. In some cases, governments are implementing policies modeled after those of the United States. The World Economic Forum ranks Japan 9th overall in its most recent Global Competitiveness Index and 4th in innovation.486 Patent applications by universities and technology-licensing offices increased from 641 in 2001 to 8,527 in 2005, a comparable level to the United States. 215 Confederation of Indian industry and Boston Consulting Group, op the Technological of. Are appropriate for America Indian Express, “ achieving scientific Eminence within,. 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