They are eggs-eptionally friendly, docile and calm, so they make a perfect pet- especially for children. Who doesnât want to own Silkie chickens? Chickens will eat just about anything you give them, but there are some things that arenât good for them. Letâs take a look. Beautiful Silkie Chickens - All hens now sold. Give Silkie Chickens a Try. They are cuddly, fluffy and tolerant, love sitting in your lap and even enjoy cuddles. Bearded Silkies will typically have an extra muff of feathers under the beak area. Their feathering ranges from mildly fluffy to crazy afro-type crests, but they can still see a little even in the most extreme cases; if they couldnât, they wouldnât know how to eat. You want a friendly first chicken for your children or a companion for yourself. Silkie chickens need no special diet. You can purchase Silkie chickens that are bearded or non-bearded. Can chickens eat popcorn? You have a fairly small area, or you can't let your girls free range at all and need to keep them in a coop. Since they are so small they need low nest boxes and often pile on the floor to sleep at night. Although in the Western world silkie chickens are sold mainly for ornamental purposes, in countries like China they are considered a super food and are appreciated for their deep, gammy flavor. And the house can be pretty small if you are planning for keeping them outside during the day. They are frequently found in China, India, and Southeast Asia. what type of waterer do you use? You can also see the chicken feeders I recommend here. Chickens can eat several products made from rice. If you leave it in there, the chickens will start to throw it all over the place. Here is my silkie rooster Sugar. This can cause Silkies to get extra cold in the winter, but our Mokey has never had a problem, even in -5ËF without heat in the coop. This might lead you to wonder about popcorn. The appearance of a Silkie can vary. You DONâT want your chickens getting a taste for raw eggs because they will start eating their own eggs. The eat seeds and grains, bugs and vegetation just like any other hen. There will be a few precautions that you need to consider. The birds will eat the bugs and provide fertilizer for your plants if you keep them outside. Bedding. One important point to make here is that you shouldnât give your chickens too many treats as this can actually cause your chickens to stop laying eggs. Cockerels 6 months old (very friendly) and 3 months old (July'20) Silkie chickens make amazing pets. They have a mild-mannered nature and make excellent pets, and youâll often see them at poultry shows. The birds will be happier and healthier if you can let them outside during the day. Most chickens are not picky eaters and will be thrilled if you offer them anything on this list. Note: Always make sure you cook any eggs which you feed your chickens. Silkie chickens can certainly be eatenâjust don't expect a big meal from them. Breed FAQs Can you eat a silkie chicken? Things like broccoli, carrots, cabbage, jicama, etc provide a nice range of nutrition. This treat is rich in minerals such as potassium, folic acid, iron, vitamins B6, B12, and D. All of these help your birds grow healthy, stay active, and become productive. Silkies can have white, black, gray, brown, and golden feathers. If you are looking for a pet chicken, Silkies are the breed for you. Can chickens eat that? oh, and I am going to start out with purena meditcated start and grow. Can you eat silkie chicken meat? Chickens can eat pears, however the only thing that you should really be thinking about is ensuring that you clean out the food after a couple of hours. This is just painful for the bird and will not cure it! That said, Silkie chicken meat is rich and delicate. There's little meat to be gained, maybe a pound when dressed. It has almost no cholesterol and no saturated fats. Silkies have purplish-black combs and wattles. Bedding is a must for the silkie chickens. STORAGE. RECIPES & TIPS. Silkie chickens are a highly prized breed of chicken that has beautiful silky white plumage, and startlingly black skin. This can attract pests, which is the last thing that you want. For the ultimate list of what you can and canât feed your flock, keep reading! Can Chickens Eat Celery Or Is It Harmful For Them? Can chickens eat rice products? Cons of keeping Silkie chickens. Theyâre fun, sweet-natured, and they make you breakfast! If you want to give your chickens some other left-overs or foods you eat, here are some of the best foods for them: Vegetables â Most vegetables are fine chickens. As a cure you will need, as above, Vitamin 'E' and selenium. Thawing Tips . These chickens can be classified as bantams or by many breed standards, large fowl. Chickens absolutely can eat peanuts if you give them a few. Store silkie chickens frozen until you need them, then defrost completely before cooking. A good way of treating wry neck is to attach a pulley system with weights to the chickens' feathers using a bulldog clip to pull its head back into place. There are good reasons why you should try to eliminate rats around your chicken coop and run, they carry disease and can make your flock, and you ill. Rodents will eat the chickens feed, drink their water and shelter in their housing. Adding to the uniqueness of silkie chickens, their meat is considered a gourmet food in certain countries. If you decide to feed a whole chicken to your chickens, make sure it has been de-feathered and cooked fully. Are all parts of the papaya fruit edible for chickens? Silkie chickens are one of the most charming and sweet natured breeds you will come across- we are yet to meet a silkie we havenât fallen completely in love with! But is it safe? As human beings, we do not eat certain parts of ⦠They can only set a handful of standard size eggs, of course, but what you give up in volume you⦠Yep â you can definitely keep chickens as pets, and Silkies make GREAT pets, especially for households with children. You can actually eat any 'egg' if it's recently laid, be it an ostrich or a hummingbird ... so yes, you can eat an egg from a 'silkie chicken' ... it will look, cook, and taste the same as any other chicken egg. Yes, silkies can see. Summary - Silkie chickens are for you if : You're just starting out with chickens and you're prepared to take good care that they don't get cold or wet. Silkie chickens will live between 7-9 years, though the care they're given may extend that life span. 2. Silkie Chickens have Black Skin and Bones. In short, theyâre the perfect pet. Silkie chicken meat has been eaten as a soup for it's believed medicinal qualities since the 7th century. Below: Rats will eat eggs, chicks and kill chickens⦠They are not the perfect egg laying chickens. Others may appear blue as in the blue splash bearded Silkie chicken. In short, if youâre curious about the process of hatching eggs or you want to allow your birds to take care of their own, I highly recommend you bring in a Silkie or two. As you can see, the list of foods that chickens can eat is pretty epic! You can also feed them treats, such as black soldier fly larvae. It is no secret that Silkies are the labrador retrievers of chickens. Hereâs a list of things that you shouldnât feed your chickens: Green or sprouted potatoes â They contain a toxin called Solanine, which affects the nervous system (itâs bad for both birds and people). Well, the truth is that in this case, it is actually extremely healthy for them too. I also know MANY seniors who keep Silkies because theyâre easier to care for than a dog, and theyâre great company. Is the Silkie Right For You? So if you want to produce more eggs yearly you might want to consider choosing a different breed. It can be tempting to take a pale of leftovers out to your coop and dump everything right into their feed dish. Besides the silly fur-like feathers that make a Silkie look like a Muppet, these birds have several other weirdo traits that make them stand out. You also can add cold water and then feed it. For example, they can safely eat Rice Krispies because it contains lots of nutrients. This is suitable for those chickens who, at times, may desist from eating the fruits. Chickens can eat many of the same foods as we do. Alternately, you also can make a decoction or syrup out of it and feed them. However, when roosters come to mind, even the silkie rooster temperament can surprise their keeper. You can discover a full list of what bantam chickens can eat here, and a list of alternative feed options here. And most chicken foods contain some dried corn for a little easy to digest grain. They are a very friendly, calm and docile bird and interact very well with people â they will follow you around and âtalkâ to you. it's a silkie only coop, you should try the baby powder because it is safe for chickens. Bantams weigh up to 32 oz and the large fowl being between three and four pounds. Everyone knows that celery is one of the healthiest vegetables that can be found in the nature but is it good for chickens? But, as robust as chickens are, there are still a few things chickens cannot eat. If you are keeping Silkie chickens for poultry shows or breeding purposes, your birds must have these traits in order to qualify. Silkie chickens have been known to lay around 100 to 120 eggs a year, which is not a big number of eggs per year considering all the other breeds. Even the cockerels are loving. There are lots of reasons that you should raise silkie chickens, but of course with the pros come the cons.While their fluffy feathers are super soft, they can also get messy and cause other problems. So, there you have it. Since chickens are unable to break apart the bone with their beaks, you do not have to worry about a chicken accidentally choking on a chicken bone. 1. Chickens can eat a lot of different food itemsâ donât forget they are omnivores, so they love both meat and veggies. For the ultimate list of what you can and canât feed your flock, keep reading! Silkies are traditionally slow-braised rather than roasted. One of the low number of chicken breeds that you can keep in your apartment. Chickens cannot eat bones, but they will eat all the chicken meat off the bone. Although these omnivorous birds can eat the vast majority of the foods that we eat, there are some definite foods that chickens shouldnât eat. thankyou for the help to help me decide witch kind of feed I need with your expieriences. No no no! This is not a condition which can ⦠However, for the most part, if you give your chickens a few peanuts every now and then, they are going to be perfectly ⦠When theyâre chicks, bantams should eat an 18% protein mash. A chicken is a chicken is a chicken. If you make too much popcorn for movie night, you might become tempted to give your chickens a little. Chickens can eat some human food like cooked rice, pasta, bits of whole grain bread, and of course fresh leafy greens, fruits and veggies - but when it comes to things like popcorn (we mean the stuff laden in butter and salt) itâs probably best to steer clear! ? A Silkie is the ultimate in kidsâ chickens. As adults, they should eat a 16% protein layer feed. 5. They are small, smart and gentle.