In this sense, it is employed, for instance, by Hamilton (“Lectures on Metaph.”, Lect. And yet he is also diverse within himself. He is man and he is God. - Metaphysics of Jesus - The Master has been misinterpreted since two thousand years. He is the ultimate reality. The metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas holds that all real beings have both essence and existence. Greek khu-, kheu- = "to pour". It is a highly complex field. Almost four years after the creation of the “Spirit Science and Metaphysics” Facebook page, and almost three years after the creation of the corresponding website, I have been shown and decided that it is time to fully move on from this brand and all projects associated with it. Jesus said in John 14:6 “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father, except by Me.” Looking for the “meaning of life” through other ways is futile. Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism. This disciple's name, Simon (hearing), signifying his receptivity and ability to discern Truth, was changed by Jesus to Peter which is the Greek for the word rock. Jesus, John 8:12 The Essential Metaphysical Predicate A metaphysical predicate is the essence of physics. The Christian philosophy view of metaphysics—of ultimate reality (ontology and cosmology)—is part of what C.S. South Bend, IN: St. Augustine Press, 2015. - Sort By Book Order. There are many cultural forces and social institutions that can infect and corrupt sound doctrine. Jesus tells us to be more concerned about the log in our own theology than about the speck in the theology of others (Matt. Although metaphysics is traditionally thought to be a philosophical project involving ontology and natural theology, Montague Brown argues that an adequate metaphysics must ultimately be theological, including within its scope the truths of … Like Oil and Water Metaphysics and Jesus Christ go together like oil and water – never to become mixed. Brian McNeil et al., ed. A critical metaphysics is developed on the basis of the isomorphism of knowing and being, so 23 See Method 28283. that every metaphysical term and relation is derived from some element in cognitional structure. These will be ongoing and I hope that you are able to benefit from them as much as I have. A name , or title, applied to Jesus of Nazareth ( Matt. Jesus Christ, Eternal God would be of interest to ecological theologians because by challenging traditionally accepted ideas about divine immaterialism and the finite nature of matter, it provides serious discussion of matter and space, gives the materiality of Jesus Christ a central position, and allows for the conjunction of Christology and creation. A deeper and fascinating understanding of the fourth gospel of the New Testament. 16 :16; Acts 17 :3). When one comes to understanding the teachings of Jesus from a metaphysical perspective and then practicing what Jesus actually taught, everything changes in your life. “A man planted a vineyard. METAPHYSICS IS THE STUDY OF THE NARROW PATH, THE OCCULT WAY. metaphysical Peter. When we are talking about metaphysics we … For example, if it is believed that everything is divine, then it makes no sense to say that the Father sent His Son into a sinful world to save it. And yet with respect to his being the Logos, the divine Son of God, he is eternal and Creator. With respect to his humanity he represents creation, in his physical body, in his manhood. It is quite remarkable to me that in the modern spiritual, metaphysical and personal growth/self-help literature of today little is shared about the life and teachings of Emma Curtis Hopkins. During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus was talking to all kinds of people with different agendas. The Bible appears to contain a sophisticated mathematical allegory centered around Jesus and the 5th dimension of Kaluza-Klein and GEM theory that runs through millennia–where Jesus is the repairer of the effects of the collapse of the fifth dimension to subatomic size. Religion, Science and Metaphysics When man approaches the study and examination of his universe from the outside, he brings into being the various physical sciences; when he approaches the research of himself and the universe from the inside, he gives origin to theology and metaphysics. This represents faith THE NARROW PATH TO SPIRITUAL GROWTH IS THE OCCULT WAY. 54 Others hold, like ancient two-stage logos theorists, that this logos was brought into being a finite time ago, in order to … Metaphysics is probably the most abstract branch of philosophy. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. Jesus the lynchpin of Christian metaphysics. This is necessary, because only upon a proper conception of reality can the Catholic Faith be based. This is an opportunity to focus on the teaching OF Jesus, not the teachings ABOUT Jesus. Metaphysicians will just have to show mercy and tolerance. The word God continues Old English/Germanic god (guþ, gudis in Gothic, Gott in modern German). These past and present unitarians disagree with one another on the metaphysical composition of Jesus.